Spectroscopy and Chemometrics + Machine-Learning News Weekly #36, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie + Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #36, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria + Machine-Learning Weekly News #36, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Services for Professional Development of NIRS Calibrations | NIR Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy QA QC QAQC Laboratory LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 35, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Comparing Calibration Algorithms for the Rapid Characterization of Pretreated Corn Stover Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Indirect Measurement of -Glucan Content in Barley Grain with Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Foods : Markov Transition Field Combined with Convolutional Neural Network Improved the Predictive Performance of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Models for Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Maize" LINK

"Determination of Fruit Freshness Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Techniques" | LINK

"Extensive evaluation of prediction performance for 15 pork quality traits using large scale VIS/NIRS data" LINK

"Non-destructive Evaluation of the Quality Characteristics of Pomegranate Kernel Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Determination of the Soluble Solids Content in Korla Fragrant Pears Based on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined With Model Analysis and Variable Selection" | LINK

"Polymers : Photothermal Thin Films with Highly Efficient NIR Conversion for Miniaturized Liquid-Crystal Elastomer Actuators" LINK

"Novel and environment-friendly high NIR reflectance color pigments based on Fe, Pr, Ho, Nd, Er and Ce doped lithium aluminum molybdate: Synthesis and properties" LINK


"Evaluation of Vis-NIR preprocessing combined with PLS regression for estimation soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and clay from eastern Croatia" LINK

"Monitoring the freshness of pork during storage via near-infrared spectroscopy based on colorimetric sensor array coupled with efficient multivariable calibration" LINK

"Convolutional Neural Networks for Estimating the Ripening State of Fuji Apples Using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Predicting Single Kernel and Bulk Milled Rice Alkali Spreading Value and Gelatinization Temperature Class Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy in sub-surface monitoring of petroleum contaminants in laboratory-prepared soils" LINK

"Nondestructive Identification of Rice Varieties by the Data Fusion of Raman and Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopies" | LINK

"Rapid Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of Arnebiae Radix by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) with Partial Least Squares—Discriminant Analysis (PLS ..." | LINK

"Estimating the accuracy of the NIRS prediction model based on soil types" "Estimarea preciziei modelului NIRS de predicție în funcție de tipul de sol" LINK

"Genetic analysis of digestibility traits in pigs measured by near-infrared spectroscopy KH Martinsen1, EG Enger1, E. Grindflek1, NK Afseth2, LT Mydland3, S. Wallen3 ..." LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of OH Stretching Modes in Kaolinite and Dickite" LINK

"Pushing the physical limits of infrared chemical imaging: intravascular photoacoustic & mid-infrared photothermal" LINK

"Non-destructive evaluation of strength and stiffness of Eucalyptus pellita. A comparison of near infrared spectroscopy and acoustic wave velocity assessment" LINK

"Organic resources from Madagascar: Dataset of chemical and near-infrared spectroscopy measurements" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy for the quality control of rice bran" LINK

"Crayfish Quality Analysis Based on SVM and Infrared Spectra" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Foods : Development of Simplified Models for Non-Destructive Hyperspectral Imaging Monitoring of S-ovalbumin Content in Eggs during Storage" LINK

"Investigation of the data fusion of spectral and textural data from hyperspectral imaging for the near geographical origin discrimination of wolfberries using 2D-CNN ..." LINK

"Identification of Near Geographical Origin of Wolfberries by a Combination of Hyperspectral Imaging and Multi-Task Residual Fully Convolutional Network" LINK

"Identification of maize seed varieties based on stacked sparse autoencoder and nearinfrared hyperspectral imaging technology" LINK

" Nondestructive detection of peanuts mildew based on hyperspectral image technology and machine learning algorithm" LINK

"Optimization of hyperspectral systems of fluorescent testing of food products" LINK

"Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for evaluation of aflatoxin contamination in corn kernels" LINK

" A new honey adulteration detection approach using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK

"Sensors : Identification of Bamboo Species Based on Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Using Zhuhai-1 Orbita Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Collaborative Representation of Convolutional Neural Network Features To Detect Artificial Ripening of Banana Using MultiSpectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Application of spectroscopic techniques, chemometric methods, data fusion and selection of variables in the quality control of blends of Arabica and Robusta coffee …" IAEA LINK

"Remote Sensing : Spectral Analysis to Improve Inputs to Random Forest and other Boosted Ensemble Tree-Based Algorithms for Detecting NYF Pegmatites in Tysfjord, Norway" LINK

"Detection and Classification of Honey Adulteration Combined with Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of total sugar content in tobacco filament based on calibration transfer with parameter free adjustment" LINK

"Biosensors : Application and Progress of Chemometrics in Voltammetric Biosensing" LINK

"Rapid Nondestructive Prediction of Multiple Quality Attributes for Different Commercial Meat Cut Types Using Optical System" | LINK

"Remote Sensing : Nitrogen Balance Index Prediction of Winter Wheat by Canopy Hyperspectral Transformation and Machine Learning" LINK

"Data fusion of multipleinformation strategy based on FTNIR and FTMIR for geographical traceability of Wolfiporia cocos combined with chemometrics" LINK

"A local model based on environmental variables clustering for estimating foliar phosphorus of rubber trees with vis-NIR spectroscopic data" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Fibers : The Feasibility of Producing Particleboards with Waste Wood from Civil Construction and Epoxidized Waste Cooking Oils" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Opportunities and Limitations of Mobile Neuroimaging Technologies in Educational Neuroscience" | LINK

"Foods : Pattern Recognition Approach for the Screening of Potential Adulteration of Traditional and Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maple Syrups by Spectral Fingerprinting and Classical Methods" LINK

"Methods For Quality Evaluation of Sweet Cherry" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Getting over High-Dimensionality: How Multidimensional Projection Methods Can Assist Data Science" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Improving SPAD spectral estimation accuracy of rice leaves by considering the effect of leaf water content" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Agronomy : A Fourier Transform-Based Calculation Method of Wilting Index for Soybean Canopy Using Multispectral Image" LINK

"Design and Evaluation of a Multimodal Imaging System for Medical Tissue Analysis" LINK

"Unraveling the Effects of the Particle Size on Biomass Properties, Microbial Community, and Functional Genes of Denitrifying Granular Sludge" LINK

"Origen i traçabilitat dels aliments: aplicació de la tècnica d'espectroscòpia d'infraroig proper" LINK

"Use of soil spectral reflectance to estimate texture and fertility affected by land management practices in Ethiopian tropical highland" LINK

"Programmable Anisotropic Hydrogels with Localized Photothermal/Magnetic Responsive Properties" LINK

"Interpreting Soil Health Metrics in Semi-arid Grazinglands: An Assessment of Measurement Approaches and Relational Gradients" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Pharmaceutics : Downstream Processing of Amorphous and Co-Amorphous Olanzapine Powder Blends" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Distinguishing tumor from healthy tissue in human liver ex vivo using machine learning and multivariate analysis of diffuse reflectance spectra" LINK


"The presence of adjacent others facilitates interpersonal neural synchronization in the left prefrontal cortex during a simple addition task" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : A Multi-Analytical Approach to Infer Mineral-Microbial Interactions Applied to Petroglyph Sites in the Negev Desert of Israel" LINK

"Desarrollo de bioensayos y biomarcadores para la evaluación del estrés abiótico y la toxicidad ambiental" LINK

"The Investigation of New Phosphate-Titanite Glasses According to Optical, Physical, and Shielding Properties" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Services for Professional Development of NIRS Calibrations | NIR Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy QA QC QAQC Laboratory LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 35, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Comparing Calibration Algorithms for the Rapid Characterization of Pretreated Corn Stover Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Indirect Measurement of -Glucan Content in Barley Grain with Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Foods : Markov Transition Field Combined with Convolutional Neural Network Improved the Predictive Performance of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Models for Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Maize" LINK

"Determination of Fruit Freshness Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Techniques" | LINK

"Extensive evaluation of prediction performance for 15 pork quality traits using large scale VIS/NIRS data" LINK

"Non-destructive Evaluation of the Quality Characteristics of Pomegranate Kernel Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Determination of the Soluble Solids Content in Korla Fragrant Pears Based on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined With Model Analysis and Variable Selection" | LINK

"Polymers : Photothermal Thin Films with Highly Efficient NIR Conversion for Miniaturized Liquid-Crystal Elastomer Actuators" LINK

"Novel and environment-friendly high NIR reflectance color pigments based on Fe, Pr, Ho, Nd, Er and Ce doped lithium aluminum molybdate: Synthesis and properties" LINK


"Evaluation of Vis-NIR preprocessing combined with PLS regression for estimation soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and clay from eastern Croatia" LINK

"Monitoring the freshness of pork during storage via near-infrared spectroscopy based on colorimetric sensor array coupled with efficient multivariable calibration" LINK

"Convolutional Neural Networks for Estimating the Ripening State of Fuji Apples Using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Predicting Single Kernel and Bulk Milled Rice Alkali Spreading Value and Gelatinization Temperature Class Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy in sub-surface monitoring of petroleum contaminants in laboratory-prepared soils" LINK

"Nondestructive Identification of Rice Varieties by the Data Fusion of Raman and Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopies" | LINK

"Rapid Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of Arnebiae Radix by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) with Partial Least Squares—Discriminant Analysis (PLS ..." | LINK

"Estimating the accuracy of the NIRS prediction model based on soil types" "Estimarea preciziei modelului NIRS de predicție în funcție de tipul de sol" LINK

"Genetic analysis of digestibility traits in pigs measured by near-infrared spectroscopy KH Martinsen1, EG Enger1, E. Grindflek1, NK Afseth2, LT Mydland3, S. Wallen3 ..." LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of OH Stretching Modes in Kaolinite and Dickite" LINK

"Pushing the physical limits of infrared chemical imaging: intravascular photoacoustic & mid-infrared photothermal" LINK

"Non-destructive evaluation of strength and stiffness of Eucalyptus pellita. A comparison of near infrared spectroscopy and acoustic wave velocity assessment" LINK

"Organic resources from Madagascar: Dataset of chemical and near-infrared spectroscopy measurements" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy for the quality control of rice bran" LINK

"Crayfish Quality Analysis Based on SVM and Infrared Spectra" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Foods : Development of Simplified Models for Non-Destructive Hyperspectral Imaging Monitoring of S-ovalbumin Content in Eggs during Storage" LINK

"Investigation of the data fusion of spectral and textural data from hyperspectral imaging for the near geographical origin discrimination of wolfberries using 2D-CNN ..." LINK

"Identification of Near Geographical Origin of Wolfberries by a Combination of Hyperspectral Imaging and Multi-Task Residual Fully Convolutional Network" LINK

"Identification of maize seed varieties based on stacked sparse autoencoder and nearinfrared hyperspectral imaging technology" LINK

" Nondestructive detection of peanuts mildew based on hyperspectral image technology and machine learning algorithm" LINK

"Optimization of hyperspectral systems of fluorescent testing of food products" LINK

"Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for evaluation of aflatoxin contamination in corn kernels" LINK

" A new honey adulteration detection approach using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK

"Sensors : Identification of Bamboo Species Based on Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Using Zhuhai-1 Orbita Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Collaborative Representation of Convolutional Neural Network Features To Detect Artificial Ripening of Banana Using MultiSpectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Application of spectroscopic techniques, chemometric methods, data fusion and selection of variables in the quality control of blends of Arabica and Robusta coffee …" IAEA LINK

"Remote Sensing : Spectral Analysis to Improve Inputs to Random Forest and other Boosted Ensemble Tree-Based Algorithms for Detecting NYF Pegmatites in Tysfjord, Norway" LINK

"Detection and Classification of Honey Adulteration Combined with Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of total sugar content in tobacco filament based on calibration transfer with parameter free adjustment" LINK

"Biosensors : Application and Progress of Chemometrics in Voltammetric Biosensing" LINK

"Rapid Nondestructive Prediction of Multiple Quality Attributes for Different Commercial Meat Cut Types Using Optical System" | LINK

"Remote Sensing : Nitrogen Balance Index Prediction of Winter Wheat by Canopy Hyperspectral Transformation and Machine Learning" LINK

"Data fusion of multipleinformation strategy based on FTNIR and FTMIR for geographical traceability of Wolfiporia cocos combined with chemometrics" LINK

"A local model based on environmental variables clustering for estimating foliar phosphorus of rubber trees with vis-NIR spectroscopic data" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Fibers : The Feasibility of Producing Particleboards with Waste Wood from Civil Construction and Epoxidized Waste Cooking Oils" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Opportunities and Limitations of Mobile Neuroimaging Technologies in Educational Neuroscience" | LINK

"Foods : Pattern Recognition Approach for the Screening of Potential Adulteration of Traditional and Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maple Syrups by Spectral Fingerprinting and Classical Methods" LINK

"Methods For Quality Evaluation of Sweet Cherry" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Getting over High-Dimensionality: How Multidimensional Projection Methods Can Assist Data Science" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Improving SPAD spectral estimation accuracy of rice leaves by considering the effect of leaf water content" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Agronomy : A Fourier Transform-Based Calculation Method of Wilting Index for Soybean Canopy Using Multispectral Image" LINK

"Design and Evaluation of a Multimodal Imaging System for Medical Tissue Analysis" LINK

"Unraveling the Effects of the Particle Size on Biomass Properties, Microbial Community, and Functional Genes of Denitrifying Granular Sludge" LINK

"Origen i traçabilitat dels aliments: aplicació de la tècnica d'espectroscòpia d'infraroig proper" LINK

"Use of soil spectral reflectance to estimate texture and fertility affected by land management practices in Ethiopian tropical highland" LINK

"Programmable Anisotropic Hydrogels with Localized Photothermal/Magnetic Responsive Properties" LINK

"Interpreting Soil Health Metrics in Semi-arid Grazinglands: An Assessment of Measurement Approaches and Relational Gradients" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Pharmaceutics : Downstream Processing of Amorphous and Co-Amorphous Olanzapine Powder Blends" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Distinguishing tumor from healthy tissue in human liver ex vivo using machine learning and multivariate analysis of diffuse reflectance spectra" LINK


"The presence of adjacent others facilitates interpersonal neural synchronization in the left prefrontal cortex during a simple addition task" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : A Multi-Analytical Approach to Infer Mineral-Microbial Interactions Applied to Petroglyph Sites in the Negev Desert of Israel" LINK

"Desarrollo de bioensayos y biomarcadores para la evaluación del estrés abiótico y la toxicidad ambiental" LINK

"The Investigation of New Phosphate-Titanite Glasses According to Optical, Physical, and Shielding Properties" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Services for Professional Development of NIRS Calibrations | NIR Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy QA QC QAQC Laboratory LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 35, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Comparing Calibration Algorithms for the Rapid Characterization of Pretreated Corn Stover Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Indirect Measurement of -Glucan Content in Barley Grain with Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Foods : Markov Transition Field Combined with Convolutional Neural Network Improved the Predictive Performance of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Models for Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Maize" LINK

"Determination of Fruit Freshness Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Techniques" | LINK

"Extensive evaluation of prediction performance for 15 pork quality traits using large scale VIS/NIRS data" LINK

"Non-destructive Evaluation of the Quality Characteristics of Pomegranate Kernel Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Determination of the Soluble Solids Content in Korla Fragrant Pears Based on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined With Model Analysis and Variable Selection" | LINK

"Polymers : Photothermal Thin Films with Highly Efficient NIR Conversion for Miniaturized Liquid-Crystal Elastomer Actuators" LINK

"Novel and environment-friendly high NIR reflectance color pigments based on Fe, Pr, Ho, Nd, Er and Ce doped lithium aluminum molybdate: Synthesis and properties" LINK


"Evaluation of Vis-NIR preprocessing combined with PLS regression for estimation soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and clay from eastern Croatia" LINK

"Monitoring the freshness of pork during storage via near-infrared spectroscopy based on colorimetric sensor array coupled with efficient multivariable calibration" LINK

"Convolutional Neural Networks for Estimating the Ripening State of Fuji Apples Using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Predicting Single Kernel and Bulk Milled Rice Alkali Spreading Value and Gelatinization Temperature Class Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy in sub-surface monitoring of petroleum contaminants in laboratory-prepared soils" LINK

"Nondestructive Identification of Rice Varieties by the Data Fusion of Raman and Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopies" | LINK

"Rapid Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of Arnebiae Radix by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) with Partial Least Squares—Discriminant Analysis (PLS ..." | LINK

"Estimating the accuracy of the NIRS prediction model based on soil types" "Estimarea preciziei modelului NIRS de predicție în funcție de tipul de sol" LINK

"Genetic analysis of digestibility traits in pigs measured by near-infrared spectroscopy KH Martinsen1, EG Enger1, E. Grindflek1, NK Afseth2, LT Mydland3, S. Wallen3 ..." LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of OH Stretching Modes in Kaolinite and Dickite" LINK

"Pushing the physical limits of infrared chemical imaging: intravascular photoacoustic & mid-infrared photothermal" LINK

"Non-destructive evaluation of strength and stiffness of Eucalyptus pellita. A comparison of near infrared spectroscopy and acoustic wave velocity assessment" LINK

"Organic resources from Madagascar: Dataset of chemical and near-infrared spectroscopy measurements" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy for the quality control of rice bran" LINK

"Crayfish Quality Analysis Based on SVM and Infrared Spectra" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Foods : Development of Simplified Models for Non-Destructive Hyperspectral Imaging Monitoring of S-ovalbumin Content in Eggs during Storage" LINK

"Investigation of the data fusion of spectral and textural data from hyperspectral imaging for the near geographical origin discrimination of wolfberries using 2D-CNN ..." LINK

"Identification of Near Geographical Origin of Wolfberries by a Combination of Hyperspectral Imaging and Multi-Task Residual Fully Convolutional Network" LINK

"Identification of maize seed varieties based on stacked sparse autoencoder and nearinfrared hyperspectral imaging technology" LINK

" Nondestructive detection of peanuts mildew based on hyperspectral image technology and machine learning algorithm" LINK

"Optimization of hyperspectral systems of fluorescent testing of food products" LINK

"Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for evaluation of aflatoxin contamination in corn kernels" LINK

" A new honey adulteration detection approach using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK

"Sensors : Identification of Bamboo Species Based on Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) Using Zhuhai-1 Orbita Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Collaborative Representation of Convolutional Neural Network Features To Detect Artificial Ripening of Banana Using MultiSpectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Application of spectroscopic techniques, chemometric methods, data fusion and selection of variables in the quality control of blends of Arabica and Robusta coffee …" IAEA LINK

"Remote Sensing : Spectral Analysis to Improve Inputs to Random Forest and other Boosted Ensemble Tree-Based Algorithms for Detecting NYF Pegmatites in Tysfjord, Norway" LINK

"Detection and Classification of Honey Adulteration Combined with Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of total sugar content in tobacco filament based on calibration transfer with parameter free adjustment" LINK

"Biosensors : Application and Progress of Chemometrics in Voltammetric Biosensing" LINK

"Rapid Nondestructive Prediction of Multiple Quality Attributes for Different Commercial Meat Cut Types Using Optical System" | LINK

"Remote Sensing : Nitrogen Balance Index Prediction of Winter Wheat by Canopy Hyperspectral Transformation and Machine Learning" LINK

"Data fusion of multipleinformation strategy based on FTNIR and FTMIR for geographical traceability of Wolfiporia cocos combined with chemometrics" LINK

"A local model based on environmental variables clustering for estimating foliar phosphorus of rubber trees with vis-NIR spectroscopic data" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Fibers : The Feasibility of Producing Particleboards with Waste Wood from Civil Construction and Epoxidized Waste Cooking Oils" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Opportunities and Limitations of Mobile Neuroimaging Technologies in Educational Neuroscience" | LINK

"Foods : Pattern Recognition Approach for the Screening of Potential Adulteration of Traditional and Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maple Syrups by Spectral Fingerprinting and Classical Methods" LINK

"Methods For Quality Evaluation of Sweet Cherry" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Getting over High-Dimensionality: How Multidimensional Projection Methods Can Assist Data Science" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Improving SPAD spectral estimation accuracy of rice leaves by considering the effect of leaf water content" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Agronomy : A Fourier Transform-Based Calculation Method of Wilting Index for Soybean Canopy Using Multispectral Image" LINK

"Design and Evaluation of a Multimodal Imaging System for Medical Tissue Analysis" LINK

"Unraveling the Effects of the Particle Size on Biomass Properties, Microbial Community, and Functional Genes of Denitrifying Granular Sludge" LINK

"Origen i traçabilitat dels aliments: aplicació de la tècnica d'espectroscòpia d'infraroig proper" LINK

