New: the
free NIR-Predictor software supports many other native and simple text formats like CSV, please see
supported data file formats.
JCAMP-DX is a Electronic Data Standards for long-term storage and transfer of chemometric information. The standard is development by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
JCAMP-DX is an abreviation for the Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical data - Data eXchange.
It is an human readable file format that is used to store near infrared spectrometry data (and others like Raman, UV, NMR, mass, x-ray, chromatograms, thermograms) and related chemical and physical information and is used since the late 80s.
Almost all NIR-software packages can export the spectra including the reference values as JCAMP-DX. A single file can contain multiple spectra and reference values.
A JCAMP file name looks like "sample.dx", "sample.jdx" or "sample.jcm".
For a software tool to predict JCAMP spectra, see NIR-Predictor JCAMP.
For a software tool to anonymize your JCAMP data, see
JCAMP-Anonymizer Software
All data are stored as labeled fields of variable length using printable ASCII characters.
Such files can be loaded in an text editor to check the content:
##TITLE= Indene (FILE: AFIR2.DX)
$$ FILE AFIR2.DX ( derived from TFIR2.DX)
##JCAMP-DX= 4.24 $$ Encoded by INTTODX 1.04 (RS McDonald)
##ORIGIN= JCAMP-DX Test Disk 1.04
R.S.McDonald, 9 Woodside Dr., Burnt Hills, NY 12027, 518-399-5145
##OWNER= Public Domain
##XFACTOR= 1.000000000
##YFACTOR= 0.000100000
##FIRSTX= 400.000
##LASTX= 4.000E+03
##NPOINTS= 3601
##FIRSTY= 3.487E-1
##XYDATA= (X++(Y..Y))
400 3487 3355 3264 3198 3153 3143 3182 3298 3520 3845 4262
411 4783 5449 6304 7383 8684 10209 12041 14123 16003 16162 14191
422 11791 9674 7943 6540 5406 4528 3874 3397 3045 2780 2584
433 2446 2354 2290 2246 2212 2187 2165 2135 2087 2022 1945
444 1865 1786 1713 1649 1596 1550 1512 1478 1448 1422 1401
The standard can be downloaded here: "JCAMP-DX: A Standard Form for the Exchange of Infrared Spectra in Computer Readable Form", ROBERT S. McDONALD and PAUL A. WILKS, JR., Appl. Spectrosc. 42(1), pp151-162, 1988
Neu: die
kostenlose NIR-Predictor-Software unterstützt viele andere native und einfache Textformate wie CSV, siehe
unterstützte Dateiformate.
JCAMP-DX ist ein elektronischer Daten Standard für die langfristige Speicherung und Übertragung von chemometrischen Informationen. Der Standard ist die Entwicklung von der International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
JCAMP-DX ist eine Abkürzung für Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical data - Data eXchange.
Es ist ein von Menschen lesbares Dateiformat, das Nah-Infrarot-Spektrometrie Daten (und andere wie Raman, UV, NMR, Massen, Röntgen, Chromatogramme, Thermogramme) und zugehörige chemische und physikalische Informationen speichert und wird seit den späten 80er Jahren verwendet.
Fast alle NIR-Software-Pakete können die Spektren einschließlich der Referenzwerte als JCAMP-DX exportieren. Eine einzelne Datei kann mehrere Spektren und Referenzwerte enthalten. Ein JCAMP Dateiname sieht aus wie "sample.dx", "sample.jdx" oder "sample.jcm".
Ein Software-Tool zum predicten von JCAMP spectra ist der NIR-Predictor JCAMP.
Ein Software-Tool zur Anonymisierung Ihrer JCAMP-Daten finden Sie unter
JCAMP-Anonymizer Software
Alle Daten werden als markierte Felder variabler Länge mit druckbaren ASCII-Zeichen gespeichert.
Solche Dateien können in einem Text-Editor geladen werden, um den Inhalt zu überprüfen:
##TITLE= Indene (FILE: AFIR2.DX)
$$ FILE AFIR2.DX ( derived from TFIR2.DX)
##JCAMP-DX= 4.24 $$ Encoded by INTTODX 1.04 (RS McDonald)
##ORIGIN= JCAMP-DX Test Disk 1.04
R.S.McDonald, 9 Woodside Dr., Burnt Hills, NY 12027, 518-399-5145
##OWNER= Public Domain
##XFACTOR= 1.000000000
##YFACTOR= 0.000100000
##FIRSTX= 400.000
##LASTX= 4.000E+03
##NPOINTS= 3601
##FIRSTY= 3.487E-1
##XYDATA= (X++(Y..Y))
400 3487 3355 3264 3198 3153 3143 3182 3298 3520 3845 4262
411 4783 5449 6304 7383 8684 10209 12041 14123 16003 16162 14191
422 11791 9674 7943 6540 5406 4528 3874 3397 3045 2780 2584
433 2446 2354 2290 2246 2212 2187 2165 2135 2087 2022 1945
444 1865 1786 1713 1649 1596 1550 1512 1478 1448 1422 1401
Der Standard kann hier heruntergeladen werden: "JCAMP-DX: A Standard Form for the Exchange of Infrared Spectra in Computer Readable Form", ROBERT S. McDONALD and PAUL A. WILKS, JR. , Appl. Spectrosc. 42(1), pp151-162, 1988
New: the
free NIR-Predictor software supports many other native and simple text formats like CSV, please see
supported data file formats.
JCAMP-DX is a Electronic Data Standards for long-term storage and transfer of chemometric information. The standard is development by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
JCAMP-DX is an abreviation for the Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical data - Data eXchange.
It is an human readable file format that is used to store near infrared spectrometry data (and others like Raman, UV, NMR, mass, x-ray, chromatograms, thermograms) and related chemical and physical information and is used since the late 80s.
Almost all NIR-software packages can export the spectra including the reference values as JCAMP-DX. A single file can contain multiple spectra and reference values.
A JCAMP file name looks like "sample.dx", "sample.jdx" or "sample.jcm".
For a software tool to predict JCAMP spectra, see NIR-Predictor JCAMP.
For a software tool to anonymize your JCAMP data, see
JCAMP-Anonymizer Software
All data are stored as labeled fields of variable length using printable ASCII characters.
Such files can be loaded in an text editor to check the content:
##TITLE= Indene (FILE: AFIR2.DX)
$$ FILE AFIR2.DX ( derived from TFIR2.DX)
##JCAMP-DX= 4.24 $$ Encoded by INTTODX 1.04 (RS McDonald)
##ORIGIN= JCAMP-DX Test Disk 1.04
R.S.McDonald, 9 Woodside Dr., Burnt Hills, NY 12027, 518-399-5145
##OWNER= Public Domain
##XFACTOR= 1.000000000
##YFACTOR= 0.000100000
##FIRSTX= 400.000
##LASTX= 4.000E+03
##NPOINTS= 3601
##FIRSTY= 3.487E-1
##XYDATA= (X++(Y..Y))
400 3487 3355 3264 3198 3153 3143 3182 3298 3520 3845 4262
411 4783 5449 6304 7383 8684 10209 12041 14123 16003 16162 14191
422 11791 9674 7943 6540 5406 4528 3874 3397 3045 2780 2584
433 2446 2354 2290 2246 2212 2187 2165 2135 2087 2022 1945
444 1865 1786 1713 1649 1596 1550 1512 1478 1448 1422 1401
The standard can be downloaded here: "JCAMP-DX: A Standard Form for the Exchange of Infrared Spectra in Computer Readable Form", ROBERT S. McDONALD and PAUL A. WILKS, JR., Appl. Spectrosc. 42(1), pp151-162, 1988