“Near-Infrared Metabolomic Fingerprinting Study of Lichen Thalli and Phycobionts in Culture: Aquaphotomics of Trebouxia lynnae Dehydration” | LINK
“Novel method for the detection of adulterants in coffee and the determination of a coffee’s geographical origin using near infrared spectroscopy complemented by an …” LINK
“Remote Sensing : Comparison of Phenological Parameters Extracted from SIF, NDVI and NIRv Data on the Mongolian Plateau” LINK
“Support vector machine-based rapid detection and quantification of butter yellow adulteration in mustard oil using NIR spectra” | LINK
“Foods : Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Machine Learning Algorithms for Quality Inspection of Grape: A Review” | LINK
“Forests : Improved Soil Organic Carbon Prediction in a Forest Area by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Spiking of a Soil Spectral Library” | LINK
“Foods : Non-Destructive Detection of Meat Quality Based on Multiple Spectral Dimension Reduction Methods by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy” LINK
“Integrated system of an optical cryostat and single-photon detectors for applications in near infrared spectroscopy of quantum emitters” LINK
“The potential of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for the estimation of quality parameters in tomato paste” | LINK
“Ultrathin TwoDimensional BiOClBi2S3Cu2S Ternary Heterostructures with Enhanced LSPR effect for NIR Photonic Bacterial Disinfection” LINK
“Novel method for the detection of adulterants in coffee and the determination of a coffee’s geographical origin using near infrared spectroscopy complemented by an autoencoder” LINK
“Resolving Near-Infrared Spectra by Generalized Window Factor Analysis for Understanding Interactions in Aqueous Solution” LINK
“Feature Reduction for the Classification of Bruise Damage to Apple Fruit Using a Contactless FT-NIR Spectroscopy with Machine Learning” | LINK
“Early detection of Verticillium wilt of potatoes using near-infrared spectroscopy and machine learning modeling” LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
“Application of portable near‐infrared spectroscopy technology for grade identification of Panax notoginseng slices” LINK
“Detection and discrimination of sedative-hypnotics in spiked beverage dry residues using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics” LINK
“Pendugaan Kandungan Kimia Minyak Goreng Menggunakan Near Infrared Spectroscopy” LINK
“Development of a smart spectral analysis method for the determination of mulberry (Morus alba var. nigra L.) juice quality parameters using FTIR spectroscopy” LINK
“Correlating near infrared data for improved polyolefin recycling” LINK
“Application of portable nearinfrared spectroscopy technology for grade identification of Panax notoginseng slices” LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
“Foods : Visual Monitoring of Fatty Acid Degradation during Green Tea Storage by Hyperspectral Imaging” | LINK
“Foods : Hyperspectral Imaging with Machine Learning Approaches for Assessing Soluble Solids Content of Tribute Citru” | LINK
“Hyperspectral Imaging Coupled with Multivariate Analyses for Efficient Prediction of Chemical, Biological and Physical Properties of Seafood Products” | LINK
Terahertz Spectroscopy
“Terahertz frequency-domain sensing combined with quantitative multivariate analysis for pharmaceutical tablet inspection” LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
“A Rapid Method for Authentication of Macroalgae Based on Vis-NIR Spectroscopy Data Combined with Chemometrics Approach” LINK
“Machine learning-based prediction of total phenolic and flavonoid in horticultural products” | LINK
“A Rapid Method for Authentication of Macroalgae Based on Vis-NIR Spectroscopy Data Combined with Chemometrics Approach” LINK
“Polymers : Characterization and Prediction of Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Luanta Fir Wood with Vacuum Hydrothermal Treatment” LINK
“Develop NonDestructive Models to Predict Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Gomenzer (Ethiopian Mustard) Using NearInfrared Reflectance Spectroscopy” LINK
“Combining portable NIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration for the determination of ethanol in fermented alcoholic beverages by a multi-product model” LINK
“Modeling and optimization of malondialdehyde (MDA) absorbance behavior through response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial intelligence network (AIN): An endeavor to estimate lipid peroxidation by Determination of MDA” LINK
“Remote Sensing : Dynamic Maize Yield Predictions Using Machine Learning on Multi-Source Data” LINK
“Chemosensors : Extracting Information and Enhancing the Quality of Separation Data: A Review on Chemometrics-Assisted Analysis of Volatile, Soluble and Colloidal Samples” | LINK
“Improved Principal Component Analysis (IPCA): A Novel Method for Quantitative Calibration Transfer between Different Near-Infrared Spectrometers” | LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
“Polymers : Studying the Physical and Chemical Properties of Polydimethylsiloxane Matrix Reinforced by Nanostructured TiO2 Supported on Mesoporous Silica” | LINK
Process Control and NIR Sensors
“Aquaphotomics Monitoring of Lettuce Freshness during Cold Storage” | LINK
“Foods : Aquaphotomics Monitoring of Lettuce Freshness during Cold Storage” | LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
“Remote Sensing : The Impact of the Type and Spatial Resolution of a Source Image on the Effectiveness of Texture Analysis” LINK
“Remote Sensing : Quantifying Temperate Forest Diversity by Integrating GEDI LiDAR and Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Imagery” LINK
“Sensors : Design and Experiment of Online Detection System for Water Content of Fresh Tea Leaves after Harvesting Based on Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy” | LINK
“Remote Sensing : Informativeness of the Long-Term Average Spectral Characteristics of the Bare Soil Surface for the Detection of Soil Cover Degradation with the Neural Network Filtering of Remote Sensing Data” LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
“Nondestructive discrimination of analogous density foreign matter inside soy protein meat semi-finished products based on transmission hyperspectral imaging” LINK
“Agronomy : Effect of Ustilago maydis on the Nutritive Value and Aerobic Deterioration of Maize Silage” | LINK
“Rootstock’s and Cover-Crops’ Influence on Grape: A NIR-Based ANN Classification Model” | LINK
“Rapid and nondestructive method for identification of molds growth time in wheat grains based on hyperspectral imaging technology and chemometrics” LINK
“Plants : Spectral Discrimination of Macronutrient Deficiencies in Greenhouse Grown Flue-Cured Tobacco” LINK
“Microplastics Have Rice Cultivar-dependent Impacts on Grain Yield and Quality, and Nitrogenous Gas Losses From Paddy, but Not on Soil Properties” | LINK
“Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the pile fermentation degree of Pu-erh tea” LINK
“Rootstock’s and Cover-Crops’ Influence on Grape: A NIR-Based ANN Classification Model” LINK
“Sextonia rubra (Mez.) van der Werff sawmills residues as a valuable resource for the production of larvicidal extracts against Ae. aegypti Linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae)” | LINK
“Printing CrackFree Microporous Structures by Combining Additive Manufacturing with Colloidal Assembly” LINK
“Mitigating nitrate leaching in cropland by enhancing microbial nitrate transformation through the addition of liquid biogas slurry” | LINK
“LightGuided Dynamic Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Actuators enabled by Mussel Adhesive Protein Chemistry” LINK
“Classification of Heavy Metal Contamination Risk in Typical Agricultural Soils by Visible and Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy” LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
“Foods : Non-Destructive Discrimination of Sunflower Seeds with Different Internal Mildew Grades by Fusion of Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance Spectra Combined with 1D-CNN” | LINK
“Foods : Micronization Effects on Structural, Functional, and Antioxidant Properties of Wheat Bran” | LINK
Beverage and Drink Industry NIR Usage
“Non-Invasive Digital Technologies to Assess Wine Quality Traits and Provenance through the Bottle” | LINK
“Portable Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy of Potato Leaves for Pre-Symptomatic Detection of Late Blight Disease” LINK
“A novel wavelength interval selection based on split regularized regression for spectroscopic data” | LINK
“Decoupling Individual Optical Nanosensor Responses Using a Spin-Coated Hydrogel Platform” LINK
“Internal reflectance cell fluorescence measurement combined with multi-way analysis to detect fluorescence signatures of undiluted honeys and a fusion of …” LINK
“Effects of motor pacing on frontalhemodynamic responses during continuous upperlimb and wholebody movements” LINK
“Foods : Investigating Changes in pH and Soluble Solids Content of Potato during the Storage by Electronic Nose and Vis/NIR Spectroscopy” LINK
” The influence of water of crystallization in NIR-based MDMA∙ HCl detection” LINK
“Study on the secondary structure and hydration effect of human serum albumin under acidic pH and ethanol perturbation with IR/NIR spectroscopy” | LINK
“Application of the Combination Method Based on RF and LE in Near Infrared Spectral Modeling” LINK
“A chemometric method for the viability analysis of spinach seeds by near infrared spectroscopy with variable selection using successive projections algorithm” LINK
“Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to characterize volatile phenols and sensory profile of aged wine spirits” | et al.pdf LINK
“A novel fast method for identifying the origin of Maojian using NIR spectroscopy with deep learning algorithms” | LINK
“Highly efficient and thermally stable broadband NIR phosphors by rationally bridging Cr 3+-Yb 3+ in LiScGe 2 O 6 for optical bioimaging” | LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
“Quantitative and convenient protocol for analysis of surfacemodified silica nanoparticles using 29SiNMR and nearinfrared diffuse reflection spectroscopy” LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
“Prediction of TVB-N content in beef with packaging films using visible-near infrared hyperspectral imaging” LINK
“Non-destructive Detection of Fatty Acid Content of Camellia Seed Based on Hyperspectral” LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
“Overview of Cocaine Identification by Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemometrics” LINK
“Remote Sensing : VIS-NIR-SWIR Hyperspectroscopy Combined with Data Mining and Machine Learning for Classification of Predicted Chemometrics of Green Lettuce” | LINK
Optics for Spectroscopy
“Highly Sensitive TinLead Perovskite Photodetectors with Over 450 Days Stability Enabled by Synergistic Engineering for Pulse Oximetry System” LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
“Methodologies based on ASCA to elucidate the influence of a subprocess: vinification as a case of study” LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
“Satellite imagery dataset of manure application on pasture fields” LINK
“Remote Sensing : Exploring the Best-Matching Plant Traits and Environmental Factors for Vegetation Indices in Estimates of Global Gross Primary Productivity” LINK
“Remote Sensing : Multispectral Characteristics of Glacier Surface Facies (Chandra-Bhaga Basin, Himalaya, and Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard) through Investigations of Pixel and Object-Based Mapping Using Variable Processing Routines” LINK
“Remote Sensing : Estimation of the Key Water Quality Parameters in the Surface Water, Middle of Northeast China, Based on Gaussian Process Regression” LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
“Recent advances in the ultrasound-assisted osmotic dehydration of agricultural products: A review” LINK
“Miniaturized NearInfrared Spectroscopy The Ultimate Analytical Tool in Food and Agriculture” LINK
“Remote Sensing : UAV-Based Estimation of Grain Yield for Plant Breeding: Applied Strategies for Optimizing the Use of Sensors, Vegetation Indices, Growth Stages, and Machine Learning Algorithms” | LINK
“Agriculture : Ripeness Evaluation of Achacha Fruit Using Hyperspectral Image Data” LINK
“A review of the opportunities for spectral‐based technologies in post‐harvest testing of pulse grains” LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
“Nutritional labelling of food products purchased from online retail outlets: screening of compliance with European Union tolerance limits by near infrared spectroscopy” LINK
“Sensors : Non-Destructive Detection of Abnormal Chicken Eggs by Using an Optimized Spectral Analysis System” | LINK
Chemical Industry NIR Usage
“Polymers : A Tissue Paper/Hydrogel Composite Light-Responsive Biomimetic Actuator Fabricated by In Situ Polymerization” | LINK
Petro Industry NIR Usage
“Prospects for the utilization of the prairie cordgrass spartina pectinata for bioenergy production in Moldova” LINK
Medicinal Spectroscopy
“Noninvasive Monitoring of Glucose Using Near-Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy of Skin—Constraints and Effective Novel Strategy in Multivariate Calibration” LINK
“Applied Sciences : Verification of Convolutional Neural Network Cephalometric Landmark Identification” | LINK
“Multi-Dimensional Self Attention based Approach for Remaining Useful Life Estimation. (arXiv:2212.05772v1 [cs.LG])” LINK
"Estimating Roughage Quality with Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) Spectroscopy and Chemometric Techniques" LINK
"Detection of Insect Damage in Green Coffee Beans Using VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Revisiting Water Speciation in Hydrous Alumino-Silicate glasses: A Discrepancy between Solid-state 1H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the Determination of X-OH …" LINK