"Use of soil spectral reflectance to estimate texture and fertility affected by land management practices in Ethiopian tropical highland" LINK

"Programmable Anisotropic Hydrogels with Localized Photothermal/Magnetic Responsive Properties" LINK

"Interpreting Soil Health Metrics in Semi-arid Grazinglands: An Assessment of Measurement Approaches and Relational Gradients" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Pharmaceutics : Downstream Processing of Amorphous and Co-Amorphous Olanzapine Powder Blends" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Distinguishing tumor from healthy tissue in human liver ex vivo using machine learning and multivariate analysis of diffuse reflectance spectra" LINK


"The presence of adjacent others facilitates interpersonal neural synchronization in the left prefrontal cortex during a simple addition task" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : A Multi-Analytical Approach to Infer Mineral-Microbial Interactions Applied to Petroglyph Sites in the Negev Desert of Israel" LINK

"Desarrollo de bioensayos y biomarcadores para la evaluación del estrés abiótico y la toxicidad ambiental" LINK

"The Investigation of New Phosphate-Titanite Glasses According to Optical, Physical, and Shielding Properties" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Machine-Learning News Weekly #35, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #35, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Machine-Learning Weekly News #35, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Do you use a near-infrared Spectrometer with Chemometric Methods? This will save you time | NIR NIRS SWIR MIR LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik chemtwitter Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR FTNIR VisNIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"MOSAIC on the ELT: optomechanical design of the NIR spectrograph" LINK

"Emerging applications of nano-optical sensors combined with near-infrared spectroscopy for detecting tea extract fermentation aroma under ultrasound-assisted sonication" LINK

"Granulation of Yangxue Qingnao Granules in fluidized bed based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Ensemble calibration model of near-infrared spectroscopy based on functional data analysis" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Aflatoxin B1 Contamination in Peanut Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy-A Real-Time Method to Measure Aluminum Content and Protein Concentration in Adsorbed Vaccines" LINK

"Nondestructive detection and grading of flesh translucency in pineapples with visible and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Assessing pulse transit time to the skeletal muscle microcirculation using near-infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Performance Improvement of NIR Spectral Pattern Recognition from Three Compensation Models' Voting and Multi-Modal Fusion" LINK

"Vis/NIR optical biosensors applications for fruit monitoring" LINK

"Prediction of flue gas properties using artificial intelligence: Application of supervised machine learning by utilization of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy on solid biofuels" LINK

" ... Models for the Authentication of Analgesic Tablet Reference Medicine Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Applications of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) in Fish Value Chain" LINK

"Prediction of pig fatty acids composition by near-infrared spectroscopy using neural networks and support vector machine" LINK

"Non‐invasive and rapid quality assessment of thermal processed and canned tender jackfruit: NIR Spectroscopy and chemometric approach" LINK

"Metamaterial-Based Sensor Integrating Microwave Dielectric and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Techniques for Substance Evaluation" LINK

"Use of wavelength interaction terms to improve near infrared spectroscopy models of donkeys milk properties" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Analysis of cruciferin content in whole seeds of Brassica napus L. by nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Enhancement of Near‐Infrared Phosphor Luminescence Properties via Construction of Stable and Compact Energy Transfer Paths" LINK

"Rapid detection of talc content in flour based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with feature wavelength selection" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of fat and moisture in pork using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Continuous Glucose Monitoring" LINK

"Near‐Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization of Cardiac and Renal Fibrosis in Fixed and Fresh Rat Tissue" LINK

"Fast NearInfrared Photodetection using IIIV Colloidal Quantum Dots" LINK

"NDT model study of crown pear based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as a tool to discriminate tannins from Amazonian species" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Kernel principal component analysis and differential non-linear feature extraction of pesticide residues on fruit surface based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Evaluation of cut alfalfa moisture content and operative conditions by hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometric tools: In-field application" LINK

"Rapid and accurate detection of starch content in mixed sorghum by hyperspectral imaging combined with data fusion technology" LINK

"Visualized detection of quality change of cooked beef with condiments by hyperspectral imaging technique" | LINK

"Assessing rice blast disease severity through hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK

"Detection of Cucumber Fruits with Excessive Consumption of Nitrogen using Hyperspectral imaging (With Emphasis on Sustainable Agriculture)" LINK

"nondestructive detection of kiwifruit textural characteristic based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging technology" LINK

"Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging combined with incremental learning for open world maize seed varieties identification" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determining farming methods and geographical origin of Chinese rice using NIR combined with chemometrics methods" LINK

"A machine learning based classification models for plastic recycling using different wavelength range spectrums" LINK

"Determination of Pork Meat Storage Time Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms" LINK

"Unscrambling the Provenance of Eggs by Combining Chemometrics and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Fractional Fourier Image Transformer for Multimodal Remote Sensing Data Classification" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : A GA and SVM Classification Model for Pine Wilt Disease Detection Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery" LINK

"Classification of wheat varieties by PLS-DA and LDA models and investigation of the spatial distribution of protein content using NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Detection and quantification of adulteration in turmeric by spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics" | LINK

"Application of principal component analysismultivariate adaptive regression splines for the determination of surface area in zeolites" LINK

"Detection of chicken and fat adulteration in minced lamb meat by VIS/NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics methods" | LINK

"Development of Calibration and Validation Models for the Determination of Acrylamide Levels in Pizza Samples Through Ft-nir Spectroscopy" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Nanomaterials : PLGA Nanoparticles Grafted with Hyaluronic Acid to Improve Site-Specificity and Drug Dose Delivery in Osteoarthritis Nanotherapy" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

" Methods of optical spectroscopy in detection of virus in infected samples: A Review " LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"An Activatable NearInfrared Molecular Chemiluminescence Probe for Visualization of NQO1 Activity In Vivo" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Approach to an inline monitoring of the heat impact in a high temperature short time treatment (HTST) of juice with the help of a chemical marker" LINK

"Real-Time Monitoring of Critical Quality Attributes during High-Shear Wet Granulation Process by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Effect of Water Addition and Stirring ..." LINK

"Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Implementation for Membrane Operations in Continuous Manufacturing of mAbs: Model-Based Control of Single-Pass ..." | LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Effects of the combined application of biochar-based fertilizer and urea on N2O emissions, nitrifier, and denitrifier communities in the acidic soil of pomelo orchards" | LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Intelligent evaluation of free amino acid and crude protein content in raw peanut seed kernel using NIR spectroscopy paired with multivariable calibration" LINK

"Structural aspects of hyperspectral imaging data: a case study on microplastics analysis from the viewpoint of chemometrics" | LINK

"Polymers : The Effect of Physical Aging and Degradation on the Re-Use of Polyamide 12 in Powder Bed Fusion" LINK

"Effects of Continuous Lily Cropping on the Physicochemical Properties and Biological Characteristics in Subtropical Facility Red Soils" | LINK

"Agriculture : Nondestructive Testing Model of Mango Dry Matter Based on Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging Technology" LINK

"The knowledge domain and emerging trends in apple detection based on NIRS: A scientometric analysis with CiteSpace (1989–2021)" FoodScience Agriculture Horticulture Agronomy PlantSciences Spectroscopy LINK

"Quantitative detection of zearalenone in wheat grains based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Using hyperspectral imaging technology and machine learning algorithms for assessing internal quality parameters of apple fruits" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Optimization of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements for direct and rapid screening of pesticides: A case study of spinach" LINK

"Unprecedented, Verified Roadmap for Material-Dependent Field Enhancement of Lanthanide Doped Upconverters to be utilized in Biomedical Applications" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Skeletal Muscle Tissue Saturation Changes Measured Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy During Exercise Are Associated With Post-Occlusive Reactive ..." LINK


"遊離組織移植後の近赤外線小型組織オキシメータによる補助的モニタリングの可能性" LINK

"Fabrication of PMMA thin film and its optical and photocatalytic activity" LINK

"Sensors : Drowsiness Detection System Based on PERCLOS and Facial Physiological Signal" LINK

"Structural, Optical, Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties of MgO/Poly (Vinyl Acetate)/Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Nanocomposites" | LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Do you use a near-infrared Spectrometer with Chemometric Methods? This will save you time | NIR NIRS SWIR MIR LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik chemtwitter Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR FTNIR VisNIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"MOSAIC on the ELT: optomechanical design of the NIR spectrograph" LINK

"Emerging applications of nano-optical sensors combined with near-infrared spectroscopy for detecting tea extract fermentation aroma under ultrasound-assisted sonication" LINK

"Granulation of Yangxue Qingnao Granules in fluidized bed based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Ensemble calibration model of near-infrared spectroscopy based on functional data analysis" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Aflatoxin B1 Contamination in Peanut Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy-A Real-Time Method to Measure Aluminum Content and Protein Concentration in Adsorbed Vaccines" LINK

"Nondestructive detection and grading of flesh translucency in pineapples with visible and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Assessing pulse transit time to the skeletal muscle microcirculation using near-infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Performance Improvement of NIR Spectral Pattern Recognition from Three Compensation Models' Voting and Multi-Modal Fusion" LINK

"Vis/NIR optical biosensors applications for fruit monitoring" LINK

"Prediction of flue gas properties using artificial intelligence: Application of supervised machine learning by utilization of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy on solid biofuels" LINK

" ... Models for the Authentication of Analgesic Tablet Reference Medicine Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Applications of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) in Fish Value Chain" LINK

"Prediction of pig fatty acids composition by near-infrared spectroscopy using neural networks and support vector machine" LINK

"Non‐invasive and rapid quality assessment of thermal processed and canned tender jackfruit: NIR Spectroscopy and chemometric approach" LINK

"Metamaterial-Based Sensor Integrating Microwave Dielectric and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Techniques for Substance Evaluation" LINK

"Use of wavelength interaction terms to improve near infrared spectroscopy models of donkeys milk properties" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Analysis of cruciferin content in whole seeds of Brassica napus L. by nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Enhancement of Near‐Infrared Phosphor Luminescence Properties via Construction of Stable and Compact Energy Transfer Paths" LINK

"Rapid detection of talc content in flour based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with feature wavelength selection" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of fat and moisture in pork using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Continuous Glucose Monitoring" LINK

"Near‐Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization of Cardiac and Renal Fibrosis in Fixed and Fresh Rat Tissue" LINK

"Fast NearInfrared Photodetection using IIIV Colloidal Quantum Dots" LINK

"NDT model study of crown pear based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as a tool to discriminate tannins from Amazonian species" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Kernel principal component analysis and differential non-linear feature extraction of pesticide residues on fruit surface based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Evaluation of cut alfalfa moisture content and operative conditions by hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometric tools: In-field application" LINK

"Rapid and accurate detection of starch content in mixed sorghum by hyperspectral imaging combined with data fusion technology" LINK

"Visualized detection of quality change of cooked beef with condiments by hyperspectral imaging technique" | LINK

"Assessing rice blast disease severity through hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK

"Detection of Cucumber Fruits with Excessive Consumption of Nitrogen using Hyperspectral imaging (With Emphasis on Sustainable Agriculture)" LINK

"nondestructive detection of kiwifruit textural characteristic based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging technology" LINK

"Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging combined with incremental learning for open world maize seed varieties identification" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determining farming methods and geographical origin of Chinese rice using NIR combined with chemometrics methods" LINK

"A machine learning based classification models for plastic recycling using different wavelength range spectrums" LINK

"Determination of Pork Meat Storage Time Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms" LINK

"Unscrambling the Provenance of Eggs by Combining Chemometrics and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Fractional Fourier Image Transformer for Multimodal Remote Sensing Data Classification" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : A GA and SVM Classification Model for Pine Wilt Disease Detection Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery" LINK

"Classification of wheat varieties by PLS-DA and LDA models and investigation of the spatial distribution of protein content using NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Detection and quantification of adulteration in turmeric by spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics" | LINK

"Application of principal component analysismultivariate adaptive regression splines for the determination of surface area in zeolites" LINK

"Detection of chicken and fat adulteration in minced lamb meat by VIS/NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics methods" | LINK

"Development of Calibration and Validation Models for the Determination of Acrylamide Levels in Pizza Samples Through Ft-nir Spectroscopy" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Nanomaterials : PLGA Nanoparticles Grafted with Hyaluronic Acid to Improve Site-Specificity and Drug Dose Delivery in Osteoarthritis Nanotherapy" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

" Methods of optical spectroscopy in detection of virus in infected samples: A Review " LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"An Activatable NearInfrared Molecular Chemiluminescence Probe for Visualization of NQO1 Activity In Vivo" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Approach to an inline monitoring of the heat impact in a high temperature short time treatment (HTST) of juice with the help of a chemical marker" LINK

"Real-Time Monitoring of Critical Quality Attributes during High-Shear Wet Granulation Process by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Effect of Water Addition and Stirring ..." LINK

"Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Implementation for Membrane Operations in Continuous Manufacturing of mAbs: Model-Based Control of Single-Pass ..." | LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Effects of the combined application of biochar-based fertilizer and urea on N2O emissions, nitrifier, and denitrifier communities in the acidic soil of pomelo orchards" | LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Intelligent evaluation of free amino acid and crude protein content in raw peanut seed kernel using NIR spectroscopy paired with multivariable calibration" LINK

"Structural aspects of hyperspectral imaging data: a case study on microplastics analysis from the viewpoint of chemometrics" | LINK

"Polymers : The Effect of Physical Aging and Degradation on the Re-Use of Polyamide 12 in Powder Bed Fusion" LINK

"Effects of Continuous Lily Cropping on the Physicochemical Properties and Biological Characteristics in Subtropical Facility Red Soils" | LINK

"Agriculture : Nondestructive Testing Model of Mango Dry Matter Based on Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging Technology" LINK

"The knowledge domain and emerging trends in apple detection based on NIRS: A scientometric analysis with CiteSpace (1989–2021)" FoodScience Agriculture Horticulture Agronomy PlantSciences Spectroscopy LINK

"Quantitative detection of zearalenone in wheat grains based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Using hyperspectral imaging technology and machine learning algorithms for assessing internal quality parameters of apple fruits" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Optimization of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements for direct and rapid screening of pesticides: A case study of spinach" LINK

"Unprecedented, Verified Roadmap for Material-Dependent Field Enhancement of Lanthanide Doped Upconverters to be utilized in Biomedical Applications" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Skeletal Muscle Tissue Saturation Changes Measured Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy During Exercise Are Associated With Post-Occlusive Reactive ..." LINK


"遊離組織移植後の近赤外線小型組織オキシメータによる補助的モニタリングの可能性" LINK

"Fabrication of PMMA thin film and its optical and photocatalytic activity" LINK

"Sensors : Drowsiness Detection System Based on PERCLOS and Facial Physiological Signal" LINK

"Structural, Optical, Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties of MgO/Poly (Vinyl Acetate)/Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Nanocomposites" | LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Do you use a near-infrared Spectrometer with Chemometric Methods? This will save you time | NIR NIRS SWIR MIR LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik chemtwitter Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 34, 2022 | NIRS NIR FTNIR VisNIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"MOSAIC on the ELT: optomechanical design of the NIR spectrograph" LINK

"Emerging applications of nano-optical sensors combined with near-infrared spectroscopy for detecting tea extract fermentation aroma under ultrasound-assisted sonication" LINK

"Granulation of Yangxue Qingnao Granules in fluidized bed based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Ensemble calibration model of near-infrared spectroscopy based on functional data analysis" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Aflatoxin B1 Contamination in Peanut Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy-A Real-Time Method to Measure Aluminum Content and Protein Concentration in Adsorbed Vaccines" LINK

"Nondestructive detection and grading of flesh translucency in pineapples with visible and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Assessing pulse transit time to the skeletal muscle microcirculation using near-infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Performance Improvement of NIR Spectral Pattern Recognition from Three Compensation Models' Voting and Multi-Modal Fusion" LINK

"Vis/NIR optical biosensors applications for fruit monitoring" LINK

"Prediction of flue gas properties using artificial intelligence: Application of supervised machine learning by utilization of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy on solid biofuels" LINK

" ... Models for the Authentication of Analgesic Tablet Reference Medicine Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Applications of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) in Fish Value Chain" LINK

"Prediction of pig fatty acids composition by near-infrared spectroscopy using neural networks and support vector machine" LINK

"Non‐invasive and rapid quality assessment of thermal processed and canned tender jackfruit: NIR Spectroscopy and chemometric approach" LINK

"Metamaterial-Based Sensor Integrating Microwave Dielectric and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Techniques for Substance Evaluation" LINK

"Use of wavelength interaction terms to improve near infrared spectroscopy models of donkeys milk properties" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Analysis of cruciferin content in whole seeds of Brassica napus L. by nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Enhancement of Near‐Infrared Phosphor Luminescence Properties via Construction of Stable and Compact Energy Transfer Paths" LINK

"Rapid detection of talc content in flour based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with feature wavelength selection" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of fat and moisture in pork using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Continuous Glucose Monitoring" LINK

"Near‐Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization of Cardiac and Renal Fibrosis in Fixed and Fresh Rat Tissue" LINK

"Fast NearInfrared Photodetection using IIIV Colloidal Quantum Dots" LINK

"NDT model study of crown pear based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as a tool to discriminate tannins from Amazonian species" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Kernel principal component analysis and differential non-linear feature extraction of pesticide residues on fruit surface based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Evaluation of cut alfalfa moisture content and operative conditions by hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometric tools: In-field application" LINK

"Rapid and accurate detection of starch content in mixed sorghum by hyperspectral imaging combined with data fusion technology" LINK

"Visualized detection of quality change of cooked beef with condiments by hyperspectral imaging technique" | LINK

"Assessing rice blast disease severity through hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK

"Detection of Cucumber Fruits with Excessive Consumption of Nitrogen using Hyperspectral imaging (With Emphasis on Sustainable Agriculture)" LINK

"nondestructive detection of kiwifruit textural characteristic based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging technology" LINK

"Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging combined with incremental learning for open world maize seed varieties identification" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determining farming methods and geographical origin of Chinese rice using NIR combined with chemometrics methods" LINK

"A machine learning based classification models for plastic recycling using different wavelength range spectrums" LINK

"Determination of Pork Meat Storage Time Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms" LINK

"Unscrambling the Provenance of Eggs by Combining Chemometrics and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Fractional Fourier Image Transformer for Multimodal Remote Sensing Data Classification" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : A GA and SVM Classification Model for Pine Wilt Disease Detection Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery" LINK

"Classification of wheat varieties by PLS-DA and LDA models and investigation of the spatial distribution of protein content using NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Detection and quantification of adulteration in turmeric by spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics" | LINK

"Application of principal component analysismultivariate adaptive regression splines for the determination of surface area in zeolites" LINK

"Detection of chicken and fat adulteration in minced lamb meat by VIS/NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics methods" | LINK

"Development of Calibration and Validation Models for the Determination of Acrylamide Levels in Pizza Samples Through Ft-nir Spectroscopy" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Nanomaterials : PLGA Nanoparticles Grafted with Hyaluronic Acid to Improve Site-Specificity and Drug Dose Delivery in Osteoarthritis Nanotherapy" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

" Methods of optical spectroscopy in detection of virus in infected samples: A Review " LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"An Activatable NearInfrared Molecular Chemiluminescence Probe for Visualization of NQO1 Activity In Vivo" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Approach to an inline monitoring of the heat impact in a high temperature short time treatment (HTST) of juice with the help of a chemical marker" LINK

"Real-Time Monitoring of Critical Quality Attributes during High-Shear Wet Granulation Process by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Effect of Water Addition and Stirring ..." LINK

"Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Implementation for Membrane Operations in Continuous Manufacturing of mAbs: Model-Based Control of Single-Pass ..." | LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Effects of the combined application of biochar-based fertilizer and urea on N2O emissions, nitrifier, and denitrifier communities in the acidic soil of pomelo orchards" | LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Intelligent evaluation of free amino acid and crude protein content in raw peanut seed kernel using NIR spectroscopy paired with multivariable calibration" LINK

"Structural aspects of hyperspectral imaging data: a case study on microplastics analysis from the viewpoint of chemometrics" | LINK

"Polymers : The Effect of Physical Aging and Degradation on the Re-Use of Polyamide 12 in Powder Bed Fusion" LINK

"Effects of Continuous Lily Cropping on the Physicochemical Properties and Biological Characteristics in Subtropical Facility Red Soils" | LINK

"Agriculture : Nondestructive Testing Model of Mango Dry Matter Based on Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging Technology" LINK

"The knowledge domain and emerging trends in apple detection based on NIRS: A scientometric analysis with CiteSpace (1989–2021)" FoodScience Agriculture Horticulture Agronomy PlantSciences Spectroscopy LINK

"Quantitative detection of zearalenone in wheat grains based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Using hyperspectral imaging technology and machine learning algorithms for assessing internal quality parameters of apple fruits" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Optimization of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy measurements for direct and rapid screening of pesticides: A case study of spinach" LINK

"Unprecedented, Verified Roadmap for Material-Dependent Field Enhancement of Lanthanide Doped Upconverters to be utilized in Biomedical Applications" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Skeletal Muscle Tissue Saturation Changes Measured Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy During Exercise Are Associated With Post-Occlusive Reactive ..." LINK


"遊離組織移植後の近赤外線小型組織オキシメータによる補助的モニタリングの可能性" LINK

"Fabrication of PMMA thin film and its optical and photocatalytic activity" LINK

"Sensors : Drowsiness Detection System Based on PERCLOS and Facial Physiological Signal" LINK

"Structural, Optical, Mechanical and Antibacterial Properties of MgO/Poly (Vinyl Acetate)/Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Nanocomposites" | LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #22, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #22, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #22, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"NIRSCAM: A Mobile Near-Infrared Sensing System for Food Calorie Estimation" LINK

"Nutritional Components of Beverage Granules by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Based on PLS Model" | LINK

"A new concept of acousto-optic tunable filter-based near-infrared hyperspectral imager for planetary surface exploration" LINK

"Supplementary Materials Determination of the Geographical Origin of Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Characteristic wavelengths optimization improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for determination of aflatoxin B1 in maize" LINK


"Molecules : Identification of Stingless Bee Honey Adulteration Using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Aquaphotomics" LINK

"A review of visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy application in plant stress detection" LINK

"Predicting the performance of handheld near-infrared photonic sensors from a master benchtop device" LINK

"A novel handheld FT-NIR spectroscopic approach for real-time screening of major cannabinoids content in hemp" LINK

"Chemometric studies of hops degradation at different storage forms using UV-Vis, NIRS and UPLC analyses" LINK

"Comparison of VIS/NIR spectral curves plus RGB images with hyperspectral images for the identification of Pterocarpus species" | LINK

"Etruscan Fine Ware Pottery: Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy as a Tool for the Investigation of Clay Firing Temperature and Atmosphere" LINK

"Penilaian Sejawat: Fast and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit quality attributes using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). IOP EES." | EES Mango Kusumiyati (Gabungan).pdf LINK

"Segregation of 'Hayward'kiwifruit for storage potential using Vis-NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Screening Test of Corrosive Solutions Concealed in Plastic Containers" | LINK

"General model of multi-quality detection for apple from different origins by Vis/NIR transmittance spectroscopy" | LINK

"Analytical Chemistry Strategies in the Use of Miniaturised NIR Instruments: An Overview" LINK

"Application of near-infrared spectroscopy to agriculture and forestry" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"NearInfrared LightDriven ThreeDimensional Soft Photonic Crystals Loaded with Upconversion Nanoparticles" LINK

"Gaming behavior and brain activation using functional nearinfrared spectroscopy, Iowa gambling task, and machine learning techniques" LINK

"Metaheuristic algorithms in visible and near infrared spectra to detect excess nitrogen content in tomato plants" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Non-destructive age estimation of biological fluid stains: An integrated analytical strategy based on near-infrared hyperspectral imaging and multivariate regression" LINK

"Prediction of peroxidase activity using near infrared hyperspectral imaging in red delicious apple fruit during storage time" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Detection of Apple Valsa Canker Based on Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Sensors : Sugarcane Nitrogen Concentration and Irrigation Level Prediction Based on UAV Multispectral Imagery" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning


"Unsupervised detection of ash dieback disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) using diffusion-based hyperspectral image clustering" LINK

"IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Infrared spectroscopy chemometric model for determination of phenolic content of plant leaf powder" LINK

"Sensors : Accuracy and Reproducibility of Laboratory Diffuse Reflectance Measurements with Portable VNIR and MIR Spectrometers for Predictive Soil Organic Carbon Modeling" LINK

"Coatings : Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coatings Thickness Using Terahertz Technique Combined with PCA-GA-ELM Algorithm" LINK

"Prediction of topsoil organic carbon content with Sentinel-2 imagery and spectroscopic measurements under different conditions using an ensemble model approach ..." LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Artificial Intelligence in Classical and Quantum Photonics" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

" A dataset for spectral radiative properties of black poly (methyl methacrylate)" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Pharmaceutics : Tailoring Rational Manufacturing of Extemporaneous Compounding Oral Dosage Formulations with a Low Dose of Minoxidil" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Polymers : Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Activity of Freeze-Dried Alcohol-Water Extracts from Common Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Elastomer Vulcanizates" LINK

"Particle densities of cultivated south greenlandic soils can be explained by a threecompartment model, pedotransfer functions, and a visNIR spectroscopy model" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Influence of ingredient quality and diet formulation on amino acid digestibility and growth performance of poultry and swine" LINK

"Guidelines for Optimal Use of NIRSC Forage and Feed Calibrations in Membership Laboratories" LINK

"Linear Support Vector Machine Classification of Plant Stress From Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Using Hyperspectral Reflectance" LINK

"Goat milk authentication by one-class classification of digital image-based fingerprint signatures: detection of adulteration with cow milk" LINK

"Agronomy : Crop Monitoring Strategy Based on Remote Sensing Data (Sentinel-2 and Planet), Study Case in a Rice Field after Applying Glycinebetaine" LINK

"Estimation of Vertisols Soil Nutrients by Hyperion Satellite Data: Case Study in Deccan Plateau of India" | LINK

"Real-time milk analysis integrated with stacking ensemble learning as a tool for the daily prediction of cheese-making traits in Holstein cattle" LINK

"The effect of nitrogen fertility rate and seeding rate on yield, nutritive value and economics of forage corn in a low corn heat unit region of Western Canada" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Near-infrared techniques for fraud detection in dairy products: A review" | LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Digital technologies to assess yoghurt quality traits and consumers acceptability" LINK


"Tantalum - 2D Light Transport" | optics physically simulation spectroscopy spectrum prism lens mirror light lighttransport multiple scattering LINK

"Characterizing tourniquet induced hemodynamics during total knee arthroplasty using diffuse optical spectroscopy" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"NIRSCAM: A Mobile Near-Infrared Sensing System for Food Calorie Estimation" LINK

"Nutritional Components of Beverage Granules by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Based on PLS Model" | LINK

"A new concept of acousto-optic tunable filter-based near-infrared hyperspectral imager for planetary surface exploration" LINK

"Supplementary Materials Determination of the Geographical Origin of Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Characteristic wavelengths optimization improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for determination of aflatoxin B1 in maize" LINK


"Molecules : Identification of Stingless Bee Honey Adulteration Using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Aquaphotomics" LINK

"A review of visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy application in plant stress detection" LINK

"Predicting the performance of handheld near-infrared photonic sensors from a master benchtop device" LINK

"A novel handheld FT-NIR spectroscopic approach for real-time screening of major cannabinoids content in hemp" LINK

"Chemometric studies of hops degradation at different storage forms using UV-Vis, NIRS and UPLC analyses" LINK

"Comparison of VIS/NIR spectral curves plus RGB images with hyperspectral images for the identification of Pterocarpus species" | LINK

"Etruscan Fine Ware Pottery: Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy as a Tool for the Investigation of Clay Firing Temperature and Atmosphere" LINK

"Penilaian Sejawat: Fast and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit quality attributes using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). IOP EES." | EES Mango Kusumiyati (Gabungan).pdf LINK

"Segregation of 'Hayward'kiwifruit for storage potential using Vis-NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Screening Test of Corrosive Solutions Concealed in Plastic Containers" | LINK

"General model of multi-quality detection for apple from different origins by Vis/NIR transmittance spectroscopy" | LINK

"Analytical Chemistry Strategies in the Use of Miniaturised NIR Instruments: An Overview" LINK

"Application of near-infrared spectroscopy to agriculture and forestry" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"NearInfrared LightDriven ThreeDimensional Soft Photonic Crystals Loaded with Upconversion Nanoparticles" LINK

"Gaming behavior and brain activation using functional nearinfrared spectroscopy, Iowa gambling task, and machine learning techniques" LINK

"Metaheuristic algorithms in visible and near infrared spectra to detect excess nitrogen content in tomato plants" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Non-destructive age estimation of biological fluid stains: An integrated analytical strategy based on near-infrared hyperspectral imaging and multivariate regression" LINK

"Prediction of peroxidase activity using near infrared hyperspectral imaging in red delicious apple fruit during storage time" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Detection of Apple Valsa Canker Based on Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Sensors : Sugarcane Nitrogen Concentration and Irrigation Level Prediction Based on UAV Multispectral Imagery" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning


"Unsupervised detection of ash dieback disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) using diffusion-based hyperspectral image clustering" LINK

"IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Infrared spectroscopy chemometric model for determination of phenolic content of plant leaf powder" LINK

"Sensors : Accuracy and Reproducibility of Laboratory Diffuse Reflectance Measurements with Portable VNIR and MIR Spectrometers for Predictive Soil Organic Carbon Modeling" LINK

"Coatings : Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coatings Thickness Using Terahertz Technique Combined with PCA-GA-ELM Algorithm" LINK

"Prediction of topsoil organic carbon content with Sentinel-2 imagery and spectroscopic measurements under different conditions using an ensemble model approach ..." LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Artificial Intelligence in Classical and Quantum Photonics" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

" A dataset for spectral radiative properties of black poly (methyl methacrylate)" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Pharmaceutics : Tailoring Rational Manufacturing of Extemporaneous Compounding Oral Dosage Formulations with a Low Dose of Minoxidil" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Polymers : Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Activity of Freeze-Dried Alcohol-Water Extracts from Common Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Elastomer Vulcanizates" LINK

"Particle densities of cultivated south greenlandic soils can be explained by a threecompartment model, pedotransfer functions, and a visNIR spectroscopy model" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Influence of ingredient quality and diet formulation on amino acid digestibility and growth performance of poultry and swine" LINK

"Guidelines for Optimal Use of NIRSC Forage and Feed Calibrations in Membership Laboratories" LINK

"Linear Support Vector Machine Classification of Plant Stress From Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Using Hyperspectral Reflectance" LINK

"Goat milk authentication by one-class classification of digital image-based fingerprint signatures: detection of adulteration with cow milk" LINK

"Agronomy : Crop Monitoring Strategy Based on Remote Sensing Data (Sentinel-2 and Planet), Study Case in a Rice Field after Applying Glycinebetaine" LINK

"Estimation of Vertisols Soil Nutrients by Hyperion Satellite Data: Case Study in Deccan Plateau of India" | LINK

"Real-time milk analysis integrated with stacking ensemble learning as a tool for the daily prediction of cheese-making traits in Holstein cattle" LINK

"The effect of nitrogen fertility rate and seeding rate on yield, nutritive value and economics of forage corn in a low corn heat unit region of Western Canada" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Near-infrared techniques for fraud detection in dairy products: A review" | LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Digital technologies to assess yoghurt quality traits and consumers acceptability" LINK


"Tantalum - 2D Light Transport" | optics physically simulation spectroscopy spectrum prism lens mirror light lighttransport multiple scattering LINK

"Characterizing tourniquet induced hemodynamics during total knee arthroplasty using diffuse optical spectroscopy" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 21, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"NIRSCAM: A Mobile Near-Infrared Sensing System for Food Calorie Estimation" LINK

"Nutritional Components of Beverage Granules by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Based on PLS Model" | LINK

"A new concept of acousto-optic tunable filter-based near-infrared hyperspectral imager for planetary surface exploration" LINK

"Supplementary Materials Determination of the Geographical Origin of Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Characteristic wavelengths optimization improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for determination of aflatoxin B1 in maize" LINK


"Molecules : Identification of Stingless Bee Honey Adulteration Using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Aquaphotomics" LINK

"A review of visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy application in plant stress detection" LINK

"Predicting the performance of handheld near-infrared photonic sensors from a master benchtop device" LINK

"A novel handheld FT-NIR spectroscopic approach for real-time screening of major cannabinoids content in hemp" LINK

"Chemometric studies of hops degradation at different storage forms using UV-Vis, NIRS and UPLC analyses" LINK

"Comparison of VIS/NIR spectral curves plus RGB images with hyperspectral images for the identification of Pterocarpus species" | LINK

"Etruscan Fine Ware Pottery: Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy as a Tool for the Investigation of Clay Firing Temperature and Atmosphere" LINK

"Penilaian Sejawat: Fast and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit quality attributes using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). IOP EES." | EES Mango Kusumiyati (Gabungan).pdf LINK

"Segregation of 'Hayward'kiwifruit for storage potential using Vis-NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Screening Test of Corrosive Solutions Concealed in Plastic Containers" | LINK

"General model of multi-quality detection for apple from different origins by Vis/NIR transmittance spectroscopy" | LINK

"Analytical Chemistry Strategies in the Use of Miniaturised NIR Instruments: An Overview" LINK

"Application of near-infrared spectroscopy to agriculture and forestry" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"NearInfrared LightDriven ThreeDimensional Soft Photonic Crystals Loaded with Upconversion Nanoparticles" LINK

"Gaming behavior and brain activation using functional nearinfrared spectroscopy, Iowa gambling task, and machine learning techniques" LINK

"Metaheuristic algorithms in visible and near infrared spectra to detect excess nitrogen content in tomato plants" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Non-destructive age estimation of biological fluid stains: An integrated analytical strategy based on near-infrared hyperspectral imaging and multivariate regression" LINK

"Prediction of peroxidase activity using near infrared hyperspectral imaging in red delicious apple fruit during storage time" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Detection of Apple Valsa Canker Based on Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Sensors : Sugarcane Nitrogen Concentration and Irrigation Level Prediction Based on UAV Multispectral Imagery" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning


"Unsupervised detection of ash dieback disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) using diffusion-based hyperspectral image clustering" LINK

"IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Infrared spectroscopy chemometric model for determination of phenolic content of plant leaf powder" LINK

"Sensors : Accuracy and Reproducibility of Laboratory Diffuse Reflectance Measurements with Portable VNIR and MIR Spectrometers for Predictive Soil Organic Carbon Modeling" LINK

"Coatings : Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coatings Thickness Using Terahertz Technique Combined with PCA-GA-ELM Algorithm" LINK

"Prediction of topsoil organic carbon content with Sentinel-2 imagery and spectroscopic measurements under different conditions using an ensemble model approach ..." LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Artificial Intelligence in Classical and Quantum Photonics" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

" A dataset for spectral radiative properties of black poly (methyl methacrylate)" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Pharmaceutics : Tailoring Rational Manufacturing of Extemporaneous Compounding Oral Dosage Formulations with a Low Dose of Minoxidil" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Polymers : Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Activity of Freeze-Dried Alcohol-Water Extracts from Common Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Elastomer Vulcanizates" LINK

"Particle densities of cultivated south greenlandic soils can be explained by a threecompartment model, pedotransfer functions, and a visNIR spectroscopy model" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Influence of ingredient quality and diet formulation on amino acid digestibility and growth performance of poultry and swine" LINK

"Guidelines for Optimal Use of NIRSC Forage and Feed Calibrations in Membership Laboratories" LINK

"Linear Support Vector Machine Classification of Plant Stress From Soybean Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Using Hyperspectral Reflectance" LINK

"Goat milk authentication by one-class classification of digital image-based fingerprint signatures: detection of adulteration with cow milk" LINK

"Agronomy : Crop Monitoring Strategy Based on Remote Sensing Data (Sentinel-2 and Planet), Study Case in a Rice Field after Applying Glycinebetaine" LINK

"Estimation of Vertisols Soil Nutrients by Hyperion Satellite Data: Case Study in Deccan Plateau of India" | LINK

"Real-time milk analysis integrated with stacking ensemble learning as a tool for the daily prediction of cheese-making traits in Holstein cattle" LINK

"The effect of nitrogen fertility rate and seeding rate on yield, nutritive value and economics of forage corn in a low corn heat unit region of Western Canada" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Near-infrared techniques for fraud detection in dairy products: A review" | LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Digital technologies to assess yoghurt quality traits and consumers acceptability" LINK


"Tantalum - 2D Light Transport" | optics physically simulation spectroscopy spectrum prism lens mirror light lighttransport multiple scattering LINK

"Characterizing tourniquet induced hemodynamics during total knee arthroplasty using diffuse optical spectroscopy" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Machine-Learning News Weekly #18, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #18, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Machine-Learning Weekly News #18, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Do you use Molecular Spectroscopy with Multivariate Regression Models? That will save you development time LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Towards a NIR Spectroscopy ensemble learning technique competing with the standard ASTM-CFR: An optimal boosting and bagging extreme learning machine ..." LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy and HPLC combined with chemometrics for comprehensive evaluation of six organic acids in Ginkgo biloba leaf extract" | LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy and real time release testing combined with statistical process control charts for on-line quality control of industrial ..." LINK

"Agronomy : Quality Assessment of Red Wine Grapes through NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"An authenticity method for determining hybrid rice varieties using fusion of LIBS and NIRS" LINK

"Agriculture : A Standard-Free Calibration Transfer Strategy for a Discrimination Model of Apple Origins Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Agricultural Compost Indicator Factors Based on Different Nir Feature Variable Selection Methods" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy for the inline classification and characterization of fruit juices for a product-customized flash pasteurization" LINK

"Foods : Determination of Cultivation Regions and Quality Parameters of Poria cocos by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Prediction of formaldehyde and residual methanol concentration in formalin using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Feasibility of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid Detection of Available Nitrogen in Vermiculite Substrates in Desert Facility Agriculture" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy and HPLC combined with chemometrics for comprehensive evaluation of six organic acids in Ginkgo biloba leaf extract" LINK

"A Review of Visible and Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy Application in Plant Stress Detection" LINK

"Plants : Comparative Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaf Powder under Distinct Stress Conditions Using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK

"A feasibility study on improving the non-invasive detection accuracy of bottled Shuanghuanglian oral liquid using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of portable visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for rapid detection of cooking loss rate in pork: Comparing spectra from frozen and thawed pork" LINK

"Development of a calibration model for near infrared spectroscopy using a convolutional neural network" LINK

"Feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy to classify lamb hamburgers according to the presence and percentage of cherry as a natural ingredient" LINK

"Gaming behavior and brain activation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, Iowa gambling task, and machine learning techniques" | LINK

"A non-motorized spectro-goniometric system to measure the bi-directional reflectance spectra of particulate surfaces in the visible and near-infrared" LINK

"Sand fractions micromorphometry detected by VisNIRMIR and its impact on water retention" LINK

"Sensors : Analyzing Classification Performance of fNIRS-BCI for Gait Rehabilitation Using Deep Neural Networks" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Infrared Organic Photodetectors Employing Ultralow Bandgap Polymer and Non-Fullerene Acceptors for Biometric Monitoring" | LINK

"Infrared Organic Photodetectors Employing Ultralow Bandgap Polymer and NonFullerene Acceptors for Biometric Monitoring" LINK

"Polymers : Infrared Linear Dichroism for the Analysis of Molecular Orientation in Polymers and in Polymer Composites" LINK

"Nearinfrared chemiluminescent carbon nanogels for oncology imaging and therapy" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Identification of Biochemical Differences in White and Brown Adipocytes Using FTIR Spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy Combined With Chemical Imaging Analysis for Detecting Apple Valsa Canker at an Early Stage" | LINK

"Recent advances in background-free Raman scattering for bioanalysis" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Sensors : Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Pipelines for Pasture Seed Quality Evaluation: An Overview" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Classification of Tree Species in Different Seasons and Regions Based on Leaf Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) can reliably quantify CD3 and CD45 positive inflammatory cells in myocarditis: Pilot study on formalin-fixed ..." LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Molecules : Application of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy in Combination with Partial Least-Squares (PLS) for the Fast Quantification of Paracetamol" LINK

"Digital Assessment and Classification of Wine Faults Using a Low-Cost Electronic Nose, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Modelling" LINK

"Interpersonal Neural Synchronization Predicting Learning Outcomes From Teaching-Learning Interaction: A Meta-Analysis" | LINK

"Non-destructive near infrared spectroscopy externally validated using large number sets for creation of robust calibration models enabling prediction of apple firmness" LINK

"Sensors : Behavioural Classification of Cattle Using Neck-Mounted Accelerometer-Equipped Collars" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Physically Detachable and Operationally Stable Cs2SnI6 Photodetector Arrays Integrated with LEDs for Broadband Flexible Optical System" LINK


"A fast multi-source information fusion strategy based on deep learning for species identification of boletes" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Reactivity between late first-row transition metal halides and the ligand bis (2-pyridylmethyl) disulfide: vibrantly-colored compounds with variable molecular ..." LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Foods : Discrimination of the Red Jujube Varieties Using a Portable NIR Spectrometer and Fuzzy Improved Linear Discriminant Analysis" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Comparing Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 Imagery for Coastal Bottom Habitat Mapping in Atlantic Canada" LINK

"Soil water repellency prediction in high‐organic agricultural soils from Greenland: Comparing vis-NIRS to pedotransfer functions" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Simulation of Soil Organic Carbon Content Based on Laboratory Spectrum in the Three-Rivers Source Region of China" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Remote Sensing for Early-Stage Detection of Ganoderma" LINK

"Soil water repellency prediction in highorganic agricultural soils from Greenland: Comparing visNIRS to pedotransfer functions" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Assessing the nutritional quality of stored grain legume fodders: Correlations among farmers' perceptions, sheep preferences, leaf-stem ratios and laboratory ..." LINK

"Use of spectroscopic sensors in meat and livestock industries" LINK

"IJMS : Fourier-Transform Infra-Red Microspectroscopy Can Accurately Diagnose Colitis and Assess Severity of Inflammation" LINK

"Agronomy : Combining Variable Selection and Multiple Linear Regression for Soil Organic Matter and Total Nitrogen Estimation by DRIFT-MIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Development of a Low-Cost Method for Quantifying Microplastics in Soils and Compost Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Optimization of Soybean Protein Extraction Using By-Products from NaCl Electrolysis as an Application of the Industrial Symbiosis Concept" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Nondestructive prediction of total soluble solids in strawberry using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Effects of Irrigation Strategy and Plastic Film Mulching on Soil N2O Emissions and Fruit Yields of Greenhouse Tomato" LINK

"Making Cocoa Origin Traceable" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Microfluidic Synthesis of Block Copolymer Micelles: Application as Drug Nanocarriers and as Photothermal Transductors When Loading Pd Nanosheets" LINK


"腔内影像学方法评价降脂治疗对冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块影响的研究进展" LINK

Electric scooter battery swap in Taiwan. LINK

"Resonance Couplings in Si@MoS<sub>2</sub> Core-Shell Architectures" LINK

"Relationship between the distribution of vegetation and the environment in the coastal embryo dunes of Jalisco, México" | LINK

"Consistency of children's hemodynamic responses during spontaneous speech" | LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Do you use Molecular Spectroscopy with Multivariate Regression Models? That will save you development time LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Towards a NIR Spectroscopy ensemble learning technique competing with the standard ASTM-CFR: An optimal boosting and bagging extreme learning machine ..." LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy and HPLC combined with chemometrics for comprehensive evaluation of six organic acids in Ginkgo biloba leaf extract" | LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy and real time release testing combined with statistical process control charts for on-line quality control of industrial ..." LINK

"Agronomy : Quality Assessment of Red Wine Grapes through NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"An authenticity method for determining hybrid rice varieties using fusion of LIBS and NIRS" LINK

"Agriculture : A Standard-Free Calibration Transfer Strategy for a Discrimination Model of Apple Origins Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Agricultural Compost Indicator Factors Based on Different Nir Feature Variable Selection Methods" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy for the inline classification and characterization of fruit juices for a product-customized flash pasteurization" LINK

"Foods : Determination of Cultivation Regions and Quality Parameters of Poria cocos by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Prediction of formaldehyde and residual methanol concentration in formalin using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Feasibility of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid Detection of Available Nitrogen in Vermiculite Substrates in Desert Facility Agriculture" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy and HPLC combined with chemometrics for comprehensive evaluation of six organic acids in Ginkgo biloba leaf extract" LINK

"A Review of Visible and Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy Application in Plant Stress Detection" LINK

"Plants : Comparative Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaf Powder under Distinct Stress Conditions Using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK

"A feasibility study on improving the non-invasive detection accuracy of bottled Shuanghuanglian oral liquid using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of portable visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for rapid detection of cooking loss rate in pork: Comparing spectra from frozen and thawed pork" LINK

"Development of a calibration model for near infrared spectroscopy using a convolutional neural network" LINK

"Feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy to classify lamb hamburgers according to the presence and percentage of cherry as a natural ingredient" LINK

"Gaming behavior and brain activation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, Iowa gambling task, and machine learning techniques" | LINK

"A non-motorized spectro-goniometric system to measure the bi-directional reflectance spectra of particulate surfaces in the visible and near-infrared" LINK

"Sand fractions micromorphometry detected by VisNIRMIR and its impact on water retention" LINK

"Sensors : Analyzing Classification Performance of fNIRS-BCI for Gait Rehabilitation Using Deep Neural Networks" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Infrared Organic Photodetectors Employing Ultralow Bandgap Polymer and Non-Fullerene Acceptors for Biometric Monitoring" | LINK

"Infrared Organic Photodetectors Employing Ultralow Bandgap Polymer and NonFullerene Acceptors for Biometric Monitoring" LINK

"Polymers : Infrared Linear Dichroism for the Analysis of Molecular Orientation in Polymers and in Polymer Composites" LINK

"Nearinfrared chemiluminescent carbon nanogels for oncology imaging and therapy" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Identification of Biochemical Differences in White and Brown Adipocytes Using FTIR Spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy Combined With Chemical Imaging Analysis for Detecting Apple Valsa Canker at an Early Stage" | LINK

"Recent advances in background-free Raman scattering for bioanalysis" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Sensors : Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Pipelines for Pasture Seed Quality Evaluation: An Overview" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Classification of Tree Species in Different Seasons and Regions Based on Leaf Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) can reliably quantify CD3 and CD45 positive inflammatory cells in myocarditis: Pilot study on formalin-fixed ..." LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Molecules : Application of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy in Combination with Partial Least-Squares (PLS) for the Fast Quantification of Paracetamol" LINK

"Digital Assessment and Classification of Wine Faults Using a Low-Cost Electronic Nose, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Modelling" LINK

"Interpersonal Neural Synchronization Predicting Learning Outcomes From Teaching-Learning Interaction: A Meta-Analysis" | LINK

"Non-destructive near infrared spectroscopy externally validated using large number sets for creation of robust calibration models enabling prediction of apple firmness" LINK

"Sensors : Behavioural Classification of Cattle Using Neck-Mounted Accelerometer-Equipped Collars" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Physically Detachable and Operationally Stable Cs2SnI6 Photodetector Arrays Integrated with LEDs for Broadband Flexible Optical System" LINK


"A fast multi-source information fusion strategy based on deep learning for species identification of boletes" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Reactivity between late first-row transition metal halides and the ligand bis (2-pyridylmethyl) disulfide: vibrantly-colored compounds with variable molecular ..." LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Foods : Discrimination of the Red Jujube Varieties Using a Portable NIR Spectrometer and Fuzzy Improved Linear Discriminant Analysis" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Comparing Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 Imagery for Coastal Bottom Habitat Mapping in Atlantic Canada" LINK

"Soil water repellency prediction in high‐organic agricultural soils from Greenland: Comparing vis-NIRS to pedotransfer functions" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Simulation of Soil Organic Carbon Content Based on Laboratory Spectrum in the Three-Rivers Source Region of China" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Remote Sensing for Early-Stage Detection of Ganoderma" LINK

"Soil water repellency prediction in highorganic agricultural soils from Greenland: Comparing visNIRS to pedotransfer functions" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Assessing the nutritional quality of stored grain legume fodders: Correlations among farmers' perceptions, sheep preferences, leaf-stem ratios and laboratory ..." LINK

"Use of spectroscopic sensors in meat and livestock industries" LINK

"IJMS : Fourier-Transform Infra-Red Microspectroscopy Can Accurately Diagnose Colitis and Assess Severity of Inflammation" LINK

"Agronomy : Combining Variable Selection and Multiple Linear Regression for Soil Organic Matter and Total Nitrogen Estimation by DRIFT-MIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Development of a Low-Cost Method for Quantifying Microplastics in Soils and Compost Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Optimization of Soybean Protein Extraction Using By-Products from NaCl Electrolysis as an Application of the Industrial Symbiosis Concept" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Nondestructive prediction of total soluble solids in strawberry using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Effects of Irrigation Strategy and Plastic Film Mulching on Soil N2O Emissions and Fruit Yields of Greenhouse Tomato" LINK

"Making Cocoa Origin Traceable" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Microfluidic Synthesis of Block Copolymer Micelles: Application as Drug Nanocarriers and as Photothermal Transductors When Loading Pd Nanosheets" LINK


"腔内影像学方法评价降脂治疗对冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块影响的研究进展" LINK

Electric scooter battery swap in Taiwan. LINK

"Resonance Couplings in Si@MoS<sub>2</sub> Core-Shell Architectures" LINK

"Relationship between the distribution of vegetation and the environment in the coastal embryo dunes of Jalisco, México" | LINK

"Consistency of children's hemodynamic responses during spontaneous speech" | LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Do you use Molecular Spectroscopy with Multivariate Regression Models? That will save you development time LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 17, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Towards a NIR Spectroscopy ensemble learning technique competing with the standard ASTM-CFR: An optimal boosting and bagging extreme learning machine ..." LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy and HPLC combined with chemometrics for comprehensive evaluation of six organic acids in Ginkgo biloba leaf extract" | LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy and real time release testing combined with statistical process control charts for on-line quality control of industrial ..." LINK

"Agronomy : Quality Assessment of Red Wine Grapes through NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"An authenticity method for determining hybrid rice varieties using fusion of LIBS and NIRS" LINK

"Agriculture : A Standard-Free Calibration Transfer Strategy for a Discrimination Model of Apple Origins Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Agricultural Compost Indicator Factors Based on Different Nir Feature Variable Selection Methods" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy for the inline classification and characterization of fruit juices for a product-customized flash pasteurization" LINK

"Foods : Determination of Cultivation Regions and Quality Parameters of Poria cocos by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Prediction of formaldehyde and residual methanol concentration in formalin using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Feasibility of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid Detection of Available Nitrogen in Vermiculite Substrates in Desert Facility Agriculture" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy and HPLC combined with chemometrics for comprehensive evaluation of six organic acids in Ginkgo biloba leaf extract" LINK

"A Review of Visible and Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy Application in Plant Stress Detection" LINK

"Plants : Comparative Determination of Phenolic Compounds in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaf Powder under Distinct Stress Conditions Using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) and Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK

"A feasibility study on improving the non-invasive detection accuracy of bottled Shuanghuanglian oral liquid using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of portable visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for rapid detection of cooking loss rate in pork: Comparing spectra from frozen and thawed pork" LINK

"Development of a calibration model for near infrared spectroscopy using a convolutional neural network" LINK

"Feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy to classify lamb hamburgers according to the presence and percentage of cherry as a natural ingredient" LINK

"Gaming behavior and brain activation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy, Iowa gambling task, and machine learning techniques" | LINK

"A non-motorized spectro-goniometric system to measure the bi-directional reflectance spectra of particulate surfaces in the visible and near-infrared" LINK

"Sand fractions micromorphometry detected by VisNIRMIR and its impact on water retention" LINK

"Sensors : Analyzing Classification Performance of fNIRS-BCI for Gait Rehabilitation Using Deep Neural Networks" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Infrared Organic Photodetectors Employing Ultralow Bandgap Polymer and Non-Fullerene Acceptors for Biometric Monitoring" | LINK

"Infrared Organic Photodetectors Employing Ultralow Bandgap Polymer and NonFullerene Acceptors for Biometric Monitoring" LINK

"Polymers : Infrared Linear Dichroism for the Analysis of Molecular Orientation in Polymers and in Polymer Composites" LINK

"Nearinfrared chemiluminescent carbon nanogels for oncology imaging and therapy" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Identification of Biochemical Differences in White and Brown Adipocytes Using FTIR Spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy Combined With Chemical Imaging Analysis for Detecting Apple Valsa Canker at an Early Stage" | LINK

"Recent advances in background-free Raman scattering for bioanalysis" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Sensors : Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Pipelines for Pasture Seed Quality Evaluation: An Overview" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Classification of Tree Species in Different Seasons and Regions Based on Leaf Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) can reliably quantify CD3 and CD45 positive inflammatory cells in myocarditis: Pilot study on formalin-fixed ..." LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Molecules : Application of Transmission Raman Spectroscopy in Combination with Partial Least-Squares (PLS) for the Fast Quantification of Paracetamol" LINK

"Digital Assessment and Classification of Wine Faults Using a Low-Cost Electronic Nose, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Modelling" LINK

"Interpersonal Neural Synchronization Predicting Learning Outcomes From Teaching-Learning Interaction: A Meta-Analysis" | LINK

"Non-destructive near infrared spectroscopy externally validated using large number sets for creation of robust calibration models enabling prediction of apple firmness" LINK

"Sensors : Behavioural Classification of Cattle Using Neck-Mounted Accelerometer-Equipped Collars" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Physically Detachable and Operationally Stable Cs2SnI6 Photodetector Arrays Integrated with LEDs for Broadband Flexible Optical System" LINK


"A fast multi-source information fusion strategy based on deep learning for species identification of boletes" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Reactivity between late first-row transition metal halides and the ligand bis (2-pyridylmethyl) disulfide: vibrantly-colored compounds with variable molecular ..." LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Foods : Discrimination of the Red Jujube Varieties Using a Portable NIR Spectrometer and Fuzzy Improved Linear Discriminant Analysis" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Comparing Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 Imagery for Coastal Bottom Habitat Mapping in Atlantic Canada" LINK

"Soil water repellency prediction in high‐organic agricultural soils from Greenland: Comparing vis-NIRS to pedotransfer functions" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Simulation of Soil Organic Carbon Content Based on Laboratory Spectrum in the Three-Rivers Source Region of China" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Remote Sensing for Early-Stage Detection of Ganoderma" LINK

"Soil water repellency prediction in highorganic agricultural soils from Greenland: Comparing visNIRS to pedotransfer functions" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Assessing the nutritional quality of stored grain legume fodders: Correlations among farmers' perceptions, sheep preferences, leaf-stem ratios and laboratory ..." LINK

"Use of spectroscopic sensors in meat and livestock industries" LINK

"IJMS : Fourier-Transform Infra-Red Microspectroscopy Can Accurately Diagnose Colitis and Assess Severity of Inflammation" LINK

"Agronomy : Combining Variable Selection and Multiple Linear Regression for Soil Organic Matter and Total Nitrogen Estimation by DRIFT-MIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Development of a Low-Cost Method for Quantifying Microplastics in Soils and Compost Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Optimization of Soybean Protein Extraction Using By-Products from NaCl Electrolysis as an Application of the Industrial Symbiosis Concept" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Nondestructive prediction of total soluble solids in strawberry using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Effects of Irrigation Strategy and Plastic Film Mulching on Soil N2O Emissions and Fruit Yields of Greenhouse Tomato" LINK

"Making Cocoa Origin Traceable" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Microfluidic Synthesis of Block Copolymer Micelles: Application as Drug Nanocarriers and as Photothermal Transductors When Loading Pd Nanosheets" LINK


"腔内影像学方法评价降脂治疗对冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块影响的研究进展" LINK

Electric scooter battery swap in Taiwan. LINK

"Resonance Couplings in Si@MoS<sub>2</sub> Core-Shell Architectures" LINK

"Relationship between the distribution of vegetation and the environment in the coastal embryo dunes of Jalisco, México" | LINK

"Consistency of children's hemodynamic responses during spontaneous speech" | LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #12, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #12, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #12, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

"Combining NIR spectroscopy with automation in chemometric prediction model development-towards a low cost food analysis system." price cost NIR NIRS spectroscopy chemometrics software tools DataScientist LINK

Increase Your Profit with optimized NIRS Spectroscopy Accuracy Beverage Processing Dairy milk meat nutrition LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Synaptosomal-Associated Protein 25 Gene Polymorphisms Affect Treatment Efficiency of Methylphenidate in Children With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An fNIRS Study" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : Numerical Study of Near-Infrared Light Propagation in Aqueous Alumina Suspensions Using the Steady-State Radiative Transfer Equation and Dependent Scattering Theory" LINK

"Reducing false discoveries in resting-state functional connectivity using short channel correction: an fNIRS study" | LINK

"Diffuse Optical Tomography Using fNIRS Signals Measured from the Skull Surface of the Macaque Monkey" LINK

"Prediction of cellulose nanofibril (CNF) amount of CNF/polypropylene composite using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infraredbased process analytical technology module for estimating gelatinization optimal point" LINK

"A Novel NIR-Based Strategy for Rapid Freshness Assessment of Preserved Eggs" | LINK

"Machine Learning-Based Assessment of Cognitive Impairment Using Time-Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Basic Blood Test" | LINK

"Rapid Detection Method of Pleurotus Eryngii Mycelium based on Near Infrared Spectral Characteristics" LINK

"Research on moisture content detection method during green tea processing based on machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy technology" LINK

"Use of Artificial Neural Networks and NIR Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Grape Texture Prediction" LINK

"NIRS for vicine and convicine content of faba bean seed allowed GWAS to prepare for marker-assisted adjustment of seed quality of German winter faba beans" LINK

"Evidence that large vessels do affect near infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Use of LC-Orbitrap MS and FT-NIRS with multivariate analysis to determine geographic origin of Boston butt pork" LINK

"Prediction of the intramuscular fat and protein content of freeze dried ground meat from cattle and sheep using Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Prediction of quality of total mixed ration for dairy cows by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and empirical equations" LINK

"Analysis and Model Comparison of Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations in Sediments of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea by Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Non-destructive measurement and real-time monitoring of apple hardness during ultrasonic contact drying via portable NIR spectroscopy and machine learning" LINK

"Polymers : A NIR-Light-Driven Twisted and Coiled Polymer Actuator with a PEDOT-Tos/Nylon-6 Composite for Durable and Remotely Controllable Artificial Muscle" LINK

"Invited review: A comprehensive review of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for predicting the chemical composition of cheese" LINK

"Chemometrics: An Excavator in Temperature-Dependent Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Are NIRS tools useful to assess digestible energy of pig feedstuffs?" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Biosensors : Haemoprocessor: A Portable Platform Using Rapid Acoustically Driven Plasma Separation Validated by Infrared Spectroscopy for Point-of-Care Diagnostics" LINK

"Estimating texture and organic carbon of an Oxisol by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"PhotomultiplicationType Organic Photodetectors for NearInfrared Sensing with High and BiasIndependent Specific Detectivity" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Detection and discrimination of disease and insect stress of tea plants using hyperspectral imaging combined with wavelet analysis" LINK

"Evaluation of the benefits of combined reflection and transmission hyperspectral imaging data through disease detection and quantification in plant-pathogen ..." | LINK

"Multi-layer Cascade Screening Strategy for Semi-supervised Change Detection in Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Comparison of near-infrared, mid-infrared, Raman spectroscopy and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to determine chemical, structural and rheological properties ..." LINK

"Developing an affordable hyperspectral imaging system for rapid identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in dairy products" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Simultaneous Monitoring of the Evolution of Chemical Parameters in the Fermentation Process of Pineapple Fruit Wine Using the Liquid Probe for Near-Infrared Coupled with Chemometrics" LINK

"Agronomy : Decision Support System (DSS) for Managing a Beef Herd and Its Grazing Habitat’s Sustainability: Biological/Agricultural Basis of the Technology and Its Validation" LINK

"Prediction of Entire Tablet Formulations From Pure Powder Components Spectra via a Two-Step Non-Linear Optimization Methodology" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Development and Characterization of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) Flour-Based Biopolymer Films Reinforced with Plantain Fibers" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Understanding water dynamics in different subcellular environments by combining multiplexing imaging and dimethylamino naphthalene fluorescent derivatives"LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Performance of hyperspectral data in predicting and mapping zinc concentration in soil" LINK

"Prediction of soil carbon and nitrogen contents using visible and near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in varying salt-affected soils in Sine Saloum (Senegal)" LINK

"Machine Learning Framework for Intelligent Detection of Wastewater Pollution by IoT-Based Spectral Technology" | LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Applied Sciences : Combining Hyperspectral Reflectance and Multivariate Regression Models to Estimate Plant Biomass of Advanced Spring Wheat Lines in Diverse Phenological Stages under Salinity Conditions" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Mineral Content Estimation of Lunar Soil of Lunar Highland and Lunar Mare Based on Diagnostic Spectral Characteristic and Partial Least Squares Method" LINK

