How many other analytics you do in the Lab could be done faster and cheaper with NIR?
Is this possible and precise enough?
Try, we have the solution for you!
You have the NIR, scan the samples, you have the lab values and the spectra, we calibrate for you!
To see if the application is possible and how precise it can be due to knowledge based intensive model optimizations.
We do the NIR feasibility study with data for you. Fixed prices
NIR has huge application potentials and it's a Green analytical method, that's fast and easy to use.
And has today the possibility to scale out with inexpensive mobile NIR spectrometers.
Bring the Lab to the sample. To avoid sample transport and get immediate results for decision at the place or in the process.
Just try the NIR application, use the NIR daily, collect data in parallel, we develop, optimize and maintain the calibration models for you.
What is possible today with NIR? The number of different Applications exploded in the last 2-3 years!
See NIR research papers news daily on @CalibModel or the 7-day summaries "NIR News Weekly" here.
Haben Sie ein NIR-Spektrometer in Ihrem Labor?
Wie viele andere Analysen, die Sie im Labor durchführen, könnten mit NIR schneller und billiger durchgeführt werden?
Ist dies möglich und präzise genug?
Versuchen Sie es, wir haben die Lösung für Sie!
Sie haben das NIR, scannen sie Proben, Sie haben die Laborwerte und die Spektren, wir kalibrieren für Sie!
Um zu sehen, ob die Anwendung möglich ist und wie präzise sie aufgrund von wissensbasierten intensiven Modelloptimierungen sein kann.
Wir führen die NIR-Machbarkeitsstudie mit Daten für Sie durch. Fixpreise
NIR hat ein riesiges Anwendungspotential und ist eine grüne Analysemethode, die schnell und einfach anzuwenden ist.
Und hat heute die Möglichkeit, mit kostengünstigen mobilen NIR-Spektrometern zu skalieren.
Bringen Sie das Labor zu der Probe. So vermeiden Sie den Probentransport und erhalten sofortige Ergebnisse zur Entscheidung am Ort oder im Prozess.
Probieren Sie einfach die NIR-Anwendung aus, nutzen Sie das NIR täglich, sammeln Sie parallel dazu Daten, wir entwickeln, optimieren und warten die Kalibriermodelle für Sie.
Was ist heute mit NIR möglich? Die Zahl der verschiedenen Anwendungen ist in den letzten 2-3 Jahren explodiert!
Sehen Sie hier die täglichen NIR-Forschungsberichte über @CalibModel oder die 7-Tage-Zusammenfassungen "NIR News Weekly".
Avete uno spettrometro NIR nel vostro laboratorio?
Quante altre analisi si possono fare in laboratorio in modo più veloce ed economico con il NIR?
È possibile e sufficientemente preciso?
Provate, abbiamo la soluzione per voi!
Avete il NIR, scansionate i campioni, avete i valori di laboratorio e gli spettri, noi calibriamo per voi!
Per vedere se l'applicazione è possibile e quanto precisa può essere grazie all'ottimizzazione intensiva del modello basata sulla conoscenza.
Facciamo lo studio di fattibilità NIR con i dati per voi. Prezzi fissi
Il NIR ha enormi potenzialità applicative ed è un metodo analitico Green, veloce e facile da usare.
E ha oggi la possibilità di scalare con gli economici spettrometri mobili NIR.
Portate il laboratorio al campione. Per evitare il trasporto del campione e ottenere risultati immediati per la decisione sul posto o nel processo.
Basta provare l'applicazione NIR, usare il NIR quotidianamente, raccogliere dati in parallelo, noi sviluppiamo, ottimizziamo e manteniamo i modelli di calibrazione per voi.
Cosa è possibile oggi con il NIR? Il numero di diverse Applicazioni è esploso negli ultimi 2-3 anni!
Vedi le notizie dei giornali di ricerca NIR su @CalibModel o i riassunti di 7 giorni "NIR News Weekly" qui.
Análise NIR no laboratório e laboratórios - também conhecidos como laboratórios NIR e testes NIR
Tem um espectrómetro NIR no seu laboratório?
Quantas outras análises que faz no Laboratório poderiam ser feitas mais rapidamente e mais baratas com o NIR? Será isto possível e suficientemente preciso?
Tente, nós temos a solução para si!
Tem o NIR, digitaliza as amostras, tem os valores de laboratório e os espectros, nós calibramos para si!
Para ver se a aplicação é possível e quão precisa pode ser devido a optimizações de modelos intensivas baseadas no conhecimento.
Fazemos o estudo de viabilidade do NIR com dados para si. Preços fixos
NIR tem um enorme potencial de aplicação e é um método analítico Verde, que é rápido e fácil de usar.
E tem hoje a possibilidade de ser escalado com espectrómetros NIR móveis de baixo custo.
Traga o Laboratório para a amostra. Para evitar o transporte de amostras e obter resultados imediatos para decisão no local ou no processo.
Basta experimentar a aplicação NIR, utilizar o NIR diariamente, recolher dados em paralelo, nós desenvolvemos, optimizamos e mantemos os modelos de calibração para si.
O que é possível hoje com o NIR? O número de diferentes Aplicações explodiu nos últimos 2-3 anos!
Ver os jornais de investigação NIR diariamente sobre @CalibModel ou os resumos de 7 dias "NIR News Weekly" aqui.
El análisis NIR en el laboratorio y los laboratorios - también conocidos como laboratorios NIR y pruebas NIR
Tiene un espectrómetro NIR en su laboratorio?
Cuántos análisis más haces en el laboratorio podrían hacerse más rápido y más barato con el NIR? Es esto posible y suficientemente preciso?
¡Inténtelo, tenemos la solución para usted!
Tienes el NIR, escaneas las muestras, tienes los valores del laboratorio y los espectros, ¡calibramos para ti!
Para ver si la aplicación es posible y cuán precisa puede ser gracias a las optimizaciones intensivas de modelos basadas en el conocimiento.
Hacemos el estudio de viabilidad del NIR con los datos para usted. Precios fijos
El NIR tiene un enorme potencial de aplicación y es un método analítico verde, que es rápido y fácil de usar.
Y tiene hoy la posibilidad de escalar con espectrómetros NIR móviles baratos.
Trae el laboratorio a la muestra. Para evitar el transporte de la muestra y obtener resultados inmediatos para la decisión en el lugar o en el proceso.
Pruebe la aplicación NIR, utilice el NIR diariamente, recoja los datos en paralelo, nosotros desarrollamos, optimizamos y mantenemos los modelos de calibración para usted.
Qué es posible hoy en día con el NIR? ¡El número de aplicaciones diferentes explotó en los últimos 2-3 años!
Vea las noticias diarias de los trabajos de investigación del NIR en @CalibModel o los resúmenes de 7 días "NIR News Weekly" aquí.