"Prediction of Organic Carbon Content of Intertidal Sediments Based on Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" "可见-近红外光谱的潮间带沉积物有机碳含量的几种模型预测方法" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Predicting soil phosphorus and studying the effect of texture on the prediction accuracy using machine learning combined with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"CIC nanoGUNE reaches new depths in infrared nanospectroscopy" LINK
"Distinguishing Hemp from Marijuana by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Glucobrassicin Enhancement Using Low Red to Far-Red Light Ratio in 'Ruby Ball' Cabbage and High-Throughput Glucobrassicin Estimation Using Near-Infrared …" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy outperforms genomic selection for predicting sugarcane feedstock quality traits" LINK
"Estimation of critical nitrogen contents in peach orchards using visible-near infrared spectral mixture analysis" LINK
"Non-destructive and rapid measurement of sugar content in growing cane stalks for breeding programmes using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Quantitative Analysis of Protein and Polysaccharide in Lilium Lanzhou Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating nutritional quality of Brachiaria humidicola in breeding selections" LINK
"Quantification of phenolic acids by partial least squares Fouriertransform infrared (PLSFTIR) in extracts of medicinal plants" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Predicting adulteration of Palm oil with Sudan IV dye using shortwave handheld spectroscopy and comparative analysis of models" LINK
"Self-adaptive models for predicting soluble solid content of blueberries with biological variability by using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Rapid identification and quantitative pit mud by near infrared Spectroscopy with chemometrics" LINK
"Methane emission detection and flux quantification from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom, using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK
"Improved Dimensional Stability and Mold Resistance of Bamboo via In Situ Growth of Poly(Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-N-Isopropyl Acrylamide)" Polymers LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4896: A Novel Single-Channel Arrangement in Chirp Transform Spectrometer for High-Resolution Spectrum Detection" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Angle Distribution Measurement of Scattered Light Intensity from Needle-shaped Crystals in a Magnetic Field for Gout Diagnosis" LINK
"Use of barley silage or corn silage with dry-rolled barley, corn, or a blend of barley and corn on predicted nutrient total tract digestibility and growth performance of …" LINK
"Identification of Leaf-Scale Wheat Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici) Combining Hyperspectral Imaging and an SVM Classifier" Plants LINK
"Smartphone-supported portable micro-spectroscopy/imaging system to character morphology and spectra of samples at microscale" LINK
"Novel Antioxidant Packaging Films Based on Poly(-Caprolactone) and Almond Skin Extract: Development and Effect on the Oxidative Stability of Fried Almonds" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4907: Experimental Comparison of Diesel and Crude Rapeseed Oil Combustion in a Swirl Burner" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3260: Comparison of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Taraxacum mongolicum" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Application of a Vis-NIR Spectroscopic Technique to Measure the Total Soluble Solids Content of Intact Mangoes in Motion on a Belt Conveyor" LINK
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Beef Quality Tool to Predict Consumer Acceptance" Foods LINK
"Rapid Vitality Estimation and Prediction of Corn Seeds Based on Spectra and Images Using Deep Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques" LINK
"Identification of Bacterial Blight Resistant Rice Seeds Using Terahertz Imaging and Hyperspectral Imaging Combined With Convolutional Neural Network." LINK
"A simple design for the validation of a FT-NIR screening method: Application to the detection of durum wheat pasta adulteration." LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
In-line UV-Vis Spectroscopy Market Research Report 2019-2030 | Industry Report, Industry ...: Success of this technology depends on the in-depth knowledge of the link between optical instrumentation design and its effect on data quality. LINK
"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools" LINK
"Non-destructive Detection of Apple Maturity by Constructing Spectral Index based on Reflectance Spectrum" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"Estimating Roughage Quality with Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) Spectroscopy and Chemometric Techniques" LINK
"Detection of Insect Damage in Green Coffee Beans Using VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Revisiting Water Speciation in Hydrous Alumino-Silicate glasses: A Discrepancy between Solid-state 1H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the Determination of X-OH …" LINK
"Prediction of Organic Carbon Content of Intertidal Sediments Based on Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" "可见-近红外光谱的潮间带沉积物有机碳含量的几种模型预测方法" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Predicting soil phosphorus and studying the effect of texture on the prediction accuracy using machine learning combined with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"CIC nanoGUNE reaches new depths in infrared nanospectroscopy" LINK
"Distinguishing Hemp from Marijuana by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Glucobrassicin Enhancement Using Low Red to Far-Red Light Ratio in 'Ruby Ball' Cabbage and High-Throughput Glucobrassicin Estimation Using Near-Infrared …" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy outperforms genomic selection for predicting sugarcane feedstock quality traits" LINK
"Estimation of critical nitrogen contents in peach orchards using visible-near infrared spectral mixture analysis" LINK
"Non-destructive and rapid measurement of sugar content in growing cane stalks for breeding programmes using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Quantitative Analysis of Protein and Polysaccharide in Lilium Lanzhou Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating nutritional quality of Brachiaria humidicola in breeding selections" LINK
"Quantification of phenolic acids by partial least squares Fouriertransform infrared (PLSFTIR) in extracts of medicinal plants" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Predicting adulteration of Palm oil with Sudan IV dye using shortwave handheld spectroscopy and comparative analysis of models" LINK
"Self-adaptive models for predicting soluble solid content of blueberries with biological variability by using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Rapid identification and quantitative pit mud by near infrared Spectroscopy with chemometrics" LINK
"Methane emission detection and flux quantification from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom, using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK
"Improved Dimensional Stability and Mold Resistance of Bamboo via In Situ Growth of Poly(Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-N-Isopropyl Acrylamide)" Polymers LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4896: A Novel Single-Channel Arrangement in Chirp Transform Spectrometer for High-Resolution Spectrum Detection" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Angle Distribution Measurement of Scattered Light Intensity from Needle-shaped Crystals in a Magnetic Field for Gout Diagnosis" LINK
"Use of barley silage or corn silage with dry-rolled barley, corn, or a blend of barley and corn on predicted nutrient total tract digestibility and growth performance of …" LINK
"Identification of Leaf-Scale Wheat Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici) Combining Hyperspectral Imaging and an SVM Classifier" Plants LINK
"Smartphone-supported portable micro-spectroscopy/imaging system to character morphology and spectra of samples at microscale" LINK
"Novel Antioxidant Packaging Films Based on Poly(-Caprolactone) and Almond Skin Extract: Development and Effect on the Oxidative Stability of Fried Almonds" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4907: Experimental Comparison of Diesel and Crude Rapeseed Oil Combustion in a Swirl Burner" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3260: Comparison of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Taraxacum mongolicum" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Application of a Vis-NIR Spectroscopic Technique to Measure the Total Soluble Solids Content of Intact Mangoes in Motion on a Belt Conveyor" LINK
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Beef Quality Tool to Predict Consumer Acceptance" Foods LINK
"Rapid Vitality Estimation and Prediction of Corn Seeds Based on Spectra and Images Using Deep Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques" LINK
"Identification of Bacterial Blight Resistant Rice Seeds Using Terahertz Imaging and Hyperspectral Imaging Combined With Convolutional Neural Network." LINK
"A simple design for the validation of a FT-NIR screening method: Application to the detection of durum wheat pasta adulteration." LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
In-line UV-Vis Spectroscopy Market Research Report 2019-2030 | Industry Report, Industry ...: Success of this technology depends on the in-depth knowledge of the link between optical instrumentation design and its effect on data quality. LINK
"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools" LINK
"Non-destructive Detection of Apple Maturity by Constructing Spectral Index based on Reflectance Spectrum" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"Estimating Roughage Quality with Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) Spectroscopy and Chemometric Techniques" LINK
"Detection of Insect Damage in Green Coffee Beans Using VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Revisiting Water Speciation in Hydrous Alumino-Silicate glasses: A Discrepancy between Solid-state 1H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the Determination of X-OH …" LINK
"Prediction of Organic Carbon Content of Intertidal Sediments Based on Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" "可见-近红外光谱的潮间带沉积物有机碳含量的几种模型预测方法" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Predicting soil phosphorus and studying the effect of texture on the prediction accuracy using machine learning combined with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"CIC nanoGUNE reaches new depths in infrared nanospectroscopy" LINK
"Distinguishing Hemp from Marijuana by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Glucobrassicin Enhancement Using Low Red to Far-Red Light Ratio in 'Ruby Ball' Cabbage and High-Throughput Glucobrassicin Estimation Using Near-Infrared …" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy outperforms genomic selection for predicting sugarcane feedstock quality traits" LINK
"Estimation of critical nitrogen contents in peach orchards using visible-near infrared spectral mixture analysis" LINK
"Non-destructive and rapid measurement of sugar content in growing cane stalks for breeding programmes using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Quantitative Analysis of Protein and Polysaccharide in Lilium Lanzhou Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating nutritional quality of Brachiaria humidicola in breeding selections" LINK
"Quantification of phenolic acids by partial least squares Fouriertransform infrared (PLSFTIR) in extracts of medicinal plants" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Predicting adulteration of Palm oil with Sudan IV dye using shortwave handheld spectroscopy and comparative analysis of models" LINK
"Self-adaptive models for predicting soluble solid content of blueberries with biological variability by using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Rapid identification and quantitative pit mud by near infrared Spectroscopy with chemometrics" LINK
"Methane emission detection and flux quantification from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom, using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK
"Improved Dimensional Stability and Mold Resistance of Bamboo via In Situ Growth of Poly(Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-N-Isopropyl Acrylamide)" Polymers LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4896: A Novel Single-Channel Arrangement in Chirp Transform Spectrometer for High-Resolution Spectrum Detection" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Angle Distribution Measurement of Scattered Light Intensity from Needle-shaped Crystals in a Magnetic Field for Gout Diagnosis" LINK
"Use of barley silage or corn silage with dry-rolled barley, corn, or a blend of barley and corn on predicted nutrient total tract digestibility and growth performance of …" LINK
"Identification of Leaf-Scale Wheat Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici) Combining Hyperspectral Imaging and an SVM Classifier" Plants LINK
"Smartphone-supported portable micro-spectroscopy/imaging system to character morphology and spectra of samples at microscale" LINK
"Novel Antioxidant Packaging Films Based on Poly(-Caprolactone) and Almond Skin Extract: Development and Effect on the Oxidative Stability of Fried Almonds" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4907: Experimental Comparison of Diesel and Crude Rapeseed Oil Combustion in a Swirl Burner" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3260: Comparison of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Taraxacum mongolicum" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Application of a Vis-NIR Spectroscopic Technique to Measure the Total Soluble Solids Content of Intact Mangoes in Motion on a Belt Conveyor" LINK
