Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #19, 2023

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

NIR Calibration-Model Services

CalibrationModel is a service that provides the development of customized calibrations from NIR and laboratory data. It allows the use of NIR with your own customized models without the need for chemometric software! LINK

CalibrationModel simplifies the process of training machinelearning models for NIRS data while also providing the opportunity to try out different algorithms and applied knowledge from near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) . LINK

With the free NIR-Predictor software, you can use your NIRS calibration files locally and offline. This means you can predict as many NIR data as you want, at full speed without waiting and at no extra cost. LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 18, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 18, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 18, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

“Quantitative and qualitative prediction of sulfur content in diesel by near infrared spectroscopy” LINK

“Near-infrared spectroscopy for early selection of waxy cassava clones via seed analysis” | LINK

“Near infrared spectroscopy discriminates glutinous and non-glutinous sorghum using an approach based on typical samples and direct calibration” LINK

“Classification for GM and Non-GM Maize Kernels Based on NIR Spectra and Deep Learning” | LINK

“Data fusion strategy for rapid prediction of moisture content during drying of black tea based on micro-NIR spectroscopy and machine vision” LINK

“Rapid Classification of Coffee Origin Using Near-Infrared (Nir) Spectroscopy and (Non) Linear Machine Learning” LINK

“A feasibility study on nondestructive classification of frozen Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets based on temperature history at the logistics using NIR spectroscopy” LINK

“Potential of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of OliveOil quality ” LINK

“Variasi Kualitas Dedak Padi dalam Ransum Sapi Perah dan Pendeteksian Pemalsuan Menggunakan Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS).” LINK

“In-Situ Compositional Analysis of Tomato Plants and Cell Wall Using Fiber Optic Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy” LINK

“Prediction models of the nutritional quality of fresh and dry Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã grass by near infrared spectroscopy” LINK

“Changes in transcranial near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) values reflect changes in cardiac index during cardiac surgery.” LINK

“Geographical Origin Identification and Adulteration Quantification of Ziziphi Spinosae Semen by Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy with Gwo-Svm” LINK

“Development of a CH2-dependent analytical method using Near-Infrared spectroscopy via the integration of two algorithms: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic-II and competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (NSGAII-CARS)” LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

“Biosensors : High-Precision Detection of Cellular Drug Response Based on SERS Spectrum and Multivariate Statistical Analysis” | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

“Sensors : Single Seed Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Classification of Perennial Ryegrass Seed” | LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

“Understanding the compositional changes of organic matter in torrefied olive mill pomace compost using infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics” LINK

” Using a global diversity panel of Cannabis sativa L. to develop a near InfraRed-based chemometric application for cannabinoid quantification” | LINK

“Development of ANN Models for Prediction of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Oil-in-Aqueous Plant Extract Emulsions Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy” LINK

“Study of the suitable climate factors and geographical origins traceability of Panax notoginseng based on correlation analysis and spectral images combined with machine learning” | LINK

“Remote Sensing : PSSA: PCA-Domain Superpixelwise Singular Spectral Analysis for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification” | LINK

“Predicting leaf traits across functional groups using reflectance spectroscopy” LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

“Analytical Methods for the Identification and Quantitative Determination of Wool and Fine Animal Fibers: A Review” LINK

“Polymeric Photonic Crystal Fibers for Textile Tracing and Sorting” LINK


“Sensors : UAV Multisensory Data Fusion and Multi-Task Deep Learning for High-Throughput Maize Phenotyping” LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

“Salinity and high pH reduce denitrification rates by inhibiting denitrifying gene abundance in a saline-alkali soil” | LINK

“Remote Sensing : Multi-Angle Detection of Spatial Differences in Tea Physiological Parameters” | LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

“Large-scale screening of diverse barely lignocelluloses for simultaneously upgrading biomass enzymatic saccharification and plant lodging resistance coupled with …” | LINK

“Agriculture : Identification of Constructive Species and Degraded Plant Species in the Temperate Typical Grassland of Inner Mongolia Based on Hyperspectral Data” | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

” Rapid Nondestructive Testing Technology-Based Biosensors for FoodAnalysis” LINK

“Sensors : Spatiotemporal Winter Wheat Water Status Assessment Improvement Using a Water Deficit Index Derived from an Unmanned Aerial System in the North China Plain” | LINK

“Foods : Food Intake of Macro and Trace Elements from Different Fresh Vegetables Taken from Timisoara Market, Romania—Chemometric Analysis of the Results” | LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

“Antibiotics : Induction of Endogenous Antimicrobial Peptides to Prevent or Treat Oral Infection and Inflammation” | LINK


“Non-Destructive Study of Egyptian Emeralds Preserved in the Collection of the Museum of the Ecole des Mines” | LINK

Digitization in the field of NIR spectroscopy (smart sensors) / Digitalisierung im Bereich der NIR-Spektroskopie / Digitalizzazione nel campo della spettroscopia NIR (sensori intelligenti)

Digitalization is advancing, also in NIR spectroscopy, which enables trainable miniature smart sensors e.g. for analyses in the food&feed, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.

The calibration is the core of a NIR spectroscopy sensor, it enables the numerous applications and should therefore not be the weakest link in the measurement chain.

The development of calibrations that turn NIR spectrometers into smart sensors is done manually by experts (NIR specialist, chemometrician, data scientist) with so-called chemometrics software.

This is very time-consuming (time to market) and the result is person-dependent and thus suboptimal, because each expert has his own preferred way of proceeding.
In addition, the calibrations have to be maintained, as new data has been collected in the meantime, which can be used to extend and improve the calibrations.

This is where our automated service comes in, combining the knowledge and good practices of NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics collected in one software and using machine learning to generate optimal calibrations.

Based on this, we have developed a complete technology platform (Time to Market) that covers the entire process from sending NIR + Lab data, to NIR Calibration as a Service, from online purchase of calibrations, to NIR Predictor software that directly evaluates newly measured NIR data locally and generates result reports.

Besides the free desktop version with user interface, the NIR Predictor can also be integrated (OEM). This can be integrated in parallel as a complement to your current Predictor, allowing the user to choose how they want to calibrate.
And give them the advantage in NIR feasibility studies and NIR spectrometer evaluations to quickly provide the customer with a solid and accurate calibration that will make their NIR system deliver better results.

Advantages for your NIR users (internal or external)

  • no initial costs (no chemometrics software license required),
  • calculable operating costs (fixed amount instead of time and hourly rate) (calibration development, calibration maintenance)
  • easy to use (no chemometrics and software training),
  • quicker to use (no calibration development work) and
  • better calibrations (precision, accuracy, robustness, ...)

Our chargeable service is based on the calibration development and the annual calibration use.
Calibration development and calibration use can also be carried out separately (manufacturer / user).

For you as a spectrometer manufacturer, this means that you can deliver your system pre-calibrated for certain applications without incurring software license costs. And without your application specialists having to provide additional calibration services.

The unique advantages of our calibration service together with the free NIR Predictor are:

  • no software license costs (chemometrics software, predictor software, OEM integration)
  • no chemometrics know-how necessary
  • no time needed to develop optimal NIR calibrations.

If interested in using/evaluating the service :

About CalibrationModel.com : Time and knowledge intensive creation and optimization of chemometric evaluation methods for spectrometers as a service to enable more accurate analysis and measurement results.

see also

Paradigm Change in NIR

Five Mistakes to avoid on Digitalization in NIR

NIR - Total cost of ownership (TCO)

OEM / White Label Software

White Paper

Die Digitalisierung schreitet voran, so auch in der NIR-Spektroskopie, die trainierbare miniatur Smart-Sensors ermöglicht z.B. für Analysen im Bereich Food&Feed, Chemie und Pharma.

Die Kalibration ist das Kernstück eines NIR-Spektroskopie Sensors, sie ermöglicht die zahlreichen Applikationen und sollte darum nicht das schwächste Glied in der Messkette sein.

Das Entwickeln von Kalibrationen die NIR-Spektrometer zu Smart-Sensoren macht, wird bis an hin von Experten (NIR-Spezialist, Chemometriker, Data Scientist) manuell gemacht mit sogenannter Chemometrie Software.

Das ist sehr zeitintensiv (Time to Market) und das Ergebnis ist personenabhängig und somit suboptimal, denn jeder Experte hat seine eigene bevorzugte Weise wie er vorgeht.
Dazu kommt, dass die Kalibrationen gewartet werden müssen, da in der Zwischenzeit neue Daten gesammelt wurden, die zur Erweiterung und Verbesserung der Kalibrationen genutzt werden kann.

Hier setzt unser automatisierter Service an, der das Wissen und Good-Practices der NIR-Spektroskopie und Chemometrie gesammelt in einer Software vereint und mittels Machine-Learning optimale Kalibrationen erzeugt.

Wir haben darauf aufbauend eine komplette Technologie-Plattform entwickelt (Time to Market), die den ganzen Ablauf vom Senden der NIR + Lab Daten, zu NIR-Kalibration as a Service, vom Online-Kauf der Kalibrationen, bis hin zur NIR-Predictor Software die neu gemessene NIR Daten direkt lokal auswertet und Ergebnis Reports erstellt.

Nebst der freien Desktop Variante mit User Interface kann der NIR-Predictor auch integriert werden (OEM). Das kann parallel als Ergänzung zu ihrem jetzigen Predictor integriert werden und so dem Anwender die Wahl ermöglichen, wie er Kalibrieren möchte.
Und ihnen so den Vorteil verschaffen, bei NIR Feasibility Studies und NIR-Spektrometer Evaluationen, dem Kunden rasch eine solide und genaue Kalibration bereitzustellen, die ihr NIR System bessere Ergebnisse liefern lässt.

Vorteile für ihre NIR-Anwender (intern oder extern)

  • keine Initial-Kosten (keine Chemometrie Software Lizenz nötig),
  • kalkulierbare Betriebs Kosten (fix Betrag statt nach Aufwand und Stundensatz) (Kalibrationsentwicklung, Kalibrations-Pflege)
  • einfach Anwendbar (keine Chemometrie- und Software-Trainings),
  • schneller Einsatzbereit (keine Kalibrations-Entwicklungs Arbeit) und
  • bessere Kalibrationen (precision, accuracy, robustness, …)

Unsere kostenpflichtige Serviceleistung beruht auf der Kalibrationsentwicklung und der jährlichen Kalibrationsnutzung.
Dabei kann die Kalibrationsentwicklung und Kalibrationsnutzung auch getrennt voneinander (Hersteller / User) erfolgen.

Für Sie als Spektrometer Hersteller kommt so die Möglichkeit hinzu, dass Sie für bestimmte Applikationen ihr System Vorkalibriert ausliefern können, ohne dass Software-Lizenz-Kosten fällig werden. Und ohne dass ihre Applikations-Spezialisten zusätzliche Kalibrationsleistung erbringen müssen.

Die einzigartigen Vorteile unseres Calibrations-Service zusammen mit dem free NIR-Predictor sind:

  • keine Software Lizenz Kosten (Chemometrie Software, Predictor Software, OEM integration)
  • kein Chemometrie Know-How nötig
  • kein Zeitaufwand nötig um optimale NIR-Kalibrationen zu entwickeln.

Bei Interesse zur Nutzung/Evaluation des Services :

Über CalibrationModel.com : Zeit- und Wissens-intensive Erstellung und Optimierung von chemometrischen Auswertemethoden für Spektrometer als Service, um präzisere Analysen- und Messergebnisse zu ermöglichen.

see also

Paradigm Change in NIR

Five Mistakes to avoid on Digitalization in NIR

NIR - Total cost of ownership (TCO)

OEM / White Label Software

White Paper

La digitalizzazione sta progredendo, anche nella spettroscopia NIR, che consente l'uso di sensori intelligenti in miniatura addestrabili, ad esempio per analisi nei settori alimentare e dei mangimi, chimico e farmaceutico.

La calibrazione è il cuore di un sensore di spettroscopia NIR, consente le numerose applicazioni e non dovrebbe quindi essere l'anello più debole della catena di misura.

Lo sviluppo delle calibrazioni che trasformano gli spettrometri NIR in sensori intelligenti viene effettuato manualmente da esperti (specialista NIR, chemiometrista, scienziato dei dati) con il cosiddetto software di chemiometria.

Ciò richiede molto tempo (time to market) e il risultato dipende dalla persona ed è quindi subottimale, perché ogni esperto ha il suo modo di procedere preferito.
Inoltre, le calibrazioni devono essere mantenute, poiché nel frattempo sono stati raccolti nuovi dati che possono essere utilizzati per ampliare e migliorare le calibrazioni.

Qui entra in gioco il nostro servizio automatizzato, che combina le conoscenze e le buone pratiche della spettroscopia NIR e della chemiometria in un unico software e genera calibrazioni ottimali mediante l'apprendimento automatico.

Su questa base, abbiamo sviluppato una piattaforma tecnologica completa (Time to Market), che copre l'intero processo dall'invio dei dati NIR + Lab, alla calibrazione NIR come servizio, dall'acquisto online delle calibrazioni, al software NIR Predictor, che valuta direttamente i dati NIR appena misurati a livello locale e genera rapporti sui risultati.

Oltre alla versione desktop gratuita con interfaccia utente, il NIR Predictor può essere integrato (OEM). Questo può essere integrato in parallelo come complemento al vostro Predictor attuale, permettendo all'utente di scegliere come vuole calibrare.
Questo vi offre il vantaggio negli studi di fattibilità NIR e nelle valutazioni degli spettrometri NIR per fornire rapidamente al cliente una calibrazione solida e accurata che farà sì che il vostro sistema NIR fornisca risultati migliori.

Vantaggi per i vostri utenti NIR (interni o esterni)

  • nessun costo iniziale (non è necessaria la licenza del software di chemiometria),
  • costi operativi calcolabili (importo fisso anziché tariffa oraria) (sviluppo della taratura, manutenzione della taratura)
  • facile da usare (nessuna chemiometria e formazione software),
  • più veloce da usare (nessun lavoro di sviluppo di calibrazione) e
  • calibrazioni migliori (precisione, accuratezza, robustezza, ...)

Il nostro servizio a pagamento si basa sullo sviluppo della taratura e sull'utilizzo annuale della taratura.
Lo sviluppo della taratura e l'uso della taratura possono essere effettuati anche separatamente (produttore/utente).

Per voi, in qualità di produttori di spettrometri, ciò significa che potete fornire il vostro sistema pre-calibrato per determinate applicazioni senza incorrere in costi di licenza del software. E senza che i vostri specialisti delle applicazioni debbano fornire ulteriori servizi di taratura.

I vantaggi unici del nostro servizio di calibrazione insieme al predittore NIR Predictor gratuito sono:

  • nessun costo di licenza software (software di chemiometria, software di previsione, integrazione OEM)
  • non è necessario alcun know-how in chemiometria
  • non c'è bisogno di tempo per sviluppare calibrazioni NIR ottimali.

Se interessati all'uso/valutazione del servizio :

Informazioni su CalibrationModel.com : Creazione e ottimizzazione dei metodi di valutazione chemiometrica per gli spettrometri come servizio per consentire analisi e risultati di misura più precisi.

see also

Paradigm Change in NIR

Five Mistakes to avoid on Digitalization in NIR

NIR - Total cost of ownership (TCO)

OEM / White Label Software

White Paper

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #3, 2020Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #3, 2020Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #3, 2020

Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy

"Fourier-transform near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) rapidly and non-destructively predicts daily age and growth in otoliths of juvenile red snapper Lutjanus …" LINK

"Desarrollo de Modelos NIRS de Predicción para el Análisis de la Finura de Fibras Textiles de Vicuña y Llama" LINK

"fNIRS-GANs: Data augmentation using generative adversarial networks for classifying motor tasks from functional near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

" Simulated NIR spectra as sensitive markers of the structure and interactions in nucleobases" LINK

"Penentuan Parameter Mutu Buah Jeruk Siam Garut Secara Nondestruktif Menggunakan Spektroskopi NIR" LINK

"Rapid non-destructive moisture content monitoring using a handheld portable Vis–NIR spectrophotometer during solar drying of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.)" LINK

"VIS-NIR wave spectrometric features of acorns (Quercus robur L.) for machine grading" LINK

"Portable NIR Spectroscopy: Affordable Technology for Developing Countries" LINK

"NIR spectroscopy used for non-destructive evaluation of the chemical composition of the investigated papers in addition to typically used standard methods." LINK

"Feasibility study on prediction of gasoline octane number using NIR spectroscopy combined with manifold learning and neural network" LINK

"Authentication of Tokaj Wine (Hungaricum) with the Electronic Tongue and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Environmental advantages of visible and near infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of intact olive ripeness" LINK

"Rapid screening and quantitative analysis of adulterant Lonicerae Flos in Lonicerae Japonicae Flos by Fourier-transform near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid analysis of soluble solid content in navel orange based on visible-near infrared spectroscopy combined with a swarm intelligence optimization method" LINK

"Establishment and relevant analysis of plant's spectral reflectivity database in visible and near-infrared bands" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging

"Mineral Mapping of Drill Core Hyperspectral Data with Extreme Learning Machines" LINK

"Deep learning classifiers for hyperspectral imaging: A review" LINK

"Texture and Shape Features for Grass Weed Classification Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images" LINK

"Avoiding Overfitting When Applying Spectral-Spatial Deep Learning Methods on Hyperspectral Images with Limited Labels" LINK

"Estimation Model of Winter Wheat Yield Based on Uav Hyperspectral Data" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Validation of near infrared spectroscopy as an age-prediction method for plastics" LINK

Whoever leads in ArtificialIntelligence in 2030 will rule the world until 2100 | fintech AI MachineLearning DeepLearning robotics LINK

"Chemical Composition of Hexene-Based Linear Low-Density Polyethylene by Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Establishment of Plot-Yield Prediction Models in Soybean Breeding Programs Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing" LINK


"NIR reflectance spectroscopy and SIMCA for classification of crops flour" LINK

NIR Equipment

"Prediction of meat quality traits in the abattoir using portable and hand-held near-infrared spectrometers" LINK

"A Plug-and-play Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Using Low-cost Equipment" LINK

NIR in Environment

"The use of hyperspectral remote sensing to detect PCB contaminated soils in the 0.35 to 12 micron spectral range" LINK

NIR in Agriculture

"Fast measurement of phosphates and ammonium in fermentation-like media: a feasibility study" LINK

"Detection of early decay on citrus using hyperspectral transmittance imaging technology coupled with principal component analysis and improved watershed …" LINK

"Determination of Nutritive Value of Some Feedstuffs Used in Poultry Nutrition by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Chemical Methods" LINK

"근적외선분광법을 이용한 사료용 벼의 사료가치 평가" "Evaluation of Feed Values for Whole Crop Rice Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Classification of crop flours based on protein contents using near infra-red spectroscopy and principle component analysis" LINK

"In-field detection of Alternaria solani in potato crops using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

NIR in Laboratory

"Use of Remote sensing technology to assess grapevine quality" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical AI Application Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem predictionmodel LINK

Start Calibrate

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy

"Fourier-transform near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) rapidly and non-destructively predicts daily age and growth in otoliths of juvenile red snapper Lutjanus …" LINK

"Desarrollo de Modelos NIRS de Predicción para el Análisis de la Finura de Fibras Textiles de Vicuña y Llama" LINK

"fNIRS-GANs: Data augmentation using generative adversarial networks for classifying motor tasks from functional near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

" Simulated NIR spectra as sensitive markers of the structure and interactions in nucleobases" LINK

"Penentuan Parameter Mutu Buah Jeruk Siam Garut Secara Nondestruktif Menggunakan Spektroskopi NIR" LINK

"Rapid non-destructive moisture content monitoring using a handheld portable Vis–NIR spectrophotometer during solar drying of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.)" LINK

"VIS-NIR wave spectrometric features of acorns (Quercus robur L.) for machine grading" LINK

"Portable NIR Spectroscopy: Affordable Technology for Developing Countries" LINK

"NIR spectroscopy used for non-destructive evaluation of the chemical composition of the investigated papers in addition to typically used standard methods." LINK

"Feasibility study on prediction of gasoline octane number using NIR spectroscopy combined with manifold learning and neural network" LINK

"Authentication of Tokaj Wine (Hungaricum) with the Electronic Tongue and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Environmental advantages of visible and near infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of intact olive ripeness" LINK

"Rapid screening and quantitative analysis of adulterant Lonicerae Flos in Lonicerae Japonicae Flos by Fourier-transform near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid analysis of soluble solid content in navel orange based on visible-near infrared spectroscopy combined with a swarm intelligence optimization method" LINK

"Establishment and relevant analysis of plant's spectral reflectivity database in visible and near-infrared bands" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging

"Mineral Mapping of Drill Core Hyperspectral Data with Extreme Learning Machines" LINK

"Deep learning classifiers for hyperspectral imaging: A review" LINK

"Texture and Shape Features for Grass Weed Classification Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images" LINK

"Avoiding Overfitting When Applying Spectral-Spatial Deep Learning Methods on Hyperspectral Images with Limited Labels" LINK

"Estimation Model of Winter Wheat Yield Based on Uav Hyperspectral Data" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Validation of near infrared spectroscopy as an age-prediction method for plastics" LINK

Whoever leads in ArtificialIntelligence in 2030 will rule the world until 2100 | fintech AI MachineLearning DeepLearning robotics LINK

"Chemical Composition of Hexene-Based Linear Low-Density Polyethylene by Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Establishment of Plot-Yield Prediction Models in Soybean Breeding Programs Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing" LINK


"NIR reflectance spectroscopy and SIMCA for classification of crops flour" LINK

NIR Equipment

"Prediction of meat quality traits in the abattoir using portable and hand-held near-infrared spectrometers" LINK

"A Plug-and-play Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Using Low-cost Equipment" LINK

NIR in Environment

"The use of hyperspectral remote sensing to detect PCB contaminated soils in the 0.35 to 12 micron spectral range" LINK

NIR in Agriculture

"Fast measurement of phosphates and ammonium in fermentation-like media: a feasibility study" LINK

"Detection of early decay on citrus using hyperspectral transmittance imaging technology coupled with principal component analysis and improved watershed …" LINK

