- Chemometrics is the science of extracting information from chemical systems by data-driven means. It is a highly interfacial discipline, using methods frequently employed in core data-analytic disciplines such as multivariate statistics, applied mathematics, and computer science, in order to address problems in chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, biology and chemical engineering. In this way, it mirrors several other interfacial ‘-metrics’ such as psychometrics and econometrics.
– Wikipedia (2012) - Chemometrics is the science of relating measurements made on a chemical system or process to the state of the system via application of mathematical or statistical methods. Chemometric research spans a wide area of different methods which can be applied in chemistry. There are techniques for collecting good data (optimization of experimental parameters, design of experiments, calibration, signal processing) and for getting information from these data (statistics, pattern recognition, modeling, structure-property-relationship estimations). Chemometrics tries to build a bridge between the methods and their application in chemistry.
– The International Chemometrics Society (ICS) - Chemometrics is what chemometricians do.
– Anonymous
- Chemometrics is the application of mathematical and statistical techniques in chemistry.
- Chemometrics is the application of mathematical or statistical methods to chemical data.
- International Chemometrics Society (ICS) listserver (1998-today)
- NIR Discussion Forum
- Journal of Chemometrics
- Chemometric Software
- Unter Chemometrik oder auch Chemometrie versteht man die chemische Teildisziplin, die sich mit der Anwendung mathematischer und statistischer Methoden beschäftigt, um zum einen in optimaler Weise chemische Verfahren und Experimente zu planen, zu entwickeln oder auszuwählen. Zum anderen kann mit chemometrischen Methoden ein Maximum an chemischen Informationen aus experimentellen Messdaten extrahiert werden. Beispielsweise sind Spektren der Nahinfrarotspektroskopie nur mittels der Chemometrie auswertbar. – Wikipedia (2012)
- Chemometrik ist das, was Chemometriker tun. – Anonym
- Chemometrie ist die Anwendung von mathematischen und statistischen Techniken in der Chemie.
- International Chemometrics Society (ICS) listserver (1998-today)
- NIR Discussion Forum
- Journal of Chemometrics
Chemometrie Programme / Software