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Beef Quality Tool to Predict Consumer Acceptance" Foods LINK
"Rapid Vitality Estimation and Prediction of Corn Seeds Based on Spectra and Images Using Deep Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques" LINK
"Identification of Bacterial Blight Resistant Rice Seeds Using Terahertz Imaging and Hyperspectral Imaging Combined With Convolutional Neural Network." LINK
"A simple design for the validation of a FT-NIR screening method: Application to the detection of durum wheat pasta adulteration." LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
In-line UV-Vis Spectroscopy Market Research Report 2019-2030 | Industry Report, Industry ...: Success of this technology depends on the in-depth knowledge of the link between optical instrumentation design and its effect on data quality. LINK
"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools" LINK
"Non-destructive Detection of Apple Maturity by Constructing Spectral Index based on Reflectance Spectrum" LINK
Using cost saving NIR-Spectroscopy Analysis? You can Save even more Costs and Time! How? Read here | VIS NIR NIRS Spectroscopy LabManager Labs QualityControl CostSaving foodindustry foodproduct Spectrometer Sensor Analytics LINK
Machine Learning for NIR Spectroscopy as a Service, a Game Changer for Productivity and Accuracy/Precision! Use the free NIR-Predcitor software to combine NIRS + Lab data and send your Calibration Request. LabManager Analysis MachineLearning LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 24, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Handheld Near-Infrared Spectrometers: Reality and Empty Promises" miniaturization NIRS FTNIR MEMS MOEMS LVFs LINK
BESTCentreLTU research hot off the press: | In collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Kellie Tuck from , we’ve developed new near-infrared emissive electrochemiluminophores for sensing in NIR transparent biological media. LINK
"Near-Infrared Emitter for Bioanalytical Applications" NIR ECL electrochemiluminescence LINK
"Fault detection with moving window PCA using NIRS spectra for the monitoring of anaerobic digestion process" LINK
"New applications of visnir spectroscopy for the prediction of soil properties" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of quality parameters in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) samples by application of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least …" LINK
"Control of ascorbic acid in fortified powdered soft drinks using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and multivariate analysis." LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Detection of melamine and sucrose as adulterants in milk powder using near-infrared spectroscopy with DD-SIMCA as one-class classifier and MCR-ALS as a means to provide pure profiles of milk and of both adulterants with forensic evidence" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
"Modeling bending strength of oil-heat-treated wood by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"ripening stages monitoring of Lamuyo pepper using a new‐generation near‐infrared spectroscopy sensor" LINK
"Should the Past Define the Future of Interpretation of Infrared and Raman Spectra?" LINK
"Performance Improvement of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis Ensemble Classifier Based on Bootstrap Aggregating." LINK
"Continuously measurement of the dry matter content using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid identification of Lilium species and polysaccharide contents based on near infrared spectroscopy and weighted partial least square method." LINK
"A Rapid and Nondestructive Approach for the Classification of Different-Age Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Using Portable Near Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"A deep learning based regression method on hyperspectral data for rapid prediction of cadmium residue in lettuce leaves" LINK
"Deep learning applied to hyperspectral endoscopy for online spectral classification" DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-60574-6 LINK
"Detection of fish fillet substitution and mislabeling using multimode hyperspectral imaging techniques" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Comprehensive Chemometrics - Chemical and Biochemical Data Analysis Reference Work • 2nd Edition • 2020" | books Chemometrics DataAnalysis Chemical Biochemical LINK
"Identification of invisible biological traces in forensic evidences by hyperspectral NIR imaging combined with chemometrics" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
"Plenary Lecture Methods and Tools for Sensors Information Processing" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
Using NIR scanner to assess grass in sward for composition prior to baling and wrapping for EU LIFE Farm4More project. Thanks to Dinamica Generale for providing the equipment LINK
"Determination of soluble solids content in Prunus avium by Vis/NIR equipment using linear and non-linear regression methods" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning …" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Placing Soil Information in the Hands of Farmers" LINK
"Robustness of visible/near and midinfrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK
"Complex Food Recognition using Hyper-Spectral Imagery" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" The Effect of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Cow Slurry on Sugar Content and Digestibility of Alfalfa Grass Mixtures" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"The influence analysis of reflectance anisotropy of canopy on the prediction accuracy of Cu stress based on laboratory multi-directional measurement" LINK
Using cost saving NIR-Spectroscopy Analysis? You can Save even more Costs and Time! How? Read here | VIS NIR NIRS Spectroscopy LabManager Labs QualityControl CostSaving foodindustry foodproduct Spectrometer Sensor Analytics LINK
Machine Learning for NIR Spectroscopy as a Service, a Game Changer for Productivity and Accuracy/Precision! Use the free NIR-Predcitor software to combine NIRS + Lab data and send your Calibration Request. LabManager Analysis MachineLearning LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 24, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Handheld Near-Infrared Spectrometers: Reality and Empty Promises" miniaturization NIRS FTNIR MEMS MOEMS LVFs LINK
BESTCentreLTU research hot off the press: | In collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Kellie Tuck from , we’ve developed new near-infrared emissive electrochemiluminophores for sensing in NIR transparent biological media. LINK
"Near-Infrared Emitter for Bioanalytical Applications" NIR ECL electrochemiluminescence LINK
"Fault detection with moving window PCA using NIRS spectra for the monitoring of anaerobic digestion process" LINK
"New applications of visnir spectroscopy for the prediction of soil properties" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of quality parameters in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) samples by application of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least …" LINK
"Control of ascorbic acid in fortified powdered soft drinks using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and multivariate analysis." LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Detection of melamine and sucrose as adulterants in milk powder using near-infrared spectroscopy with DD-SIMCA as one-class classifier and MCR-ALS as a means to provide pure profiles of milk and of both adulterants with forensic evidence" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
"Modeling bending strength of oil-heat-treated wood by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"ripening stages monitoring of Lamuyo pepper using a new‐generation near‐infrared spectroscopy sensor" LINK
"Should the Past Define the Future of Interpretation of Infrared and Raman Spectra?" LINK
"Performance Improvement of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis Ensemble Classifier Based on Bootstrap Aggregating." LINK
"Continuously measurement of the dry matter content using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid identification of Lilium species and polysaccharide contents based on near infrared spectroscopy and weighted partial least square method." LINK
"A Rapid and Nondestructive Approach for the Classification of Different-Age Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Using Portable Near Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"A deep learning based regression method on hyperspectral data for rapid prediction of cadmium residue in lettuce leaves" LINK
"Deep learning applied to hyperspectral endoscopy for online spectral classification" DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-60574-6 LINK
"Detection of fish fillet substitution and mislabeling using multimode hyperspectral imaging techniques" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Comprehensive Chemometrics - Chemical and Biochemical Data Analysis Reference Work • 2nd Edition • 2020" | books Chemometrics DataAnalysis Chemical Biochemical LINK
"Identification of invisible biological traces in forensic evidences by hyperspectral NIR imaging combined with chemometrics" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
"Plenary Lecture Methods and Tools for Sensors Information Processing" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
Using NIR scanner to assess grass in sward for composition prior to baling and wrapping for EU LIFE Farm4More project. Thanks to Dinamica Generale for providing the equipment LINK
"Determination of soluble solids content in Prunus avium by Vis/NIR equipment using linear and non-linear regression methods" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning …" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Placing Soil Information in the Hands of Farmers" LINK
"Robustness of visible/near and midinfrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK
"Complex Food Recognition using Hyper-Spectral Imagery" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" The Effect of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Cow Slurry on Sugar Content and Digestibility of Alfalfa Grass Mixtures" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"The influence analysis of reflectance anisotropy of canopy on the prediction accuracy of Cu stress based on laboratory multi-directional measurement" LINK
Using cost saving NIR-Spectroscopy Analysis? You can Save even more Costs and Time! How? Read here | VIS NIR NIRS Spectroscopy LabManager Labs QualityControl CostSaving foodindustry foodproduct Spectrometer Sensor Analytics LINK
Machine Learning for NIR Spectroscopy as a Service, a Game Changer for Productivity and Accuracy/Precision! Use the free NIR-Predcitor software to combine NIRS + Lab data and send your Calibration Request. LabManager Analysis MachineLearning LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 24, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Handheld Near-Infrared Spectrometers: Reality and Empty Promises" miniaturization NIRS FTNIR MEMS MOEMS LVFs LINK
BESTCentreLTU research hot off the press: | In collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Kellie Tuck from , we’ve developed new near-infrared emissive electrochemiluminophores for sensing in NIR transparent biological media. LINK
"Near-Infrared Emitter for Bioanalytical Applications" NIR ECL electrochemiluminescence LINK
"Fault detection with moving window PCA using NIRS spectra for the monitoring of anaerobic digestion process" LINK
"New applications of visnir spectroscopy for the prediction of soil properties" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of quality parameters in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) samples by application of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least …" LINK
"Control of ascorbic acid in fortified powdered soft drinks using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and multivariate analysis." LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Detection of melamine and sucrose as adulterants in milk powder using near-infrared spectroscopy with DD-SIMCA as one-class classifier and MCR-ALS as a means to provide pure profiles of milk and of both adulterants with forensic evidence" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
"Modeling bending strength of oil-heat-treated wood by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"ripening stages monitoring of Lamuyo pepper using a new‐generation near‐infrared spectroscopy sensor" LINK
"Should the Past Define the Future of Interpretation of Infrared and Raman Spectra?" LINK
"Performance Improvement of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis Ensemble Classifier Based on Bootstrap Aggregating." LINK
"Continuously measurement of the dry matter content using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid identification of Lilium species and polysaccharide contents based on near infrared spectroscopy and weighted partial least square method." LINK
"A Rapid and Nondestructive Approach for the Classification of Different-Age Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Using Portable Near Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"A deep learning based regression method on hyperspectral data for rapid prediction of cadmium residue in lettuce leaves" LINK
"Deep learning applied to hyperspectral endoscopy for online spectral classification" DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-60574-6 LINK
"Detection of fish fillet substitution and mislabeling using multimode hyperspectral imaging techniques" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Comprehensive Chemometrics - Chemical and Biochemical Data Analysis Reference Work • 2nd Edition • 2020" | books Chemometrics DataAnalysis Chemical Biochemical LINK