"Determination of Nutritive Value of Some Feedstuffs Used in Poultry Nutrition by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Chemical Methods" LINK

"근적외선분광법을 이용한 사료용 벼의 사료가치 평가" "Evaluation of Feed Values for Whole Crop Rice Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Classification of crop flours based on protein contents using near infra-red spectroscopy and principle component analysis" LINK

"In-field detection of Alternaria solani in potato crops using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

NIR in Laboratory

"Use of Remote sensing technology to assess grapevine quality" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical AI Application Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem predictionmodel LINK

Start Calibrate

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy

"Fourier-transform near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIRS) rapidly and non-destructively predicts daily age and growth in otoliths of juvenile red snapper Lutjanus …" LINK

"Desarrollo de Modelos NIRS de Predicción para el Análisis de la Finura de Fibras Textiles de Vicuña y Llama" LINK

"fNIRS-GANs: Data augmentation using generative adversarial networks for classifying motor tasks from functional near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

" Simulated NIR spectra as sensitive markers of the structure and interactions in nucleobases" LINK

"Penentuan Parameter Mutu Buah Jeruk Siam Garut Secara Nondestruktif Menggunakan Spektroskopi NIR" LINK

"Rapid non-destructive moisture content monitoring using a handheld portable Vis–NIR spectrophotometer during solar drying of mangoes (Mangifera indica L.)" LINK

"VIS-NIR wave spectrometric features of acorns (Quercus robur L.) for machine grading" LINK

"Portable NIR Spectroscopy: Affordable Technology for Developing Countries" LINK

"NIR spectroscopy used for non-destructive evaluation of the chemical composition of the investigated papers in addition to typically used standard methods." LINK

"Feasibility study on prediction of gasoline octane number using NIR spectroscopy combined with manifold learning and neural network" LINK

"Authentication of Tokaj Wine (Hungaricum) with the Electronic Tongue and Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Environmental advantages of visible and near infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of intact olive ripeness" LINK

"Rapid screening and quantitative analysis of adulterant Lonicerae Flos in Lonicerae Japonicae Flos by Fourier-transform near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid analysis of soluble solid content in navel orange based on visible-near infrared spectroscopy combined with a swarm intelligence optimization method" LINK

"Establishment and relevant analysis of plant's spectral reflectivity database in visible and near-infrared bands" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging

"Mineral Mapping of Drill Core Hyperspectral Data with Extreme Learning Machines" LINK

"Deep learning classifiers for hyperspectral imaging: A review" LINK

"Texture and Shape Features for Grass Weed Classification Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images" LINK

"Avoiding Overfitting When Applying Spectral-Spatial Deep Learning Methods on Hyperspectral Images with Limited Labels" LINK

"Estimation Model of Winter Wheat Yield Based on Uav Hyperspectral Data" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Validation of near infrared spectroscopy as an age-prediction method for plastics" LINK

Whoever leads in ArtificialIntelligence in 2030 will rule the world until 2100 | fintech AI MachineLearning DeepLearning robotics LINK

"Chemical Composition of Hexene-Based Linear Low-Density Polyethylene by Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Establishment of Plot-Yield Prediction Models in Soybean Breeding Programs Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing" LINK


"NIR reflectance spectroscopy and SIMCA for classification of crops flour" LINK

NIR Equipment

"Prediction of meat quality traits in the abattoir using portable and hand-held near-infrared spectrometers" LINK

"A Plug-and-play Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Using Low-cost Equipment" LINK

NIR in Environment

"The use of hyperspectral remote sensing to detect PCB contaminated soils in the 0.35 to 12 micron spectral range" LINK

NIR in Agriculture

"Fast measurement of phosphates and ammonium in fermentation-like media: a feasibility study" LINK

"Detection of early decay on citrus using hyperspectral transmittance imaging technology coupled with principal component analysis and improved watershed …" LINK

"Determination of Nutritive Value of Some Feedstuffs Used in Poultry Nutrition by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Chemical Methods" LINK

"근적외선분광법을 이용한 사료용 벼의 사료가치 평가" "Evaluation of Feed Values for Whole Crop Rice Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

"Classification of crop flours based on protein contents using near infra-red spectroscopy and principle component analysis" LINK

"In-field detection of Alternaria solani in potato crops using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

NIR in Laboratory

"Use of Remote sensing technology to assess grapevine quality" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical AI Application Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 2, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem predictionmodel LINK

Start Calibrate

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Cost comparison / Price comparison of Chemometrics / Machine Learning / Data Science for NIR-Spectroscopy – Kostenvergleich / Preisvergleich von Chemometrie / Maschinelles Lernen / Data Science für die NIR-Spektroskopie – Confronto dei costi / Confronto dei prezzi della chemiometria / Apprendimento automatico / Scienza dei dati per la spettroscopia NIR

Reduce Operating Costs and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of NIR-Spectroscopy (NIRS) in the Digitalization Age.

NIR-Spectroscopy (NIRS) - Reduce cost, Increase revenue

Reduce Cost by automated NIR development.
Increase Revenue by higher accuracy NIR results.

CalibrationModel.com (CM) versus Others

Costs are not everything, there are other important factors listed in the table.

CM fix € pricing (approx.)Others € Price Range (approx.)
Chemometric Packagenot‑needed
€3500 - €6500 per user
Chemometric Predictor
€1500 - €2500 per NIR device
Chemometric Trainingnot‑needed
€1500 - €2500 per user
Chemometrician* Salarynot‑needed
1 years Salary / year
(+ risk of Employee Turnover)
Powerful Computer (many Processors, lot of RAM for big data)not‑needed
€1500 - €4500 per computer
Development and Usage
Development of a Calibration
€80 - €150 / hour

of Chemometrician* using a Chemometric Software (click and wait) and applying it's knowledge

Usage of a Calibration
€60 / year
Total€178 in first year
€60 in second year
initial (min €8000 , max €15500)
+ 2 * (2 - 4)(hour to cost same! as CM service) * (€80 - €150) Chemometrician* work
no initial cost
very high initial costs
no personnel cost
high personnel* costs
constant CM services
risk of Employee Turnover
global knowledge
risk of only use personal knowledge
easy to calculate fix cost on demand
difficult to calculate variable cost on demand plus Chemometrician* Recruitment needed
Results :
calibration prediction performance
always reproducible highly optimized
only as good as your Chemometrician* daily condition
better prediction performance, due to best-of 10'000x calibrations
small size of experiments, non-optimal calibrations

See also:

Start Calibrate

*) Personnel / Chemometrician / Data Scientist / Data Analyst / Machine Learning Engineer :
We are not against it, we are one of them a long time ago, but the way the work is done is changing (see below).

2019 Digitalization and the Future of Work: Macroeconomic Consequences

2019 The Digitalization of the American Workforce

2017 Digitalization and the American workforce , full-report

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #35, 2019Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #35, 2019Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #35, 2019

Near Infrared (NIR)

"Evaluation of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) using near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration" LINK

"A weighted ensemble method based on wavelength selection for near-infrared spectroscopic calibration" LINK

"110th Anniversary: Real-Time Endpoint Detection of Fluidized Bed Drying Process Based on a Switching Model of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Supervised Dictionary Learning with Regularization for Near-infrared Spectroscopy Classification" tobacco NIRS LINK

"Evaluation of NIRS as non-destructive test to evaluate quality traits of purple passion fruit" LINK

"A Comparison of Sparse Partial Least Squares and Elastic Net in Wavelength Selection on NIR Spectroscopy Data" LINK

"High-throughput analysis of leaf physiological and chemical traits with VIS-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy: a case study with a maize diversity panel." LINK

"Comparative study on the use of three different near infrared spectroscopy recording methodologies for varietal discrimination of walnuts" LINK

"Support vector machine regression on selected wavelength regions for quantitative analysis of caffeine in tea leaves by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Use of near infrared spectroscopy and spectral database to assess the quality of pharmaceutical products and aid characterization of unknown components" LINK

"Determination of soil organic matter using visible-near infrared spectroscopy and machinelearning" LINK

"Evaluation of acetic acid and ethanol concentration in a rice vinegar internal venturi injector bioreactor using Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy" LINK


"Determination of the superficial citral content on microparticles: An application of NIR spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools" LINK

"Non-Invasive Tools to Detect Smoke Contamination in Grapevine Canopies, Berries and Wine: A Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Modeling Approach" LINK

"Optimization of soluble solids content prediction models in 'Hami'melons by means of Vis-NIR spectroscopy and chemometric tools" LINK

"Fast quantitative detection of Black Pepper and Cumin adulterations by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate modeling" LINK

"Prediction of toughness and other beef quality characteristics of the m. longissimus thoracis using polarized near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of near infrared for on-line monitoring of heavy fuel oil at thermoelectric power plants. Part I: Development of chemometric models" LINK

What's a Near-Infrared-sensor for combines? Donau Soja collects data from soya fields for the soya yield- and protein prediction model within CYBELE_H2020. The NIR sensor measures & maps protein, oil and other quality parameters in real time during the upcoming harvest season! LINK

"NIRs calibration models for chemical composition and fatty acid families of raw and freeze-dried beef: a comparison" LINK

"Honey botanical origin classification using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Software Sensors QAQC Testing Quality Checking LabManagers laboratory digitalization LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor labdata LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK


Most people now know companies like Google & Facebook collect & sell your data. Yet some people still think, "So what? I have nothing to hide." Here's five compelling reasons to tell them why your privacy is worth more than you think! LINK


"Relevance of a near infrared spectral index for assessing tillage and fertilization effects on soil water retention" LINK


"Fast And Simultaneous Prediction Of Agricultural Soil Nutrients Content Using Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative and qualitative phenotyping of disease resistance of crops by hyperspectral sensors: seamless interlocking of phytopathology, sensors, and machine learning is needed!" LINK

"Prediction of macronutrients in plant leaves using chemometric analysis and wavelength selection" LINK


"Spectroscopic data supporting investment decisions" LINK


Near Infrared (NIR)

"Evaluation of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) using near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration" LINK

"A weighted ensemble method based on wavelength selection for near-infrared spectroscopic calibration" LINK

"110th Anniversary: Real-Time Endpoint Detection of Fluidized Bed Drying Process Based on a Switching Model of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Supervised Dictionary Learning with Regularization for Near-infrared Spectroscopy Classification" tobacco NIRS LINK

"Evaluation of NIRS as non-destructive test to evaluate quality traits of purple passion fruit" LINK

"A Comparison of Sparse Partial Least Squares and Elastic Net in Wavelength Selection on NIR Spectroscopy Data" LINK

"High-throughput analysis of leaf physiological and chemical traits with VIS-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy: a case study with a maize diversity panel." LINK

"Comparative study on the use of three different near infrared spectroscopy recording methodologies for varietal discrimination of walnuts" LINK

"Support vector machine regression on selected wavelength regions for quantitative analysis of caffeine in tea leaves by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Use of near infrared spectroscopy and spectral database to assess the quality of pharmaceutical products and aid characterization of unknown components" LINK

"Determination of soil organic matter using visible-near infrared spectroscopy and machinelearning" LINK

"Evaluation of acetic acid and ethanol concentration in a rice vinegar internal venturi injector bioreactor using Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy" LINK