"Extraction of rock and alteration geons by FODPSO segmentation and GP regression on the HyMap imagery: a case study of SW Birjand, eastern Iran" LINK

"The Relative Performance of a Benchtop Scanning Monochromator and Handheld Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrometer in Predicting Forage ..." LINK

"Non-destructive assessment of amylose content in rice using a quality inspection system at grain elevators" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Predicting the Chlorophyll Content of Maize over Phenotyping as a Proxy for Crop Health in Smallholder Farming Systems" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Correction of Temperature Variation with Independent Water Samples to Predict Soluble Solids Content of Kiwifruit Juice Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Study of Variability of Waste Wood Samples Collected in a Panel Board Industry" | LINK


Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Enhancement of Photostability through Side Chain Tuning in Dioxythiophene-Based Conjugated Polymers" LINK

Petro Industry NIR Usage

"Towards energy discretization for muon scattering tomography in GEANT4 simulations: A discrete probabilistic approach. (arXiv:2201.08804v1 [physics.comp-ph])" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Revealing the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Spectral Pattern of Unifloral Honeys Using Aquaphotomics" LINK

"Spectroscopic Characteristics of Xeloda Chemodrug" LINK

"Bilateral acute macular neuroretinopathy in a young woman after the first dose of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine" LINK

"Spatial particle size distribution at intact sample surfaces of a Dystric Cambisol under forest use" LINK


"Chemosensors : Development of Cyanine 813-Based Doped Supported Devices for Divalent Metal Ions Detection" LINK

"Spectral actinometry at SMEAR-Estonia. (arXiv:2202.06132v1 [physics.ao-ph])" LINK

"Experimental and theoretical investigation on the nonlinear optical properties of LDS 821 dye in different solvents and DNA" LINK

"Domain invariant covariate selection (Di-CovSel) for selecting generalized features across domains" LINK

"Structural, optical analysis, and Poole-Frenkel emission in NiO/CMC-PVP: Bio-nanocomposites for optoelectronic applications" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

"Combining NIR spectroscopy with automation in chemometric prediction model development-towards a low cost food analysis system." price cost NIR NIRS spectroscopy chemometrics software tools DataScientist LINK

Increase Your Profit with optimized NIRS Spectroscopy Accuracy Beverage Processing Dairy milk meat nutrition LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Synaptosomal-Associated Protein 25 Gene Polymorphisms Affect Treatment Efficiency of Methylphenidate in Children With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An fNIRS Study" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : Numerical Study of Near-Infrared Light Propagation in Aqueous Alumina Suspensions Using the Steady-State Radiative Transfer Equation and Dependent Scattering Theory" LINK

"Reducing false discoveries in resting-state functional connectivity using short channel correction: an fNIRS study" | LINK

"Diffuse Optical Tomography Using fNIRS Signals Measured from the Skull Surface of the Macaque Monkey" LINK

"Prediction of cellulose nanofibril (CNF) amount of CNF/polypropylene composite using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infraredbased process analytical technology module for estimating gelatinization optimal point" LINK

"A Novel NIR-Based Strategy for Rapid Freshness Assessment of Preserved Eggs" | LINK

"Machine Learning-Based Assessment of Cognitive Impairment Using Time-Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Basic Blood Test" | LINK

"Rapid Detection Method of Pleurotus Eryngii Mycelium based on Near Infrared Spectral Characteristics" LINK

"Research on moisture content detection method during green tea processing based on machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy technology" LINK

"Use of Artificial Neural Networks and NIR Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Grape Texture Prediction" LINK

"NIRS for vicine and convicine content of faba bean seed allowed GWAS to prepare for marker-assisted adjustment of seed quality of German winter faba beans" LINK

"Evidence that large vessels do affect near infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Use of LC-Orbitrap MS and FT-NIRS with multivariate analysis to determine geographic origin of Boston butt pork" LINK

"Prediction of the intramuscular fat and protein content of freeze dried ground meat from cattle and sheep using Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Prediction of quality of total mixed ration for dairy cows by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and empirical equations" LINK

"Analysis and Model Comparison of Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations in Sediments of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea by Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Non-destructive measurement and real-time monitoring of apple hardness during ultrasonic contact drying via portable NIR spectroscopy and machine learning" LINK

"Polymers : A NIR-Light-Driven Twisted and Coiled Polymer Actuator with a PEDOT-Tos/Nylon-6 Composite for Durable and Remotely Controllable Artificial Muscle" LINK

"Invited review: A comprehensive review of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for predicting the chemical composition of cheese" LINK

"Chemometrics: An Excavator in Temperature-Dependent Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Are NIRS tools useful to assess digestible energy of pig feedstuffs?" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Biosensors : Haemoprocessor: A Portable Platform Using Rapid Acoustically Driven Plasma Separation Validated by Infrared Spectroscopy for Point-of-Care Diagnostics" LINK

"Estimating texture and organic carbon of an Oxisol by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"PhotomultiplicationType Organic Photodetectors for NearInfrared Sensing with High and BiasIndependent Specific Detectivity" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Detection and discrimination of disease and insect stress of tea plants using hyperspectral imaging combined with wavelet analysis" LINK

"Evaluation of the benefits of combined reflection and transmission hyperspectral imaging data through disease detection and quantification in plant-pathogen ..." | LINK

"Multi-layer Cascade Screening Strategy for Semi-supervised Change Detection in Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Comparison of near-infrared, mid-infrared, Raman spectroscopy and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to determine chemical, structural and rheological properties ..." LINK

"Developing an affordable hyperspectral imaging system for rapid identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in dairy products" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Simultaneous Monitoring of the Evolution of Chemical Parameters in the Fermentation Process of Pineapple Fruit Wine Using the Liquid Probe for Near-Infrared Coupled with Chemometrics" LINK

"Agronomy : Decision Support System (DSS) for Managing a Beef Herd and Its Grazing Habitat’s Sustainability: Biological/Agricultural Basis of the Technology and Its Validation" LINK

"Prediction of Entire Tablet Formulations From Pure Powder Components Spectra via a Two-Step Non-Linear Optimization Methodology" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Development and Characterization of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) Flour-Based Biopolymer Films Reinforced with Plantain Fibers" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Understanding water dynamics in different subcellular environments by combining multiplexing imaging and dimethylamino naphthalene fluorescent derivatives"LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Performance of hyperspectral data in predicting and mapping zinc concentration in soil" LINK

"Prediction of soil carbon and nitrogen contents using visible and near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in varying salt-affected soils in Sine Saloum (Senegal)" LINK

"Machine Learning Framework for Intelligent Detection of Wastewater Pollution by IoT-Based Spectral Technology" | LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Applied Sciences : Combining Hyperspectral Reflectance and Multivariate Regression Models to Estimate Plant Biomass of Advanced Spring Wheat Lines in Diverse Phenological Stages under Salinity Conditions" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Mineral Content Estimation of Lunar Soil of Lunar Highland and Lunar Mare Based on Diagnostic Spectral Characteristic and Partial Least Squares Method" LINK

"Extraction of rock and alteration geons by FODPSO segmentation and GP regression on the HyMap imagery: a case study of SW Birjand, eastern Iran" LINK

"The Relative Performance of a Benchtop Scanning Monochromator and Handheld Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrometer in Predicting Forage ..." LINK

"Non-destructive assessment of amylose content in rice using a quality inspection system at grain elevators" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Predicting the Chlorophyll Content of Maize over Phenotyping as a Proxy for Crop Health in Smallholder Farming Systems" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Correction of Temperature Variation with Independent Water Samples to Predict Soluble Solids Content of Kiwifruit Juice Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Study of Variability of Waste Wood Samples Collected in a Panel Board Industry" | LINK


Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Enhancement of Photostability through Side Chain Tuning in Dioxythiophene-Based Conjugated Polymers" LINK

Petro Industry NIR Usage

"Towards energy discretization for muon scattering tomography in GEANT4 simulations: A discrete probabilistic approach. (arXiv:2201.08804v1 [physics.comp-ph])" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Revealing the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Spectral Pattern of Unifloral Honeys Using Aquaphotomics" LINK

"Spectroscopic Characteristics of Xeloda Chemodrug" LINK

"Bilateral acute macular neuroretinopathy in a young woman after the first dose of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine" LINK

"Spatial particle size distribution at intact sample surfaces of a Dystric Cambisol under forest use" LINK


"Chemosensors : Development of Cyanine 813-Based Doped Supported Devices for Divalent Metal Ions Detection" LINK

"Spectral actinometry at SMEAR-Estonia. (arXiv:2202.06132v1 [physics.ao-ph])" LINK

"Experimental and theoretical investigation on the nonlinear optical properties of LDS 821 dye in different solvents and DNA" LINK

"Domain invariant covariate selection (Di-CovSel) for selecting generalized features across domains" LINK

"Structural, optical analysis, and Poole-Frenkel emission in NiO/CMC-PVP: Bio-nanocomposites for optoelectronic applications" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

"Combining NIR spectroscopy with automation in chemometric prediction model development-towards a low cost food analysis system." price cost NIR NIRS spectroscopy chemometrics software tools DataScientist LINK

Increase Your Profit with optimized NIRS Spectroscopy Accuracy Beverage Processing Dairy milk meat nutrition LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 11, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Synaptosomal-Associated Protein 25 Gene Polymorphisms Affect Treatment Efficiency of Methylphenidate in Children With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An fNIRS Study" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : Numerical Study of Near-Infrared Light Propagation in Aqueous Alumina Suspensions Using the Steady-State Radiative Transfer Equation and Dependent Scattering Theory" LINK

"Reducing false discoveries in resting-state functional connectivity using short channel correction: an fNIRS study" | LINK

"Diffuse Optical Tomography Using fNIRS Signals Measured from the Skull Surface of the Macaque Monkey" LINK

"Prediction of cellulose nanofibril (CNF) amount of CNF/polypropylene composite using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infraredbased process analytical technology module for estimating gelatinization optimal point" LINK

"A Novel NIR-Based Strategy for Rapid Freshness Assessment of Preserved Eggs" | LINK

"Machine Learning-Based Assessment of Cognitive Impairment Using Time-Resolved Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Basic Blood Test" | LINK

"Rapid Detection Method of Pleurotus Eryngii Mycelium based on Near Infrared Spectral Characteristics" LINK

"Research on moisture content detection method during green tea processing based on machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy technology" LINK

"Use of Artificial Neural Networks and NIR Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Grape Texture Prediction" LINK

"NIRS for vicine and convicine content of faba bean seed allowed GWAS to prepare for marker-assisted adjustment of seed quality of German winter faba beans" LINK

"Evidence that large vessels do affect near infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Use of LC-Orbitrap MS and FT-NIRS with multivariate analysis to determine geographic origin of Boston butt pork" LINK

"Prediction of the intramuscular fat and protein content of freeze dried ground meat from cattle and sheep using Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Prediction of quality of total mixed ration for dairy cows by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and empirical equations" LINK

"Analysis and Model Comparison of Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations in Sediments of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea by Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Non-destructive measurement and real-time monitoring of apple hardness during ultrasonic contact drying via portable NIR spectroscopy and machine learning" LINK

"Polymers : A NIR-Light-Driven Twisted and Coiled Polymer Actuator with a PEDOT-Tos/Nylon-6 Composite for Durable and Remotely Controllable Artificial Muscle" LINK

"Invited review: A comprehensive review of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for predicting the chemical composition of cheese" LINK

"Chemometrics: An Excavator in Temperature-Dependent Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Are NIRS tools useful to assess digestible energy of pig feedstuffs?" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Biosensors : Haemoprocessor: A Portable Platform Using Rapid Acoustically Driven Plasma Separation Validated by Infrared Spectroscopy for Point-of-Care Diagnostics" LINK

"Estimating texture and organic carbon of an Oxisol by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"PhotomultiplicationType Organic Photodetectors for NearInfrared Sensing with High and BiasIndependent Specific Detectivity" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Detection and discrimination of disease and insect stress of tea plants using hyperspectral imaging combined with wavelet analysis" LINK

"Evaluation of the benefits of combined reflection and transmission hyperspectral imaging data through disease detection and quantification in plant-pathogen ..." | LINK

"Multi-layer Cascade Screening Strategy for Semi-supervised Change Detection in Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Comparison of near-infrared, mid-infrared, Raman spectroscopy and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to determine chemical, structural and rheological properties ..." LINK

"Developing an affordable hyperspectral imaging system for rapid identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in dairy products" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Simultaneous Monitoring of the Evolution of Chemical Parameters in the Fermentation Process of Pineapple Fruit Wine Using the Liquid Probe for Near-Infrared Coupled with Chemometrics" LINK

"Agronomy : Decision Support System (DSS) for Managing a Beef Herd and Its Grazing Habitat’s Sustainability: Biological/Agricultural Basis of the Technology and Its Validation" LINK

"Prediction of Entire Tablet Formulations From Pure Powder Components Spectra via a Two-Step Non-Linear Optimization Methodology" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Development and Characterization of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) Flour-Based Biopolymer Films Reinforced with Plantain Fibers" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Understanding water dynamics in different subcellular environments by combining multiplexing imaging and dimethylamino naphthalene fluorescent derivatives"LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Performance of hyperspectral data in predicting and mapping zinc concentration in soil" LINK

"Prediction of soil carbon and nitrogen contents using visible and near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in varying salt-affected soils in Sine Saloum (Senegal)" LINK

"Machine Learning Framework for Intelligent Detection of Wastewater Pollution by IoT-Based Spectral Technology" | LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Applied Sciences : Combining Hyperspectral Reflectance and Multivariate Regression Models to Estimate Plant Biomass of Advanced Spring Wheat Lines in Diverse Phenological Stages under Salinity Conditions" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Mineral Content Estimation of Lunar Soil of Lunar Highland and Lunar Mare Based on Diagnostic Spectral Characteristic and Partial Least Squares Method" LINK

"Extraction of rock and alteration geons by FODPSO segmentation and GP regression on the HyMap imagery: a case study of SW Birjand, eastern Iran" LINK

"The Relative Performance of a Benchtop Scanning Monochromator and Handheld Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrometer in Predicting Forage ..." LINK

"Non-destructive assessment of amylose content in rice using a quality inspection system at grain elevators" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Predicting the Chlorophyll Content of Maize over Phenotyping as a Proxy for Crop Health in Smallholder Farming Systems" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Correction of Temperature Variation with Independent Water Samples to Predict Soluble Solids Content of Kiwifruit Juice Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Study of Variability of Waste Wood Samples Collected in a Panel Board Industry" | LINK


Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Enhancement of Photostability through Side Chain Tuning in Dioxythiophene-Based Conjugated Polymers" LINK

Petro Industry NIR Usage

"Towards energy discretization for muon scattering tomography in GEANT4 simulations: A discrete probabilistic approach. (arXiv:2201.08804v1 [physics.comp-ph])" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Revealing the Effect of Heat Treatment on the Spectral Pattern of Unifloral Honeys Using Aquaphotomics" LINK

"Spectroscopic Characteristics of Xeloda Chemodrug" LINK

"Bilateral acute macular neuroretinopathy in a young woman after the first dose of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine" LINK

"Spatial particle size distribution at intact sample surfaces of a Dystric Cambisol under forest use" LINK


"Chemosensors : Development of Cyanine 813-Based Doped Supported Devices for Divalent Metal Ions Detection" LINK

"Spectral actinometry at SMEAR-Estonia. (arXiv:2202.06132v1 [physics.ao-ph])" LINK

"Experimental and theoretical investigation on the nonlinear optical properties of LDS 821 dye in different solvents and DNA" LINK

"Domain invariant covariate selection (Di-CovSel) for selecting generalized features across domains" LINK

"Structural, optical analysis, and Poole-Frenkel emission in NiO/CMC-PVP: Bio-nanocomposites for optoelectronic applications" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #11, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #11, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #11, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Rapid Measurement of Cellulose, Hemicellulose, and Lignin Content in Sargassum horneri by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Characteristic Variables Selection Methods" LINK

"Freshness Identification of Oysters Based on Colorimetric Sensor Array Combined with Image Processing and Visible Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Impaired Brain Activity in Patients With Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Assessed by Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Its Changes After Catheter Ablation" LINK

"Evaluation of a novel wireless near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) device in the detection of tourniquet induced ischaemia" LINK

"Identification and Quantitative Determination of Virgin and Recycled Cashmere: a Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study" LINK

"Effect of Different Scanning Distances on Estimation of Oil Content in Oil Palm Fruitlets using Visible Shortwave Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Prediction for total moisture content in wood pellets by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Rapid Construction of an Optimal Model for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)" | LINK

"Learning fruit class from short wave near infrared spectral features, an AI approach towards determining fruit type" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as a fast and non-destructive technique for total acidity prediction of intact mango: Comparison among regression approaches" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of four tea polyphenols in fresh tea using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Invited review: A comprehensive review of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for predicting the chemical composition of cheese" |(21)01099-7/fulltext LINK

"Cr3+-Doped Broadband Near Infrared Diopside Phosphor for NIR pc-LED" | LINK


"Prediction of the intramuscular fat and protein content of freeze dried ground meat from cattle and sheep using NearInfrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Nearinfrared spectroscopy for the inline classification and characterization of fruit juices for a productcustomized flash pasteurization" | LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"A Proof-of-Principle Study of Non-invasive Identification of Peanut Genotypes and Nematode Resistance Using Raman Spectroscopy" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Quantitative prediction of moisture content distribution in acetylated wood using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" | LINK

"Hyperspectral Imaging for Clinical Applications" | LINK

"Indirect quantitative analysis of soluble solid content in citrus by the leaves using hyperspectral imaging combined with machine learning" LINK

"Polysaccharide prediction in Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body by hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Accurate prediction of soluble solid content in dried Hami jujube using SWIR hyperspectral imaging with comparative analysis of models" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Spectral Comparison of UAV-Based Hyper and Multispectral Cameras for Precision Viticulture" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Spectral Pre-Processing and Multivariate Calibration Methods for the Prediction of Wood Density in Chinese White Poplar by Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Screening Method for the Detection of Other Allergenic Nuts in Cashew Nuts Using Chemometrics and a Portable Near-Infrared Spectrophotometer" | LINK

"Removal of external influences from on-line vis-NIR spectra for predicting soil organic carbon using machine learning" LINK

"Silica-Carbonate of Ba(II) and Fe<sup>2+</sup>/Fe<sup>3+</sup> Complex as Study Models to Understand Prebiotic Chemistry" LINK

"Estimation of soil organic carbon using chemometrics: a comparison between mid-infrared and visible near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Methanol in Methanol Gasoline by Calibration Transfer Strategy Based on Kernel Domain Adaptive Partial Least Squares (kda-PLS)" | LINK

"Transformer Model for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Classification" LINK

"Forests : Spectral Pre-Processing and Multivariate Calibration Methods for the Prediction of Wood Density in Chinese White Poplar by Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition of Hyperspectral Images With Outlier Calibration Network" LINK


"A Data Fusion Model to Merge the Spectra Data of Intact and Powdered Cayenne Pepper for the Fast Inspection of Antioxidant Properties" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Ultrafast and efficient energy transfer in a one- and two-photon sensitized rhodamine-BODIPY dyad: a perspective for broadly absorbing photocages" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Multifunctional Slippery Polydimethylsiloxane/Carbon Nanotube Composite Strain Sensor with Excellent Liquid Repellence and Anti-Icing/Deicing Performance" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Divergent responses of soil microbial functional groups to long-term high nitrogen presence in the tropical forests" LINK

"Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and fungal denitrifier diversity are associated with N2O production in tropical soils" LINK

"In Situ Synthesis of Phenoxazine Dyes in Water: Application for "TurnOn" Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Detection of Nitric Oxide" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Autonomous Differential Absorption Laser Device for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Maize Characteristics Estimation and Classification by Spectral Data under Two Soil Phosphorus Levels" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

" Yield, Yield Components, and Nutritive Value of Perennial Forage Grass Grown under Supplementary Irrigation" | LINK

"Seasonality and Grazing Management Effect on Growth and Nutritional Composition of Herbage on Semi-Natural Grasslands Grazed by Dairy Cows in Southwest ..." LINK

"Sensors : Enhancing Crop Yield Prediction Utilizing Machine Learning on Satellite-Based Vegetation Health Indices" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Making Sense of Light: The Use of Optical Spectroscopy Techniques in Plant Sciences and Agriculture" LINK