"Identification of invisible biological traces in forensic evidences by hyperspectral NIR imaging combined with chemometrics" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
"Plenary Lecture Methods and Tools for Sensors Information Processing" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
Using NIR scanner to assess grass in sward for composition prior to baling and wrapping for EU LIFE Farm4More project. Thanks to Dinamica Generale for providing the equipment LINK
"Determination of soluble solids content in Prunus avium by Vis/NIR equipment using linear and non-linear regression methods" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning …" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Placing Soil Information in the Hands of Farmers" LINK
"Robustness of visible/near and midinfrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK
"Complex Food Recognition using Hyper-Spectral Imagery" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" The Effect of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Cow Slurry on Sugar Content and Digestibility of Alfalfa Grass Mixtures" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"The influence analysis of reflectance anisotropy of canopy on the prediction accuracy of Cu stress based on laboratory multi-directional measurement" LINK
New Free NIR-Predictor V2.6 software is released - New : reads and predicts also *.spc spectra file format (Thermo-Scientific / Galactic GRAMS) - Spectra Plots on the Prediction Reports NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Spectrometer QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis LINKSpectra Plot
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 22, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Potential of Vis-NIR spectroscopy for detection of chilling injury in kiwifruit" LINK
"The application of NIR spectroscopy in moisture determining of vegetable seeds" LINK
"Detection and quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients as adulterants in Garcinia cambogia slimming preparations using NIR spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Vibrational coupling to hydration shell–Mechanism to performance enhancement of qualitative analysis in NIR spectroscopy of carbohydrates in aqueous environment" LINK
"Determination of metmyoglobin in cooked tan mutton using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging system" LINK
"The past, present, and prospective on UV-VIS-NIR skin photonics and spectroscopy-a wavelength guide." LINK
"Differentiation of South African Game Meat Using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and Hierarchical Modelling" LINK
"Study on Detection Methods for Frying Times of Soybean Oil Based on NIRS" LINK
"Non-destructive Detection the Content of Acid Detergent Fiber in Corn Stalk Using NIRS" LINK
"Changes in chemical components with NIR spectroscopy and durability of samama wood treated with boron, methyl methacrylate and heat treatment" LINK
"Principle Component Analysis (PCA)-Classification of Arabica green bean coffee of North Sumatera Using FT–NIRS" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Near-infrared wavelength-selection method based on joint mutual information and weighted bootstrap sampling" LINK
"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of direct and indirect bilirubin indicators in serum through reagent-free visible-near-infrared spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Fast Detection Method of Antarctic Krill Meat Quality Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 1472: Fusion of Mid-Wave Infrared and Long-Wave Infrared Reflectance Spectra for Quantitative Analysis of Minerals" LINK
"Determination of pectin content in orange peels by Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a quantitative spasticity assessment tool: A systematic review." LINK
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Detection of aflatoxin B1 on corn kernel surfaces using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Soil NPK Levels Characterization Using Near Infrared and Artificial Neural Network" LINK
" Estimation of moisture in wood chips by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Biosensors, Vol. 10, Pages 41: Rapid Nondestructive Detection of Water Content and Granulation in Postharvest Shatian Pomelo Using Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Prognostic value of near-infrared spectroscopy in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Dual-camera design for hyperspectral and panchromatic imaging, using a wedge shaped liquid crystal as a spectral multiplexer" | |)/S/URI LINK
"Discriminative Reconstruction for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection With Spectral Learning" LINK
"Classification of common recyclable garbage based on hyperspectral imaging and deep learning" LINK
"Based on hyperspectral polarization to build the quantitative remote sensing model of jujube in Southern Xinjiang" LINK
"Study on quality distribution characteristics of jujube canopy based on multi-angle hyperspectral polarization" LINK
"Germination Prediction of Sugar Beet Seeds Based on HSI and SVM-RBF" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"ATR-MIR spectroscopy to predict commercial milk major components: A comparison between a handheld and a benchtop instrument" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of goat milk adulteration with cow milk and their fat and protein contents using NIR spectroscopy and PLS algorithms" LINK
"Optimization and comparison of models for prediction of soluble solids content in apple by online Vis/NIR transmission coupled with diameter correction method" LINK
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"Spectroscopic techniques combined with chemometrics for fast on-site characterization of suspected illegal antimicrobials" LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
"Improved mapping of soil heavy metals using a Vis-NIR spectroscopy index in an agricultural area of eastern China" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The Use of Multi-temporal Spectral Information to Improve the Classification of Agricultural Crops in Landscapes" LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 1308: Machine Learning Based On-Line Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon after Removal of Soil Moisture Effect" LINK
"Detection of Nutrition and Toxic Elements in Pakistani Pepper Powders Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy" LINK
"Agriculture, Vol. 10, Pages 177: Prediction of Soil Oxalate Phosphorus using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Natural and Cultivated System Soils of Madagascar" LINK
Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage
"Linear Discriminant Analysis of spectral measurements for discrimination between healthy and diseased trees of Olea europaea L. artificially infected by Fomitiporia …" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
"Visualization accuracy improvement of spectral quantitative analysis for meat adulteration using Gaussian distribution of regression coefficients in hyperspectral …" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Laboratory-Scale Preparation and Characterization of Dried Extract of Muirapuama (Ptychopetalumolacoides Benth) by Green Analytical Techniques" LINK
"Machine vision detection of pests, diseases, and weeds: A review" LINK
"On-Site Identification of the Material Composition of PV Modules with Mobile Spectroscopic Devices" LINK
"Synthesis of N-Doped ZnO Nanocomposites for Sunlight Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dye Pollutants" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
New Free NIR-Predictor V2.6 software is released - New : reads and predicts also *.spc spectra file format (Thermo-Scientific / Galactic GRAMS) - Spectra Plots on the Prediction Reports NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Spectrometer QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis LINKSpectra Plot
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 22, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Potential of Vis-NIR spectroscopy for detection of chilling injury in kiwifruit" LINK
"The application of NIR spectroscopy in moisture determining of vegetable seeds" LINK
"Detection and quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients as adulterants in Garcinia cambogia slimming preparations using NIR spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Vibrational coupling to hydration shell–Mechanism to performance enhancement of qualitative analysis in NIR spectroscopy of carbohydrates in aqueous environment" LINK
"Determination of metmyoglobin in cooked tan mutton using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging system" LINK
"The past, present, and prospective on UV-VIS-NIR skin photonics and spectroscopy-a wavelength guide." LINK
"Differentiation of South African Game Meat Using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and Hierarchical Modelling" LINK
"Study on Detection Methods for Frying Times of Soybean Oil Based on NIRS" LINK
"Non-destructive Detection the Content of Acid Detergent Fiber in Corn Stalk Using NIRS" LINK
"Changes in chemical components with NIR spectroscopy and durability of samama wood treated with boron, methyl methacrylate and heat treatment" LINK
"Principle Component Analysis (PCA)-Classification of Arabica green bean coffee of North Sumatera Using FT–NIRS" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Near-infrared wavelength-selection method based on joint mutual information and weighted bootstrap sampling" LINK
"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of direct and indirect bilirubin indicators in serum through reagent-free visible-near-infrared spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Fast Detection Method of Antarctic Krill Meat Quality Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 1472: Fusion of Mid-Wave Infrared and Long-Wave Infrared Reflectance Spectra for Quantitative Analysis of Minerals" LINK
"Determination of pectin content in orange peels by Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a quantitative spasticity assessment tool: A systematic review." LINK
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Detection of aflatoxin B1 on corn kernel surfaces using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Soil NPK Levels Characterization Using Near Infrared and Artificial Neural Network" LINK
" Estimation of moisture in wood chips by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Biosensors, Vol. 10, Pages 41: Rapid Nondestructive Detection of Water Content and Granulation in Postharvest Shatian Pomelo Using Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Prognostic value of near-infrared spectroscopy in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Dual-camera design for hyperspectral and panchromatic imaging, using a wedge shaped liquid crystal as a spectral multiplexer" | |)/S/URI LINK
"Discriminative Reconstruction for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection With Spectral Learning" LINK
"Classification of common recyclable garbage based on hyperspectral imaging and deep learning" LINK
"Based on hyperspectral polarization to build the quantitative remote sensing model of jujube in Southern Xinjiang" LINK
"Study on quality distribution characteristics of jujube canopy based on multi-angle hyperspectral polarization" LINK
"Germination Prediction of Sugar Beet Seeds Based on HSI and SVM-RBF" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"ATR-MIR spectroscopy to predict commercial milk major components: A comparison between a handheld and a benchtop instrument" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of goat milk adulteration with cow milk and their fat and protein contents using NIR spectroscopy and PLS algorithms" LINK
"Optimization and comparison of models for prediction of soluble solids content in apple by online Vis/NIR transmission coupled with diameter correction method" LINK
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"Spectroscopic techniques combined with chemometrics for fast on-site characterization of suspected illegal antimicrobials" LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
"Improved mapping of soil heavy metals using a Vis-NIR spectroscopy index in an agricultural area of eastern China" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The Use of Multi-temporal Spectral Information to Improve the Classification of Agricultural Crops in Landscapes" LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 1308: Machine Learning Based On-Line Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon after Removal of Soil Moisture Effect" LINK
"Detection of Nutrition and Toxic Elements in Pakistani Pepper Powders Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy" LINK
"Agriculture, Vol. 10, Pages 177: Prediction of Soil Oxalate Phosphorus using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Natural and Cultivated System Soils of Madagascar" LINK
Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage
"Linear Discriminant Analysis of spectral measurements for discrimination between healthy and diseased trees of Olea europaea L. artificially infected by Fomitiporia …" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
"Visualization accuracy improvement of spectral quantitative analysis for meat adulteration using Gaussian distribution of regression coefficients in hyperspectral …" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Laboratory-Scale Preparation and Characterization of Dried Extract of Muirapuama (Ptychopetalumolacoides Benth) by Green Analytical Techniques" LINK
"Machine vision detection of pests, diseases, and weeds: A review" LINK
"On-Site Identification of the Material Composition of PV Modules with Mobile Spectroscopic Devices" LINK
"Synthesis of N-Doped ZnO Nanocomposites for Sunlight Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dye Pollutants" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
New Free NIR-Predictor V2.6 software is released - New : reads and predicts also *.spc spectra file format (Thermo-Scientific / Galactic GRAMS) - Spectra Plots on the Prediction Reports NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Spectrometer QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis LINKSpectra Plot
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 22, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Potential of Vis-NIR spectroscopy for detection of chilling injury in kiwifruit" LINK
"The application of NIR spectroscopy in moisture determining of vegetable seeds" LINK
"Detection and quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients as adulterants in Garcinia cambogia slimming preparations using NIR spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Vibrational coupling to hydration shell–Mechanism to performance enhancement of qualitative analysis in NIR spectroscopy of carbohydrates in aqueous environment" LINK
"Determination of metmyoglobin in cooked tan mutton using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging system" LINK
"The past, present, and prospective on UV-VIS-NIR skin photonics and spectroscopy-a wavelength guide." LINK
"Differentiation of South African Game Meat Using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and Hierarchical Modelling" LINK
"Study on Detection Methods for Frying Times of Soybean Oil Based on NIRS" LINK
"Non-destructive Detection the Content of Acid Detergent Fiber in Corn Stalk Using NIRS" LINK
"Changes in chemical components with NIR spectroscopy and durability of samama wood treated with boron, methyl methacrylate and heat treatment" LINK
"Principle Component Analysis (PCA)-Classification of Arabica green bean coffee of North Sumatera Using FT–NIRS" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Near-infrared wavelength-selection method based on joint mutual information and weighted bootstrap sampling" LINK
"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of direct and indirect bilirubin indicators in serum through reagent-free visible-near-infrared spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Fast Detection Method of Antarctic Krill Meat Quality Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 1472: Fusion of Mid-Wave Infrared and Long-Wave Infrared Reflectance Spectra for Quantitative Analysis of Minerals" LINK
"Determination of pectin content in orange peels by Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a quantitative spasticity assessment tool: A systematic review." LINK
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Detection of aflatoxin B1 on corn kernel surfaces using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Soil NPK Levels Characterization Using Near Infrared and Artificial Neural Network" LINK
" Estimation of moisture in wood chips by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Biosensors, Vol. 10, Pages 41: Rapid Nondestructive Detection of Water Content and Granulation in Postharvest Shatian Pomelo Using Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Prognostic value of near-infrared spectroscopy in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Dual-camera design for hyperspectral and panchromatic imaging, using a wedge shaped liquid crystal as a spectral multiplexer" | |)/S/URI LINK
"Discriminative Reconstruction for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection With Spectral Learning" LINK
"Classification of common recyclable garbage based on hyperspectral imaging and deep learning" LINK
"Based on hyperspectral polarization to build the quantitative remote sensing model of jujube in Southern Xinjiang" LINK
"Study on quality distribution characteristics of jujube canopy based on multi-angle hyperspectral polarization" LINK
"Germination Prediction of Sugar Beet Seeds Based on HSI and SVM-RBF" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"ATR-MIR spectroscopy to predict commercial milk major components: A comparison between a handheld and a benchtop instrument" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of goat milk adulteration with cow milk and their fat and protein contents using NIR spectroscopy and PLS algorithms" LINK
"Optimization and comparison of models for prediction of soluble solids content in apple by online Vis/NIR transmission coupled with diameter correction method" LINK
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"Spectroscopic techniques combined with chemometrics for fast on-site characterization of suspected illegal antimicrobials" LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
"Improved mapping of soil heavy metals using a Vis-NIR spectroscopy index in an agricultural area of eastern China" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The Use of Multi-temporal Spectral Information to Improve the Classification of Agricultural Crops in Landscapes" LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 1308: Machine Learning Based On-Line Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon after Removal of Soil Moisture Effect" LINK
"Detection of Nutrition and Toxic Elements in Pakistani Pepper Powders Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy" LINK
"Agriculture, Vol. 10, Pages 177: Prediction of Soil Oxalate Phosphorus using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Natural and Cultivated System Soils of Madagascar" LINK
Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage
"Linear Discriminant Analysis of spectral measurements for discrimination between healthy and diseased trees of Olea europaea L. artificially infected by Fomitiporia …" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
"Visualization accuracy improvement of spectral quantitative analysis for meat adulteration using Gaussian distribution of regression coefficients in hyperspectral …" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Laboratory-Scale Preparation and Characterization of Dried Extract of Muirapuama (Ptychopetalumolacoides Benth) by Green Analytical Techniques" LINK
"Machine vision detection of pests, diseases, and weeds: A review" LINK
"On-Site Identification of the Material Composition of PV Modules with Mobile Spectroscopic Devices" LINK
"Synthesis of N-Doped ZnO Nanocomposites for Sunlight Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dye Pollutants" LINK
"Simultaneously multi quantitative value determination from a bunch of NIR spectra by drag and drop of multiple spectral files." | NIRS Spectroscopy - Image is Preview of V2.6 LINK
Calibration Model's free NIR-Predictor V2.5 Software Update is available today | Download here | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Sensor Application Chemometric Prediction Report QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis Production LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 18, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
"Fault detection with moving window PCA using NIRS spectra for the monitoring of anaerobic digestion process" LINK
"New applications of visnir spectroscopy for the prediction of soil properties" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of quality parameters in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) samples by application of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least …" LINK
"Control of ascorbic acid in fortified powdered soft drinks using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and multivariate analysis." LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Scientists demonstrate the ability of infrared ion spectroscopy to identify and distinguish the molecular structure of three isomers of fluoroamphetamine and two ring-isomers of both MDA and MDMA." LINK
"Application of near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to identify a variety of silage maize seeds and common maize seeds" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by single-seed near-infrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)." phenotyping LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Modeling bending strength of oil-heat-treated wood by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
"Estimating δ15N and δ13C in Barley and Pea Mixtures Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with Genetic Algorithm Based Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK
"ripening stages monitoring of Lamuyo pepper using a new‐generation near‐infrared spectroscopy sensor" LINK
"Performance Improvement of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis Ensemble Classifier Based on Bootstrap Aggregating." LINK
"Continuously measurement of the dry matter content using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid identification of Lilium species and polysaccharide contents based on near infrared spectroscopy and weighted partial least square method." LINK
"A Rapid and Nondestructive Approach for the Classification of Different-Age Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Using Portable Near Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
"Diagnosis of Citrus Greening using Raman Spectroscopy-Based Pattern Recognition" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"Diagnosis of Late Blight of Potato Leaves Based on Deep Learning Hyperspectral Images" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 2259: Hyperspectral Inversion Model of Chlorophyll Content in Peanut Leaves" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"A deep learning based regression method on hyperspectral data for rapid prediction of cadmium residue in lettuce leaves" LINK
"Deep learning applied to hyperspectral endoscopy for online spectral classification" DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-60574-6 LINK
"Detection of fish fillet substitution and mislabeling using multimode hyperspectral imaging techniques" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Comparison of CNN Algorithms on Hyperspectral Image Classification in Agricultural Lands" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
"Plenary Lecture Methods and Tools for Sensors Information Processing" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Monitoring wine fermentation deviations using an ATR-MIR spectrometer and MSPC charts" LINK
"Determination of soluble solids content in Prunus avium by Vis/NIR equipment using linear and non-linear regression methods" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning …" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Portable IoT NIR Spectrometer for Detecting Undesirable Substances in Forages of Dairy Farms" LINK
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Robustness of visible/near and midinfrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" The Effect of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Cow Slurry on Sugar Content and Digestibility of Alfalfa Grass Mixtures" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"The influence analysis of reflectance anisotropy of canopy on the prediction accuracy of Cu stress based on laboratory multi-directional measurement" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
"Simultaneously multi quantitative value determination from a bunch of NIR spectra by drag and drop of multiple spectral files." | NIRS Spectroscopy - Image is Preview of V2.6 LINK
Calibration Model's free NIR-Predictor V2.5 Software Update is available today | Download here | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Sensor Application Chemometric Prediction Report QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis Production LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 18, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
"Fault detection with moving window PCA using NIRS spectra for the monitoring of anaerobic digestion process" LINK
"New applications of visnir spectroscopy for the prediction of soil properties" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of quality parameters in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) samples by application of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least …" LINK
"Control of ascorbic acid in fortified powdered soft drinks using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and multivariate analysis." LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Scientists demonstrate the ability of infrared ion spectroscopy to identify and distinguish the molecular structure of three isomers of fluoroamphetamine and two ring-isomers of both MDA and MDMA." LINK
"Application of near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to identify a variety of silage maize seeds and common maize seeds" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by single-seed near-infrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)." phenotyping LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Modeling bending strength of oil-heat-treated wood by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
"Estimating δ15N and δ13C in Barley and Pea Mixtures Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with Genetic Algorithm Based Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK
"ripening stages monitoring of Lamuyo pepper using a new‐generation near‐infrared spectroscopy sensor" LINK
"Performance Improvement of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis Ensemble Classifier Based on Bootstrap Aggregating." LINK
"Continuously measurement of the dry matter content using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid identification of Lilium species and polysaccharide contents based on near infrared spectroscopy and weighted partial least square method." LINK
"A Rapid and Nondestructive Approach for the Classification of Different-Age Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Using Portable Near Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