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"NIR Spectroscopic Techniques for Quality and Process Control in the Meat Industry" LINK
"Estimating coefficient of linear extensibility using Vis–NIR reflectance spectral data: Comparison of model validation approaches" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and chemometric tools to identify high content of deoxynivalenol in barley" LINK
"Combining multivariate method and spectral variable selection for soil total nitrogen estimation by Vis–NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Multi-task deep learning of near infrared spectra for improved grain quality trait predictions" LINK
"Multi-factor Fusion Models for Soluble Solid Content Detection in Pear (Pyrus bretschneideri 'Ya') Using Vis/NIR Online Half-transmittance Technique" LINK
"Determining regression equations for predicting the metabolic energy values of barley-producing cultivars in Iran and comparing the results with the results of NIRS method and cultivars ..." LINK
"Using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Predict Glucobrassicin Concentrations in Cabbage and Brussels Sprout Leaf Tissue" LINK
"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analyzing Changes of Pulp Color of Kiwifruit in Different Depths" LINK
"Novel NIR modeling design and assignment in process quality control of Honeysuckle flower by QbD" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Near-infrared spectroscopy to determine cold-flow improver concentrations in diesel fuel" LINK
"Improving spatial synchronization between X-ray and near-infrared spectra information to predict wood density profiles" LINK
"Functional principal component analysis for near-infrared spectral data: a case study on Tricholoma matsutakeis" LINK
"Midinfrared spectroscopy as a tool for realtime monitoring of ethanol absorption in glycols" LINK
"Inline characterization of dispersion uniformity evolution during a twinscrew blending extrusion based on nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Development of Fourier Transform near Infrared Spectroscopy Methods for the Rapid Quantification of Starch and Cellulose in Mozzarella and Other Italian-Type CHEESES" LINK
"Prediction of Anthocyanin Content in Three Types of Blueberry Pomace by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Sweetness Detection and Grading of Peaches and Nectarines by Combining Short-and Long-Wave Fourier-Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
Spectral Imaging
"Use of UAS Multispectral Imagery at Different Physiological Stages for Yield Prediction and Input Resource Optimization in Corn" Remote Sensing LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Combination of visible reflectance and acoustic response to improve nondestructive assessment of maturity and indirect prediction of internal quality of redfleshed pomelo" LINK
"Green Analytical Methods of Antimalarial Artemether-Lumefantrine Analysis for Falsification Detection Using a LowCost Handled NIR Spectrometer with DD-SIMCA and Drug Quantification by HPLC" LINK
"Data fusion of UPLC data, NIR spectra and physicochemical parameters with chemometrics as an alternative to evaluating kombucha fermentation" LINK
"Effect of physicochemical factors and use of milk powder on milk rennet-coagulation: Process understanding by near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"A Digital Approach to Model Quality and Sensory Traits of Beers Fermented under Sonication Based on Chemical Fingerprinting" LINK
"Latent Variable Graphical Modeling for High Dimensional Data Analysis" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Evaluation of Salmon, Tuna, and Beef Freshness Using a Portable Spectrometer" Sensors LINK
"Developing a soil spectral library using a low-cost NIR spectrometer for precision fertilization in Indonesia" LINK
"Compact Solid Etalon Computational Spectrometer: FY19 Optical Systems Technology Line-Supported Program" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Detection of Melamine Adulteration in Milk Powder by Using Optical Spectroscopy Technologies in the Last Decade—a Review" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Accurate non-destructive prediction of peach fruit internal quality and physiological maturity with a single scan using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Recent Advances in Spectral Analysis Techniques for Non-Destructive Detection of Internal Quality in Watermelon and Muskmelon: A Review" "光谱分析在西甜瓜内部品质无损检测中的研究进展" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Detection of fraud in highquality rice by nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Detecting food fraud in extra virgin olive oil using a prototype portable hyphenated photonics sensor" LINK
"Nondestructive detection of sunset yellow in cream based on near-infrared spectroscopy and interval random forest" LINK
"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools." LINK
"The Effect of Monomers on the Recognition Properties of Molecularly Imprinted Beads for Proto-hypericin and Proto-pseudohypericin" | FLOREA GAVRILA 1 20.pdf LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 36, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"NIR Spectroscopic Techniques for Quality and Process Control in the Meat Industry" LINK
"Estimating coefficient of linear extensibility using Vis–NIR reflectance spectral data: Comparison of model validation approaches" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and chemometric tools to identify high content of deoxynivalenol in barley" LINK
"Combining multivariate method and spectral variable selection for soil total nitrogen estimation by Vis–NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Multi-task deep learning of near infrared spectra for improved grain quality trait predictions" LINK
"Multi-factor Fusion Models for Soluble Solid Content Detection in Pear (Pyrus bretschneideri 'Ya') Using Vis/NIR Online Half-transmittance Technique" LINK
"Determining regression equations for predicting the metabolic energy values of barley-producing cultivars in Iran and comparing the results with the results of NIRS method and cultivars ..." LINK
"Using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Predict Glucobrassicin Concentrations in Cabbage and Brussels Sprout Leaf Tissue" LINK
"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analyzing Changes of Pulp Color of Kiwifruit in Different Depths" LINK
"Novel NIR modeling design and assignment in process quality control of Honeysuckle flower by QbD" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Near-infrared spectroscopy to determine cold-flow improver concentrations in diesel fuel" LINK
"Improving spatial synchronization between X-ray and near-infrared spectra information to predict wood density profiles" LINK
"Functional principal component analysis for near-infrared spectral data: a case study on Tricholoma matsutakeis" LINK
"Midinfrared spectroscopy as a tool for realtime monitoring of ethanol absorption in glycols" LINK
"Inline characterization of dispersion uniformity evolution during a twinscrew blending extrusion based on nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Development of Fourier Transform near Infrared Spectroscopy Methods for the Rapid Quantification of Starch and Cellulose in Mozzarella and Other Italian-Type CHEESES" LINK
"Prediction of Anthocyanin Content in Three Types of Blueberry Pomace by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Sweetness Detection and Grading of Peaches and Nectarines by Combining Short-and Long-Wave Fourier-Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
Spectral Imaging
"Use of UAS Multispectral Imagery at Different Physiological Stages for Yield Prediction and Input Resource Optimization in Corn" Remote Sensing LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Combination of visible reflectance and acoustic response to improve nondestructive assessment of maturity and indirect prediction of internal quality of redfleshed pomelo" LINK
"Green Analytical Methods of Antimalarial Artemether-Lumefantrine Analysis for Falsification Detection Using a LowCost Handled NIR Spectrometer with DD-SIMCA and Drug Quantification by HPLC" LINK
"Data fusion of UPLC data, NIR spectra and physicochemical parameters with chemometrics as an alternative to evaluating kombucha fermentation" LINK
"Effect of physicochemical factors and use of milk powder on milk rennet-coagulation: Process understanding by near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"A Digital Approach to Model Quality and Sensory Traits of Beers Fermented under Sonication Based on Chemical Fingerprinting" LINK
"Latent Variable Graphical Modeling for High Dimensional Data Analysis" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Evaluation of Salmon, Tuna, and Beef Freshness Using a Portable Spectrometer" Sensors LINK
"Developing a soil spectral library using a low-cost NIR spectrometer for precision fertilization in Indonesia" LINK
"Compact Solid Etalon Computational Spectrometer: FY19 Optical Systems Technology Line-Supported Program" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Detection of Melamine Adulteration in Milk Powder by Using Optical Spectroscopy Technologies in the Last Decade—a Review" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Accurate non-destructive prediction of peach fruit internal quality and physiological maturity with a single scan using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Recent Advances in Spectral Analysis Techniques for Non-Destructive Detection of Internal Quality in Watermelon and Muskmelon: A Review" "光谱分析在西甜瓜内部品质无损检测中的研究进展" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Detection of fraud in highquality rice by nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Detecting food fraud in extra virgin olive oil using a prototype portable hyphenated photonics sensor" LINK
"Nondestructive detection of sunset yellow in cream based on near-infrared spectroscopy and interval random forest" LINK
"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools." LINK
"The Effect of Monomers on the Recognition Properties of Molecularly Imprinted Beads for Proto-hypericin and Proto-pseudohypericin" | FLOREA GAVRILA 1 20.pdf LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 36, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"NIR Spectroscopic Techniques for Quality and Process Control in the Meat Industry" LINK
"Estimating coefficient of linear extensibility using Vis–NIR reflectance spectral data: Comparison of model validation approaches" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and chemometric tools to identify high content of deoxynivalenol in barley" LINK
"Combining multivariate method and spectral variable selection for soil total nitrogen estimation by Vis–NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Multi-task deep learning of near infrared spectra for improved grain quality trait predictions" LINK
"Multi-factor Fusion Models for Soluble Solid Content Detection in Pear (Pyrus bretschneideri 'Ya') Using Vis/NIR Online Half-transmittance Technique" LINK
"Determining regression equations for predicting the metabolic energy values of barley-producing cultivars in Iran and comparing the results with the results of NIRS method and cultivars ..." LINK
"Using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Predict Glucobrassicin Concentrations in Cabbage and Brussels Sprout Leaf Tissue" LINK
"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Analyzing Changes of Pulp Color of Kiwifruit in Different Depths" LINK