"Determination of adulteration in wheat flour using multi-grained cascade forest-related models coupled with the fusion information of hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Agronomy : Assessment of the Impact of Soil Contamination with Cadmium and Mercury on Leaf Nitrogen Content and Miscanthus Yield Applying Proximal Spectroscopy" LINK

"Agronomy : Current Skills of Students and Their Expected Future Training Needs on Precision Agriculture: Evidence from Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education Institutes" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Rapid and nondestructive prediction of firmness, soluble solids content, and pH in kiwifruit using Vis-NIR spatially resolved spectroscopy" LINK

"Spectral pattern study of citrus black rot caused by Alternaria alternata and selecting optimal wavelengths for decay detection" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Phenomic selection in wheat breeding: identification and optimisation of factors influencing prediction accuracy and comparison to genomic selection" LINK

"Foods : Promoting Sustainable Lifestyle Habits: “Real Food” and Social Media in Spain" LINK

"Smartphone imaging spectrometer for egg/meat freshness monitoring" LINK

Beverage and Drink Industry NIR Usage

"The Potential of Spectroscopic Techniques in Coffee Analysis—A Review" LINK

Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Polymers : Adsorption of Hydrolysed Polyacrylamide onto Calcium Carbonate" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Antibiotics : Curcumin: Biological Activities and Modern Pharmaceutical Forms" LINK


"Better utilization of Lolium perenne in biorefineries based on its chemical composition" LINK

"Test-Retest Reliability of the Microvascular Oxygenation Recovery Response Subsequent to Submaximal Cycling Exercise" LINK

"Characterization of novel lunar highland and mare simulants for ISRU research applications" LINK

"Band Alignment of Ultrawide Bandgap ε-Ga2O3/h-BCN Heterojunction Epitaxially Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition" LINK

"Coatings : Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Analysis of Time-Variable Optical Reflectance Spectra in Digital Light Projection Spectroscopy" LINK

"Kandungan karotenoid, antioksidan, dan kadar air dua varietas cabai rawit pada tingkat kematangan berbeda dan deteksi non-destruktif" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Rapid Measurement of Cellulose, Hemicellulose, and Lignin Content in Sargassum horneri by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Characteristic Variables Selection Methods" LINK

"Freshness Identification of Oysters Based on Colorimetric Sensor Array Combined with Image Processing and Visible Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Impaired Brain Activity in Patients With Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Assessed by Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Its Changes After Catheter Ablation" LINK

"Evaluation of a novel wireless near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) device in the detection of tourniquet induced ischaemia" LINK

"Identification and Quantitative Determination of Virgin and Recycled Cashmere: a Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study" LINK

"Effect of Different Scanning Distances on Estimation of Oil Content in Oil Palm Fruitlets using Visible Shortwave Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Prediction for total moisture content in wood pellets by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Rapid Construction of an Optimal Model for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)" | LINK

"Learning fruit class from short wave near infrared spectral features, an AI approach towards determining fruit type" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as a fast and non-destructive technique for total acidity prediction of intact mango: Comparison among regression approaches" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of four tea polyphenols in fresh tea using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Invited review: A comprehensive review of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for predicting the chemical composition of cheese" |(21)01099-7/fulltext LINK

"Cr3+-Doped Broadband Near Infrared Diopside Phosphor for NIR pc-LED" | LINK


"Prediction of the intramuscular fat and protein content of freeze dried ground meat from cattle and sheep using NearInfrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Nearinfrared spectroscopy for the inline classification and characterization of fruit juices for a productcustomized flash pasteurization" | LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"A Proof-of-Principle Study of Non-invasive Identification of Peanut Genotypes and Nematode Resistance Using Raman Spectroscopy" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Quantitative prediction of moisture content distribution in acetylated wood using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" | LINK

"Hyperspectral Imaging for Clinical Applications" | LINK

"Indirect quantitative analysis of soluble solid content in citrus by the leaves using hyperspectral imaging combined with machine learning" LINK

"Polysaccharide prediction in Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body by hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Accurate prediction of soluble solid content in dried Hami jujube using SWIR hyperspectral imaging with comparative analysis of models" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Spectral Comparison of UAV-Based Hyper and Multispectral Cameras for Precision Viticulture" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Spectral Pre-Processing and Multivariate Calibration Methods for the Prediction of Wood Density in Chinese White Poplar by Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Screening Method for the Detection of Other Allergenic Nuts in Cashew Nuts Using Chemometrics and a Portable Near-Infrared Spectrophotometer" | LINK

"Removal of external influences from on-line vis-NIR spectra for predicting soil organic carbon using machine learning" LINK

"Silica-Carbonate of Ba(II) and Fe<sup>2+</sup>/Fe<sup>3+</sup> Complex as Study Models to Understand Prebiotic Chemistry" LINK

"Estimation of soil organic carbon using chemometrics: a comparison between mid-infrared and visible near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Methanol in Methanol Gasoline by Calibration Transfer Strategy Based on Kernel Domain Adaptive Partial Least Squares (kda-PLS)" | LINK

"Transformer Model for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Classification" LINK

"Forests : Spectral Pre-Processing and Multivariate Calibration Methods for the Prediction of Wood Density in Chinese White Poplar by Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition of Hyperspectral Images With Outlier Calibration Network" LINK


"A Data Fusion Model to Merge the Spectra Data of Intact and Powdered Cayenne Pepper for the Fast Inspection of Antioxidant Properties" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Ultrafast and efficient energy transfer in a one- and two-photon sensitized rhodamine-BODIPY dyad: a perspective for broadly absorbing photocages" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Multifunctional Slippery Polydimethylsiloxane/Carbon Nanotube Composite Strain Sensor with Excellent Liquid Repellence and Anti-Icing/Deicing Performance" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Divergent responses of soil microbial functional groups to long-term high nitrogen presence in the tropical forests" LINK

"Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and fungal denitrifier diversity are associated with N2O production in tropical soils" LINK

"In Situ Synthesis of Phenoxazine Dyes in Water: Application for "TurnOn" Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Detection of Nitric Oxide" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Autonomous Differential Absorption Laser Device for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Maize Characteristics Estimation and Classification by Spectral Data under Two Soil Phosphorus Levels" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

" Yield, Yield Components, and Nutritive Value of Perennial Forage Grass Grown under Supplementary Irrigation" | LINK

"Seasonality and Grazing Management Effect on Growth and Nutritional Composition of Herbage on Semi-Natural Grasslands Grazed by Dairy Cows in Southwest ..." LINK

"Sensors : Enhancing Crop Yield Prediction Utilizing Machine Learning on Satellite-Based Vegetation Health Indices" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Making Sense of Light: The Use of Optical Spectroscopy Techniques in Plant Sciences and Agriculture" LINK

"Determination of adulteration in wheat flour using multi-grained cascade forest-related models coupled with the fusion information of hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Agronomy : Assessment of the Impact of Soil Contamination with Cadmium and Mercury on Leaf Nitrogen Content and Miscanthus Yield Applying Proximal Spectroscopy" LINK

"Agronomy : Current Skills of Students and Their Expected Future Training Needs on Precision Agriculture: Evidence from Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education Institutes" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Rapid and nondestructive prediction of firmness, soluble solids content, and pH in kiwifruit using Vis-NIR spatially resolved spectroscopy" LINK

"Spectral pattern study of citrus black rot caused by Alternaria alternata and selecting optimal wavelengths for decay detection" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Phenomic selection in wheat breeding: identification and optimisation of factors influencing prediction accuracy and comparison to genomic selection" LINK

"Foods : Promoting Sustainable Lifestyle Habits: “Real Food” and Social Media in Spain" LINK

"Smartphone imaging spectrometer for egg/meat freshness monitoring" LINK

Beverage and Drink Industry NIR Usage

"The Potential of Spectroscopic Techniques in Coffee Analysis—A Review" LINK

Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Polymers : Adsorption of Hydrolysed Polyacrylamide onto Calcium Carbonate" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Antibiotics : Curcumin: Biological Activities and Modern Pharmaceutical Forms" LINK


"Better utilization of Lolium perenne in biorefineries based on its chemical composition" LINK

"Test-Retest Reliability of the Microvascular Oxygenation Recovery Response Subsequent to Submaximal Cycling Exercise" LINK

"Characterization of novel lunar highland and mare simulants for ISRU research applications" LINK

"Band Alignment of Ultrawide Bandgap ε-Ga2O3/h-BCN Heterojunction Epitaxially Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition" LINK

"Coatings : Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Analysis of Time-Variable Optical Reflectance Spectra in Digital Light Projection Spectroscopy" LINK

"Kandungan karotenoid, antioksidan, dan kadar air dua varietas cabai rawit pada tingkat kematangan berbeda dan deteksi non-destruktif" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 10, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Rapid Measurement of Cellulose, Hemicellulose, and Lignin Content in Sargassum horneri by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Characteristic Variables Selection Methods" LINK

"Freshness Identification of Oysters Based on Colorimetric Sensor Array Combined with Image Processing and Visible Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Impaired Brain Activity in Patients With Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Assessed by Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Its Changes After Catheter Ablation" LINK

"Evaluation of a novel wireless near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) device in the detection of tourniquet induced ischaemia" LINK

"Identification and Quantitative Determination of Virgin and Recycled Cashmere: a Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study" LINK

"Effect of Different Scanning Distances on Estimation of Oil Content in Oil Palm Fruitlets using Visible Shortwave Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Prediction for total moisture content in wood pellets by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Rapid Construction of an Optimal Model for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)" | LINK

"Learning fruit class from short wave near infrared spectral features, an AI approach towards determining fruit type" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as a fast and non-destructive technique for total acidity prediction of intact mango: Comparison among regression approaches" LINK

"Non-destructive determination of four tea polyphenols in fresh tea using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Invited review: A comprehensive review of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy for predicting the chemical composition of cheese" |(21)01099-7/fulltext LINK

"Cr3+-Doped Broadband Near Infrared Diopside Phosphor for NIR pc-LED" | LINK


"Prediction of the intramuscular fat and protein content of freeze dried ground meat from cattle and sheep using NearInfrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Nearinfrared spectroscopy for the inline classification and characterization of fruit juices for a productcustomized flash pasteurization" | LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"A Proof-of-Principle Study of Non-invasive Identification of Peanut Genotypes and Nematode Resistance Using Raman Spectroscopy" | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Quantitative prediction of moisture content distribution in acetylated wood using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" | LINK

"Hyperspectral Imaging for Clinical Applications" | LINK

"Indirect quantitative analysis of soluble solid content in citrus by the leaves using hyperspectral imaging combined with machine learning" LINK

"Polysaccharide prediction in Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body by hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Accurate prediction of soluble solid content in dried Hami jujube using SWIR hyperspectral imaging with comparative analysis of models" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Spectral Comparison of UAV-Based Hyper and Multispectral Cameras for Precision Viticulture" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Spectral Pre-Processing and Multivariate Calibration Methods for the Prediction of Wood Density in Chinese White Poplar by Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Screening Method for the Detection of Other Allergenic Nuts in Cashew Nuts Using Chemometrics and a Portable Near-Infrared Spectrophotometer" | LINK

"Removal of external influences from on-line vis-NIR spectra for predicting soil organic carbon using machine learning" LINK

"Silica-Carbonate of Ba(II) and Fe<sup>2+</sup>/Fe<sup>3+</sup> Complex as Study Models to Understand Prebiotic Chemistry" LINK

"Estimation of soil organic carbon using chemometrics: a comparison between mid-infrared and visible near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Methanol in Methanol Gasoline by Calibration Transfer Strategy Based on Kernel Domain Adaptive Partial Least Squares (kda-PLS)" | LINK

"Transformer Model for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Classification" LINK

"Forests : Spectral Pre-Processing and Multivariate Calibration Methods for the Prediction of Wood Density in Chinese White Poplar by Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition of Hyperspectral Images With Outlier Calibration Network" LINK


"A Data Fusion Model to Merge the Spectra Data of Intact and Powdered Cayenne Pepper for the Fast Inspection of Antioxidant Properties" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Ultrafast and efficient energy transfer in a one- and two-photon sensitized rhodamine-BODIPY dyad: a perspective for broadly absorbing photocages" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Multifunctional Slippery Polydimethylsiloxane/Carbon Nanotube Composite Strain Sensor with Excellent Liquid Repellence and Anti-Icing/Deicing Performance" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Divergent responses of soil microbial functional groups to long-term high nitrogen presence in the tropical forests" LINK

"Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and fungal denitrifier diversity are associated with N2O production in tropical soils" LINK

"In Situ Synthesis of Phenoxazine Dyes in Water: Application for "TurnOn" Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Detection of Nitric Oxide" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Autonomous Differential Absorption Laser Device for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Maize Characteristics Estimation and Classification by Spectral Data under Two Soil Phosphorus Levels" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

" Yield, Yield Components, and Nutritive Value of Perennial Forage Grass Grown under Supplementary Irrigation" | LINK

"Seasonality and Grazing Management Effect on Growth and Nutritional Composition of Herbage on Semi-Natural Grasslands Grazed by Dairy Cows in Southwest ..." LINK

"Sensors : Enhancing Crop Yield Prediction Utilizing Machine Learning on Satellite-Based Vegetation Health Indices" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Making Sense of Light: The Use of Optical Spectroscopy Techniques in Plant Sciences and Agriculture" LINK

"Determination of adulteration in wheat flour using multi-grained cascade forest-related models coupled with the fusion information of hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Agronomy : Assessment of the Impact of Soil Contamination with Cadmium and Mercury on Leaf Nitrogen Content and Miscanthus Yield Applying Proximal Spectroscopy" LINK

"Agronomy : Current Skills of Students and Their Expected Future Training Needs on Precision Agriculture: Evidence from Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education Institutes" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Rapid and nondestructive prediction of firmness, soluble solids content, and pH in kiwifruit using Vis-NIR spatially resolved spectroscopy" LINK

"Spectral pattern study of citrus black rot caused by Alternaria alternata and selecting optimal wavelengths for decay detection" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Phenomic selection in wheat breeding: identification and optimisation of factors influencing prediction accuracy and comparison to genomic selection" LINK

"Foods : Promoting Sustainable Lifestyle Habits: “Real Food” and Social Media in Spain" LINK

"Smartphone imaging spectrometer for egg/meat freshness monitoring" LINK

Beverage and Drink Industry NIR Usage

"The Potential of Spectroscopic Techniques in Coffee Analysis—A Review" LINK

Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Polymers : Adsorption of Hydrolysed Polyacrylamide onto Calcium Carbonate" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Antibiotics : Curcumin: Biological Activities and Modern Pharmaceutical Forms" LINK


"Better utilization of Lolium perenne in biorefineries based on its chemical composition" LINK

"Test-Retest Reliability of the Microvascular Oxygenation Recovery Response Subsequent to Submaximal Cycling Exercise" LINK

"Characterization of novel lunar highland and mare simulants for ISRU research applications" LINK

"Band Alignment of Ultrawide Bandgap ε-Ga2O3/h-BCN Heterojunction Epitaxially Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition" LINK

"Coatings : Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Analysis of Time-Variable Optical Reflectance Spectra in Digital Light Projection Spectroscopy" LINK

"Kandungan karotenoid, antioksidan, dan kadar air dua varietas cabai rawit pada tingkat kematangan berbeda dan deteksi non-destruktif" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #5, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #5, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #5, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

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Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy combined with chemometrics for authentication and traceability of intact lemon fruits" LINK

"Application of NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis for Non-destructive Evaluation of Apple Moisture Content during Ultrasonic Drying" LINK

"FT-NIR spectroscopy analysis for monitoring the microbial production of 2-phenylethanol using crude glycerol as carbon source" LINK

"Animals : Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Portable NIRS Instrument in Controlling the Mixer Wagon Tuning and Ration Management" LINK

"Scarcity Mindset Neuro Network Decoding With Reward: A Tree-Based Model and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study" LINK

"Effectiveness of near-infrared spectroscopy as a non-invasive tool to discriminate spectral profiles of in vitro cultured oocytes from goats" LINK

"In-vivo quantification of lactate using Near Infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Brain and renal oxygenation measured by NIRS related to patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a prospective observational study" | LINK

"Rapid Quantitative Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Different Water Systems Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Binary Grey Wolf ..." LINK

"Classification of fNIRS data with LDA and SVM: a proof-of-concept for application in infant studies" LINK

"Chemosensors : Detection of Monilia Contamination in Plum and Plum Juice with NIR Spectroscopy and Electronic Tongue" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Radiometric calibration accuracy and stability of GOES-16 ABI Infrared radiance" | LINK

"Monte Carlo Characterization of Short-Wave Infrared Optical Wavelengths for Biosensing Applications" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Agriculture : Identification of Geographical Origin of Chinese Chestnuts Using Hyperspectral Imaging with 1D-CNN Algorithm" LINK

"Agronomy : Non-invasive Monitoring of Berry Ripening Using On-the-Go Hyperspectral Imaging in the Vineyard" LINK

"Prediction of Aqueous Glucose Concentration Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Agriculture : A Handheld Grassland Vegetation Monitoring System Based on Multispectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Multivariate analysis of food fraud: A review of NIR based instruments in tandem with chemometrics" LINK

"Recent Chemometric Opportunities in Criminalistics" LINK

"Non-Invasive Methods for Predicting the Quality of Processed Horticultural Food Products, with Emphasis on Dried Powders, Juices and Oils: A Review" LINK

"Hyperspectral inversion of nitrogen content in phyllostachys pubescens based on partial least squares regression model" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Identification of a Suitable Machine Learning Model for Detection of Asymptomatic Ganoderma boninense Infection in Oil Palm Seedlings Using Hyperspectral Data" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"A variable selection method based on mutual information and variance inflation factor" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Reducing Scaling Effect on Downscaled Land Surface Temperature Maps in Heterogenous Urban Environments" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Biogenic and physicogenic aggregates: formation pathways, assessment techniques, and influence on soil properties" LINK

"Research on the transmission performance of multi-layer simulated mural surface by imaging spectrum" LINK

"Estimation of genetic parameters for carcass grading traits, image analysis traits, and monounsaturated fatty acids in Japanese Black cattle from Hyogo Prefecture" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage


"Extent of lipid core plaque in patients with Achilles tendon xanthoma undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary artery disease" LINK


"Textural and compositional effects of ilmenite on the spectra of high-titanium lunar basalts" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy combined with chemometrics for authentication and traceability of intact lemon fruits" LINK

"Application of NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis for Non-destructive Evaluation of Apple Moisture Content during Ultrasonic Drying" LINK

"FT-NIR spectroscopy analysis for monitoring the microbial production of 2-phenylethanol using crude glycerol as carbon source" LINK

"Animals : Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Portable NIRS Instrument in Controlling the Mixer Wagon Tuning and Ration Management" LINK

"Scarcity Mindset Neuro Network Decoding With Reward: A Tree-Based Model and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study" LINK

"Effectiveness of near-infrared spectroscopy as a non-invasive tool to discriminate spectral profiles of in vitro cultured oocytes from goats" LINK

"In-vivo quantification of lactate using Near Infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Brain and renal oxygenation measured by NIRS related to patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a prospective observational study" | LINK

"Rapid Quantitative Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Different Water Systems Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Binary Grey Wolf ..." LINK

"Classification of fNIRS data with LDA and SVM: a proof-of-concept for application in infant studies" LINK

"Chemosensors : Detection of Monilia Contamination in Plum and Plum Juice with NIR Spectroscopy and Electronic Tongue" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Radiometric calibration accuracy and stability of GOES-16 ABI Infrared radiance" | LINK

"Monte Carlo Characterization of Short-Wave Infrared Optical Wavelengths for Biosensing Applications" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Agriculture : Identification of Geographical Origin of Chinese Chestnuts Using Hyperspectral Imaging with 1D-CNN Algorithm" LINK

"Agronomy : Non-invasive Monitoring of Berry Ripening Using On-the-Go Hyperspectral Imaging in the Vineyard" LINK

"Prediction of Aqueous Glucose Concentration Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Agriculture : A Handheld Grassland Vegetation Monitoring System Based on Multispectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Multivariate analysis of food fraud: A review of NIR based instruments in tandem with chemometrics" LINK

"Recent Chemometric Opportunities in Criminalistics" LINK

"Non-Invasive Methods for Predicting the Quality of Processed Horticultural Food Products, with Emphasis on Dried Powders, Juices and Oils: A Review" LINK

"Hyperspectral inversion of nitrogen content in phyllostachys pubescens based on partial least squares regression model" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Identification of a Suitable Machine Learning Model for Detection of Asymptomatic Ganoderma boninense Infection in Oil Palm Seedlings Using Hyperspectral Data" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"A variable selection method based on mutual information and variance inflation factor" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Reducing Scaling Effect on Downscaled Land Surface Temperature Maps in Heterogenous Urban Environments" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Biogenic and physicogenic aggregates: formation pathways, assessment techniques, and influence on soil properties" LINK

"Research on the transmission performance of multi-layer simulated mural surface by imaging spectrum" LINK

"Estimation of genetic parameters for carcass grading traits, image analysis traits, and monounsaturated fatty acids in Japanese Black cattle from Hyogo Prefecture" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage


"Extent of lipid core plaque in patients with Achilles tendon xanthoma undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary artery disease" LINK


"Textural and compositional effects of ilmenite on the spectra of high-titanium lunar basalts" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 4, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy combined with chemometrics for authentication and traceability of intact lemon fruits" LINK

"Application of NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis for Non-destructive Evaluation of Apple Moisture Content during Ultrasonic Drying" LINK

"FT-NIR spectroscopy analysis for monitoring the microbial production of 2-phenylethanol using crude glycerol as carbon source" LINK

"Animals : Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Portable NIRS Instrument in Controlling the Mixer Wagon Tuning and Ration Management" LINK

"Scarcity Mindset Neuro Network Decoding With Reward: A Tree-Based Model and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study" LINK

"Effectiveness of near-infrared spectroscopy as a non-invasive tool to discriminate spectral profiles of in vitro cultured oocytes from goats" LINK

"In-vivo quantification of lactate using Near Infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Brain and renal oxygenation measured by NIRS related to patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a prospective observational study" | LINK

"Rapid Quantitative Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Different Water Systems Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Binary Grey Wolf ..." LINK

"Classification of fNIRS data with LDA and SVM: a proof-of-concept for application in infant studies" LINK

"Chemosensors : Detection of Monilia Contamination in Plum and Plum Juice with NIR Spectroscopy and Electronic Tongue" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Radiometric calibration accuracy and stability of GOES-16 ABI Infrared radiance" | LINK

"Monte Carlo Characterization of Short-Wave Infrared Optical Wavelengths for Biosensing Applications" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Agriculture : Identification of Geographical Origin of Chinese Chestnuts Using Hyperspectral Imaging with 1D-CNN Algorithm" LINK

"Agronomy : Non-invasive Monitoring of Berry Ripening Using On-the-Go Hyperspectral Imaging in the Vineyard" LINK

"Prediction of Aqueous Glucose Concentration Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Agriculture : A Handheld Grassland Vegetation Monitoring System Based on Multispectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Multivariate analysis of food fraud: A review of NIR based instruments in tandem with chemometrics" LINK

"Recent Chemometric Opportunities in Criminalistics" LINK

"Non-Invasive Methods for Predicting the Quality of Processed Horticultural Food Products, with Emphasis on Dried Powders, Juices and Oils: A Review" LINK

"Hyperspectral inversion of nitrogen content in phyllostachys pubescens based on partial least squares regression model" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Identification of a Suitable Machine Learning Model for Detection of Asymptomatic Ganoderma boninense Infection in Oil Palm Seedlings Using Hyperspectral Data" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"A variable selection method based on mutual information and variance inflation factor" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Reducing Scaling Effect on Downscaled Land Surface Temperature Maps in Heterogenous Urban Environments" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Biogenic and physicogenic aggregates: formation pathways, assessment techniques, and influence on soil properties" LINK

"Research on the transmission performance of multi-layer simulated mural surface by imaging spectrum" LINK

"Estimation of genetic parameters for carcass grading traits, image analysis traits, and monounsaturated fatty acids in Japanese Black cattle from Hyogo Prefecture" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage


"Extent of lipid core plaque in patients with Achilles tendon xanthoma undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary artery disease" LINK


"Textural and compositional effects of ilmenite on the spectra of high-titanium lunar basalts" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #3, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #3, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #3, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Qualitative Discrimination of Intact Tobacco Leaves Based on Near-Infrared Technology" | LINK

"Compositionally complex (Ca, Sr, Ba) ZrO3 fibrous membrane with excellent structure stability and NIR reflectance" LINK

"Applicability of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Predict Amylose Contents of Single-Grain Maize" LINK

"Potential of Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technique for early detection of Insidious Fruit Rot (IFR) disease in Harumanis mango" LINK

"Nondestructive prediction of fresh pepper hotness with a single scan using portable near infrared spectroscopy and variable selection strategy" LINK

"Interferometric near Infrared Spectroscopy (iNIRS): From Conception to Human Brain Imaging" LINK

"Heat impact control in flash pasteurization by estimation of applied pasteurization units using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"... Square, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regressions for real time monitoring of CHO cell culture processes using in situ Near Infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Phonetic versus spatial processes during motor-oriented imitations of visuo-labial and visuo-lingual speech: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study" LINK

" The Relationship Between Genetic Variations and NIRs Differences of Eucalyptus Pellita Provenances" LINK

"Sensors : Field Detection of Rhizoctonia Root Rot in Sugar Beet by Near Infrared Spectrometry" LINK

"Use of visible-near infrared spectroscopy to predict nutrient composition of poultry excreta" LINK

"Use of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict and Measure Cochlear Implant Outcomes: A Scoping Review" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Potencial Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Categorise Chorizo Sausages from Iberian Pigs According to Several Quality Standards" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"NearInfrared Light Responsive TiO2 for Efficient Solar Energy Utilization" LINK

"Hydration of LiOH and LiCl─ Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis" LINK


"Optimization of sweet basil harvest time and cultivar characterization using near‐infrared spectroscopy, liquid and gas chromatography, and chemometric statistical ..." LINK

"Fiber-based source of 500 kW mid-infrared solitons" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Factor Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks" | LINK

"Pre-Launch Calibration of the HYPSO-1 Cubesat Hyperspectral Imager" LINK

"Potential of in-field Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging to monitor quality parameters of alfalfa" LINK

"A comparison of machine learning algorithms for mapping soil iron parameters indicative of pedogenic processes by hyperspectral imaging of intact soil profiles" LINK

"Inversion modeling of rice canopy nitrogen content based on MPA-GA-ELM UAV hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK

"Sensors : Nondestructive Testing and Visualization of Catechin Content in Black Tea Fermentation Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Interleaved attention convolutional compression network: An effective data mining method for the fusion system of gas sensor and hyperspectral" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Remote Sensing : Machine Learning Classification of Endangered Tree Species in a Tropical Submontane Forest Using WorldView-2 Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Imbalanced Dataset" LINK

"Sensors : Lightweight Anomaly Detection Scheme Using Incremental Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine" LINK

"Image analysis for predicting phenolics in Arabidopsis" LINK

"Ultravioletvisual spectroscopy estimation of nitrate concentrations in surface waters via machine learning" LINK

"Near-infrared calibration models for estimating volatile fatty acids and methane production from in vitro rumen fermentation of different total mixed rations" LINK

"Foods : Tea and Chicory Extract Characterization, Classification and Authentication by Non-Targeted HPLC-UV-FLD Fingerprinting and Chemometrics" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Perovskites Enabled Highly Sensitive and Fast Photodetectors" LINK


"Tracing the aqueous alteration history between Isidis and Hellas Planitiae on Mars" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Monitoring Forest Health Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Does Feature Selection Improve the Performance of Machine-Learning Techniques?" | LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Sustainability : Finger Millet Production in Ethiopia: Opportunities, Problem Diagnosis, Key Challenges and Recommendations for Breeding" LINK

"Foods : Online Detection of Watercore Apples by Vis/NIR Full-Transmittance Spectroscopy Coupled with ANOVA Method" LINK

"Biosensors : Reflectance Spectroscopy with Multivariate Methods for NondestructiveDiscrimination of Edible Oil Adulteration" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Environmental assessment of soil quality indices using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Ground Observations and Environmental Covariates Integration for Mapping of Soil Salinity: A Machine Learning-Based Approach" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Animals : Optimizing Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Predict Nutritional Quality of Chickpea Straw for Livestock Feeding" LINK

"Foods : Development of Nano Soy Milk through Sensory Attributes and Consumer Acceptability" LINK

"Progression of macular atrophy in patients receiving long-term anti-VEGF therapy for age-related macular degeneration; Real Life Data" LINK

"Complexity Assessment of Chronic Pain in Elderly Knee Osteoarthritis Based on Neuroimaging Recognition Techniques" | LINK

"Integrating Genomic and Phenomic Breeding Selection Tools with Field Practices to Improve Seed Composition Quality Traits in Soybean" LINK

"Impact of Forage Diversity on Forage Productivity, Nutritive Value, Beef Cattle Performance and Enteric Methane Emissions." LINK

"Ecological effects on the nutritional value of bromeliads, and its influence on Andean bears' diet selection" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Correction of Temperature Variation with Independent Water Samples to Predict Soluble Solids Content of Kiwifruit Juice Using NIR Spectroscopy" Kiwi LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Real-Time Detection of Rice Growth Phase Transition for Panicle Nitrogen Application Timing Assessment" LINK

"Prediction of pork meat quality parameters with existing hyperspectral devices" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"First report of rapid, non-invasive, and reagent-free detection of malaria through the skin of patients with a beam of infrared light" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Yield and Quality Response of Alfalfa Varieties to High Salinity Irrigation" LINK

"Physical and Chemical Characterisation of the Pigments of a 17th-Century Mural Painting in the Spanish Caribbean" LINK


"A Learned SVD approach for Inverse Problem Regularization in Diffuse Optical Tomography. (arXiv:2111.13401v1 [math.NA])" LINK

" การ วัด ปริมาณ ของแข็ง ที่ ละลาย น้า ได้ ของ เนื อ ทุเรียน พันธุ์ หมอนทอง โดย เนีย ร์ อินฟราเรด สเปก โทร ส โก ปี แบบ ออนไลน์ และ ออฟ ไลน์" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Qualitative Discrimination of Intact Tobacco Leaves Based on Near-Infrared Technology" | LINK

"Compositionally complex (Ca, Sr, Ba) ZrO3 fibrous membrane with excellent structure stability and NIR reflectance" LINK

"Applicability of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Predict Amylose Contents of Single-Grain Maize" LINK

"Potential of Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technique for early detection of Insidious Fruit Rot (IFR) disease in Harumanis mango" LINK

"Nondestructive prediction of fresh pepper hotness with a single scan using portable near infrared spectroscopy and variable selection strategy" LINK

"Interferometric near Infrared Spectroscopy (iNIRS): From Conception to Human Brain Imaging" LINK

"Heat impact control in flash pasteurization by estimation of applied pasteurization units using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"... Square, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regressions for real time monitoring of CHO cell culture processes using in situ Near Infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Phonetic versus spatial processes during motor-oriented imitations of visuo-labial and visuo-lingual speech: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study" LINK

" The Relationship Between Genetic Variations and NIRs Differences of Eucalyptus Pellita Provenances" LINK

"Sensors : Field Detection of Rhizoctonia Root Rot in Sugar Beet by Near Infrared Spectrometry" LINK

"Use of visible-near infrared spectroscopy to predict nutrient composition of poultry excreta" LINK

"Use of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict and Measure Cochlear Implant Outcomes: A Scoping Review" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Potencial Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Categorise Chorizo Sausages from Iberian Pigs According to Several Quality Standards" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"NearInfrared Light Responsive TiO2 for Efficient Solar Energy Utilization" LINK

"Hydration of LiOH and LiCl─ Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis" LINK


"Optimization of sweet basil harvest time and cultivar characterization using near‐infrared spectroscopy, liquid and gas chromatography, and chemometric statistical ..." LINK

"Fiber-based source of 500 kW mid-infrared solitons" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Factor Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks" | LINK

"Pre-Launch Calibration of the HYPSO-1 Cubesat Hyperspectral Imager" LINK

"Potential of in-field Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging to monitor quality parameters of alfalfa" LINK

"A comparison of machine learning algorithms for mapping soil iron parameters indicative of pedogenic processes by hyperspectral imaging of intact soil profiles" LINK

"Inversion modeling of rice canopy nitrogen content based on MPA-GA-ELM UAV hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK

"Sensors : Nondestructive Testing and Visualization of Catechin Content in Black Tea Fermentation Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Interleaved attention convolutional compression network: An effective data mining method for the fusion system of gas sensor and hyperspectral" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Remote Sensing : Machine Learning Classification of Endangered Tree Species in a Tropical Submontane Forest Using WorldView-2 Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Imbalanced Dataset" LINK

"Sensors : Lightweight Anomaly Detection Scheme Using Incremental Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine" LINK

"Image analysis for predicting phenolics in Arabidopsis" LINK

"Ultravioletvisual spectroscopy estimation of nitrate concentrations in surface waters via machine learning" LINK

"Near-infrared calibration models for estimating volatile fatty acids and methane production from in vitro rumen fermentation of different total mixed rations" LINK

"Foods : Tea and Chicory Extract Characterization, Classification and Authentication by Non-Targeted HPLC-UV-FLD Fingerprinting and Chemometrics" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Perovskites Enabled Highly Sensitive and Fast Photodetectors" LINK


"Tracing the aqueous alteration history between Isidis and Hellas Planitiae on Mars" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Monitoring Forest Health Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Does Feature Selection Improve the Performance of Machine-Learning Techniques?" | LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Sustainability : Finger Millet Production in Ethiopia: Opportunities, Problem Diagnosis, Key Challenges and Recommendations for Breeding" LINK

"Foods : Online Detection of Watercore Apples by Vis/NIR Full-Transmittance Spectroscopy Coupled with ANOVA Method" LINK

"Biosensors : Reflectance Spectroscopy with Multivariate Methods for NondestructiveDiscrimination of Edible Oil Adulteration" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Environmental assessment of soil quality indices using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Ground Observations and Environmental Covariates Integration for Mapping of Soil Salinity: A Machine Learning-Based Approach" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Animals : Optimizing Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Predict Nutritional Quality of Chickpea Straw for Livestock Feeding" LINK

"Foods : Development of Nano Soy Milk through Sensory Attributes and Consumer Acceptability" LINK

"Progression of macular atrophy in patients receiving long-term anti-VEGF therapy for age-related macular degeneration; Real Life Data" LINK

"Complexity Assessment of Chronic Pain in Elderly Knee Osteoarthritis Based on Neuroimaging Recognition Techniques" | LINK

"Integrating Genomic and Phenomic Breeding Selection Tools with Field Practices to Improve Seed Composition Quality Traits in Soybean" LINK

"Impact of Forage Diversity on Forage Productivity, Nutritive Value, Beef Cattle Performance and Enteric Methane Emissions." LINK

"Ecological effects on the nutritional value of bromeliads, and its influence on Andean bears' diet selection" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Correction of Temperature Variation with Independent Water Samples to Predict Soluble Solids Content of Kiwifruit Juice Using NIR Spectroscopy" Kiwi LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Real-Time Detection of Rice Growth Phase Transition for Panicle Nitrogen Application Timing Assessment" LINK

"Prediction of pork meat quality parameters with existing hyperspectral devices" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"First report of rapid, non-invasive, and reagent-free detection of malaria through the skin of patients with a beam of infrared light" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Yield and Quality Response of Alfalfa Varieties to High Salinity Irrigation" LINK

"Physical and Chemical Characterisation of the Pigments of a 17th-Century Mural Painting in the Spanish Caribbean" LINK


"A Learned SVD approach for Inverse Problem Regularization in Diffuse Optical Tomography. (arXiv:2111.13401v1 [math.NA])" LINK

" การ วัด ปริมาณ ของแข็ง ที่ ละลาย น้า ได้ ของ เนื อ ทุเรียน พันธุ์ หมอนทอง โดย เนีย ร์ อินฟราเรด สเปก โทร ส โก ปี แบบ ออนไลน์ และ ออฟ ไลน์" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 2, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Qualitative Discrimination of Intact Tobacco Leaves Based on Near-Infrared Technology" | LINK

"Compositionally complex (Ca, Sr, Ba) ZrO3 fibrous membrane with excellent structure stability and NIR reflectance" LINK

"Applicability of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Predict Amylose Contents of Single-Grain Maize" LINK

"Potential of Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technique for early detection of Insidious Fruit Rot (IFR) disease in Harumanis mango" LINK

"Nondestructive prediction of fresh pepper hotness with a single scan using portable near infrared spectroscopy and variable selection strategy" LINK

"Interferometric near Infrared Spectroscopy (iNIRS): From Conception to Human Brain Imaging" LINK

"Heat impact control in flash pasteurization by estimation of applied pasteurization units using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"... Square, Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Regressions for real time monitoring of CHO cell culture processes using in situ Near Infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Phonetic versus spatial processes during motor-oriented imitations of visuo-labial and visuo-lingual speech: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study" LINK

" The Relationship Between Genetic Variations and NIRs Differences of Eucalyptus Pellita Provenances" LINK

"Sensors : Field Detection of Rhizoctonia Root Rot in Sugar Beet by Near Infrared Spectrometry" LINK

"Use of visible-near infrared spectroscopy to predict nutrient composition of poultry excreta" LINK

"Use of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict and Measure Cochlear Implant Outcomes: A Scoping Review" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Potencial Use of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Categorise Chorizo Sausages from Iberian Pigs According to Several Quality Standards" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"NearInfrared Light Responsive TiO2 for Efficient Solar Energy Utilization" LINK

"Hydration of LiOH and LiCl─ Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis" LINK


"Optimization of sweet basil harvest time and cultivar characterization using near‐infrared spectroscopy, liquid and gas chromatography, and chemometric statistical ..." LINK

"Fiber-based source of 500 kW mid-infrared solitons" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Factor Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks" | LINK

"Pre-Launch Calibration of the HYPSO-1 Cubesat Hyperspectral Imager" LINK

"Potential of in-field Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging to monitor quality parameters of alfalfa" LINK

"A comparison of machine learning algorithms for mapping soil iron parameters indicative of pedogenic processes by hyperspectral imaging of intact soil profiles" LINK

"Inversion modeling of rice canopy nitrogen content based on MPA-GA-ELM UAV hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK

"Sensors : Nondestructive Testing and Visualization of Catechin Content in Black Tea Fermentation Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Interleaved attention convolutional compression network: An effective data mining method for the fusion system of gas sensor and hyperspectral" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Remote Sensing : Machine Learning Classification of Endangered Tree Species in a Tropical Submontane Forest Using WorldView-2 Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Imbalanced Dataset" LINK

"Sensors : Lightweight Anomaly Detection Scheme Using Incremental Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine" LINK

"Image analysis for predicting phenolics in Arabidopsis" LINK

"Ultravioletvisual spectroscopy estimation of nitrate concentrations in surface waters via machine learning" LINK

"Near-infrared calibration models for estimating volatile fatty acids and methane production from in vitro rumen fermentation of different total mixed rations" LINK

"Foods : Tea and Chicory Extract Characterization, Classification and Authentication by Non-Targeted HPLC-UV-FLD Fingerprinting and Chemometrics" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Perovskites Enabled Highly Sensitive and Fast Photodetectors" LINK


"Tracing the aqueous alteration history between Isidis and Hellas Planitiae on Mars" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Monitoring Forest Health Using Hyperspectral Imagery: Does Feature Selection Improve the Performance of Machine-Learning Techniques?" | LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Sustainability : Finger Millet Production in Ethiopia: Opportunities, Problem Diagnosis, Key Challenges and Recommendations for Breeding" LINK

"Foods : Online Detection of Watercore Apples by Vis/NIR Full-Transmittance Spectroscopy Coupled with ANOVA Method" LINK

"Biosensors : Reflectance Spectroscopy with Multivariate Methods for NondestructiveDiscrimination of Edible Oil Adulteration" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Environmental assessment of soil quality indices using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Ground Observations and Environmental Covariates Integration for Mapping of Soil Salinity: A Machine Learning-Based Approach" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Animals : Optimizing Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Predict Nutritional Quality of Chickpea Straw for Livestock Feeding" LINK

"Foods : Development of Nano Soy Milk through Sensory Attributes and Consumer Acceptability" LINK

"Progression of macular atrophy in patients receiving long-term anti-VEGF therapy for age-related macular degeneration; Real Life Data" LINK

"Complexity Assessment of Chronic Pain in Elderly Knee Osteoarthritis Based on Neuroimaging Recognition Techniques" | LINK

"Integrating Genomic and Phenomic Breeding Selection Tools with Field Practices to Improve Seed Composition Quality Traits in Soybean" LINK

"Impact of Forage Diversity on Forage Productivity, Nutritive Value, Beef Cattle Performance and Enteric Methane Emissions." LINK