"Diagnosis of Citrus Greening using Raman Spectroscopy-Based Pattern Recognition" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"Diagnosis of Late Blight of Potato Leaves Based on Deep Learning Hyperspectral Images" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 2259: Hyperspectral Inversion Model of Chlorophyll Content in Peanut Leaves" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"A deep learning based regression method on hyperspectral data for rapid prediction of cadmium residue in lettuce leaves" LINK
"Deep learning applied to hyperspectral endoscopy for online spectral classification" DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-60574-6 LINK
"Detection of fish fillet substitution and mislabeling using multimode hyperspectral imaging techniques" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Comparison of CNN Algorithms on Hyperspectral Image Classification in Agricultural Lands" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
"Plenary Lecture Methods and Tools for Sensors Information Processing" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Monitoring wine fermentation deviations using an ATR-MIR spectrometer and MSPC charts" LINK
"Determination of soluble solids content in Prunus avium by Vis/NIR equipment using linear and non-linear regression methods" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning …" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Portable IoT NIR Spectrometer for Detecting Undesirable Substances in Forages of Dairy Farms" LINK
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Robustness of visible/near and midinfrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" The Effect of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Cow Slurry on Sugar Content and Digestibility of Alfalfa Grass Mixtures" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"The influence analysis of reflectance anisotropy of canopy on the prediction accuracy of Cu stress based on laboratory multi-directional measurement" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
"Simultaneously multi quantitative value determination from a bunch of NIR spectra by drag and drop of multiple spectral files." | NIRS Spectroscopy - Image is Preview of V2.6 LINK
Calibration Model's free NIR-Predictor V2.5 Software Update is available today | Download here | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Sensor Application Chemometric Prediction Report QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis Production LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 18, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
"Fault detection with moving window PCA using NIRS spectra for the monitoring of anaerobic digestion process" LINK
"New applications of visnir spectroscopy for the prediction of soil properties" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of quality parameters in yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) samples by application of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and partial least …" LINK
"Control of ascorbic acid in fortified powdered soft drinks using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and multivariate analysis." LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Scientists demonstrate the ability of infrared ion spectroscopy to identify and distinguish the molecular structure of three isomers of fluoroamphetamine and two ring-isomers of both MDA and MDMA." LINK
"Application of near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to identify a variety of silage maize seeds and common maize seeds" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by single-seed near-infrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)." phenotyping LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Modeling bending strength of oil-heat-treated wood by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
"Estimating δ15N and δ13C in Barley and Pea Mixtures Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with Genetic Algorithm Based Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK
"ripening stages monitoring of Lamuyo pepper using a new‐generation near‐infrared spectroscopy sensor" LINK
"Performance Improvement of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Brain-Computer Interface Using Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis Ensemble Classifier Based on Bootstrap Aggregating." LINK
"Continuously measurement of the dry matter content using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid identification of Lilium species and polysaccharide contents based on near infrared spectroscopy and weighted partial least square method." LINK
"A Rapid and Nondestructive Approach for the Classification of Different-Age Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Using Portable Near Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
"Diagnosis of Citrus Greening using Raman Spectroscopy-Based Pattern Recognition" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"Diagnosis of Late Blight of Potato Leaves Based on Deep Learning Hyperspectral Images" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 2259: Hyperspectral Inversion Model of Chlorophyll Content in Peanut Leaves" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"A deep learning based regression method on hyperspectral data for rapid prediction of cadmium residue in lettuce leaves" LINK
"Deep learning applied to hyperspectral endoscopy for online spectral classification" DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-60574-6 LINK
"Detection of fish fillet substitution and mislabeling using multimode hyperspectral imaging techniques" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Comparison of CNN Algorithms on Hyperspectral Image Classification in Agricultural Lands" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
"Plenary Lecture Methods and Tools for Sensors Information Processing" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Monitoring wine fermentation deviations using an ATR-MIR spectrometer and MSPC charts" LINK
"Determination of soluble solids content in Prunus avium by Vis/NIR equipment using linear and non-linear regression methods" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning …" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Portable IoT NIR Spectrometer for Detecting Undesirable Substances in Forages of Dairy Farms" LINK
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Robustness of visible/near and midinfrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" The Effect of Spent Mushroom Substrate and Cow Slurry on Sugar Content and Digestibility of Alfalfa Grass Mixtures" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"The influence analysis of reflectance anisotropy of canopy on the prediction accuracy of Cu stress based on laboratory multi-directional measurement" LINK
"Potential of Vis-NIR spectroscopy for detection of chilling injury in kiwifruit" LINK
"The application of NIR spectroscopy in moisture determining of vegetable seeds" LINK
"Detection and quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients as adulterants in Garcinia cambogia slimming preparations using NIR spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
Analysis by NIRS shows the effectiveness of Lysozyme supplementation in dogs, responsible for the improvement of the coat, improved absorption in the hindgut and in microflora composition. pets petfood dogs LINK
Premier Nutrition NIR technology checks each batch of ingredient to confirm its identity ensuring highest level quality control. LINK
" La spectroscopie dans le proche infrarouge (NIRS) détermine avec précision la valeur nutritive des matières premières et des aliments pour porcs" LINK
"Handheld near-infrared spectrometers: Where are we heading?" | portable NIR NIRS NearInfrared instrumentation evaluation miniaturization LINK
"Qualitative and quantitative assessment of cork anomalies using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK
"Comparative Assessment on Smart Pre-processing Methods for Extracting Information in FT-NIR Measured Data" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Developing deep learning based regression approaches for determination of chemical compositions in dry black goji berries (Lycium ruthenicum Murr.) using near-infrared hyperspectral …" LINK
"Near-infrared wavelength-selection method based on joint mutual information and weighted bootstrap sampling" LINK
"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of direct and indirect bilirubin indicators in serum through reagent-free visible-near-infrared spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 1472: Fusion of Mid-Wave Infrared and Long-Wave Infrared Reflectance Spectra for Quantitative Analysis of Minerals" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a quantitative spasticity assessment tool: A systematic review." LINK
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Classification of plastics using infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Determination of routine chemicals, physical indices and macromolecular substances in reconstituted tobacco using near infrared spectroscopy combined with sample …" LINK
" Adulteration detection of mustard oil using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"The use of two-dimensional spectroscopy to interpret the effect of temperature on the near infrared spectra of whisky" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Dual-camera design for hyperspectral and panchromatic imaging, using a wedge shaped liquid crystal as a spectral multiplexer" | |)/S/URI LINK
"Hyperspectral image classification based on pre-post combination process" LINK
"A novel nonlinear hyperspectral unmixing approach for images of oil spills at sea" LINK
"Hyperspectral technique combined with deep learning algorithm for detection of compound heavy metals in lettuce" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"ATR-MIR spectroscopy to predict commercial milk major components: A comparison between a handheld and a benchtop instrument" LINK
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"In vivo cancer detection in animal model using hyperspectral image classification with wavelet feature extraction" LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
"Improved mapping of soil heavy metals using a Vis-NIR spectroscopy index in an agricultural area of eastern China" LINK
"Combining visible near‐infrared spectroscopy and water vapor sorption for soil specific surface area estimation" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The Use of Multi-temporal Spectral Information to Improve the Classification of Agricultural Crops in Landscapes" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Recent advances in imaging techniques for bruise detection in fruits and vegetables" LINK
"Spatial mapping of Brix and moisture content using hyperspectral imaging system in sugarcane stalk" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Medicinal Spectroscopy
"Near-infrared spectroscopy-derived total haemoglobin as an indicator of changes in muscle blood flow during exercise-induced hyperaemia" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Laboratory-Scale Preparation and Characterization of Dried Extract of Muirapuama (Ptychopetalumolacoides Benth) by Green Analytical Techniques" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 16, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"Potential of Vis-NIR spectroscopy for detection of chilling injury in kiwifruit" LINK
"The application of NIR spectroscopy in moisture determining of vegetable seeds" LINK
"Detection and quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients as adulterants in Garcinia cambogia slimming preparations using NIR spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
Analysis by NIRS shows the effectiveness of Lysozyme supplementation in dogs, responsible for the improvement of the coat, improved absorption in the hindgut and in microflora composition. pets petfood dogs LINK
Premier Nutrition NIR technology checks each batch of ingredient to confirm its identity ensuring highest level quality control. LINK
" La spectroscopie dans le proche infrarouge (NIRS) détermine avec précision la valeur nutritive des matières premières et des aliments pour porcs" LINK
"Handheld near-infrared spectrometers: Where are we heading?" | portable NIR NIRS NearInfrared instrumentation evaluation miniaturization LINK
"Qualitative and quantitative assessment of cork anomalies using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK
"Comparative Assessment on Smart Pre-processing Methods for Extracting Information in FT-NIR Measured Data" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Developing deep learning based regression approaches for determination of chemical compositions in dry black goji berries (Lycium ruthenicum Murr.) using near-infrared hyperspectral …" LINK
"Near-infrared wavelength-selection method based on joint mutual information and weighted bootstrap sampling" LINK
"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of direct and indirect bilirubin indicators in serum through reagent-free visible-near-infrared spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 1472: Fusion of Mid-Wave Infrared and Long-Wave Infrared Reflectance Spectra for Quantitative Analysis of Minerals" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a quantitative spasticity assessment tool: A systematic review." LINK
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Classification of plastics using infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Determination of routine chemicals, physical indices and macromolecular substances in reconstituted tobacco using near infrared spectroscopy combined with sample …" LINK
" Adulteration detection of mustard oil using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"The use of two-dimensional spectroscopy to interpret the effect of temperature on the near infrared spectra of whisky" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Dual-camera design for hyperspectral and panchromatic imaging, using a wedge shaped liquid crystal as a spectral multiplexer" | |)/S/URI LINK