"Novel NIR modeling design and assignment in process quality control of Honeysuckle flower by QbD" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Near-infrared spectroscopy to determine cold-flow improver concentrations in diesel fuel" LINK
"Improving spatial synchronization between X-ray and near-infrared spectra information to predict wood density profiles" LINK
"Functional principal component analysis for near-infrared spectral data: a case study on Tricholoma matsutakeis" LINK
"Midinfrared spectroscopy as a tool for realtime monitoring of ethanol absorption in glycols" LINK
"Inline characterization of dispersion uniformity evolution during a twinscrew blending extrusion based on nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Development of Fourier Transform near Infrared Spectroscopy Methods for the Rapid Quantification of Starch and Cellulose in Mozzarella and Other Italian-Type CHEESES" LINK
"Prediction of Anthocyanin Content in Three Types of Blueberry Pomace by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Sweetness Detection and Grading of Peaches and Nectarines by Combining Short-and Long-Wave Fourier-Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
Spectral Imaging
"Use of UAS Multispectral Imagery at Different Physiological Stages for Yield Prediction and Input Resource Optimization in Corn" Remote Sensing LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Combination of visible reflectance and acoustic response to improve nondestructive assessment of maturity and indirect prediction of internal quality of redfleshed pomelo" LINK
"Green Analytical Methods of Antimalarial Artemether-Lumefantrine Analysis for Falsification Detection Using a LowCost Handled NIR Spectrometer with DD-SIMCA and Drug Quantification by HPLC" LINK
"Data fusion of UPLC data, NIR spectra and physicochemical parameters with chemometrics as an alternative to evaluating kombucha fermentation" LINK
"Effect of physicochemical factors and use of milk powder on milk rennet-coagulation: Process understanding by near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"A Digital Approach to Model Quality and Sensory Traits of Beers Fermented under Sonication Based on Chemical Fingerprinting" LINK
"Latent Variable Graphical Modeling for High Dimensional Data Analysis" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Evaluation of Salmon, Tuna, and Beef Freshness Using a Portable Spectrometer" Sensors LINK
"Developing a soil spectral library using a low-cost NIR spectrometer for precision fertilization in Indonesia" LINK
"Compact Solid Etalon Computational Spectrometer: FY19 Optical Systems Technology Line-Supported Program" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Detection of Melamine Adulteration in Milk Powder by Using Optical Spectroscopy Technologies in the Last Decade—a Review" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
"Accurate non-destructive prediction of peach fruit internal quality and physiological maturity with a single scan using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Recent Advances in Spectral Analysis Techniques for Non-Destructive Detection of Internal Quality in Watermelon and Muskmelon: A Review" "光谱分析在西甜瓜内部品质无损检测中的研究进展" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Detection of fraud in highquality rice by nearinfrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Detecting food fraud in extra virgin olive oil using a prototype portable hyphenated photonics sensor" LINK
"Nondestructive detection of sunset yellow in cream based on near-infrared spectroscopy and interval random forest" LINK
"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools." LINK
"The Effect of Monomers on the Recognition Properties of Molecularly Imprinted Beads for Proto-hypericin and Proto-pseudohypericin" | FLOREA GAVRILA 1 20.pdf LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Integrated soluble solid and nitrate content assessment of spinach plants using portable NIRS sensors along the supply chain" LINK
"Evaluation of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Remote Sensing (RS) for Estimating Pasture Quality in Mediterranean Montado Ecosystem" LINK
"Evaluation of Homogeneity in Drug Seizures Using Near-Infrared (NIR) Hyperspectral Imaging and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)"LINK
"FT-NIRS Coupled with PLS Regression as a Complement to HPLC Routine Analysis of Caffeine in Tea Samples" Foods LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Model based optimization of transflection near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical tool in a continuous flash pasteurizer" LINK
"EXPRESS: Monitoring Polyurethane Foaming Reactions Using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy for monitoring free jejunal flap." LINK
"Real-Time and Online Inspection of Multiple Pork Quality Parameters Using Dual-Band Visible/N ear-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"An approach to quantify natural durability of Eucalyptus bosistoana by near infrared spectroscopy for genetic selection" LINK
"Rapid detection of green pea adulteration in ground pistachio nuts using near and mid-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Non‐invasive quality analysis of thawed tuna using near infrared spectroscopy with baseline correction" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Low-Content Quantitation in Entecavir Tablets Using 1064 nm Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Detecting defects on cheese using hyperspectral image analysisLINK
"Non-destructive discrimination of the variety of sweet maize seeds based on hyperspectral image coupled with wavelength selection algorithm" LINK
"Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platform to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Irrigation Pond Water" Remote Sensing LINK
"Alfalfa Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Ensemble Learning" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Maintaining the predictive abilities of near-infrared spectroscopy models for the determination of multi-parameters in White Paeony Root" LINK
"Machine Learning Modeling of Wine Sensory Profiles and Color of Vertical Vintages of Pinot Noir Based on Chemical Fingerprinting, Weather and Management Data" Sensors LINK
"Authentication of the Geographical Origin of “Vallerano” Chestnut by Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometrics" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Relationship between chemical composition and standardized ileal digestible amino acid contents of corn grain in broiler chickens" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and management of bioactive components, antioxidant activity, and macronutrients in fruits" LINK
"Determination of mechanical properties of whey protein films during accelerated aging: Application of FTIR profiles and chemometric tools" LINK
"A portable IoT NIR spectroscopic system to analyze the quality of dairy farm forage" LINK
"Exploring Relevant Wavelength Regions for Estimating Soil Total Carbon Contents of Rice Fields in Madagascar from Vis-NIR Spectra with Sequential Application of …" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4345: Observation of Potential Contaminants in Processed Biomass Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Animals, Vol. 10, Pages 1095: Comparison of Fatty Acid Proportions Determined by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography in Bulk and Individual Milk Samples" LINK
"Manipulation of Fruit Dry Matter via Seasonal Pruning and Its Relationship to dAnjou Pear Yield and Fruit Quality" Agronomy LINK
Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage
"The Effect of Construction and Demolition Waste Plastic Fractions on Wood-Polymer Composite Properties" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Analysis of sorghum content in corn–sorghum flour bioethanol feedstock by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Quantitative detection of fatty acid value during storage of wheat flour based on a portable near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy system" LINK
"Integration of spectra and image features of Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging for prediction of deoxynivalenol contamination in whole wheat flour" LINK
"Ongoing Research on Microgreens: Nutritional Properties, Shelf-Life, Sustainable Production, Innovative Growing and Processing Approaches" Foods LINK
Pharma Industry NIR Usage
"Direct Catalytic Fuel Cell Device Coupled to Chemometric Methods to Detect Organic Compounds of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Interest" Sensors LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Application of infrared microscopy and alternating least squares to the forensic analysis of automotive paint chips" LINK
"Phenotypic plasticity and nonstructural carbohydrates in annual growth rings of the australian red cedar clones in contrasting enviroments" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 32, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Integrated soluble solid and nitrate content assessment of spinach plants using portable NIRS sensors along the supply chain" LINK
"Evaluation of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Remote Sensing (RS) for Estimating Pasture Quality in Mediterranean Montado Ecosystem" LINK
"Evaluation of Homogeneity in Drug Seizures Using Near-Infrared (NIR) Hyperspectral Imaging and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)"LINK
"FT-NIRS Coupled with PLS Regression as a Complement to HPLC Routine Analysis of Caffeine in Tea Samples" Foods LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Model based optimization of transflection near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical tool in a continuous flash pasteurizer" LINK
"EXPRESS: Monitoring Polyurethane Foaming Reactions Using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy for monitoring free jejunal flap." LINK
"Real-Time and Online Inspection of Multiple Pork Quality Parameters Using Dual-Band Visible/N ear-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"An approach to quantify natural durability of Eucalyptus bosistoana by near infrared spectroscopy for genetic selection" LINK
"Rapid detection of green pea adulteration in ground pistachio nuts using near and mid-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Non‐invasive quality analysis of thawed tuna using near infrared spectroscopy with baseline correction" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Low-Content Quantitation in Entecavir Tablets Using 1064 nm Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Detecting defects on cheese using hyperspectral image analysisLINK
"Non-destructive discrimination of the variety of sweet maize seeds based on hyperspectral image coupled with wavelength selection algorithm" LINK
"Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platform to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Irrigation Pond Water" Remote Sensing LINK
"Alfalfa Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Ensemble Learning" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Maintaining the predictive abilities of near-infrared spectroscopy models for the determination of multi-parameters in White Paeony Root" LINK
"Machine Learning Modeling of Wine Sensory Profiles and Color of Vertical Vintages of Pinot Noir Based on Chemical Fingerprinting, Weather and Management Data" Sensors LINK
"Authentication of the Geographical Origin of “Vallerano” Chestnut by Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometrics" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Relationship between chemical composition and standardized ileal digestible amino acid contents of corn grain in broiler chickens" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and management of bioactive components, antioxidant activity, and macronutrients in fruits" LINK
"Determination of mechanical properties of whey protein films during accelerated aging: Application of FTIR profiles and chemometric tools" LINK
"A portable IoT NIR spectroscopic system to analyze the quality of dairy farm forage" LINK
"Exploring Relevant Wavelength Regions for Estimating Soil Total Carbon Contents of Rice Fields in Madagascar from Vis-NIR Spectra with Sequential Application of …" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4345: Observation of Potential Contaminants in Processed Biomass Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Animals, Vol. 10, Pages 1095: Comparison of Fatty Acid Proportions Determined by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography in Bulk and Individual Milk Samples" LINK
"Manipulation of Fruit Dry Matter via Seasonal Pruning and Its Relationship to dAnjou Pear Yield and Fruit Quality" Agronomy LINK
Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage
"The Effect of Construction and Demolition Waste Plastic Fractions on Wood-Polymer Composite Properties" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Analysis of sorghum content in corn–sorghum flour bioethanol feedstock by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Quantitative detection of fatty acid value during storage of wheat flour based on a portable near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy system" LINK
"Integration of spectra and image features of Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging for prediction of deoxynivalenol contamination in whole wheat flour" LINK
"Ongoing Research on Microgreens: Nutritional Properties, Shelf-Life, Sustainable Production, Innovative Growing and Processing Approaches" Foods LINK
Pharma Industry NIR Usage
"Direct Catalytic Fuel Cell Device Coupled to Chemometric Methods to Detect Organic Compounds of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Interest" Sensors LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Application of infrared microscopy and alternating least squares to the forensic analysis of automotive paint chips" LINK
"Phenotypic plasticity and nonstructural carbohydrates in annual growth rings of the australian red cedar clones in contrasting enviroments" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 32, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
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Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
"Integrated soluble solid and nitrate content assessment of spinach plants using portable NIRS sensors along the supply chain" LINK
"Evaluation of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and Remote Sensing (RS) for Estimating Pasture Quality in Mediterranean Montado Ecosystem" LINK
"Evaluation of Homogeneity in Drug Seizures Using Near-Infrared (NIR) Hyperspectral Imaging and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)"LINK
"FT-NIRS Coupled with PLS Regression as a Complement to HPLC Routine Analysis of Caffeine in Tea Samples" Foods LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Model based optimization of transflection near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical tool in a continuous flash pasteurizer" LINK
"EXPRESS: Monitoring Polyurethane Foaming Reactions Using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy for monitoring free jejunal flap." LINK
"Real-Time and Online Inspection of Multiple Pork Quality Parameters Using Dual-Band Visible/N ear-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"An approach to quantify natural durability of Eucalyptus bosistoana by near infrared spectroscopy for genetic selection" LINK
"Rapid detection of green pea adulteration in ground pistachio nuts using near and mid-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Non‐invasive quality analysis of thawed tuna using near infrared spectroscopy with baseline correction" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Low-Content Quantitation in Entecavir Tablets Using 1064 nm Raman Spectroscopy" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Detecting defects on cheese using hyperspectral image analysisLINK
"Non-destructive discrimination of the variety of sweet maize seeds based on hyperspectral image coupled with wavelength selection algorithm" LINK
"Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platform to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Irrigation Pond Water" Remote Sensing LINK
"Alfalfa Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and Ensemble Learning" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Maintaining the predictive abilities of near-infrared spectroscopy models for the determination of multi-parameters in White Paeony Root" LINK
"Machine Learning Modeling of Wine Sensory Profiles and Color of Vertical Vintages of Pinot Noir Based on Chemical Fingerprinting, Weather and Management Data" Sensors LINK
"Authentication of the Geographical Origin of “Vallerano” Chestnut by Near Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometrics" LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"Relationship between chemical composition and standardized ileal digestible amino acid contents of corn grain in broiler chickens" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and management of bioactive components, antioxidant activity, and macronutrients in fruits" LINK
"Determination of mechanical properties of whey protein films during accelerated aging: Application of FTIR profiles and chemometric tools" LINK
"A portable IoT NIR spectroscopic system to analyze the quality of dairy farm forage" LINK
"Exploring Relevant Wavelength Regions for Estimating Soil Total Carbon Contents of Rice Fields in Madagascar from Vis-NIR Spectra with Sequential Application of …" LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4345: Observation of Potential Contaminants in Processed Biomass Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Animals, Vol. 10, Pages 1095: Comparison of Fatty Acid Proportions Determined by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography in Bulk and Individual Milk Samples" LINK
"Manipulation of Fruit Dry Matter via Seasonal Pruning and Its Relationship to dAnjou Pear Yield and Fruit Quality" Agronomy LINK
Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage
"The Effect of Construction and Demolition Waste Plastic Fractions on Wood-Polymer Composite Properties" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Analysis of sorghum content in corn–sorghum flour bioethanol feedstock by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Quantitative detection of fatty acid value during storage of wheat flour based on a portable near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy system" LINK
"Integration of spectra and image features of Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging for prediction of deoxynivalenol contamination in whole wheat flour" LINK
"Ongoing Research on Microgreens: Nutritional Properties, Shelf-Life, Sustainable Production, Innovative Growing and Processing Approaches" Foods LINK
Pharma Industry NIR Usage
"Direct Catalytic Fuel Cell Device Coupled to Chemometric Methods to Detect Organic Compounds of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Interest" Sensors LINK
Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy
"Application of infrared microscopy and alternating least squares to the forensic analysis of automotive paint chips" LINK
"Phenotypic plasticity and nonstructural carbohydrates in annual growth rings of the australian red cedar clones in contrasting enviroments" LINK
New Free NIR-Predictor V2.6 software is released - Reads and predicts *.spc spectra file format (Thermo-Scientific / Galactic GRAMS) - Spectra Plots on the Prediction Reports NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Spectrometer QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 21, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"NIR spectroscopy application for determination caffeine content of Arabica green bean coffee" LINK
"Review of NIR spectroscopy methods for nondestructive quality analysis of oilseeds and edible oils" LINK
"Omega-3 and Omega-6 Determination in Nile Tilapia's Fillet Based on MicroNIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration" LINK
"Determination of metmyoglobin in cooked tan mutton using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging system" LINK
"Prediction of water content in Lintong green bean coffee using FT-NIRS and PLS method" LINK
Discrimination of legal and illegal Cannabis spp. according to European legislation using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. LINK
"A system using in situ NIRS sensors for the detection of product failing to meet quality standards and the prediction of optimal postharvest shelf-life in the case of oranges kept in cold storage" LINK
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Rapid and Non-destructive Detecting Frying Times of Peanut Oil Based on Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK
"Different Supervised and unsupervised classification approaches based on Visible/Near infrared spectral analysis for discrimination of microbial contaminated lettuce …" LINK
"Nondestructive determination of lignin content in Korla fragrant pear based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Monitoring the Progress and Healing Status of Burn Wounds Using Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Detection of melamine and sucrose as adulterants in milk powder using near-infrared spectroscopy with DD-SIMCA as one-class classifier and MCR-ALS ... forensic evidence" LINK
"Differentiating Between Malignant Mesothelioma and Other Pleural Lesions Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Confirmation of brand identification in infant formulas by near-infrared spectroscopy fingerprints" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy of the placenta for monitoring fetal oxygenation during labour." LINK
"Impact of H2O on atmospheric CH4 measurement in near-infrared absorption spectroscopy." LINK
"Application of near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to identify a variety of silage maize seeds and common maize seeds" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by single-seed near-infrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)." phenotyping LINK
"Multiple-depth Modeling of Soil Organic Carbon using Visible–Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of antioxidant properties and total phenolic content of Siraitia grosvenorii by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Estimating δ15N and δ13C in Barley and Pea Mixtures Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with Genetic Algorithm Based Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists" LINK
"Diagnosis of Citrus Greening using Raman Spectroscopy-Based Pattern Recognition" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Classification of Hyperspectral Endocrine Tissue Images Using Support Vector Machines." LINK
"Using dual-channel CNN to classify hyperspectral image based on spatial-spectral information" LINK
"Diagnosis of Late Blight of Potato Leaves Based on Deep Learning Hyperspectral Images" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 2259: Hyperspectral Inversion Model of Chlorophyll Content in Peanut Leaves" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Rapid detection of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Adulterated with lotus stamens and corn stigmas by near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Simultaneous quantification of active constituents and antioxidant capability of green tea using NIR spectroscopy coupled with swarm intelligence algorithm" LINK
"Comparison of CNN Algorithms on Hyperspectral Image Classification in Agricultural Lands" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Identification of Tea Diseases Based on Spectral Reflectance and Machine Learning" LINK
"Machine learning estimators for the quantity and quality of grass swards used for silage production using drone-based imaging spectrometry and …" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Lanthanide complexes with N-(2, 6-dimethylphenyl) oxamate: Synthesis, characterisation and cytotoxicity" LINK
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Evaluation of Depth Measurement Method Based on Spectral Characteristics Using Hyperspectrometer" LINK
"Monitoring wine fermentation deviations using an ATR-MIR spectrometer and MSPC charts" LINK
Process Control and NIR Sensors
"Process analytical technology tools for process control of roller compaction in solid pharmaceuticals manufacturing." LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The effect of bubble formation within carbonated drinks on the brewage foamability, bubble dynamics and sensory perception by consumers" LINK
"Rapid Measurement of Soybean Seed Viability Using Kernel-Based Multispectral Image Analysis" LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 1256: Crop Separability from Individual and Combined Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and UAV Multispectral Data" LINK
"Portable IoT NIR Spectrometer for Detecting Undesirable Substances in Forages of Dairy Farms" LINK
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" Nondestructive determining the soluble solids content of citrus using near infrared transmittance technology combined with the variable selection algorithm" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Statistical Analysis of Protein Content in Wheat Germplasm Based on Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK
"Prediction of infertile chicken eggs before hatching by the Naïve-Bayes method combined with visible near infrared transmission spectroscopy" LINK
"Microsoft lays off journalists to replace them with AI" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
New Free NIR-Predictor V2.6 software is released - Reads and predicts *.spc spectra file format (Thermo-Scientific / Galactic GRAMS) - Spectra Plots on the Prediction Reports NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Spectrometer QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 21, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"NIR spectroscopy application for determination caffeine content of Arabica green bean coffee" LINK
"Review of NIR spectroscopy methods for nondestructive quality analysis of oilseeds and edible oils" LINK
"Omega-3 and Omega-6 Determination in Nile Tilapia's Fillet Based on MicroNIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration" LINK
"Determination of metmyoglobin in cooked tan mutton using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging system" LINK
"Prediction of water content in Lintong green bean coffee using FT-NIRS and PLS method" LINK
Discrimination of legal and illegal Cannabis spp. according to European legislation using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. LINK
"A system using in situ NIRS sensors for the detection of product failing to meet quality standards and the prediction of optimal postharvest shelf-life in the case of oranges kept in cold storage" LINK
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Rapid and Non-destructive Detecting Frying Times of Peanut Oil Based on Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK
"Different Supervised and unsupervised classification approaches based on Visible/Near infrared spectral analysis for discrimination of microbial contaminated lettuce …" LINK
"Nondestructive determination of lignin content in Korla fragrant pear based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Monitoring the Progress and Healing Status of Burn Wounds Using Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Detection of melamine and sucrose as adulterants in milk powder using near-infrared spectroscopy with DD-SIMCA as one-class classifier and MCR-ALS ... forensic evidence" LINK
"Differentiating Between Malignant Mesothelioma and Other Pleural Lesions Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Confirmation of brand identification in infant formulas by near-infrared spectroscopy fingerprints" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy of the placenta for monitoring fetal oxygenation during labour." LINK
"Impact of H2O on atmospheric CH4 measurement in near-infrared absorption spectroscopy." LINK
"Application of near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to identify a variety of silage maize seeds and common maize seeds" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by single-seed near-infrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)." phenotyping LINK
"Multiple-depth Modeling of Soil Organic Carbon using Visible–Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of antioxidant properties and total phenolic content of Siraitia grosvenorii by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Estimating δ15N and δ13C in Barley and Pea Mixtures Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with Genetic Algorithm Based Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists" LINK
"Diagnosis of Citrus Greening using Raman Spectroscopy-Based Pattern Recognition" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Classification of Hyperspectral Endocrine Tissue Images Using Support Vector Machines." LINK
"Using dual-channel CNN to classify hyperspectral image based on spatial-spectral information" LINK
"Diagnosis of Late Blight of Potato Leaves Based on Deep Learning Hyperspectral Images" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 2259: Hyperspectral Inversion Model of Chlorophyll Content in Peanut Leaves" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Rapid detection of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Adulterated with lotus stamens and corn stigmas by near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Simultaneous quantification of active constituents and antioxidant capability of green tea using NIR spectroscopy coupled with swarm intelligence algorithm" LINK
"Comparison of CNN Algorithms on Hyperspectral Image Classification in Agricultural Lands" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Identification of Tea Diseases Based on Spectral Reflectance and Machine Learning" LINK
"Machine learning estimators for the quantity and quality of grass swards used for silage production using drone-based imaging spectrometry and …" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Lanthanide complexes with N-(2, 6-dimethylphenyl) oxamate: Synthesis, characterisation and cytotoxicity" LINK
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Evaluation of Depth Measurement Method Based on Spectral Characteristics Using Hyperspectrometer" LINK
"Monitoring wine fermentation deviations using an ATR-MIR spectrometer and MSPC charts" LINK
Process Control and NIR Sensors
"Process analytical technology tools for process control of roller compaction in solid pharmaceuticals manufacturing." LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The effect of bubble formation within carbonated drinks on the brewage foamability, bubble dynamics and sensory perception by consumers" LINK
"Rapid Measurement of Soybean Seed Viability Using Kernel-Based Multispectral Image Analysis" LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 1256: Crop Separability from Individual and Combined Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and UAV Multispectral Data" LINK
"Portable IoT NIR Spectrometer for Detecting Undesirable Substances in Forages of Dairy Farms" LINK
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" Nondestructive determining the soluble solids content of citrus using near infrared transmittance technology combined with the variable selection algorithm" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Statistical Analysis of Protein Content in Wheat Germplasm Based on Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK
"Prediction of infertile chicken eggs before hatching by the Naïve-Bayes method combined with visible near infrared transmission spectroscopy" LINK
"Microsoft lays off journalists to replace them with AI" LINK
NIR Calibration-Model Services
New Free NIR-Predictor V2.6 software is released - Reads and predicts *.spc spectra file format (Thermo-Scientific / Galactic GRAMS) - Spectra Plots on the Prediction Reports NIRS NIR Spectroscopy Spectrometer QualityControl Lab Laboratory Analysis LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 21, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
"NIR spectroscopy application for determination caffeine content of Arabica green bean coffee" LINK
"Review of NIR spectroscopy methods for nondestructive quality analysis of oilseeds and edible oils" LINK
"Omega-3 and Omega-6 Determination in Nile Tilapia's Fillet Based on MicroNIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Calibration" LINK
"Determination of metmyoglobin in cooked tan mutton using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging system" LINK
"Prediction of water content in Lintong green bean coffee using FT-NIRS and PLS method" LINK
Discrimination of legal and illegal Cannabis spp. according to European legislation using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. LINK
"A system using in situ NIRS sensors for the detection of product failing to meet quality standards and the prediction of optimal postharvest shelf-life in the case of oranges kept in cold storage" LINK
"Estimation of Harumanis (Mangifera indica L.) Sweetness using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy to Differentiate Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) Muscles of Game Species" LINK
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)
"Rapid and Non-destructive Detecting Frying Times of Peanut Oil Based on Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK
"Different Supervised and unsupervised classification approaches based on Visible/Near infrared spectral analysis for discrimination of microbial contaminated lettuce …" LINK
"Nondestructive determination of lignin content in Korla fragrant pear based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Monitoring the Progress and Healing Status of Burn Wounds Using Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Detection of melamine and sucrose as adulterants in milk powder using near-infrared spectroscopy with DD-SIMCA as one-class classifier and MCR-ALS ... forensic evidence" LINK
"Differentiating Between Malignant Mesothelioma and Other Pleural Lesions Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Confirmation of brand identification in infant formulas by near-infrared spectroscopy fingerprints" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy of the placenta for monitoring fetal oxygenation during labour." LINK
"Impact of H2O on atmospheric CH4 measurement in near-infrared absorption spectroscopy." LINK
"Application of near-infrared hyperspectral imaging to identify a variety of silage maize seeds and common maize seeds" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by single-seed near-infrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)." phenotyping LINK
"Multiple-depth Modeling of Soil Organic Carbon using Visible–Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning" LINK
"Simultaneous determination of antioxidant properties and total phenolic content of Siraitia grosvenorii by near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Estimating δ15N and δ13C in Barley and Pea Mixtures Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with Genetic Algorithm Based Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK
"Investigating the Quality of Antimalarial Generic Medicines Using Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Protein, weight, and oil prediction by singleseed nearinfrared spectroscopy for selection of seed quality and yield traits in pea (Pisum sativum)" LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
"Raman Technology for Today's Spectroscopists" LINK
"Diagnosis of Citrus Greening using Raman Spectroscopy-Based Pattern Recognition" LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
"Classification of Hyperspectral Endocrine Tissue Images Using Support Vector Machines." LINK
"Using dual-channel CNN to classify hyperspectral image based on spatial-spectral information" LINK
"Diagnosis of Late Blight of Potato Leaves Based on Deep Learning Hyperspectral Images" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging." LINK
"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 2259: Hyperspectral Inversion Model of Chlorophyll Content in Peanut Leaves" LINK
"Non-Destructive Detection of Tea Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and Machine Learning Algorithms" LINK
"Rapid detection of quality index of postharvest fresh tea leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
"Rapid detection of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Adulterated with lotus stamens and corn stigmas by near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Simultaneous quantification of active constituents and antioxidant capability of green tea using NIR spectroscopy coupled with swarm intelligence algorithm" LINK
"Comparison of CNN Algorithms on Hyperspectral Image Classification in Agricultural Lands" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 1453: Characterization, Quantification and Quality Assessment of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Oils" LINK
"Identification of Tea Diseases Based on Spectral Reflectance and Machine Learning" LINK
"Machine learning estimators for the quantity and quality of grass swards used for silage production using drone-based imaging spectrometry and …" LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
"Lanthanide complexes with N-(2, 6-dimethylphenyl) oxamate: Synthesis, characterisation and cytotoxicity" LINK
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
"Evaluation of Depth Measurement Method Based on Spectral Characteristics Using Hyperspectrometer" LINK
"Monitoring wine fermentation deviations using an ATR-MIR spectrometer and MSPC charts" LINK
Process Control and NIR Sensors
"Process analytical technology tools for process control of roller compaction in solid pharmaceuticals manufacturing." LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
"The effect of bubble formation within carbonated drinks on the brewage foamability, bubble dynamics and sensory perception by consumers" LINK
"Rapid Measurement of Soybean Seed Viability Using Kernel-Based Multispectral Image Analysis" LINK
"Remote Sensing, Vol. 12, Pages 1256: Crop Separability from Individual and Combined Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and UAV Multispectral Data" LINK
"Portable IoT NIR Spectrometer for Detecting Undesirable Substances in Forages of Dairy Farms" LINK
"Hyperspectral imaging using multivariate analysis for simulation and prediction of agricultural crops in Ningxia, China" LINK
"Automatisierte und digitale Dokumentation der Applikation organischer Düngemittel" LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
" Nondestructive determining the soluble solids content of citrus using near infrared transmittance technology combined with the variable selection algorithm" LINK
Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage
"Statistical Analysis of Protein Content in Wheat Germplasm Based on Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy" LINK
"Prediction of infertile chicken eggs before hatching by the Naïve-Bayes method combined with visible near infrared transmission spectroscopy" LINK
"Microsoft lays off journalists to replace them with AI" LINK has changed the pricing structure and NIRS-Calibration licensing options (including new perpetual and unlimited systems). | #NIR #Spectroscopy #Chemometric #AutoML #Calibration #Development #Service #milk #meet #food #qualitycontrol
Do you work with Near Infra-red Reflectance Spectrometry (NIRS) and need better Accuracy? NIR Spectroscopy | mill agriculture LINK
"Characterization of the Fruits and Seeds of Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) with Partial Least …" LINK
"Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Hemşirelik Bakımında Yakın Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-NIRS) Kullanımı" LINK
"Individual Wheat Kernels Vigor Assessment Based on NIR Spectroscopy Coupled with Machine Learning Methodologies" LINK
"Characteristion of Hydrogen Bond of L–Methionium Hydrogen Selenite by Temperature Dependent Two-dimensional Correlation FT-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK
"Authentication of Iberian pork official quality categories using a portable near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) instrument." LINK
"Determination of grated hard cheeses adulteration by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and multivariate analysis" LINK
"Prekalibrasi Rumput Gajah Menggunakan NIRS dan Perbandingannya dengan Pengujian Kimia" LINK
"Near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for taxonomic entomology: A brief review" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy can detect acrylamide" Visible Spectrophotometer H2020 LINK
"Evaluation and classification of five cereal fungi on culture medium using Visible/Near-Infrared (Vis/NIR) hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Deep Learning to Identify Cotton Seed Varieties." LINK
"Structural and visible-near infrared optical properties of (Fe, Mo)-co-doped TiO2 for colored cool pigments" LINK
"Rapid Evaluation of Biomass Properties Used for Energy Purposes Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.90828 LINK
"Visible/near infrared spectroscopy and machine learning for predicting polyhydroxybutyrate production cultured on alkaline pretreated liquor from corn stover" LINK
"Kernel functions embedded in support vector machine learning models for rapid water pollution assessment via near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Determination of the viability of retinispora (Hinoki cypress) seeds using shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy" LINK
"Determination of pH and acidity in green coffee by near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate regression" LINK
"Prediction of soil properties with machine learning models based on the spectral response of soil samples in the near infrared range" LINK
The statistics mantra "Correlation does NOT mean Causation" explained with an example. LINK
"Evaluation of aroma styles in flue-cured tobacco by near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometric algorithms" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 686: Fuzzy Evaluation Output of Taste Information for Liquor Using Electronic Tongue Based on Cloud Model" LINK
"Modelos de calibración para la cuantificación nutricional de praderas frescas mediante espectroscopía de infrarojo cercano" LINK
"Determination of Total Phenolic Content and NIR-Chemometrics Classification Model of Queen and Local Varieties of Soursop (Annonamuricata L.) Leaf Powder" LINK
"Recognition of different Longjing fresh tea varieties using hyperspectral imaging technology and chemometrics" LINK
"Visualizing the History of Pandemics" #infoGrafics LINK
"Development of Low-Cost Portable Spectrometers for Detection of Wood Defects." LINK
Process Control
"Preparation of Celecoxib Tablet by Hot Melt Extrusion Technology and Application of Process Analysis Technology to Discriminate Solubilization Effect" LINK
"Internet of Things — Leap towards a hyper-connected world" IoT Spectral Sensors SpectralSensing qualitycontrol analysis Production ProcessControl foodprocessing foodsafety foodproduction AI BigData DataScience #INFOGRAPHICS LINK
"Estimating fatty acid content and related nutritional indexes in ewe milk using different near infrared instruments" LINK
"Indirect measures of methane emissions of Sahelian zebu cattle in West Africa, role of environment and management" LINK
"Detection of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in cereal grains using vibrational spectroscopic techniques: a review" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and management of bioactive components, antioxidant activity, and macronutrients in fruits" LINK
"Scald-Cold: Joint Austrian-Italian consortium in the Euregio project for the comprehensive dissection of the superficial scald in apples" postharvest food LINK
"Both genetic and environmental conditions affect wheat grain texture: Consequences for grain fractionation and flour properties" LINK
"A phenotyping tool for water status determination in soybean by vegetation indexes and NIR-SWIR spectral bands." LINK
"Non-destructive dose verification of two drugs within 3D printed polyprintlets" LINK
"Forward and Backward Interval Partial Least Squares Method for Quantitative Analysis of Frying Oil Quality" LINK
"Study of simple detection of gasoline fuel contaminants contributing to increase Particulate Matter Emissions" LINK has changed the pricing structure and NIRS-Calibration licensing options (including new perpetual and unlimited systems). | #NIR #Spectroscopy #Chemometric #AutoML #Calibration #Development #Service #milk #meet #food #qualitycontrol
Do you work with Near Infra-red Reflectance Spectrometry (NIRS) and need better Accuracy? NIR Spectroscopy | mill agriculture LINK
"Characterization of the Fruits and Seeds of Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) with Partial Least …" LINK
"Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Hemşirelik Bakımında Yakın Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-NIRS) Kullanımı" LINK
"Individual Wheat Kernels Vigor Assessment Based on NIR Spectroscopy Coupled with Machine Learning Methodologies" LINK
"Characteristion of Hydrogen Bond of L–Methionium Hydrogen Selenite by Temperature Dependent Two-dimensional Correlation FT-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK
"Authentication of Iberian pork official quality categories using a portable near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) instrument." LINK
"Determination of grated hard cheeses adulteration by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and multivariate analysis" LINK
"Prekalibrasi Rumput Gajah Menggunakan NIRS dan Perbandingannya dengan Pengujian Kimia" LINK
"Near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for taxonomic entomology: A brief review" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy can detect acrylamide" Visible Spectrophotometer H2020 LINK
"Evaluation and classification of five cereal fungi on culture medium using Visible/Near-Infrared (Vis/NIR) hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Deep Learning to Identify Cotton Seed Varieties." LINK
"Structural and visible-near infrared optical properties of (Fe, Mo)-co-doped TiO2 for colored cool pigments" LINK
"Rapid Evaluation of Biomass Properties Used for Energy Purposes Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.90828 LINK
"Visible/near infrared spectroscopy and machine learning for predicting polyhydroxybutyrate production cultured on alkaline pretreated liquor from corn stover" LINK
"Kernel functions embedded in support vector machine learning models for rapid water pollution assessment via near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Determination of the viability of retinispora (Hinoki cypress) seeds using shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy" LINK
"Determination of pH and acidity in green coffee by near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate regression" LINK
"Prediction of soil properties with machine learning models based on the spectral response of soil samples in the near infrared range" LINK
The statistics mantra "Correlation does NOT mean Causation" explained with an example. LINK
"Evaluation of aroma styles in flue-cured tobacco by near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometric algorithms" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 686: Fuzzy Evaluation Output of Taste Information for Liquor Using Electronic Tongue Based on Cloud Model" LINK
"Modelos de calibración para la cuantificación nutricional de praderas frescas mediante espectroscopía de infrarojo cercano" LINK
"Determination of Total Phenolic Content and NIR-Chemometrics Classification Model of Queen and Local Varieties of Soursop (Annonamuricata L.) Leaf Powder" LINK
"Recognition of different Longjing fresh tea varieties using hyperspectral imaging technology and chemometrics" LINK
"Visualizing the History of Pandemics" #infoGrafics LINK
"Development of Low-Cost Portable Spectrometers for Detection of Wood Defects." LINK
Process Control
"Preparation of Celecoxib Tablet by Hot Melt Extrusion Technology and Application of Process Analysis Technology to Discriminate Solubilization Effect" LINK
"Internet of Things — Leap towards a hyper-connected world" IoT Spectral Sensors SpectralSensing qualitycontrol analysis Production ProcessControl foodprocessing foodsafety foodproduction AI BigData DataScience #INFOGRAPHICS LINK
"Estimating fatty acid content and related nutritional indexes in ewe milk using different near infrared instruments" LINK
"Indirect measures of methane emissions of Sahelian zebu cattle in West Africa, role of environment and management" LINK
"Detection of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in cereal grains using vibrational spectroscopic techniques: a review" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and management of bioactive components, antioxidant activity, and macronutrients in fruits" LINK
"Scald-Cold: Joint Austrian-Italian consortium in the Euregio project for the comprehensive dissection of the superficial scald in apples" postharvest food LINK
"Both genetic and environmental conditions affect wheat grain texture: Consequences for grain fractionation and flour properties" LINK
"A phenotyping tool for water status determination in soybean by vegetation indexes and NIR-SWIR spectral bands." LINK
"Non-destructive dose verification of two drugs within 3D printed polyprintlets" LINK
"Forward and Backward Interval Partial Least Squares Method for Quantitative Analysis of Frying Oil Quality" LINK
"Study of simple detection of gasoline fuel contaminants contributing to increase Particulate Matter Emissions" LINK has changed the pricing structure and NIRS-Calibration licensing options (including new perpetual and unlimited systems). | #NIR #Spectroscopy #Chemometric #AutoML #Calibration #Development #Service #milk #meet #food #qualitycontrol
Do you work with Near Infra-red Reflectance Spectrometry (NIRS) and need better Accuracy? NIR Spectroscopy | mill agriculture LINK
"Characterization of the Fruits and Seeds of Alpinia Oxyphylla Miq by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) with Partial Least …" LINK
"Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Hemşirelik Bakımında Yakın Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-NIRS) Kullanımı" LINK
"Individual Wheat Kernels Vigor Assessment Based on NIR Spectroscopy Coupled with Machine Learning Methodologies" LINK
"Characteristion of Hydrogen Bond of L–Methionium Hydrogen Selenite by Temperature Dependent Two-dimensional Correlation FT-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK
"Authentication of Iberian pork official quality categories using a portable near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) instrument." LINK
"Determination of grated hard cheeses adulteration by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and multivariate analysis" LINK
"Prekalibrasi Rumput Gajah Menggunakan NIRS dan Perbandingannya dengan Pengujian Kimia" LINK
"Near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for taxonomic entomology: A brief review" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy can detect acrylamide" Visible Spectrophotometer H2020 LINK
"Evaluation and classification of five cereal fungi on culture medium using Visible/Near-Infrared (Vis/NIR) hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Combined with Deep Learning to Identify Cotton Seed Varieties." LINK
"Structural and visible-near infrared optical properties of (Fe, Mo)-co-doped TiO2 for colored cool pigments" LINK
"Rapid Evaluation of Biomass Properties Used for Energy Purposes Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.90828 LINK
"Visible/near infrared spectroscopy and machine learning for predicting polyhydroxybutyrate production cultured on alkaline pretreated liquor from corn stover" LINK
"Kernel functions embedded in support vector machine learning models for rapid water pollution assessment via near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK
"Determination of the viability of retinispora (Hinoki cypress) seeds using shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy" LINK
"Determination of pH and acidity in green coffee by near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate regression" LINK
"Prediction of soil properties with machine learning models based on the spectral response of soil samples in the near infrared range" LINK
The statistics mantra "Correlation does NOT mean Causation" explained with an example. LINK
"Evaluation of aroma styles in flue-cured tobacco by near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometric algorithms" LINK
"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 686: Fuzzy Evaluation Output of Taste Information for Liquor Using Electronic Tongue Based on Cloud Model" LINK
"Modelos de calibración para la cuantificación nutricional de praderas frescas mediante espectroscopía de infrarojo cercano" LINK
"Determination of Total Phenolic Content and NIR-Chemometrics Classification Model of Queen and Local Varieties of Soursop (Annonamuricata L.) Leaf Powder" LINK
"Recognition of different Longjing fresh tea varieties using hyperspectral imaging technology and chemometrics" LINK
"Visualizing the History of Pandemics" #infoGrafics LINK
"Development of Low-Cost Portable Spectrometers for Detection of Wood Defects." LINK
Process Control
"Preparation of Celecoxib Tablet by Hot Melt Extrusion Technology and Application of Process Analysis Technology to Discriminate Solubilization Effect" LINK
"Internet of Things — Leap towards a hyper-connected world" IoT Spectral Sensors SpectralSensing qualitycontrol analysis Production ProcessControl foodprocessing foodsafety foodproduction AI BigData DataScience #INFOGRAPHICS LINK
"Estimating fatty acid content and related nutritional indexes in ewe milk using different near infrared instruments" LINK
"Indirect measures of methane emissions of Sahelian zebu cattle in West Africa, role of environment and management" LINK
"Detection of mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in cereal grains using vibrational spectroscopic techniques: a review" LINK
"NIR spectroscopy and management of bioactive components, antioxidant activity, and macronutrients in fruits" LINK
"Scald-Cold: Joint Austrian-Italian consortium in the Euregio project for the comprehensive dissection of the superficial scald in apples" postharvest food LINK
"Both genetic and environmental conditions affect wheat grain texture: Consequences for grain fractionation and flour properties" LINK
"A phenotyping tool for water status determination in soybean by vegetation indexes and NIR-SWIR spectral bands." LINK
"Non-destructive dose verification of two drugs within 3D printed polyprintlets" LINK
"Forward and Backward Interval Partial Least Squares Method for Quantitative Analysis of Frying Oil Quality" LINK
"Study of simple detection of gasoline fuel contaminants contributing to increase Particulate Matter Emissions" LINK
We build the optimal quantitative prediction models for your NIR analytical needs (No need for mathematical/statistical model building software usage at your site).
The NIR-Predictor software and the calibration models are at your site. No internet connection needed to our service. You can do unlimited predictions, that allows fast measurement cycles with no extra cost (Not payed per prediction).
You own your NIR + Lab data and the calibrations. You can have access to the detailed Calibration Report with all the settings and statistics (No Black-Box Models).
Calibration Model simplifies the process of training machine learning models for NIRS data while providing an opportunity to trying different algorithms and applied near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) knowledge. It’s more than an AutoML platform, it’s a full service where you can download the optimal model and its describing Calibration Report that provide insights into the data preparation, feature engineering, model training, and hyperparameter tuning.
Wir erstellen die optimalen quantitativen Vorhersagemodelle für Ihre NIR-Analysebedürfnisse (kein Bedarf an mathematisch/statistischer Modellbildungssoftware an Ihrem Standort).
Die NIR-Predictor-Software und die Kalibrierungsmodelle sind bei Ihnen vor Ort. Für unseren Service ist keine Internetverbindung erforderlich. Sie können unbegrenzt Vorhersagen machen, die schnelle Messzyklen ohne zusätzliche Kosten ermöglichen (Nicht pro Vorhersage bezahlt).
Sie besitzen Ihre NIR + Lab Daten und die Kalibrierungen. Sie können auf den detaillierten Kalibrierbericht mit allen Einstellungen und Statistiken zugreifen (keine Black-Box-Modelle).
Calibration Model vereinfacht den Prozess des Trainings von maschinellen Lernmodellen für NIRS-Daten und bietet gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Algorithmen und angewandtes Wissen aus der Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (NIRS) auszuprobieren. Es ist mehr als nur eine AutoML-Plattform, es ist ein umfassender Service, bei dem Sie das optimale Modell und seinen beschreibenden Kalibrierungsbericht herunterladen können, die Einblicke in die Datenaufbereitung, Feature-Engineering, Modelltraining und Hyperparameter-Tuning geben.
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near Infrared (NIR)
"Development of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration model to estimate the forage quality of shrub species" LINK
"Estimation and classification of popping expansion capacity in popcorn breeding programs using NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Authentication of liquid egg composition using ATR-FTIR and NIR spectroscopy in combination with PCA" LINK
"Non-Destructive Method for Predicting Sapodilla Fruit Quality Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Discrimination of white teas produced from fresh leaves with different maturity by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"AI and InfraRed Spectroscopy to Accelerate Malaria Control" LINK
"Near infrared spectroscopic data for rapid and simultaneous prediction of quality attributes in intact mango fruits." LINK
"Reflectance Properties of Brown Mass Dyed Poly (ethylene terephthalate) Filament Yarns in the Visible-near Infrared Region" LINK
" The contribution of Visible Near Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy to colour determination: the case of the experimental ceramic briquettes" | Mineralogy, Petrology, Economic GeologyLINK
"Non-destructive measurement of soluble solids content of three melon cultivars using portable visible/near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
" Predicting plant available phosphorus using infrared spectroscopy with consideration for future mobile sensing applications in precision farming" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 3900: Antioxidant Activity of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Cultivar Leaves: Differences Across the Vegetative Stage and the Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"A novel hyperspectral line-scan imaging method for whole surfaces of round shaped agricultural products" LINK
"Setting up a methodology to distinguish between green oranges and leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Early detection of tomato spotted wilt virus infection in tobacco using the hyperspectral imaging technique and machine learning algorithms" LINK
"Soil fertility status assessment using hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK
Chemometrics / Machine Learning
"Authentication of PGI Gragnano Pasta by Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
" Prediction of Salt in Soil by PLS Regression Using Hyperspectral Laboratory Data" LINK
"Measurement of quality parameters of sugar beet juices using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Classification of oolong tea varieties based on hyperspectral imaging technology and BOSS-LightGBM model" LINK
"Analytical and sensory data correlation to understand consumers' grape preference" LINK
Process Control
" A review on mechanisms, screening and engineering for pest resistance in sugarcane (Saccharum spp)" LINK
"Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis of Soils" LINK
"Spektroradyometre teknigi ile toprak özelliklerinin belirlenmesi; Harran Ovasi cullap sulama birligi alani örnegi/Determination of soil properties using …" LINK
" Assessing plant performance in the Enviratron" LINK
"Broad near infrared spectroscopy calibrations can predict the nutritional value of over one hundred forage species within the Australian feedbase" LINK
"The study of combustion characteristics of corn stalks and cobs via TGA-DTG-DSC analysis" LINK
" Gravimetric and Spectrophotometric Determination of Surface Wax Content in Maize Kernels" LINK
"Detection of Multi-frozen and Single-frozen Fish Using Optical Spectroscopy" LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 48, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy machinelearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Check LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near Infrared (NIR)
"Development of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration model to estimate the forage quality of shrub species" LINK
"Estimation and classification of popping expansion capacity in popcorn breeding programs using NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Authentication of liquid egg composition using ATR-FTIR and NIR spectroscopy in combination with PCA" LINK
"Non-Destructive Method for Predicting Sapodilla Fruit Quality Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Discrimination of white teas produced from fresh leaves with different maturity by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"AI and InfraRed Spectroscopy to Accelerate Malaria Control" LINK
"Near infrared spectroscopic data for rapid and simultaneous prediction of quality attributes in intact mango fruits." LINK
"Reflectance Properties of Brown Mass Dyed Poly (ethylene terephthalate) Filament Yarns in the Visible-near Infrared Region" LINK
" The contribution of Visible Near Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy to colour determination: the case of the experimental ceramic briquettes" | Mineralogy, Petrology, Economic GeologyLINK
"Non-destructive measurement of soluble solids content of three melon cultivars using portable visible/near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
" Predicting plant available phosphorus using infrared spectroscopy with consideration for future mobile sensing applications in precision farming" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 3900: Antioxidant Activity of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Cultivar Leaves: Differences Across the Vegetative Stage and the Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"A novel hyperspectral line-scan imaging method for whole surfaces of round shaped agricultural products" LINK
"Setting up a methodology to distinguish between green oranges and leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Early detection of tomato spotted wilt virus infection in tobacco using the hyperspectral imaging technique and machine learning algorithms" LINK
"Soil fertility status assessment using hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK
Chemometrics / Machine Learning
"Authentication of PGI Gragnano Pasta by Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
" Prediction of Salt in Soil by PLS Regression Using Hyperspectral Laboratory Data" LINK
"Measurement of quality parameters of sugar beet juices using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Classification of oolong tea varieties based on hyperspectral imaging technology and BOSS-LightGBM model" LINK
"Analytical and sensory data correlation to understand consumers' grape preference" LINK
Process Control
" A review on mechanisms, screening and engineering for pest resistance in sugarcane (Saccharum spp)" LINK
"Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis of Soils" LINK
"Spektroradyometre teknigi ile toprak özelliklerinin belirlenmesi; Harran Ovasi cullap sulama birligi alani örnegi/Determination of soil properties using …" LINK
" Assessing plant performance in the Enviratron" LINK
"Broad near infrared spectroscopy calibrations can predict the nutritional value of over one hundred forage species within the Australian feedbase" LINK
"The study of combustion characteristics of corn stalks and cobs via TGA-DTG-DSC analysis" LINK
" Gravimetric and Spectrophotometric Determination of Surface Wax Content in Maize Kernels" LINK
"Detection of Multi-frozen and Single-frozen Fish Using Optical Spectroscopy" LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 48, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy machinelearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality Check LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Near Infrared (NIR)
"Development of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration model to estimate the forage quality of shrub species" LINK
"Estimation and classification of popping expansion capacity in popcorn breeding programs using NIR spectroscopy" LINK
"Authentication of liquid egg composition using ATR-FTIR and NIR spectroscopy in combination with PCA" LINK
"Non-Destructive Method for Predicting Sapodilla Fruit Quality Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Discrimination of white teas produced from fresh leaves with different maturity by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"AI and InfraRed Spectroscopy to Accelerate Malaria Control" LINK
"Near infrared spectroscopic data for rapid and simultaneous prediction of quality attributes in intact mango fruits." LINK
"Reflectance Properties of Brown Mass Dyed Poly (ethylene terephthalate) Filament Yarns in the Visible-near Infrared Region" LINK
" The contribution of Visible Near Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy to colour determination: the case of the experimental ceramic briquettes" | Mineralogy, Petrology, Economic GeologyLINK
"Non-destructive measurement of soluble solids content of three melon cultivars using portable visible/near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
" Predicting plant available phosphorus using infrared spectroscopy with consideration for future mobile sensing applications in precision farming" LINK
"Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 3900: Antioxidant Activity of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Cultivar Leaves: Differences Across the Vegetative Stage and the Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"A novel hyperspectral line-scan imaging method for whole surfaces of round shaped agricultural products" LINK
"Setting up a methodology to distinguish between green oranges and leaves using hyperspectral imaging" LINK
"Early detection of tomato spotted wilt virus infection in tobacco using the hyperspectral imaging technique and machine learning algorithms" LINK
"Soil fertility status assessment using hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK
Chemometrics / Machine Learning
"Authentication of PGI Gragnano Pasta by Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
" Prediction of Salt in Soil by PLS Regression Using Hyperspectral Laboratory Data" LINK
"Measurement of quality parameters of sugar beet juices using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Classification of oolong tea varieties based on hyperspectral imaging technology and BOSS-LightGBM model" LINK
"Analytical and sensory data correlation to understand consumers' grape preference" LINK
Process Control
" A review on mechanisms, screening and engineering for pest resistance in sugarcane (Saccharum spp)" LINK
"Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis of Soils" LINK
"Spektroradyometre teknigi ile toprak özelliklerinin belirlenmesi; Harran Ovasi cullap sulama birligi alani örnegi/Determination of soil properties using …" LINK
" Assessing plant performance in the Enviratron" LINK
"Broad near infrared spectroscopy calibrations can predict the nutritional value of over one hundred forage species within the Australian feedbase" LINK
"The study of combustion characteristics of corn stalks and cobs via TGA-DTG-DSC analysis" LINK
" Gravimetric and Spectrophotometric Determination of Surface Wax Content in Maize Kernels" LINK
"Detection of Multi-frozen and Single-frozen Fish Using Optical Spectroscopy" LINK
"Cost comparison of DataScience, MachineLearning and Chemometrics for NIR - Spectroscopy" | NIRS analytical laboratory Lab method development SmartSensor spectrometer LabTech LabManager Analytical_Chemistry QC_QA FoodLab FoodQuality LINK
Aautomated machine learning | enables this Lab workflow with ease ��Sample -> ��measured with a NIRS spectrometer -> ��spectral data -> ⚖️ predicted with a NIRPredictor & CalibrationModel -> % quantitative results -> �� quality decision -> �� LINK
Increase Your Profit with optimized NIR Accuracy QAQC Food Feed Lab Milling Mills corn grain soybean LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 47, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 47, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria ML analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
"Analytical and sensory data correlation to understand consumers' grape preference" LINK
"Detection and classification of Lepeophterius salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) using Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Detection and differentiation between potato (Solanum tuberosum) diseases using calibration models trained with non-imaging spectrometry data" LINK
"Model Selection in Regression - A chronological review of the major model selection methods" LINK
"Chemometric Authentication of Brazilian Coffees Based on Chemical Profiling" LINK
Near Infrared
"A combination of near infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopy to improve the determination efficiency of active components in Radix Astragali" LINK
"Measurement of quality parameters of sugar beet juices using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Classification of oolong tea varieties based on hyperspectral imaging technology and BOSS-LightGBM model" LINK
"Non-Destructive Method for Predicting Sapodilla Fruit Quality Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
" