Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #41, 2014
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #41, 2014
Holen Sie sich die Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Nachrichten in Echtzeit auf Twitter @ CalibModel
TacticID-N Used to ID Illegal Mixed Street Tablets as Part of Joint Federal... | Chemometric mixture analysis Raman (2014.10.10) LINK
Near infrared hyperspectral image regression: on the use of prediction maps as a tool for detecting model overfitting (2014.10.02) LINK
Robustness of partial least-squares models to change in sample temperature (2014.10.02) LINK
Vis/NIR reflectance spectroscopy can predict shelf life potential or lamb´s lettuce | foodsafety (2014.10.01) LINK
Near Infrared
NIR Multi Online Technology: Real-time analysis for early detection of grain quality fluctuations (2014.10.02) LINK
Review: Formulae for absorption spectroscopy related to idealised cases | scattering NIR (2014.10.02) LINK
How in-line NIR analysis helps to make the world's best Mascarpone cheese: Video (2014.10.02) LINK
Hyperspectral Ansatz für die Qualitätskontrolle | NIRS HSI (2014.10.02) LINK
Visión hiperespectral para inspección de calidad. NIR (2014.10.02) LINK
NIR analysis of snackfoods. Moisture, fat, salt & spices. Wastage decreased significantly (2014.10.02) LINK
Performing Transmission Raman Measurements on Ibuprofen Tablets - quality assurance (2014.10.03) LINK
Terahertz waves test chip packages (2014.10.06) LINK
The strategy of digital sorting - hyperspectral imaging recognizes biological & chemical characteristics | Potato (2014.10.11) LINK
ChemImage Sensor Systems Presents Recent Developments in Portable Hyperspectral Imaging at Homeland Security Week2014 (2014.10.06) LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging and precision agriculture (2014.10.03) LINK
Forget standard cameras; enter the vivid world of invisible colours with hyperspectral imaging | by (2014.10.01) LINK
Hyperspectral cameras unveil unseen colours and double up as chemical detectors | HSI (2014.10.01) LINK
Spectral Imaging
Burnt Magna Carta Read for First Time in 283 Years - multispectral imaging to decipher text (2014.10.11) LINK
Micro Thermal Camera Opens Applications to Consumers - overlay of multispectral, visible & thermal image. (2014.10.06) LINK
Wilmar use of Perten Diode Array NIR instruments in Soybean processing | oilseed processors (2014.10.02) LINK
Testing Optical Thin Film Coating with a Spectrometer (2014.10.10) LINK
Handheld Vis-NIR Spectrometer used in the Amazon Rainforest by the Tropical Forest Science.. (2014.10.10) LINK
Aibotix, and Headwall Photonics present a new UAV hyperspectral imager solution | UAV (2014.10.06) LINK
SPECIM introduces AisaFENIX 1K - The Full Spectrum hyperspectral Camera for Remote Sensing (2014.10.06) LINK
SeaBreeze : Open-source cross-platform spectrometer device driver for (2014.10.02) LINK
Fraunhofer’s New Sensor to Make Spectrometer Optics Lighter& More Precise (2014.10.02) LINK
Gartners Predictions of Next New Trends ... 2018 (2014.10.07) LINK
Process Control
Variable Importance in PLS in the Presence of Autocorrelated Data - Manufacturing Processes (2014.10.03) LINK
Photonex 2014: Mapping Solutions shows hyperspectral cameras. Remote sensing & Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (2014.10.02) LINK
Veranstaltungstipp: Seminar "Mobile und miniaturisierte Spektrometer" am 26.11.2014 (2014.10.01) LINK
A novel knowledge-based Chemometric Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | NIRS (2014.10.02) LINK
Custom NIR Equations for better accuracy and precision for QA QC Testing Analysis Lab PAT NIRS NIR ag food (2014.10.06) LINK
Erarbeitung und Validierung von Messmethoden, Kalibration von NIR Messungen für chemische Qualitätskontrolle (2014.10.01) LINK
How to Develop Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibrations in the 21st Century? | Chemometrics Equation Regression PLSR (2014.10.06) LINK
NIR Calibration Model Development made easy... | Partial Least Squares Regression PLSR NIR NIRS NearInfrared (2014.10.10) LINK
News: Chemometrics and NIR Spectroscopy News Weekly 40, 2014 /20141006_001624 (2014.10.05) LINK
News: Chemometrie und NIR Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 40, 2014 (2014.10.05) LINK
Rapid development of robust quantitative methods by near-infrared spectroscopy for ... NIR NIRS (2014.10.03) LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIR Quality Testing (2014.10.10) LINK
WHITE PAPER: A novel knowledge-based Chemometrics Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | PAT (2014.10.10) LINK
Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #41, 2014
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #41, 2014
Holen Sie sich die Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Nachrichten in Echtzeit auf Twitter @ CalibModel
TacticID-N Used to ID Illegal Mixed Street Tablets as Part of Joint Federal... | Chemometric mixture analysis Raman (2014.10.10) LINK
Near infrared hyperspectral image regression: on the use of prediction maps as a tool for detecting model overfitting (2014.10.02) LINK
Robustness of partial least-squares models to change in sample temperature (2014.10.02) LINK
Vis/NIR reflectance spectroscopy can predict shelf life potential or lamb´s lettuce | foodsafety (2014.10.01) LINK
Near Infrared
NIR Multi Online Technology: Real-time analysis for early detection of grain quality fluctuations (2014.10.02) LINK
Review: Formulae for absorption spectroscopy related to idealised cases | scattering NIR (2014.10.02) LINK
How in-line NIR analysis helps to make the world's best Mascarpone cheese: Video (2014.10.02) LINK
Hyperspectral Ansatz für die Qualitätskontrolle | NIRS HSI (2014.10.02) LINK
Visión hiperespectral para inspección de calidad. NIR (2014.10.02) LINK
NIR analysis of snackfoods. Moisture, fat, salt & spices. Wastage decreased significantly (2014.10.02) LINK
Performing Transmission Raman Measurements on Ibuprofen Tablets - quality assurance (2014.10.03) LINK
Terahertz waves test chip packages (2014.10.06) LINK
The strategy of digital sorting - hyperspectral imaging recognizes biological & chemical characteristics | Potato (2014.10.11) LINK
ChemImage Sensor Systems Presents Recent Developments in Portable Hyperspectral Imaging at Homeland Security Week2014 (2014.10.06) LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging and precision agriculture (2014.10.03) LINK
Forget standard cameras; enter the vivid world of invisible colours with hyperspectral imaging | by (2014.10.01) LINK
Hyperspectral cameras unveil unseen colours and double up as chemical detectors | HSI (2014.10.01) LINK
Spectral Imaging
Burnt Magna Carta Read for First Time in 283 Years - multispectral imaging to decipher text (2014.10.11) LINK
Micro Thermal Camera Opens Applications to Consumers - overlay of multispectral, visible & thermal image. (2014.10.06) LINK
Wilmar use of Perten Diode Array NIR instruments in Soybean processing | oilseed processors (2014.10.02) LINK
Testing Optical Thin Film Coating with a Spectrometer (2014.10.10) LINK
Handheld Vis-NIR Spectrometer used in the Amazon Rainforest by the Tropical Forest Science.. (2014.10.10) LINK
Aibotix, and Headwall Photonics present a new UAV hyperspectral imager solution | UAV (2014.10.06) LINK
SPECIM introduces AisaFENIX 1K - The Full Spectrum hyperspectral Camera for Remote Sensing (2014.10.06) LINK
SeaBreeze : Open-source cross-platform spectrometer device driver for (2014.10.02) LINK
Fraunhofer’s New Sensor to Make Spectrometer Optics Lighter& More Precise (2014.10.02) LINK
Gartners Predictions of Next New Trends ... 2018 (2014.10.07) LINK
Process Control
Variable Importance in PLS in the Presence of Autocorrelated Data - Manufacturing Processes (2014.10.03) LINK
Photonex 2014: Mapping Solutions shows hyperspectral cameras. Remote sensing & Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (2014.10.02) LINK
Veranstaltungstipp: Seminar "Mobile und miniaturisierte Spektrometer" am 26.11.2014 (2014.10.01) LINK
A novel knowledge-based Chemometric Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | NIRS (2014.10.02) LINK
Custom NIR Equations for better accuracy and precision for QA QC Testing Analysis Lab PAT NIRS NIR ag food (2014.10.06) LINK
Erarbeitung und Validierung von Messmethoden, Kalibration von NIR Messungen für chemische Qualitätskontrolle (2014.10.01) LINK
How to Develop Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibrations in the 21st Century? | Chemometrics Equation Regression PLSR (2014.10.06) LINK
NIR Calibration Model Development made easy... | Partial Least Squares Regression PLSR NIR NIRS NearInfrared (2014.10.10) LINK
News: Chemometrics and NIR Spectroscopy News Weekly 40, 2014 /20141006_001624 (2014.10.05) LINK
News: Chemometrie und NIR Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 40, 2014 (2014.10.05) LINK
Rapid development of robust quantitative methods by near-infrared spectroscopy for ... NIR NIRS (2014.10.03) LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIR Quality Testing (2014.10.10) LINK
WHITE PAPER: A novel knowledge-based Chemometrics Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | PAT (2014.10.10) LINK
Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #41, 2014
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #41, 2014
Holen Sie sich die Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Nachrichten in Echtzeit auf Twitter @ CalibModel
TacticID-N Used to ID Illegal Mixed Street Tablets as Part of Joint Federal... | Chemometric mixture analysis Raman (2014.10.10) LINK
Near infrared hyperspectral image regression: on the use of prediction maps as a tool for detecting model overfitting (2014.10.02) LINK
Robustness of partial least-squares models to change in sample temperature (2014.10.02) LINK
Vis/NIR reflectance spectroscopy can predict shelf life potential or lamb´s lettuce | foodsafety (2014.10.01) LINK
Near Infrared
NIR Multi Online Technology: Real-time analysis for early detection of grain quality fluctuations (2014.10.02) LINK
Review: Formulae for absorption spectroscopy related to idealised cases | scattering NIR (2014.10.02) LINK
How in-line NIR analysis helps to make the world's best Mascarpone cheese: Video (2014.10.02) LINK
Hyperspectral Ansatz für die Qualitätskontrolle | NIRS HSI (2014.10.02) LINK
Visión hiperespectral para inspección de calidad. NIR (2014.10.02) LINK
NIR analysis of snackfoods. Moisture, fat, salt & spices. Wastage decreased significantly (2014.10.02) LINK
Performing Transmission Raman Measurements on Ibuprofen Tablets - quality assurance (2014.10.03) LINK
Terahertz waves test chip packages (2014.10.06) LINK
The strategy of digital sorting - hyperspectral imaging recognizes biological & chemical characteristics | Potato (2014.10.11) LINK
ChemImage Sensor Systems Presents Recent Developments in Portable Hyperspectral Imaging at Homeland Security Week2014 (2014.10.06) LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging and precision agriculture (2014.10.03) LINK
Forget standard cameras; enter the vivid world of invisible colours with hyperspectral imaging | by (2014.10.01) LINK
Hyperspectral cameras unveil unseen colours and double up as chemical detectors | HSI (2014.10.01) LINK
Spectral Imaging
Burnt Magna Carta Read for First Time in 283 Years - multispectral imaging to decipher text (2014.10.11) LINK
Micro Thermal Camera Opens Applications to Consumers - overlay of multispectral, visible & thermal image. (2014.10.06) LINK
Wilmar use of Perten Diode Array NIR instruments in Soybean processing | oilseed processors (2014.10.02) LINK
Testing Optical Thin Film Coating with a Spectrometer (2014.10.10) LINK
Handheld Vis-NIR Spectrometer used in the Amazon Rainforest by the Tropical Forest Science.. (2014.10.10) LINK
Aibotix, and Headwall Photonics present a new UAV hyperspectral imager solution | UAV (2014.10.06) LINK
SPECIM introduces AisaFENIX 1K - The Full Spectrum hyperspectral Camera for Remote Sensing (2014.10.06) LINK
SeaBreeze : Open-source cross-platform spectrometer device driver for (2014.10.02) LINK
Fraunhofer’s New Sensor to Make Spectrometer Optics Lighter& More Precise (2014.10.02) LINK
Gartners Predictions of Next New Trends ... 2018 (2014.10.07) LINK
Process Control
Variable Importance in PLS in the Presence of Autocorrelated Data - Manufacturing Processes (2014.10.03) LINK
Photonex 2014: Mapping Solutions shows hyperspectral cameras. Remote sensing & Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (2014.10.02) LINK
Veranstaltungstipp: Seminar "Mobile und miniaturisierte Spektrometer" am 26.11.2014 (2014.10.01) LINK
A novel knowledge-based Chemometric Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | NIRS (2014.10.02) LINK
Custom NIR Equations for better accuracy and precision for QA QC Testing Analysis Lab PAT NIRS NIR ag food (2014.10.06) LINK
Erarbeitung und Validierung von Messmethoden, Kalibration von NIR Messungen für chemische Qualitätskontrolle (2014.10.01) LINK
How to Develop Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibrations in the 21st Century? | Chemometrics Equation Regression PLSR (2014.10.06) LINK
NIR Calibration Model Development made easy... | Partial Least Squares Regression PLSR NIR NIRS NearInfrared (2014.10.10) LINK
News: Chemometrics and NIR Spectroscopy News Weekly 40, 2014 /20141006_001624 (2014.10.05) LINK
News: Chemometrie und NIR Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 40, 2014 (2014.10.05) LINK
Rapid development of robust quantitative methods by near-infrared spectroscopy for ... NIR NIRS (2014.10.03) LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIR Quality Testing (2014.10.10) LINK
WHITE PAPER: A novel knowledge-based Chemometrics Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | PAT (2014.10.10) LINK