"Hyperspectral image classification based on pre-post combination process" LINK
"A novel nonlinear hyperspectral unmixing approach for images of oil spills at sea" LINK
"Hyperspectral technique combined with deep learning algorithm for detection of compound heavy metals in lettuce" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"ATR-MIR spectroscopy to predict commercial milk major components: A comparison between a handheld and a benchtop instrument" LINK
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"In vivo cancer detection in animal model using hyperspectral image classification with wavelet feature extraction" LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
"Improved mapping of soil heavy metals using a Vis-NIR spectroscopy index in an agricultural area of eastern China" LINK
"Combining visible near‐infrared spectroscopy and water vapor sorption for soil specific surface area estimation" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The Use of Multi-temporal Spectral Information to Improve the Classification of Agricultural Crops in Landscapes" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Recent advances in imaging techniques for bruise detection in fruits and vegetables" LINK
"Spatial mapping of Brix and moisture content using hyperspectral imaging system in sugarcane stalk" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Medicinal Spectroscopy
"Near-infrared spectroscopy-derived total haemoglobin as an indicator of changes in muscle blood flow during exercise-induced hyperaemia" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Laboratory-Scale Preparation and Characterization of Dried Extract of Muirapuama (Ptychopetalumolacoides Benth) by Green Analytical Techniques" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 16, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"Potential of Vis-NIR spectroscopy for detection of chilling injury in kiwifruit" LINK
"The application of NIR spectroscopy in moisture determining of vegetable seeds" LINK
"Detection and quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients as adulterants in Garcinia cambogia slimming preparations using NIR spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
Analysis by NIRS shows the effectiveness of Lysozyme supplementation in dogs, responsible for the improvement of the coat, improved absorption in the hindgut and in microflora composition. pets petfood dogs LINK
Premier Nutrition NIR technology checks each batch of ingredient to confirm its identity ensuring highest level quality control. LINK
" La spectroscopie dans le proche infrarouge (NIRS) détermine avec précision la valeur nutritive des matières premières et des aliments pour porcs" LINK
"Handheld near-infrared spectrometers: Where are we heading?" | portable NIR NIRS NearInfrared instrumentation evaluation miniaturization LINK
"Qualitative and quantitative assessment of cork anomalies using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK
"Comparative Assessment on Smart Pre-processing Methods for Extracting Information in FT-NIR Measured Data" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Developing deep learning based regression approaches for determination of chemical compositions in dry black goji berries (Lycium ruthenicum Murr.) using near-infrared hyperspectral …" LINK
"Near-infrared wavelength-selection method based on joint mutual information and weighted bootstrap sampling" LINK
"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of direct and indirect bilirubin indicators in serum through reagent-free visible-near-infrared spectroscopy combined with …" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 1472: Fusion of Mid-Wave Infrared and Long-Wave Infrared Reflectance Spectra for Quantitative Analysis of Minerals" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a quantitative spasticity assessment tool: A systematic review." LINK
"Determination of nutritional parameters of bee pollen by Raman and infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Classification of plastics using infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Determination of routine chemicals, physical indices and macromolecular substances in reconstituted tobacco using near infrared spectroscopy combined with sample …" LINK
" Adulteration detection of mustard oil using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"The use of two-dimensional spectroscopy to interpret the effect of temperature on the near infrared spectra of whisky" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Quantitative models for detecting the presence of lead in turmeric using Raman spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Dual-camera design for hyperspectral and panchromatic imaging, using a wedge shaped liquid crystal as a spectral multiplexer" | |)/S/URI LINK
"Hyperspectral image classification based on pre-post combination process" LINK
"A novel nonlinear hyperspectral unmixing approach for images of oil spills at sea" LINK
"Hyperspectral technique combined with deep learning algorithm for detection of compound heavy metals in lettuce" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Building kinetic models for apple crispness to determine the optimal freshness preservation time during shelf life based on spectroscopy" LINK
"ATR-MIR spectroscopy to predict commercial milk major components: A comparison between a handheld and a benchtop instrument" LINK
"Incorporation of two-dimensional correlation analysis into discriminant analysis as a potential tool for improving discrimination accuracy: Near-infrared spectroscopic discrimination of adulterated olive oils." LINK
"In vivo cancer detection in animal model using hyperspectral image classification with wavelet feature extraction" LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
"Improved mapping of soil heavy metals using a Vis-NIR spectroscopy index in an agricultural area of eastern China" LINK
"Combining visible near‐infrared spectroscopy and water vapor sorption for soil specific surface area estimation" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The Use of Multi-temporal Spectral Information to Improve the Classification of Agricultural Crops in Landscapes" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Recent advances in imaging techniques for bruise detection in fruits and vegetables" LINK
"Spatial mapping of Brix and moisture content using hyperspectral imaging system in sugarcane stalk" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Quantification of Ash and Moisture in Wheat Flour by Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Medicinal Spectroscopy
"Near-infrared spectroscopy-derived total haemoglobin as an indicator of changes in muscle blood flow during exercise-induced hyperaemia" LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Laboratory-Scale Preparation and Characterization of Dried Extract of Muirapuama (Ptychopetalumolacoides Benth) by Green Analytical Techniques" LINK
How to Develop Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibrations in the 21st Century? | Chemometrics Analytische Chemie LINK
Simplify the process of training machine learning models for NIR spectra data with applied near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) knowledge. quantitative multivariate prediction equations LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 10, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"Klasifikasi Kopi Green Beans Arabika Sumatera Utara Menggunakan FT-Nirs dan Analisis Diskriminan" LINK
" Identification of common wood species in northeast China using Vis/NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Efficient Super Broadband NIR Ca2LuZr2Al3O12:Cr3+,Yb3+ Garnet Phosphor for pc‐LED Light Source toward NIR Spectroscopy Applications" LINK
"Performance comparison of sampling designs for quality and safety control of raw materials in bulk: a simulation study based on NIR spectral data and geostatistical …" LINK
"Prediction of drug dissolution from Toremifene 80 mg tablets using NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Nearinfrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for taxonomic entomology: A brief review" LINK
"Determination of tomato quality attributes using portable NIR-sensors" LINK
"Exploring the potential of NIR hyperspectral imaging for automated quantification of rind amount in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese" LINK
"Rapid detection of adulteration of minced beef using Vis/NIR reflectance spectroscopy with multivariate methods." LINK
"Evaluation of quinclorac toxicity and alleviation by salicylic acid in rice seedlings using ground-based visible/near-infrared hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"An optimized non-invasive glucose sensing based on scattering and absorption separating using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Identification of waxy cassava genotypes using fourier‐transform near‐infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Kernel functions embedded in support vector machine learning models for rapid water pollution assessment via near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-infrared-based Identification of Walnut Oil Authenticity" LINK
"Detection of flaxseed oil multiple adulteration by near-infrared spectroscopy and nonlinear one class partial least squares discriminant analysis" LINK
"Application research of sensor output digitization for compact near infrared IOT node" LINK
"Refining Transfer Set in Calibration Transfer of Near Infrared Spectra by Backward Refinement of Samples" LINK
"Highly identification of keemun black tea rank based on cognitive spectroscopy: Near infrared spectroscopy combined with feature variable selection" LINK
"Optimizing Rice Near-Infrared Models Using Fractional Order SavitzkyGolay Derivation (FOSGD) Combined with Competitive Adaptive Reweighted Sampling (CARS)" LINK
"Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy as a tool to discriminate olive wastes: The case of monocultivar pomaces." LINK
"Evaluation of quinclorac toxicity and alleviation by salicylic acid in rice seedlings using ground-based visible/near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Near Infrared Spectrometric Investigations on the behaviour of Lactate." LINK
"Nondestructive rapid and quantitative analysis for the curing process of silicone resin by nearinfrared spectra" LINK
"An introduction to handheld infrared and Raman instrumentation" LINK
"Hyperspectral anomaly detection by local joint subspace process and support vector machine" LINK
"Assessment of matcha sensory quality using hyperspectral microscope imaging technology" LINK
"Application of Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics to the Cocoa Industry for Fast Composition Analysis and Fraud Detection" LINK
"Calibration models for the nutritional quality of fresh pastures by nearinfrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK
"Achieving robustness to temperature change of a NIRS-PLSR model for intact mango fruit dry matter content" LINK
"Application of hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometrics for the non-destructive evaluation of the quality of fruit in postharvest" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm" LINK
"MEMS technology for fabricating plasmonic near-infrared spectrometers" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 545: Development of Low-Cost Portable Spectrometers for Detection of Wood Defects" LINK
"Classification of Granite Soils and Prediction of Soil Water Content Using Hyperspectral Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging" LINK
"Determining mandatory nutritional parameters for Iberian meat products using a new method based on near infra-red reflectance spectroscopy and data mining" LINK
"Instrumental Procedures for the Evaluation of Juiciness in Peach and Nectarine Cultivars for Fresh Consumption" LINK
"The creation of the FT-NIR calibration for the determination of the amount of corn grain in concentrated feed" LINK
In this 9th clip from his presentation at the 2019 IFS Agronomic Conference, Wouter Saeys explains which type of NIR is best for measuring the nutrient content of manure, and why. Info on this paper is here; it's free for Society Members to download: LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 928: Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Forage Nutritive Value of In Situ Perennial Ryegrass Plants Using Hyperspectral Canopy Reflectance Data" LINK
"Development of a Method To Prioritize Protein-Ligand Pairs on Beads Using Protein Conjugated to a Near-IR Dye." LINK
"Agronomy, Vol. 10, Pages 148: Performance Evaluation of Two Commercially Available Portable Spectrometers to Non-Invasively Determine Table Grape and Peach Quality Attributes" LINK
"Investigation of a Medical Plant for Hepatic Diseases with Secoiridoids Using HPLC and FT-IR Spectroscopy for a Case of Gentiana rigescens" LINK
Food & Feed
"Comparison of sensory evaluation techniques for Hungarian wines" LINK
"Roadmap of cocoa quality and authenticity control in the industry: A review of conventional and alternative methods" LINK
How to Develop Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibrations in the 21st Century? | Chemometrics Analytische Chemie LINK
Simplify the process of training machine learning models for NIR spectra data with applied near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) knowledge. quantitative multivariate prediction equations LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 10, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"Klasifikasi Kopi Green Beans Arabika Sumatera Utara Menggunakan FT-Nirs dan Analisis Diskriminan" LINK
" Identification of common wood species in northeast China using Vis/NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Efficient Super Broadband NIR Ca2LuZr2Al3O12:Cr3+,Yb3+ Garnet Phosphor for pc‐LED Light Source toward NIR Spectroscopy Applications" LINK