"Determination of the superficial citral content on microparticles: An application of NIR spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools" LINK

"Non-Invasive Tools to Detect Smoke Contamination in Grapevine Canopies, Berries and Wine: A Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Modeling Approach" LINK

"Optimization of soluble solids content prediction models in 'Hami'melons by means of Vis-NIR spectroscopy and chemometric tools" LINK

"Fast quantitative detection of Black Pepper and Cumin adulterations by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate modeling" LINK

"Prediction of toughness and other beef quality characteristics of the m. longissimus thoracis using polarized near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of near infrared for on-line monitoring of heavy fuel oil at thermoelectric power plants. Part I: Development of chemometric models" LINK

What's a Near-Infrared-sensor for combines? Donau Soja collects data from soya fields for the soya yield- and protein prediction model within CYBELE_H2020. The NIR sensor measures & maps protein, oil and other quality parameters in real time during the upcoming harvest season! LINK

"NIRs calibration models for chemical composition and fatty acid families of raw and freeze-dried beef: a comparison" LINK

"Honey botanical origin classification using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Software Sensors QAQC Testing Quality Checking LabManagers laboratory digitalization LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor labdata LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK


Most people now know companies like Google & Facebook collect & sell your data. Yet some people still think, "So what? I have nothing to hide." Here's five compelling reasons to tell them why your privacy is worth more than you think! LINK


"Relevance of a near infrared spectral index for assessing tillage and fertilization effects on soil water retention" LINK


"Fast And Simultaneous Prediction Of Agricultural Soil Nutrients Content Using Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative and qualitative phenotyping of disease resistance of crops by hyperspectral sensors: seamless interlocking of phytopathology, sensors, and machine learning is needed!" LINK

"Prediction of macronutrients in plant leaves using chemometric analysis and wavelength selection" LINK


"Spectroscopic data supporting investment decisions" LINK


Near Infrared (NIR)

"Evaluation of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) using near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration" LINK

"A weighted ensemble method based on wavelength selection for near-infrared spectroscopic calibration" LINK

"110th Anniversary: Real-Time Endpoint Detection of Fluidized Bed Drying Process Based on a Switching Model of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Supervised Dictionary Learning with Regularization for Near-infrared Spectroscopy Classification" tobacco NIRS LINK

"Evaluation of NIRS as non-destructive test to evaluate quality traits of purple passion fruit" LINK

"A Comparison of Sparse Partial Least Squares and Elastic Net in Wavelength Selection on NIR Spectroscopy Data" LINK

"High-throughput analysis of leaf physiological and chemical traits with VIS-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy: a case study with a maize diversity panel." LINK

"Comparative study on the use of three different near infrared spectroscopy recording methodologies for varietal discrimination of walnuts" LINK

"Support vector machine regression on selected wavelength regions for quantitative analysis of caffeine in tea leaves by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Use of near infrared spectroscopy and spectral database to assess the quality of pharmaceutical products and aid characterization of unknown components" LINK

"Determination of soil organic matter using visible-near infrared spectroscopy and machinelearning" LINK

"Evaluation of acetic acid and ethanol concentration in a rice vinegar internal venturi injector bioreactor using Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy" LINK


"Determination of the superficial citral content on microparticles: An application of NIR spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools" LINK

"Non-Invasive Tools to Detect Smoke Contamination in Grapevine Canopies, Berries and Wine: A Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Modeling Approach" LINK

"Optimization of soluble solids content prediction models in 'Hami'melons by means of Vis-NIR spectroscopy and chemometric tools" LINK

"Fast quantitative detection of Black Pepper and Cumin adulterations by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate modeling" LINK

"Prediction of toughness and other beef quality characteristics of the m. longissimus thoracis using polarized near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of near infrared for on-line monitoring of heavy fuel oil at thermoelectric power plants. Part I: Development of chemometric models" LINK

What's a Near-Infrared-sensor for combines? Donau Soja collects data from soya fields for the soya yield- and protein prediction model within CYBELE_H2020. The NIR sensor measures & maps protein, oil and other quality parameters in real time during the upcoming harvest season! LINK

"NIRs calibration models for chemical composition and fatty acid families of raw and freeze-dried beef: a comparison" LINK

"Honey botanical origin classification using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Software Sensors QAQC Testing Quality Checking LabManagers laboratory digitalization LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor labdata LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 34, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK


Most people now know companies like Google & Facebook collect & sell your data. Yet some people still think, "So what? I have nothing to hide." Here's five compelling reasons to tell them why your privacy is worth more than you think! LINK


"Relevance of a near infrared spectral index for assessing tillage and fertilization effects on soil water retention" LINK


"Fast And Simultaneous Prediction Of Agricultural Soil Nutrients Content Using Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative and qualitative phenotyping of disease resistance of crops by hyperspectral sensors: seamless interlocking of phytopathology, sensors, and machine learning is needed!" LINK

"Prediction of macronutrients in plant leaves using chemometric analysis and wavelength selection" LINK


"Spectroscopic data supporting investment decisions" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #29, 2019Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #29, 2019Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #29, 2019


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by YourCompanyNameHere - BestNIRinstruments. Check out their product page ... link


Distinguishing donor age groups via Raman spectroscopic analysis of whole blood & chemometrics! research by Kyle C. Doty & Igor K. Lednev : | LINK

"Variable selection by double competitive adaptive reweighted sampling for calibration transfer of near infrared spectra" LINK

"Intuitive Visualization of Outlier Detection Methods" LINK

"Comparison of three different classification methods performance for the determination of biofuel quality by means of NIR spectroscopy" LINK

" Predicting the quality of ryegrass using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"A Clustering-Based Partial Least Squares Method for Improving the Freshness Prediction Model of Crucian Carps Fillets by Hyperspectral Image Technology" LINK

" Hyperspectral Uncertainty Quantification by Optimization" LINK

Near Infrared

"Hardwood Species Classification with Hyperspectral Microscopic Images" LINK

" Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in Forensic Chemistry: Critical Review, Current Trends and Challenges" LINK

"Combining Fourier Transform MidInfrared Spectroscopy with Chemometric Methods to Detect Adulterations in Milk Powder." LINK

"Comparison of Cation Exchange Capacity Estimated from Vis-NIR Spectral Reflectance Data and a Pedotransfer Function" LINK

"Modeling of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, Monoglycerides, Triglycerides and Diglycerides in Rapeseed Oil Biodiesel by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Predicting the contents of polysaccharides and its monosugars in Dendrobium huoshanense by partial least squares regression model using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Fast determination of oxides content in cement raw meal using NIR spectroscopy with SPXY algorithm" LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics for the analysis of nutraceuticals in South Africa" LINK


"Determination of total sugar content in Siraitia grosvenorii by near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with wavelength selection techniques" LINK

"How to Measure Coating Thickness of Tablets: Method Comparison of Optical Coherence Tomography, Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Weight-, Height- and Diameter Gain." LINK


"Spectral difference analysis and identification of different maturity blueberry fruit based on hyperspectral imaging using spectral index" LINK


Focus on photonics, spectroscopy, and spectrometry LINK


"Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 2995: Effect of the Architecture of Fiber-Optic Probes Designed for Soluble Solid Content Prediction in Intact Sugar Beet Slices" LINK

"Miniaturized analytical platform for cocaine detection in oral fluids by MicroNIR/Chemometrics." LINK

"Handheld near-infrared spectrometer for on-line monitoring of biodiesel production in a continuous process" LINK


"Optimized Multivariate Analysis for the Discrimination of Cucumber Green Mosaic Mottle Virus-Infected Watermelon Seeds Based on Spectral Imaging" LINK


"Non-destructive screening method for detecting the presence of insects in sorghum grains using near infrared spectroscopy and discriminant analysis" LINK

" NIR hyperspectral imaging with multivariate analysis for measurement of oil and protein" LINK


"Development and Validation of In-line Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Based Analytical Method for Commercial Production of a Botanical Drug Product" LINK

In-line monitoring of powder blend homogeneity in continuous drug manufacture using near infrared spectroscopy (with PDF) pharmaceutical binder excipients LINK


"The essential role of omni-capable research laboratories in advancing analytical spectroscopy" LINK


"How to Build Disruptive DataScience Teams: 10 Best Practices" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by YourCompanyNameHere - BestNIRinstruments. Check out their product page ... link


Distinguishing donor age groups via Raman spectroscopic analysis of whole blood & chemometrics! research by Kyle C. Doty & Igor K. Lednev : | LINK

"Variable selection by double competitive adaptive reweighted sampling for calibration transfer of near infrared spectra" LINK

"Intuitive Visualization of Outlier Detection Methods" LINK

"Comparison of three different classification methods performance for the determination of biofuel quality by means of NIR spectroscopy" LINK

" Predicting the quality of ryegrass using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"A Clustering-Based Partial Least Squares Method for Improving the Freshness Prediction Model of Crucian Carps Fillets by Hyperspectral Image Technology" LINK

" Hyperspectral Uncertainty Quantification by Optimization" LINK

Near Infrared

"Hardwood Species Classification with Hyperspectral Microscopic Images" LINK

" Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in Forensic Chemistry: Critical Review, Current Trends and Challenges" LINK

"Combining Fourier Transform MidInfrared Spectroscopy with Chemometric Methods to Detect Adulterations in Milk Powder." LINK

"Comparison of Cation Exchange Capacity Estimated from Vis-NIR Spectral Reflectance Data and a Pedotransfer Function" LINK

"Modeling of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, Monoglycerides, Triglycerides and Diglycerides in Rapeseed Oil Biodiesel by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Predicting the contents of polysaccharides and its monosugars in Dendrobium huoshanense by partial least squares regression model using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Fast determination of oxides content in cement raw meal using NIR spectroscopy with SPXY algorithm" LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics for the analysis of nutraceuticals in South Africa" LINK


"Determination of total sugar content in Siraitia grosvenorii by near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with wavelength selection techniques" LINK

"How to Measure Coating Thickness of Tablets: Method Comparison of Optical Coherence Tomography, Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Weight-, Height- and Diameter Gain." LINK


"Spectral difference analysis and identification of different maturity blueberry fruit based on hyperspectral imaging using spectral index" LINK


Focus on photonics, spectroscopy, and spectrometry LINK


"Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 2995: Effect of the Architecture of Fiber-Optic Probes Designed for Soluble Solid Content Prediction in Intact Sugar Beet Slices" LINK

"Miniaturized analytical platform for cocaine detection in oral fluids by MicroNIR/Chemometrics." LINK

"Handheld near-infrared spectrometer for on-line monitoring of biodiesel production in a continuous process" LINK


"Optimized Multivariate Analysis for the Discrimination of Cucumber Green Mosaic Mottle Virus-Infected Watermelon Seeds Based on Spectral Imaging" LINK


"Non-destructive screening method for detecting the presence of insects in sorghum grains using near infrared spectroscopy and discriminant analysis" LINK

" NIR hyperspectral imaging with multivariate analysis for measurement of oil and protein" LINK


"Development and Validation of In-line Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Based Analytical Method for Commercial Production of a Botanical Drug Product" LINK

In-line monitoring of powder blend homogeneity in continuous drug manufacture using near infrared spectroscopy (with PDF) pharmaceutical binder excipients LINK