"Ecological effects on the nutritional value of bromeliads, and its influence on Andean bears' diet selection" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Correction of Temperature Variation with Independent Water Samples to Predict Soluble Solids Content of Kiwifruit Juice Using NIR Spectroscopy" Kiwi LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Real-Time Detection of Rice Growth Phase Transition for Panicle Nitrogen Application Timing Assessment" LINK

"Prediction of pork meat quality parameters with existing hyperspectral devices" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"First report of rapid, non-invasive, and reagent-free detection of malaria through the skin of patients with a beam of infrared light" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Yield and Quality Response of Alfalfa Varieties to High Salinity Irrigation" LINK

"Physical and Chemical Characterisation of the Pigments of a 17th-Century Mural Painting in the Spanish Caribbean" LINK


"A Learned SVD approach for Inverse Problem Regularization in Diffuse Optical Tomography. (arXiv:2111.13401v1 [math.NA])" LINK

" การ วัด ปริมาณ ของแข็ง ที่ ละลาย น้า ได้ ของ เนื อ ทุเรียน พันธุ์ หมอนทอง โดย เนีย ร์ อินฟราเรด สเปก โทร ส โก ปี แบบ ออนไลน์ และ ออฟ ไลน์" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #52, 2021Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #52, 2021Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #52, 2021

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Quantitative analysis of blend uniformity within a Three-Chamber feed frame using simultaneously Raman and Near-Infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A New Diagnostic Tool for Determination of Somatic Cell Count" LINK

"Estrus Detection in Dairy Cows Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Aquaphotomics" | LINK

"Development and Validation of Near-Infrared Methods for the Quantitation of Caffeine, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, and Moisture in Green Tea Production" LINK

"Application of NIR spectroscopy for rapid quantification of acid and peroxide in crude peanut oil coupled multivariate analysis" LINK

"Sensors : Development of an Integrated EEG/fNIRS Brain Function Monitoring System" LINK

"Rapid quality evaluation of Plantaginis Semen by near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics" LINK

"Classification of Browning on Intact Table Grape Bunches Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled With Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : Plasmon Resonant Two-Photon Luminescence Inducing Photosensitization and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy In Vivo by Near-Infrared Excitation of Au Nanopeanuts" LINK

"Foods : Measurement Strategies for the Classification of Edible Oils Using Low-Cost Miniaturised Portable NIR Instruments" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Non-Destructive Detection of Asymptomatic Ganoderma boninense Infection of Oil Palm Seedlings Using NIR-Hyperspectral Data and Support Vector Machine" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"In Situ Determination of Cannabidiol in Hemp Oil by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Examination of Wheat Kernels for the Presence of Fusarium Damage and Mycotoxins using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Measurement of Somatic Cell Count in the 700-1,100 nm Short Wavelength Region Using PLS Regression and Referenced Data" LINK

"ChemHouse: A research and development centre for chemometrics" LINK

"Dehydration as a Tool to improve predictability of sugarcane juice carbohydrates using near-infrared spectroscopy based PLS models" LINK

"European fingerprint study on omeprazole drug substances using a multi analytical approach and chemometrics as a tool for the discrimination of manufacturing ..." LINK

"Chemometric analysis in Raman spectroscopy from experimental design to machine learning-based modeling" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Applied Sciences : A Rapid Method for the Determination of SBS Content Based on the Principle of Orthogonal Testing" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Tri-functional SERS nanoplatform with tunable plasmonic property for synergistic antibacterial activity and antibacterial process monitoring" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"The costeffectiveness of reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil organic carbon" LINK


Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Milk Fat Measurement" | LINK

"Aquaphotomics for Bio-diagnostics: Advancing Beyond the State of the Art" | LINK

"Artificial Neural Network Applied to Near-Infrared Spectra of Raw Milk for Dairy Cow Feeding Management" LINK

"Mastitis Influence on Milk Composition Measurement in the Spectral Region from 1,100 to 2,400 nm" | LINK

"Milk Fatty Acids Measurement" | LINK

"Mastitis Influence on Protein Measurement in the Spectral Region from 700 to 1,100 nm" | LINK

"Impact of Forage Diversity on Forage Productivity, Nutritive Value, Beef Cattle Performance and Enteric Methane Emissions" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Emulation of Sun-Induced Fluorescence from Radiance Data Recorded by the HyPlant Airborne Imaging Spectrometer" LINK

"Symmetric and asymmetric overgrowth of a Ag shell onto gold nanorods assisted by Pt pre-deposition" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Sensory Attributes of Buckwheat Jelly (Memilmuk) with Mung Bean Starch Added to Improve Texture and Taste" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Quantitative analysis of blend uniformity within a Three-Chamber feed frame using simultaneously Raman and Near-Infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A New Diagnostic Tool for Determination of Somatic Cell Count" LINK

"Estrus Detection in Dairy Cows Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Aquaphotomics" | LINK

"Development and Validation of Near-Infrared Methods for the Quantitation of Caffeine, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, and Moisture in Green Tea Production" LINK

"Application of NIR spectroscopy for rapid quantification of acid and peroxide in crude peanut oil coupled multivariate analysis" LINK

"Sensors : Development of an Integrated EEG/fNIRS Brain Function Monitoring System" LINK

"Rapid quality evaluation of Plantaginis Semen by near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics" LINK

"Classification of Browning on Intact Table Grape Bunches Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled With Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : Plasmon Resonant Two-Photon Luminescence Inducing Photosensitization and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy In Vivo by Near-Infrared Excitation of Au Nanopeanuts" LINK

"Foods : Measurement Strategies for the Classification of Edible Oils Using Low-Cost Miniaturised Portable NIR Instruments" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Non-Destructive Detection of Asymptomatic Ganoderma boninense Infection of Oil Palm Seedlings Using NIR-Hyperspectral Data and Support Vector Machine" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"In Situ Determination of Cannabidiol in Hemp Oil by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Examination of Wheat Kernels for the Presence of Fusarium Damage and Mycotoxins using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Measurement of Somatic Cell Count in the 700-1,100 nm Short Wavelength Region Using PLS Regression and Referenced Data" LINK

"ChemHouse: A research and development centre for chemometrics" LINK

"Dehydration as a Tool to improve predictability of sugarcane juice carbohydrates using near-infrared spectroscopy based PLS models" LINK

"European fingerprint study on omeprazole drug substances using a multi analytical approach and chemometrics as a tool for the discrimination of manufacturing ..." LINK

"Chemometric analysis in Raman spectroscopy from experimental design to machine learning-based modeling" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Applied Sciences : A Rapid Method for the Determination of SBS Content Based on the Principle of Orthogonal Testing" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Tri-functional SERS nanoplatform with tunable plasmonic property for synergistic antibacterial activity and antibacterial process monitoring" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"The costeffectiveness of reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil organic carbon" LINK


Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Milk Fat Measurement" | LINK

"Aquaphotomics for Bio-diagnostics: Advancing Beyond the State of the Art" | LINK

"Artificial Neural Network Applied to Near-Infrared Spectra of Raw Milk for Dairy Cow Feeding Management" LINK

"Mastitis Influence on Milk Composition Measurement in the Spectral Region from 1,100 to 2,400 nm" | LINK

"Milk Fatty Acids Measurement" | LINK

"Mastitis Influence on Protein Measurement in the Spectral Region from 700 to 1,100 nm" | LINK

"Impact of Forage Diversity on Forage Productivity, Nutritive Value, Beef Cattle Performance and Enteric Methane Emissions" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Emulation of Sun-Induced Fluorescence from Radiance Data Recorded by the HyPlant Airborne Imaging Spectrometer" LINK

"Symmetric and asymmetric overgrowth of a Ag shell onto gold nanorods assisted by Pt pre-deposition" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Sensory Attributes of Buckwheat Jelly (Memilmuk) with Mung Bean Starch Added to Improve Texture and Taste" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 51, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Quantitative analysis of blend uniformity within a Three-Chamber feed frame using simultaneously Raman and Near-Infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A New Diagnostic Tool for Determination of Somatic Cell Count" LINK

"Estrus Detection in Dairy Cows Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Aquaphotomics" | LINK

"Development and Validation of Near-Infrared Methods for the Quantitation of Caffeine, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, and Moisture in Green Tea Production" LINK

"Application of NIR spectroscopy for rapid quantification of acid and peroxide in crude peanut oil coupled multivariate analysis" LINK

"Sensors : Development of an Integrated EEG/fNIRS Brain Function Monitoring System" LINK

"Rapid quality evaluation of Plantaginis Semen by near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics" LINK

"Classification of Browning on Intact Table Grape Bunches Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled With Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks" | LINK

"Applied Sciences : Plasmon Resonant Two-Photon Luminescence Inducing Photosensitization and Nonlinear Optical Microscopy In Vivo by Near-Infrared Excitation of Au Nanopeanuts" LINK

"Foods : Measurement Strategies for the Classification of Edible Oils Using Low-Cost Miniaturised Portable NIR Instruments" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Non-Destructive Detection of Asymptomatic Ganoderma boninense Infection of Oil Palm Seedlings Using NIR-Hyperspectral Data and Support Vector Machine" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"In Situ Determination of Cannabidiol in Hemp Oil by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Examination of Wheat Kernels for the Presence of Fusarium Damage and Mycotoxins using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Measurement of Somatic Cell Count in the 700-1,100 nm Short Wavelength Region Using PLS Regression and Referenced Data" LINK

"ChemHouse: A research and development centre for chemometrics" LINK

"Dehydration as a Tool to improve predictability of sugarcane juice carbohydrates using near-infrared spectroscopy based PLS models" LINK

"European fingerprint study on omeprazole drug substances using a multi analytical approach and chemometrics as a tool for the discrimination of manufacturing ..." LINK

"Chemometric analysis in Raman spectroscopy from experimental design to machine learning-based modeling" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Applied Sciences : A Rapid Method for the Determination of SBS Content Based on the Principle of Orthogonal Testing" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Tri-functional SERS nanoplatform with tunable plasmonic property for synergistic antibacterial activity and antibacterial process monitoring" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"The costeffectiveness of reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil organic carbon" LINK


Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Milk Fat Measurement" | LINK

"Aquaphotomics for Bio-diagnostics: Advancing Beyond the State of the Art" | LINK

"Artificial Neural Network Applied to Near-Infrared Spectra of Raw Milk for Dairy Cow Feeding Management" LINK

"Mastitis Influence on Milk Composition Measurement in the Spectral Region from 1,100 to 2,400 nm" | LINK

"Milk Fatty Acids Measurement" | LINK

"Mastitis Influence on Protein Measurement in the Spectral Region from 700 to 1,100 nm" | LINK

"Impact of Forage Diversity on Forage Productivity, Nutritive Value, Beef Cattle Performance and Enteric Methane Emissions" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Emulation of Sun-Induced Fluorescence from Radiance Data Recorded by the HyPlant Airborne Imaging Spectrometer" LINK

"Symmetric and asymmetric overgrowth of a Ag shell onto gold nanorods assisted by Pt pre-deposition" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Sensory Attributes of Buckwheat Jelly (Memilmuk) with Mung Bean Starch Added to Improve Texture and Taste" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #45, 2021Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #45, 2021Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #45, 2021

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics / Machine-Learning News Weekly in real time on Twitter Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 44, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Study on Characteristic Wavelength Extraction Method for Near Infrared Spectroscopy Identification Based on Genetic Algorithm" LINK

"Uji Karakteristik Biochar dengan Pendekatan Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Establishment of online quantitative model for moisture content determination of hydroxychloroquine sulfate particles by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Nondestructive detection model of soluble solids content of an apple using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy combined with CARS and MPGA" LINK

"Detecting cadmium contamination in loessal soils using near-infrared spectroscopy in the Xiaoqinling gold area" LINK

"Egg Freshness Evaluation Using Transmission and Reflection of NIR Spectroscopy Coupled Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Determination of Alcohol Content in Beers of Different Styles Based on Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration" | LINK

"Analysing the Water Spectral Pattern by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics as a Dynamic Multidimensional Biomarker in Preservation: Rice Germ ..." LINK

"Remote Sensing : The Application of NIRS to Determine Animal Physiological Traits for Wildlife Management and Conservation" LINK

"Wavelength selection method for near-infrared spectroscopy based on standard-sample calibration transfer of mango and apple" LINK

"A portable NIR-system for mixture powdery food analysis using deep learning" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Compositional and sensory quality of beef and its determination by near infrared" LINK

"Butyrylcholinesterase responsive supramolecular prodrug with targeted nearinfrared cellular imaging property" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Quantitative analysis of binary and ternary organo-mineral solid dispersions by Raman spectroscopy for robotic planetary exploration missions on Mars" | OpenAccess LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"A shallow network for hyperspectral image classification using an autoencoder with convolutional neural network" | LINK

"Hyperspectral camera development on an unmanned aerial vehicle" LINK

"Direct reflectance transformation methodology for drone-based hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Remote Sensing : Application of Multispectral Camera in Monitoring the Quality Parameters of Fresh Tea Leaves" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Sensors : Adaboost-Based Machine Learning Improved the Modeling Robust and Estimation Accuracy of Pear Leaf Nitrogen Concentration by In-Field VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Discrimination of Manufacturers Origin of Oxytetracycline Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy with Chemometric Methods" LINK


"Sensors : Non-Invasive Monitoring of Ethanol and Methanol Levels in Grape-Derived Pisco Distillate by Vibrational Spectroscopy" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Improving the thermoelectric performances of polymer via synchronously realizing of chemical doping and side-chain cleavage" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Determining physical and mechanical volcanic rock properties via reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Unauthorized landfills of solid household and industrial wastes detection in the Arctic and Subarctic territories using remote sensing technologies" LINK

"Evaluating the effects of distinct water saturation states on the light penetration depths of sand-textured soils" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Sorghum Grains Grading for Food, Feed, and Fuel Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Estimation of leaf area index at the late growth stage of crops using unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral images" LINK

"Analysis of Spectral Reflectance Characteristics Using Hyperspectral Sensor at Diverse Phenological Stages of Soybeans" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Data fusion for fruit quality authentication: combining non-destructive sensing techniques to predict quality parameters of citrus cultivars" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Buckwheat Identification by Combined UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis" LINK


"Effect of the annealing temperature on the growth of the silver nanoparticles synthesized by physical route" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics / Machine-Learning News Weekly in real time on Twitter Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 44, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Study on Characteristic Wavelength Extraction Method for Near Infrared Spectroscopy Identification Based on Genetic Algorithm" LINK

"Uji Karakteristik Biochar dengan Pendekatan Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Establishment of online quantitative model for moisture content determination of hydroxychloroquine sulfate particles by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Nondestructive detection model of soluble solids content of an apple using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy combined with CARS and MPGA" LINK

"Detecting cadmium contamination in loessal soils using near-infrared spectroscopy in the Xiaoqinling gold area" LINK

"Egg Freshness Evaluation Using Transmission and Reflection of NIR Spectroscopy Coupled Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Determination of Alcohol Content in Beers of Different Styles Based on Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration" | LINK

"Analysing the Water Spectral Pattern by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics as a Dynamic Multidimensional Biomarker in Preservation: Rice Germ ..." LINK

"Remote Sensing : The Application of NIRS to Determine Animal Physiological Traits for Wildlife Management and Conservation" LINK

"Wavelength selection method for near-infrared spectroscopy based on standard-sample calibration transfer of mango and apple" LINK

"A portable NIR-system for mixture powdery food analysis using deep learning" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Compositional and sensory quality of beef and its determination by near infrared" LINK

"Butyrylcholinesterase responsive supramolecular prodrug with targeted nearinfrared cellular imaging property" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Quantitative analysis of binary and ternary organo-mineral solid dispersions by Raman spectroscopy for robotic planetary exploration missions on Mars" | OpenAccess LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"A shallow network for hyperspectral image classification using an autoencoder with convolutional neural network" | LINK

"Hyperspectral camera development on an unmanned aerial vehicle" LINK

"Direct reflectance transformation methodology for drone-based hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Remote Sensing : Application of Multispectral Camera in Monitoring the Quality Parameters of Fresh Tea Leaves" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Sensors : Adaboost-Based Machine Learning Improved the Modeling Robust and Estimation Accuracy of Pear Leaf Nitrogen Concentration by In-Field VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Discrimination of Manufacturers Origin of Oxytetracycline Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy with Chemometric Methods" LINK


"Sensors : Non-Invasive Monitoring of Ethanol and Methanol Levels in Grape-Derived Pisco Distillate by Vibrational Spectroscopy" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Improving the thermoelectric performances of polymer via synchronously realizing of chemical doping and side-chain cleavage" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Determining physical and mechanical volcanic rock properties via reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Unauthorized landfills of solid household and industrial wastes detection in the Arctic and Subarctic territories using remote sensing technologies" LINK

"Evaluating the effects of distinct water saturation states on the light penetration depths of sand-textured soils" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Sorghum Grains Grading for Food, Feed, and Fuel Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Estimation of leaf area index at the late growth stage of crops using unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral images" LINK

"Analysis of Spectral Reflectance Characteristics Using Hyperspectral Sensor at Diverse Phenological Stages of Soybeans" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Data fusion for fruit quality authentication: combining non-destructive sensing techniques to predict quality parameters of citrus cultivars" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Buckwheat Identification by Combined UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis" LINK


"Effect of the annealing temperature on the growth of the silver nanoparticles synthesized by physical route" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics / Machine-Learning News Weekly in real time on Twitter Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 44, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Study on Characteristic Wavelength Extraction Method for Near Infrared Spectroscopy Identification Based on Genetic Algorithm" LINK

"Uji Karakteristik Biochar dengan Pendekatan Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Establishment of online quantitative model for moisture content determination of hydroxychloroquine sulfate particles by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Nondestructive detection model of soluble solids content of an apple using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy combined with CARS and MPGA" LINK

"Detecting cadmium contamination in loessal soils using near-infrared spectroscopy in the Xiaoqinling gold area" LINK

"Egg Freshness Evaluation Using Transmission and Reflection of NIR Spectroscopy Coupled Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Determination of Alcohol Content in Beers of Different Styles Based on Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration" | LINK

"Analysing the Water Spectral Pattern by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics as a Dynamic Multidimensional Biomarker in Preservation: Rice Germ ..." LINK

"Remote Sensing : The Application of NIRS to Determine Animal Physiological Traits for Wildlife Management and Conservation" LINK

"Wavelength selection method for near-infrared spectroscopy based on standard-sample calibration transfer of mango and apple" LINK

"A portable NIR-system for mixture powdery food analysis using deep learning" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Compositional and sensory quality of beef and its determination by near infrared" LINK

"Butyrylcholinesterase responsive supramolecular prodrug with targeted nearinfrared cellular imaging property" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Quantitative analysis of binary and ternary organo-mineral solid dispersions by Raman spectroscopy for robotic planetary exploration missions on Mars" | OpenAccess LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"A shallow network for hyperspectral image classification using an autoencoder with convolutional neural network" | LINK

"Hyperspectral camera development on an unmanned aerial vehicle" LINK

"Direct reflectance transformation methodology for drone-based hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Remote Sensing : Application of Multispectral Camera in Monitoring the Quality Parameters of Fresh Tea Leaves" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Sensors : Adaboost-Based Machine Learning Improved the Modeling Robust and Estimation Accuracy of Pear Leaf Nitrogen Concentration by In-Field VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Discrimination of Manufacturers Origin of Oxytetracycline Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy with Chemometric Methods" LINK


"Sensors : Non-Invasive Monitoring of Ethanol and Methanol Levels in Grape-Derived Pisco Distillate by Vibrational Spectroscopy" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Improving the thermoelectric performances of polymer via synchronously realizing of chemical doping and side-chain cleavage" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Determining physical and mechanical volcanic rock properties via reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Unauthorized landfills of solid household and industrial wastes detection in the Arctic and Subarctic territories using remote sensing technologies" LINK

"Evaluating the effects of distinct water saturation states on the light penetration depths of sand-textured soils" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Sorghum Grains Grading for Food, Feed, and Fuel Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Estimation of leaf area index at the late growth stage of crops using unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral images" LINK

"Analysis of Spectral Reflectance Characteristics Using Hyperspectral Sensor at Diverse Phenological Stages of Soybeans" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Data fusion for fruit quality authentication: combining non-destructive sensing techniques to predict quality parameters of citrus cultivars" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Buckwheat Identification by Combined UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis" LINK


"Effect of the annealing temperature on the growth of the silver nanoparticles synthesized by physical route" LINK