"Performance comparison of sampling designs for quality and safety control of raw materials in bulk: a simulation study based on NIR spectral data and geostatistical …" LINK
"Prediction of drug dissolution from Toremifene 80 mg tablets using NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Nearinfrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for taxonomic entomology: A brief review" LINK
"Determination of tomato quality attributes using portable NIR-sensors" LINK
"Exploring the potential of NIR hyperspectral imaging for automated quantification of rind amount in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese" LINK
"Rapid detection of adulteration of minced beef using Vis/NIR reflectance spectroscopy with multivariate methods." LINK
"Evaluation of quinclorac toxicity and alleviation by salicylic acid in rice seedlings using ground-based visible/near-infrared hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"An optimized non-invasive glucose sensing based on scattering and absorption separating using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Identification of waxy cassava genotypes using fourier‐transform near‐infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Kernel functions embedded in support vector machine learning models for rapid water pollution assessment via near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-infrared-based Identification of Walnut Oil Authenticity" LINK
"Detection of flaxseed oil multiple adulteration by near-infrared spectroscopy and nonlinear one class partial least squares discriminant analysis" LINK
"Application research of sensor output digitization for compact near infrared IOT node" LINK
"Refining Transfer Set in Calibration Transfer of Near Infrared Spectra by Backward Refinement of Samples" LINK
"Highly identification of keemun black tea rank based on cognitive spectroscopy: Near infrared spectroscopy combined with feature variable selection" LINK
"Optimizing Rice Near-Infrared Models Using Fractional Order SavitzkyGolay Derivation (FOSGD) Combined with Competitive Adaptive Reweighted Sampling (CARS)" LINK
"Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy as a tool to discriminate olive wastes: The case of monocultivar pomaces." LINK
"Evaluation of quinclorac toxicity and alleviation by salicylic acid in rice seedlings using ground-based visible/near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Near Infrared Spectrometric Investigations on the behaviour of Lactate." LINK
"Nondestructive rapid and quantitative analysis for the curing process of silicone resin by nearinfrared spectra" LINK
"An introduction to handheld infrared and Raman instrumentation" LINK
"Hyperspectral anomaly detection by local joint subspace process and support vector machine" LINK
"Assessment of matcha sensory quality using hyperspectral microscope imaging technology" LINK
"Application of Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics to the Cocoa Industry for Fast Composition Analysis and Fraud Detection" LINK
"Calibration models for the nutritional quality of fresh pastures by nearinfrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK
"Achieving robustness to temperature change of a NIRS-PLSR model for intact mango fruit dry matter content" LINK
"Application of hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometrics for the non-destructive evaluation of the quality of fruit in postharvest" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm" LINK
"MEMS technology for fabricating plasmonic near-infrared spectrometers" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 545: Development of Low-Cost Portable Spectrometers for Detection of Wood Defects" LINK
"Classification of Granite Soils and Prediction of Soil Water Content Using Hyperspectral Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging" LINK
"Determining mandatory nutritional parameters for Iberian meat products using a new method based on near infra-red reflectance spectroscopy and data mining" LINK
"Instrumental Procedures for the Evaluation of Juiciness in Peach and Nectarine Cultivars for Fresh Consumption" LINK
"The creation of the FT-NIR calibration for the determination of the amount of corn grain in concentrated feed" LINK
In this 9th clip from his presentation at the 2019 IFS Agronomic Conference, Wouter Saeys explains which type of NIR is best for measuring the nutrient content of manure, and why. Info on this paper is here; it's free for Society Members to download: LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 928: Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Forage Nutritive Value of In Situ Perennial Ryegrass Plants Using Hyperspectral Canopy Reflectance Data" LINK
"Development of a Method To Prioritize Protein-Ligand Pairs on Beads Using Protein Conjugated to a Near-IR Dye." LINK
"Agronomy, Vol. 10, Pages 148: Performance Evaluation of Two Commercially Available Portable Spectrometers to Non-Invasively Determine Table Grape and Peach Quality Attributes" LINK
"Investigation of a Medical Plant for Hepatic Diseases with Secoiridoids Using HPLC and FT-IR Spectroscopy for a Case of Gentiana rigescens" LINK
Food & Feed
"Comparison of sensory evaluation techniques for Hungarian wines" LINK
"Roadmap of cocoa quality and authenticity control in the industry: A review of conventional and alternative methods" LINK
How to Develop Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibrations in the 21st Century? | Chemometrics Analytische Chemie LINK
Simplify the process of training machine learning models for NIR spectra data with applied near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) knowledge. quantitative multivariate prediction equations LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 10, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"Klasifikasi Kopi Green Beans Arabika Sumatera Utara Menggunakan FT-Nirs dan Analisis Diskriminan" LINK
" Identification of common wood species in northeast China using Vis/NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Efficient Super Broadband NIR Ca2LuZr2Al3O12:Cr3+,Yb3+ Garnet Phosphor for pc‐LED Light Source toward NIR Spectroscopy Applications" LINK
"Performance comparison of sampling designs for quality and safety control of raw materials in bulk: a simulation study based on NIR spectral data and geostatistical …" LINK
"Prediction of drug dissolution from Toremifene 80 mg tablets using NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Nearinfrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for taxonomic entomology: A brief review" LINK
"Determination of tomato quality attributes using portable NIR-sensors" LINK
"Exploring the potential of NIR hyperspectral imaging for automated quantification of rind amount in grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese" LINK
"Rapid detection of adulteration of minced beef using Vis/NIR reflectance spectroscopy with multivariate methods." LINK
"Evaluation of quinclorac toxicity and alleviation by salicylic acid in rice seedlings using ground-based visible/near-infrared hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"An optimized non-invasive glucose sensing based on scattering and absorption separating using near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Identification of waxy cassava genotypes using fourier‐transform near‐infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Kernel functions embedded in support vector machine learning models for rapid water pollution assessment via near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-infrared-based Identification of Walnut Oil Authenticity" LINK
"Detection of flaxseed oil multiple adulteration by near-infrared spectroscopy and nonlinear one class partial least squares discriminant analysis" LINK
"Application research of sensor output digitization for compact near infrared IOT node" LINK
"Refining Transfer Set in Calibration Transfer of Near Infrared Spectra by Backward Refinement of Samples" LINK
"Highly identification of keemun black tea rank based on cognitive spectroscopy: Near infrared spectroscopy combined with feature variable selection" LINK
"Optimizing Rice Near-Infrared Models Using Fractional Order SavitzkyGolay Derivation (FOSGD) Combined with Competitive Adaptive Reweighted Sampling (CARS)" LINK
"Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy as a tool to discriminate olive wastes: The case of monocultivar pomaces." LINK
"Evaluation of quinclorac toxicity and alleviation by salicylic acid in rice seedlings using ground-based visible/near-infrared hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Near Infrared Spectrometric Investigations on the behaviour of Lactate." LINK
"Nondestructive rapid and quantitative analysis for the curing process of silicone resin by nearinfrared spectra" LINK
"An introduction to handheld infrared and Raman instrumentation" LINK
"Hyperspectral anomaly detection by local joint subspace process and support vector machine" LINK
"Assessment of matcha sensory quality using hyperspectral microscope imaging technology" LINK
"Application of Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics to the Cocoa Industry for Fast Composition Analysis and Fraud Detection" LINK
"Calibration models for the nutritional quality of fresh pastures by nearinfrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK
"Achieving robustness to temperature change of a NIRS-PLSR model for intact mango fruit dry matter content" LINK
"Application of hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometrics for the non-destructive evaluation of the quality of fruit in postharvest" LINK
"Characterization of Deep Green Infection in Tobacco Leaves Using a Hand-Held Digital Light Projection Based Near-Infrared Spectrometer and an Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm" LINK
"MEMS technology for fabricating plasmonic near-infrared spectrometers" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 545: Development of Low-Cost Portable Spectrometers for Detection of Wood Defects" LINK
"Classification of Granite Soils and Prediction of Soil Water Content Using Hyperspectral Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging" LINK
"Determining mandatory nutritional parameters for Iberian meat products using a new method based on near infra-red reflectance spectroscopy and data mining" LINK
"Instrumental Procedures for the Evaluation of Juiciness in Peach and Nectarine Cultivars for Fresh Consumption" LINK
"The creation of the FT-NIR calibration for the determination of the amount of corn grain in concentrated feed" LINK
In this 9th clip from his presentation at the 2019 IFS Agronomic Conference, Wouter Saeys explains which type of NIR is best for measuring the nutrient content of manure, and why. Info on this paper is here; it's free for Society Members to download: LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 928: Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Forage Nutritive Value of In Situ Perennial Ryegrass Plants Using Hyperspectral Canopy Reflectance Data" LINK
"Development of a Method To Prioritize Protein-Ligand Pairs on Beads Using Protein Conjugated to a Near-IR Dye." LINK
"Agronomy, Vol. 10, Pages 148: Performance Evaluation of Two Commercially Available Portable Spectrometers to Non-Invasively Determine Table Grape and Peach Quality Attributes" LINK
"Investigation of a Medical Plant for Hepatic Diseases with Secoiridoids Using HPLC and FT-IR Spectroscopy for a Case of Gentiana rigescens" LINK
Food & Feed
"Comparison of sensory evaluation techniques for Hungarian wines" LINK
"Roadmap of cocoa quality and authenticity control in the industry: A review of conventional and alternative methods" LINK
We build the optimal quantitative prediction models for your NIR analytical needs (No need for mathematical/statistical model building software usage at your site).
The NIR-Predictor software and the calibration models are at your site. No internet connection needed to our service. You can do unlimited predictions, that allows fast measurement cycles with no extra cost (Not payed per prediction).
You own your NIR + Lab data and the calibrations. You can have access to the detailed Calibration Report with all the settings and statistics (No Black-Box Models).
Calibration Model simplifies the process of training machine learning models for NIRS data while providing an opportunity to trying different algorithms and applied near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) knowledge. It’s more than an AutoML platform, it’s a full service where you can download the optimal model and its describing Calibration Report that provide insights into the data preparation, feature engineering, model training, and hyperparameter tuning.
Wir erstellen die optimalen quantitativen Vorhersagemodelle für Ihre NIR-Analysebedürfnisse (kein Bedarf an mathematisch/statistischer Modellbildungssoftware an Ihrem Standort).
Die NIR-Predictor-Software und die Kalibrierungsmodelle sind bei Ihnen vor Ort. Für unseren Service ist keine Internetverbindung erforderlich. Sie können unbegrenzt Vorhersagen machen, die schnelle Messzyklen ohne zusätzliche Kosten ermöglichen (Nicht pro Vorhersage bezahlt).
Sie besitzen Ihre NIR + Lab Daten und die Kalibrierungen. Sie können auf den detaillierten Kalibrierbericht mit allen Einstellungen und Statistiken zugreifen (keine Black-Box-Modelle).
Calibration Model vereinfacht den Prozess des Trainings von maschinellen Lernmodellen für NIRS-Daten und bietet gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Algorithmen und angewandtes Wissen aus der Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (NIRS) auszuprobieren. Es ist mehr als nur eine AutoML-Plattform, es ist ein umfassender Service, bei dem Sie das optimale Modell und seinen beschreibenden Kalibrierungsbericht herunterladen können, die Einblicke in die Datenaufbereitung, Feature-Engineering, Modelltraining und Hyperparameter-Tuning geben.