"The essential role of omni-capable research laboratories in advancing analytical spectroscopy" LINK


"How to Build Disruptive DataScience Teams: 10 Best Practices" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 28, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by YourCompanyNameHere - BestNIRinstruments. Check out their product page ... link


Distinguishing donor age groups via Raman spectroscopic analysis of whole blood & chemometrics! research by Kyle C. Doty & Igor K. Lednev : | LINK

"Variable selection by double competitive adaptive reweighted sampling for calibration transfer of near infrared spectra" LINK

"Intuitive Visualization of Outlier Detection Methods" LINK

"Comparison of three different classification methods performance for the determination of biofuel quality by means of NIR spectroscopy" LINK

" Predicting the quality of ryegrass using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"A Clustering-Based Partial Least Squares Method for Improving the Freshness Prediction Model of Crucian Carps Fillets by Hyperspectral Image Technology" LINK

" Hyperspectral Uncertainty Quantification by Optimization" LINK

Near Infrared

"Hardwood Species Classification with Hyperspectral Microscopic Images" LINK

" Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in Forensic Chemistry: Critical Review, Current Trends and Challenges" LINK

"Combining Fourier Transform MidInfrared Spectroscopy with Chemometric Methods to Detect Adulterations in Milk Powder." LINK

"Comparison of Cation Exchange Capacity Estimated from Vis-NIR Spectral Reflectance Data and a Pedotransfer Function" LINK

"Modeling of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, Monoglycerides, Triglycerides and Diglycerides in Rapeseed Oil Biodiesel by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Predicting the contents of polysaccharides and its monosugars in Dendrobium huoshanense by partial least squares regression model using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Fast determination of oxides content in cement raw meal using NIR spectroscopy with SPXY algorithm" LINK

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics for the analysis of nutraceuticals in South Africa" LINK


"Determination of total sugar content in Siraitia grosvenorii by near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with wavelength selection techniques" LINK

"How to Measure Coating Thickness of Tablets: Method Comparison of Optical Coherence Tomography, Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Weight-, Height- and Diameter Gain." LINK


"Spectral difference analysis and identification of different maturity blueberry fruit based on hyperspectral imaging using spectral index" LINK


Focus on photonics, spectroscopy, and spectrometry LINK


"Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 2995: Effect of the Architecture of Fiber-Optic Probes Designed for Soluble Solid Content Prediction in Intact Sugar Beet Slices" LINK

"Miniaturized analytical platform for cocaine detection in oral fluids by MicroNIR/Chemometrics." LINK

"Handheld near-infrared spectrometer for on-line monitoring of biodiesel production in a continuous process" LINK


"Optimized Multivariate Analysis for the Discrimination of Cucumber Green Mosaic Mottle Virus-Infected Watermelon Seeds Based on Spectral Imaging" LINK


"Non-destructive screening method for detecting the presence of insects in sorghum grains using near infrared spectroscopy and discriminant analysis" LINK

" NIR hyperspectral imaging with multivariate analysis for measurement of oil and protein" LINK


"Development and Validation of In-line Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Based Analytical Method for Commercial Production of a Botanical Drug Product" LINK

In-line monitoring of powder blend homogeneity in continuous drug manufacture using near infrared spectroscopy (with PDF) pharmaceutical binder excipients LINK


"The essential role of omni-capable research laboratories in advancing analytical spectroscopy" LINK


"How to Build Disruptive DataScience Teams: 10 Best Practices" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #24, 2019Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #24, 2019Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #24, 2019

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-NIR-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory management Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensoren Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK


"In-field detection and quantification of Septoria tritici blotch in diverse wheat germplasm using spectral-temporal features" LINK

"Genetic parameters for cow-specific digestibility predicted by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Forensic Analysis of Gel Pen Inks using Hyperspectral Imaging coupled with Chemometric Procedures" LINK

"Rapid screening of phenolic compounds in congou black tea (Camellia sinensis) during in vitro fermentation process using portable spectral analytical system coupled chemometrics" LINK

"Express detection of expired drugs based on near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: A feasibility study" LINK

"Effective modification through transmission Vis/NIR spectra affected by fruit size to improve the prediction of moldy apple core" LINK

Near Infrared

"Feasibility of estimating copper content using visible and near-infrared spectra of bedrock, weathered rock and soil - a case study of the Baogutu stock II, Xinjiang, China" LINK

"Evaluation of the effect of edible coating on mini-buns during storage by using NIR spectroscopic" LINK

"Brazilian Coffee Blends: A Simple and Fast Method by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of the Sensory Attributes Elicited in Professional Coffee Cupping" LINK

"Global Optimization of Norris Derivative Filtering with Application for Near-Infrared Analysis of Serum Urea Nitrogen" LINK


"Enhanced Near-Infrared-to-Visible Upconversion by Synthetic Control of PbS Nanocrystal Triplet Photosensitizers" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Nutritional Parameters of Pasta/Sauce Blends by Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK

"Synergy of Fluorescence and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Detection of Colorectal Cancer" LINK

"Rapid identification of Lactobacillus species using near-infrared spectral features of bacterial colonies" LINK


"Field Deployment of a Portable Optical Spectrometer for Methane Fugitive Emissions Monitoring on Oil and Gas Well Pads" Sensors LINK

"Investigation of Direct Model Transferability Using Miniature Near-Infrared Spectrometers." LINK


"Use of Buckwheat Straw to Produce Ethyl Alcohol Using Ionic Liquids" Energies LINK


"Detection of ethanol content in ethanol diesel based on PLS and Multispectral method" LINK


"Co-amorphization of olanzapine for solubility enhancement" LINK


"On Robustness of Principal Component Regression." PCR LINK

"The influence of H2O and SiO2 on the structure of silicoborate glasses" LINK

"Sensitivity of a Continuous Hot-Melt Extrusion and Strand Pelletization Line to Control Actions and Composition Variation" LINK

"Fast and green method for the analysis of Serra da Estrela cheese" LINK


This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-NIR-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory management Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensoren Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK


"In-field detection and quantification of Septoria tritici blotch in diverse wheat germplasm using spectral-temporal features" LINK

"Genetic parameters for cow-specific digestibility predicted by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Forensic Analysis of Gel Pen Inks using Hyperspectral Imaging coupled with Chemometric Procedures" LINK

"Rapid screening of phenolic compounds in congou black tea (Camellia sinensis) during in vitro fermentation process using portable spectral analytical system coupled chemometrics" LINK

"Express detection of expired drugs based on near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: A feasibility study" LINK

"Effective modification through transmission Vis/NIR spectra affected by fruit size to improve the prediction of moldy apple core" LINK

Near Infrared

"Feasibility of estimating copper content using visible and near-infrared spectra of bedrock, weathered rock and soil - a case study of the Baogutu stock II, Xinjiang, China" LINK

"Evaluation of the effect of edible coating on mini-buns during storage by using NIR spectroscopic" LINK

"Brazilian Coffee Blends: A Simple and Fast Method by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of the Sensory Attributes Elicited in Professional Coffee Cupping" LINK

"Global Optimization of Norris Derivative Filtering with Application for Near-Infrared Analysis of Serum Urea Nitrogen" LINK


"Enhanced Near-Infrared-to-Visible Upconversion by Synthetic Control of PbS Nanocrystal Triplet Photosensitizers" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Nutritional Parameters of Pasta/Sauce Blends by Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK

"Synergy of Fluorescence and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Detection of Colorectal Cancer" LINK

"Rapid identification of Lactobacillus species using near-infrared spectral features of bacterial colonies" LINK


"Field Deployment of a Portable Optical Spectrometer for Methane Fugitive Emissions Monitoring on Oil and Gas Well Pads" Sensors LINK

"Investigation of Direct Model Transferability Using Miniature Near-Infrared Spectrometers." LINK


"Use of Buckwheat Straw to Produce Ethyl Alcohol Using Ionic Liquids" Energies LINK


"Detection of ethanol content in ethanol diesel based on PLS and Multispectral method" LINK


"Co-amorphization of olanzapine for solubility enhancement" LINK


"On Robustness of Principal Component Regression." PCR LINK

"The influence of H2O and SiO2 on the structure of silicoborate glasses" LINK

"Sensitivity of a Continuous Hot-Melt Extrusion and Strand Pelletization Line to Control Actions and Composition Variation" LINK

"Fast and green method for the analysis of Serra da Estrela cheese" LINK


This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-NIR-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory management Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensoren Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 23, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK


"In-field detection and quantification of Septoria tritici blotch in diverse wheat germplasm using spectral-temporal features" LINK

"Genetic parameters for cow-specific digestibility predicted by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Forensic Analysis of Gel Pen Inks using Hyperspectral Imaging coupled with Chemometric Procedures" LINK

"Rapid screening of phenolic compounds in congou black tea (Camellia sinensis) during in vitro fermentation process using portable spectral analytical system coupled chemometrics" LINK

"Express detection of expired drugs based on near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: A feasibility study" LINK

"Effective modification through transmission Vis/NIR spectra affected by fruit size to improve the prediction of moldy apple core" LINK

Near Infrared

"Feasibility of estimating copper content using visible and near-infrared spectra of bedrock, weathered rock and soil - a case study of the Baogutu stock II, Xinjiang, China" LINK

"Evaluation of the effect of edible coating on mini-buns during storage by using NIR spectroscopic" LINK

"Brazilian Coffee Blends: A Simple and Fast Method by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for the Determination of the Sensory Attributes Elicited in Professional Coffee Cupping" LINK

"Global Optimization of Norris Derivative Filtering with Application for Near-Infrared Analysis of Serum Urea Nitrogen" LINK


"Enhanced Near-Infrared-to-Visible Upconversion by Synthetic Control of PbS Nanocrystal Triplet Photosensitizers" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Nutritional Parameters of Pasta/Sauce Blends by Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK

"Synergy of Fluorescence and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Detection of Colorectal Cancer" LINK

"Rapid identification of Lactobacillus species using near-infrared spectral features of bacterial colonies" LINK


"Field Deployment of a Portable Optical Spectrometer for Methane Fugitive Emissions Monitoring on Oil and Gas Well Pads" Sensors LINK

"Investigation of Direct Model Transferability Using Miniature Near-Infrared Spectrometers." LINK


"Use of Buckwheat Straw to Produce Ethyl Alcohol Using Ionic Liquids" Energies LINK


"Detection of ethanol content in ethanol diesel based on PLS and Multispectral method" LINK


"Co-amorphization of olanzapine for solubility enhancement" LINK


"On Robustness of Principal Component Regression." PCR LINK

"The influence of H2O and SiO2 on the structure of silicoborate glasses" LINK

"Sensitivity of a Continuous Hot-Melt Extrusion and Strand Pelletization Line to Control Actions and Composition Variation" LINK

"Fast and green method for the analysis of Serra da Estrela cheese" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #20, 2019Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #20, 2019Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #20, 2019


What Lab Managers and QC Laboratories need to know about NIR Spectroscopy (NIRS) Calibration LINK

"Automated Analytical Method Development for NIRS. Software/Service Solution for Automation of Machine Learning for the NIR-Spectroscopy Domain." LINK

Do you use a near-infrared Spectrometer with Chemometric Methods? This will save you time NIR NIRS SWIR FTNIR LINK

Neue Möglichkeiten in der Entwicklung von Applikationen für die NIR-Analytik | Labor NIRS Analytik LaborAnalytik LINK

Rapid development of robust quantitative methods by near-infrared spectroscopy for NIR NIRS LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


" Prediction of Intermuscular Fat of lamb topside in-situ using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Comparison of Unsupervised Algorithms for Vineyard Canopy Segmentation from UAV Multispectral Images" RemoteSensing LINK

"复烤片烟常规化学成分的傅里叶变换近红外光谱法的模型转移" "Model Transfer of Routine Chemical Components in Redried Lamina on Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"血浆醇沉过程中近红外光谱在线蛋白含量监测及定量模型转移研究" "On-line protein content monitoring and quantitative model transfer in near-infrared spectroscopy during plasma alcohol deposition" LINK

"A Sparse Classification Based on a Linear Regression Method for Spectral Recognition" LINK

"Rapid Recognition of Geoherbalism and Authenticity of a Chinese Herb by Data Fusion of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Mid-Infrared (MIR) Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics" LINK

"Rock lithological classification by hyperspectral, range 3D and color images" LINK

"Modeling of oil near-infrared spectroscopy based on similarity and transfer learning algorithm" LINK

"Recent advances in modeling vibrational spectra of food adulterants Theoretical simulation of IR and NIR bands of melamine" LINK

"Fine root lignin content is well predictable with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Study on identification of different producing areas of Gastrodia elata using multivariable selection and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy of near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Discrimination of Trichosanthis Fructus from Different Geographical Origins Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometric Techniques" LINK

Near Infrared

"FT-NIR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis for detection of starch adulteration in turmeric powder." LINK

"< 전시-P-67> 근적외선 분광법에 의한 Fenton oxidation-열수처리 고형바이오매스 성분분석" "Analysis of chemical component of pretreated biomass by Fenton oxidation-hydrothermal treatment using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid and non-destructive analysis for the identification of multi-grain rice seeds with near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy enables quantitative evaluation of human cartilage biomechanical properties during arthroscopy" LINK

"Near-Infrared Light Emitting Diode Based Non-Invasive Glucose Detection System" LINK

"Rapid bacteria selection using Aquaphotomics and near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Characterisation of organic colourants in ukiyo-e prints by Fourier transform near infrared fibre optics reflectance spectroscopy" LINK


"Deep Learning Reveals Underlying Physics of Light-matter Interactions in Nanophotonic Devices." LINK


"Determining the significance of individual factors for orthogonal designs" LINK

"Exploring the Influence of Spatial Resolution on the Digital Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon by Airborne Hyperspectral VNIR Imaging" RemoteSensing LINK


"Determination of calcium and magnesium in the Solanaceae plant by near infrared spectroscopy combined with interval combination optimization algorithm" LINK

"The Effect of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on the Production of Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Metabolites by Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells" Nutrients Omega3 Omega6 LINK

"Assessing the potential of two customized fiber-optic probes for on-site analysis of bulk feed grains" LINK

Food & Feed

"Detection of Additives and Chemical Contaminants in Turmeric Powder Using FT-IR Spectroscopy" Foods LINK


"Review of New Spectroscopic Instrumentation 2019" LINK

"Development of an optical biosensor for the detection of Trypanosoma evansi and Plasmodium berghei." LINK



What Lab Managers and QC Laboratories need to know about NIR Spectroscopy (NIRS) Calibration LINK

"Automated Analytical Method Development for NIRS. Software/Service Solution for Automation of Machine Learning for the NIR-Spectroscopy Domain." LINK

Do you use a near-infrared Spectrometer with Chemometric Methods? This will save you time NIR NIRS SWIR FTNIR LINK

Neue Möglichkeiten in der Entwicklung von Applikationen für die NIR-Analytik | Labor NIRS Analytik LaborAnalytik LINK

Rapid development of robust quantitative methods by near-infrared spectroscopy for NIR NIRS LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


" Prediction of Intermuscular Fat of lamb topside in-situ using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Comparison of Unsupervised Algorithms for Vineyard Canopy Segmentation from UAV Multispectral Images" RemoteSensing LINK

"复烤片烟常规化学成分的傅里叶变换近红外光谱法的模型转移" "Model Transfer of Routine Chemical Components in Redried Lamina on Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"血浆醇沉过程中近红外光谱在线蛋白含量监测及定量模型转移研究" "On-line protein content monitoring and quantitative model transfer in near-infrared spectroscopy during plasma alcohol deposition" LINK

"A Sparse Classification Based on a Linear Regression Method for Spectral Recognition" LINK

"Rapid Recognition of Geoherbalism and Authenticity of a Chinese Herb by Data Fusion of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Mid-Infrared (MIR) Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics" LINK

"Rock lithological classification by hyperspectral, range 3D and color images" LINK

"Modeling of oil near-infrared spectroscopy based on similarity and transfer learning algorithm" LINK

"Recent advances in modeling vibrational spectra of food adulterants Theoretical simulation of IR and NIR bands of melamine" LINK

"Fine root lignin content is well predictable with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Study on identification of different producing areas of Gastrodia elata using multivariable selection and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy of near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Discrimination of Trichosanthis Fructus from Different Geographical Origins Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometric Techniques" LINK

Near Infrared

"FT-NIR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis for detection of starch adulteration in turmeric powder." LINK

"< 전시-P-67> 근적외선 분광법에 의한 Fenton oxidation-열수처리 고형바이오매스 성분분석" "Analysis of chemical component of pretreated biomass by Fenton oxidation-hydrothermal treatment using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid and non-destructive analysis for the identification of multi-grain rice seeds with near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy enables quantitative evaluation of human cartilage biomechanical properties during arthroscopy" LINK

"Near-Infrared Light Emitting Diode Based Non-Invasive Glucose Detection System" LINK

"Rapid bacteria selection using Aquaphotomics and near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Characterisation of organic colourants in ukiyo-e prints by Fourier transform near infrared fibre optics reflectance spectroscopy" LINK


"Deep Learning Reveals Underlying Physics of Light-matter Interactions in Nanophotonic Devices." LINK


"Determining the significance of individual factors for orthogonal designs" LINK

"Exploring the Influence of Spatial Resolution on the Digital Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon by Airborne Hyperspectral VNIR Imaging" RemoteSensing LINK


"Determination of calcium and magnesium in the Solanaceae plant by near infrared spectroscopy combined with interval combination optimization algorithm" LINK

"The Effect of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on the Production of Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Metabolites by Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells" Nutrients Omega3 Omega6 LINK

"Assessing the potential of two customized fiber-optic probes for on-site analysis of bulk feed grains" LINK

Food & Feed

"Detection of Additives and Chemical Contaminants in Turmeric Powder Using FT-IR Spectroscopy" Foods LINK


"Review of New Spectroscopic Instrumentation 2019" LINK

"Development of an optical biosensor for the detection of Trypanosoma evansi and Plasmodium berghei." LINK



What Lab Managers and QC Laboratories need to know about NIR Spectroscopy (NIRS) Calibration LINK

"Automated Analytical Method Development for NIRS. Software/Service Solution for Automation of Machine Learning for the NIR-Spectroscopy Domain." LINK

Do you use a near-infrared Spectrometer with Chemometric Methods? This will save you time NIR NIRS SWIR FTNIR LINK

Neue Möglichkeiten in der Entwicklung von Applikationen für die NIR-Analytik | Labor NIRS Analytik LaborAnalytik LINK

Rapid development of robust quantitative methods by near-infrared spectroscopy for NIR NIRS LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 19, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


" Prediction of Intermuscular Fat of lamb topside in-situ using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Comparison of Unsupervised Algorithms for Vineyard Canopy Segmentation from UAV Multispectral Images" RemoteSensing LINK

"复烤片烟常规化学成分的傅里叶变换近红外光谱法的模型转移" "Model Transfer of Routine Chemical Components in Redried Lamina on Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"血浆醇沉过程中近红外光谱在线蛋白含量监测及定量模型转移研究" "On-line protein content monitoring and quantitative model transfer in near-infrared spectroscopy during plasma alcohol deposition" LINK

"A Sparse Classification Based on a Linear Regression Method for Spectral Recognition" LINK

"Rapid Recognition of Geoherbalism and Authenticity of a Chinese Herb by Data Fusion of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Mid-Infrared (MIR) Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics" LINK

"Rock lithological classification by hyperspectral, range 3D and color images" LINK

"Modeling of oil near-infrared spectroscopy based on similarity and transfer learning algorithm" LINK

"Recent advances in modeling vibrational spectra of food adulterants Theoretical simulation of IR and NIR bands of melamine" LINK

"Fine root lignin content is well predictable with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Study on identification of different producing areas of Gastrodia elata using multivariable selection and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy of near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Discrimination of Trichosanthis Fructus from Different Geographical Origins Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometric Techniques" LINK

Near Infrared

"FT-NIR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis for detection of starch adulteration in turmeric powder." LINK

"< 전시-P-67> 근적외선 분광법에 의한 Fenton oxidation-열수처리 고형바이오매스 성분분석" "Analysis of chemical component of pretreated biomass by Fenton oxidation-hydrothermal treatment using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid and non-destructive analysis for the identification of multi-grain rice seeds with near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy enables quantitative evaluation of human cartilage biomechanical properties during arthroscopy" LINK

"Near-Infrared Light Emitting Diode Based Non-Invasive Glucose Detection System" LINK

"Rapid bacteria selection using Aquaphotomics and near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Characterisation of organic colourants in ukiyo-e prints by Fourier transform near infrared fibre optics reflectance spectroscopy" LINK


"Deep Learning Reveals Underlying Physics of Light-matter Interactions in Nanophotonic Devices." LINK


"Determining the significance of individual factors for orthogonal designs" LINK

"Exploring the Influence of Spatial Resolution on the Digital Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon by Airborne Hyperspectral VNIR Imaging" RemoteSensing LINK


"Determination of calcium and magnesium in the Solanaceae plant by near infrared spectroscopy combined with interval combination optimization algorithm" LINK

"The Effect of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on the Production of Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase Metabolites by Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells" Nutrients Omega3 Omega6 LINK

"Assessing the potential of two customized fiber-optic probes for on-site analysis of bulk feed grains" LINK

Food & Feed

"Detection of Additives and Chemical Contaminants in Turmeric Powder Using FT-IR Spectroscopy" Foods LINK


"Review of New Spectroscopic Instrumentation 2019" LINK

"Development of an optical biosensor for the detection of Trypanosoma evansi and Plasmodium berghei." LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #18, 2019Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #18, 2019Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #18, 2019


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 17, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 17, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 17, 2019 | NIRS Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità LINK

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


"Comparison and rapid prediction of lignocellulose and organic elements of a wide variety of rice straw based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Green Tea Origins by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Multi-Wavelength Statistical Discriminant Analysis" LINK

"Automated Chinese medicinal plants classification based on machine learning using leaf morpho-colorimetry, fractal dimension and visible/near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Monitoring model for predicting maize moisture content at the grain-filling stage using near-infrared spectroscopy and a small sample size" LINK

"Near-infrared-based models for lignin syringyl/guaiacyl ratio of Eucalyptus benthamii and E. pellita using a streamlined thioacidolysis procedure as the reference method" LINK

"Arthroscopic Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Prediction of Human Meniscus Properties" LINK

"变量优选补正算法的鲜枣可溶性固形物检测模型传递方法研究" 变量优选补正算法的鲜枣可溶性固形物检测模型传递方法研究 Model Transfer Method of Fresh Jujube Soluble Solids Detection Using Variables Optimization and Correction Algorithms LINK

New software article published in | No excuse for not using realistic noise when evaluating proposed algorithms anymore! chemometrics machinelearning statistics LINK

"Fine root lignin content is well predictable with near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

Near Infrared

"Abundance and composition of kaolinite on Mars: Information from NIR spectra of rocks from acid-alteration environments, Riotinto, SE Spain" LINK

"Distinct Difference in Sensitivity of NIR vs. IR Bands of Melamine to Inter-Molecular Interactions with Impact on Analytical Spectroscopy Explained by Anharmonic Quantum Mechanical Study" LINK

" Association Between Near Infrared Spectroskopy (NIRS) and Normobaric and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning" LINK

"Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 2076: Towards Integrated Mid-Infrared Gas Sensors" LINK

"Detection of Acrylamide in Food Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Determination of natural rubber and resin content of guayule fresh biomass by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Automated Preprocessing of Near Infrared Spectroscopic Data" LINK

"Evaluation of a low-cost portable near-infrared spectrophotometer for in situ cocaine profiling." LINK

"Application of a Fourier transformnear infrared reflectance spectroscopy method for the rapid proximate analysis of the greenshell mussel (Perna canaliculus) and king (Chinook) salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)" LINK

" Assessment of the chemical change in heat treated pine wood by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Characterisation of organic colourants in ukiyo-e prints by Fourier transform near infrared fibre optics reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

" Plastic Solid Waste identification system based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy in combination with support vector machine" LINK

"Development and application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for detection of milk adulteration in practice" FTIR LINK

"Near-Infrared Light Emitting Diode Based Non-Invasive Glucose Detection System." LINK

"Determination of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin content using near-infrared spectroscopy in flax fiber" LINK


"Raman spectroscopic discrimination of normal and cancerous lung tissues." LINK

Spectral Imaging

"A new low-cost portable multispectral optical device for precise plant status assessment" LINK

"Evaluation of Fire Severity Indices Based on Pre- and Post-Fire Multispectral Imagery Sensed from UAV" Remote Sensing LINK


"On site monitoring of Grana Padano cheese production using portable spectrometers" LINK


"Assessing the potential of two customized fiber-optic probes for on-site analysis of bulk feed grains" LINK

"A Cost Effective and Field Deployable System for Soil Macronutrient Analysis Based on Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed

"Freshness Evaluation in Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Determination of the Cadaverine Content." Fish Fisheries FoodSafety FoodProtection LINK


"An update on contribution of hot-melt extrusion technology to novel drug delivery in the 21st century: part I" LINK


" Evaluación de dos atributos de calidad críticos en la producción de formas farmacéuticas sólidas utilizando la espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 17, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 17, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 17, 2019 | NIRS Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità LINK

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


"Comparison and rapid prediction of lignocellulose and organic elements of a wide variety of rice straw based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Green Tea Origins by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Multi-Wavelength Statistical Discriminant Analysis" LINK

"Automated Chinese medicinal plants classification based on machine learning using leaf morpho-colorimetry, fractal dimension and visible/near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Monitoring model for predicting maize moisture content at the grain-filling stage using near-infrared spectroscopy and a small sample size" LINK

"Near-infrared-based models for lignin syringyl/guaiacyl ratio of Eucalyptus benthamii and E. pellita using a streamlined thioacidolysis procedure as the reference method" LINK

"Arthroscopic Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Prediction of Human Meniscus Properties" LINK

"变量优选补正算法的鲜枣可溶性固形物检测模型传递方法研究" 变量优选补正算法的鲜枣可溶性固形物检测模型传递方法研究 Model Transfer Method of Fresh Jujube Soluble Solids Detection Using Variables Optimization and Correction Algorithms LINK

New software article published in | No excuse for not using realistic noise when evaluating proposed algorithms anymore! chemometrics machinelearning statistics LINK

"Fine root lignin content is well predictable with near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

Near Infrared

"Abundance and composition of kaolinite on Mars: Information from NIR spectra of rocks from acid-alteration environments, Riotinto, SE Spain" LINK

"Distinct Difference in Sensitivity of NIR vs. IR Bands of Melamine to Inter-Molecular Interactions with Impact on Analytical Spectroscopy Explained by Anharmonic Quantum Mechanical Study" LINK

" Association Between Near Infrared Spectroskopy (NIRS) and Normobaric and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning" LINK

"Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 2076: Towards Integrated Mid-Infrared Gas Sensors" LINK

"Detection of Acrylamide in Food Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Determination of natural rubber and resin content of guayule fresh biomass by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Automated Preprocessing of Near Infrared Spectroscopic Data" LINK

"Evaluation of a low-cost portable near-infrared spectrophotometer for in situ cocaine profiling." LINK

"Application of a Fourier transformnear infrared reflectance spectroscopy method for the rapid proximate analysis of the greenshell mussel (Perna canaliculus) and king (Chinook) salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)" LINK

" Assessment of the chemical change in heat treated pine wood by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Characterisation of organic colourants in ukiyo-e prints by Fourier transform near infrared fibre optics reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

" Plastic Solid Waste identification system based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy in combination with support vector machine" LINK

"Development and application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for detection of milk adulteration in practice" FTIR LINK

"Near-Infrared Light Emitting Diode Based Non-Invasive Glucose Detection System." LINK

"Determination of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin content using near-infrared spectroscopy in flax fiber" LINK


"Raman spectroscopic discrimination of normal and cancerous lung tissues." LINK

Spectral Imaging

"A new low-cost portable multispectral optical device for precise plant status assessment" LINK

"Evaluation of Fire Severity Indices Based on Pre- and Post-Fire Multispectral Imagery Sensed from UAV" Remote Sensing LINK


"On site monitoring of Grana Padano cheese production using portable spectrometers" LINK


"Assessing the potential of two customized fiber-optic probes for on-site analysis of bulk feed grains" LINK

"A Cost Effective and Field Deployable System for Soil Macronutrient Analysis Based on Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed

"Freshness Evaluation in Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Determination of the Cadaverine Content." Fish Fisheries FoodSafety FoodProtection LINK


"An update on contribution of hot-melt extrusion technology to novel drug delivery in the 21st century: part I" LINK


" Evaluación de dos atributos de calidad críticos en la producción de formas farmacéuticas sólidas utilizando la espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano" LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 17, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 17, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 17, 2019 | NIRS Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità LINK

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - Best-NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


"Comparison and rapid prediction of lignocellulose and organic elements of a wide variety of rice straw based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid Determination of Green Tea Origins by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Multi-Wavelength Statistical Discriminant Analysis" LINK

"Automated Chinese medicinal plants classification based on machine learning using leaf morpho-colorimetry, fractal dimension and visible/near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Monitoring model for predicting maize moisture content at the grain-filling stage using near-infrared spectroscopy and a small sample size" LINK

"Near-infrared-based models for lignin syringyl/guaiacyl ratio of Eucalyptus benthamii and E. pellita using a streamlined thioacidolysis procedure as the reference method" LINK

"Arthroscopic Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Prediction of Human Meniscus Properties" LINK

"变量优选补正算法的鲜枣可溶性固形物检测模型传递方法研究" 变量优选补正算法的鲜枣可溶性固形物检测模型传递方法研究 Model Transfer Method of Fresh Jujube Soluble Solids Detection Using Variables Optimization and Correction Algorithms LINK

New software article published in | No excuse for not using realistic noise when evaluating proposed algorithms anymore! chemometrics machinelearning statistics LINK

"Fine root lignin content is well predictable with near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

Near Infrared

"Abundance and composition of kaolinite on Mars: Information from NIR spectra of rocks from acid-alteration environments, Riotinto, SE Spain" LINK

"Distinct Difference in Sensitivity of NIR vs. IR Bands of Melamine to Inter-Molecular Interactions with Impact on Analytical Spectroscopy Explained by Anharmonic Quantum Mechanical Study" LINK

" Association Between Near Infrared Spectroskopy (NIRS) and Normobaric and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning" LINK

"Sensors, Vol. 19, Pages 2076: Towards Integrated Mid-Infrared Gas Sensors" LINK

"Detection of Acrylamide in Food Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Determination of natural rubber and resin content of guayule fresh biomass by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Automated Preprocessing of Near Infrared Spectroscopic Data" LINK

"Evaluation of a low-cost portable near-infrared spectrophotometer for in situ cocaine profiling." LINK

"Application of a Fourier transformnear infrared reflectance spectroscopy method for the rapid proximate analysis of the greenshell mussel (Perna canaliculus) and king (Chinook) salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)" LINK

" Assessment of the chemical change in heat treated pine wood by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Characterisation of organic colourants in ukiyo-e prints by Fourier transform near infrared fibre optics reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

" Plastic Solid Waste identification system based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy in combination with support vector machine" LINK

"Development and application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for detection of milk adulteration in practice" FTIR LINK

"Near-Infrared Light Emitting Diode Based Non-Invasive Glucose Detection System." LINK

"Determination of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin content using near-infrared spectroscopy in flax fiber" LINK


"Raman spectroscopic discrimination of normal and cancerous lung tissues." LINK

Spectral Imaging

"A new low-cost portable multispectral optical device for precise plant status assessment" LINK

"Evaluation of Fire Severity Indices Based on Pre- and Post-Fire Multispectral Imagery Sensed from UAV" Remote Sensing LINK


"On site monitoring of Grana Padano cheese production using portable spectrometers" LINK


"Assessing the potential of two customized fiber-optic probes for on-site analysis of bulk feed grains" LINK

"A Cost Effective and Field Deployable System for Soil Macronutrient Analysis Based on Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed

"Freshness Evaluation in Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Determination of the Cadaverine Content." Fish Fisheries FoodSafety FoodProtection LINK


"An update on contribution of hot-melt extrusion technology to novel drug delivery in the 21st century: part I" LINK


" Evaluación de dos atributos de calidad críticos en la producción de formas farmacéuticas sólidas utilizando la espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #14, 2019Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #14, 2019Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #14, 2019

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your Company Name Here - Best NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 13, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics analysis Spectral Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Sensors QC Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory LabServices Software Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 13, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Spektral Sensor Nahinfrarot Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 13, 2019 | NIRS Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità LINK


"Fraud detection in hen housing system declared on the eggs' label: An accuracy method based on UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics." LINK

"Use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict chemical composition of some pastoral species appeased by the dromedaryin southern Tunisia" LINK

"On-line vis-NIR spectroscopy prediction of soil organic carbon using machine learning" LINK

" Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Regresyonu (KEKKR) ve Yapay Sinir Ağı (YSA) Modelleri Kullanarak, Kanopi Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi (KS) ile Kış Buğdayında …" LINK

"Application of invasive weed optimization and least square support vector machine for prediction of beef adulteration with spoiled beef based on visible near-infrared (Vis-NIR) hyperspectral imaging." LINK

"Comparison of multivariate models and variable selection algorithms for rapid analysis of the chemical composition of field crops" NIRS NIR LINK

Near Infrared

Near-infrared spectroscopy could improve flu vaccine manufacturing NIR virus cell near infrared spectroscopy |rld/magazine/article/707/near-infrared-spectroscopy-could-improve-flu-vaccine-manufacturin.XKcA_t2OuwY.twitter LINK

"Calibration development for nutritional evaluation of Yam (Dioscorea sp.) using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometry (NIRS)" LINK


"Feedforward and Feedback Control of a Pharmaceutical Coating Process." NIRS LINK

"Development of Portable Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measuring Device Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Akurasi Metode NIRS dalam Prediksi Kandungan Kimia Bubuk Green Coffee Bondowoso dengan Model Kubelka-Munk" LINK

"Identification of fiber added to semolina by near infrared (NIR) spectral techniques" LINK


"Comparing the Potential of Near-and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy in Determining the Freshness of Strawberry Powder from Freshly Available and Stored Strawberry" LINK

"Near-Infrared Imaging of Artificial Enamel Caries Lesions with a Scanning Fiber Endoscope" Sensors LINK

"Near-infrared imaging of diseases: A nanocarrier approach." LINK

"N-Linked Glycosylation and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer." LINK

"Identification of Coal Geographical Origin Using Near Infrared Sensor Based on Broad Learning" LINK

"Online determination of chemical and physical properties of Poly(ethylene vinyl acetate) pellets using a novel method of Near-Infrared spectroscopy combined with angle transform" LINK

"Study on the Processing Technology of Calamine Calcination by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"A new approach to vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy using near infrared pulse shaping." LINK

"Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy coupled to a long fibre optic head for the quality control of IBERIAN pork loins: Intact versus minced" LINK


"Recent Advancement in the Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Based Biosensors for Infectious Disease Diagnosis" LINK


"A Machine Learning Approach for Biomass Characterization" LINK


"Classification of Food Powders with Open Set using Portable VIS-NIR Spectrometer" LINK


"The 2019 Spectroscopy Salary Survey: A Surprising Downtrend" TL;DR : "The 2019 Spectroscopy salary survey results showed a 14% decrease in average base salaries compared to 2018. " LINK


" Predicting bioavailability change of complex chemical mixtures in contaminated soils using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy and random forest regression" LINK

"Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Estimation: A Review" LINK


1000ogs project on regulated deficit irrigation in orchards of apple blueberry cherry considering the actual fruit developmental stage based on its size & brightening of ground colour (healthy chlorophyll, pheophytin_a) to save water. LINK

"Influence of moisture and grain sizes on the analysis of nutrients in German agricultural soils using DP-LIBS" LINK

"Change in the Microviscosity of Erythrocyte Membranes and Proteins in Blood Plasma after Graphene Oxide Addition: The ESR Spectroscopy Study" LINK


"Spectral interval combination optimization (ICO) on rapid quality assessment of Solanaceae plant: a validation study" LINK


"On-farm instant quality analysis" by Cherney Jerry and Cherney Debbie (Progressive Dairyman ) forage laboratory NIR NIRS handheld LINK

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your Company Name Here - Best NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 13, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics analysis Spectral Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Sensors QC Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory LabServices Software Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 13, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Spektral Sensor Nahinfrarot Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 13, 2019 | NIRS Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità LINK


"Fraud detection in hen housing system declared on the eggs' label: An accuracy method based on UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics." LINK

"Use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict chemical composition of some pastoral species appeased by the dromedaryin southern Tunisia" LINK

"On-line vis-NIR spectroscopy prediction of soil organic carbon using machine learning" LINK

" Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Regresyonu (KEKKR) ve Yapay Sinir Ağı (YSA) Modelleri Kullanarak, Kanopi Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi (KS) ile Kış Buğdayında …" LINK

"Application of invasive weed optimization and least square support vector machine for prediction of beef adulteration with spoiled beef based on visible near-infrared (Vis-NIR) hyperspectral imaging." LINK

"Comparison of multivariate models and variable selection algorithms for rapid analysis of the chemical composition of field crops" NIRS NIR LINK

Near Infrared

Near-infrared spectroscopy could improve flu vaccine manufacturing NIR virus cell near infrared spectroscopy |rld/magazine/article/707/near-infrared-spectroscopy-could-improve-flu-vaccine-manufacturin.XKcA_t2OuwY.twitter LINK

"Calibration development for nutritional evaluation of Yam (Dioscorea sp.) using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometry (NIRS)" LINK


"Feedforward and Feedback Control of a Pharmaceutical Coating Process." NIRS LINK

"Development of Portable Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measuring Device Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Akurasi Metode NIRS dalam Prediksi Kandungan Kimia Bubuk Green Coffee Bondowoso dengan Model Kubelka-Munk" LINK

"Identification of fiber added to semolina by near infrared (NIR) spectral techniques" LINK


"Comparing the Potential of Near-and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy in Determining the Freshness of Strawberry Powder from Freshly Available and Stored Strawberry" LINK

"Near-Infrared Imaging of Artificial Enamel Caries Lesions with a Scanning Fiber Endoscope" Sensors LINK

"Near-infrared imaging of diseases: A nanocarrier approach." LINK

"N-Linked Glycosylation and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer." LINK

"Identification of Coal Geographical Origin Using Near Infrared Sensor Based on Broad Learning" LINK

"Online determination of chemical and physical properties of Poly(ethylene vinyl acetate) pellets using a novel method of Near-Infrared spectroscopy combined with angle transform" LINK

"Study on the Processing Technology of Calamine Calcination by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"A new approach to vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy using near infrared pulse shaping." LINK

"Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy coupled to a long fibre optic head for the quality control of IBERIAN pork loins: Intact versus minced" LINK


"Recent Advancement in the Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Based Biosensors for Infectious Disease Diagnosis" LINK


"A Machine Learning Approach for Biomass Characterization" LINK


"Classification of Food Powders with Open Set using Portable VIS-NIR Spectrometer" LINK


"The 2019 Spectroscopy Salary Survey: A Surprising Downtrend" TL;DR : "The 2019 Spectroscopy salary survey results showed a 14% decrease in average base salaries compared to 2018. " LINK


" Predicting bioavailability change of complex chemical mixtures in contaminated soils using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy and random forest regression" LINK

"Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Estimation: A Review" LINK


1000ogs project on regulated deficit irrigation in orchards of apple blueberry cherry considering the actual fruit developmental stage based on its size & brightening of ground colour (healthy chlorophyll, pheophytin_a) to save water. LINK

"Influence of moisture and grain sizes on the analysis of nutrients in German agricultural soils using DP-LIBS" LINK

"Change in the Microviscosity of Erythrocyte Membranes and Proteins in Blood Plasma after Graphene Oxide Addition: The ESR Spectroscopy Study" LINK


"Spectral interval combination optimization (ICO) on rapid quality assessment of Solanaceae plant: a validation study" LINK


"On-farm instant quality analysis" by Cherney Jerry and Cherney Debbie (Progressive Dairyman ) forage laboratory NIR NIRS handheld LINK

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your Company Name Here - Best NIR-instruments. Check out their product page ... link


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 13, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Chemometrics analysis Spectral Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Sensors QC Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory LabServices Software Testing Quality Checking LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 13, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie Chemometrie Spektrometer Spektral Sensor Nahinfrarot Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse Qualitätslabor LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 13, 2019 | NIRS Spettroscopia Chemiometria analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità LINK


"Fraud detection in hen housing system declared on the eggs' label: An accuracy method based on UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics." LINK

"Use of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to predict chemical composition of some pastoral species appeased by the dromedaryin southern Tunisia" LINK

"On-line vis-NIR spectroscopy prediction of soil organic carbon using machine learning" LINK

" Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Regresyonu (KEKKR) ve Yapay Sinir Ağı (YSA) Modelleri Kullanarak, Kanopi Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi (KS) ile Kış Buğdayında …" LINK

"Application of invasive weed optimization and least square support vector machine for prediction of beef adulteration with spoiled beef based on visible near-infrared (Vis-NIR) hyperspectral imaging." LINK

"Comparison of multivariate models and variable selection algorithms for rapid analysis of the chemical composition of field crops" NIRS NIR LINK

Near Infrared

Near-infrared spectroscopy could improve flu vaccine manufacturing NIR virus cell near infrared spectroscopy |rld/magazine/article/707/near-infrared-spectroscopy-could-improve-flu-vaccine-manufacturin.XKcA_t2OuwY.twitter LINK

"Calibration development for nutritional evaluation of Yam (Dioscorea sp.) using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometry (NIRS)" LINK


"Feedforward and Feedback Control of a Pharmaceutical Coating Process." NIRS LINK

"Development of Portable Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measuring Device Using NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Akurasi Metode NIRS dalam Prediksi Kandungan Kimia Bubuk Green Coffee Bondowoso dengan Model Kubelka-Munk" LINK

"Identification of fiber added to semolina by near infrared (NIR) spectral techniques" LINK


"Comparing the Potential of Near-and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy in Determining the Freshness of Strawberry Powder from Freshly Available and Stored Strawberry" LINK

"Near-Infrared Imaging of Artificial Enamel Caries Lesions with a Scanning Fiber Endoscope" Sensors LINK

"Near-infrared imaging of diseases: A nanocarrier approach." LINK

"N-Linked Glycosylation and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer." LINK

"Identification of Coal Geographical Origin Using Near Infrared Sensor Based on Broad Learning" LINK

"Online determination of chemical and physical properties of Poly(ethylene vinyl acetate) pellets using a novel method of Near-Infrared spectroscopy combined with angle transform" LINK

"Study on the Processing Technology of Calamine Calcination by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"A new approach to vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy using near infrared pulse shaping." LINK

"Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy coupled to a long fibre optic head for the quality control of IBERIAN pork loins: Intact versus minced" LINK


"Recent Advancement in the Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Based Biosensors for Infectious Disease Diagnosis" LINK


"A Machine Learning Approach for Biomass Characterization" LINK


"Classification of Food Powders with Open Set using Portable VIS-NIR Spectrometer" LINK


"The 2019 Spectroscopy Salary Survey: A Surprising Downtrend" TL;DR : "The 2019 Spectroscopy salary survey results showed a 14% decrease in average base salaries compared to 2018. " LINK


" Predicting bioavailability change of complex chemical mixtures in contaminated soils using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy and random forest regression" LINK

"Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Estimation: A Review" LINK


1000ogs project on regulated deficit irrigation in orchards of apple blueberry cherry considering the actual fruit developmental stage based on its size & brightening of ground colour (healthy chlorophyll, pheophytin_a) to save water. LINK

"Influence of moisture and grain sizes on the analysis of nutrients in German agricultural soils using DP-LIBS" LINK

"Change in the Microviscosity of Erythrocyte Membranes and Proteins in Blood Plasma after Graphene Oxide Addition: The ESR Spectroscopy Study" LINK


"Spectral interval combination optimization (ICO) on rapid quality assessment of Solanaceae plant: a validation study" LINK


"On-farm instant quality analysis" by Cherney Jerry and Cherney Debbie (Progressive Dairyman ) forage laboratory NIR NIRS handheld LINK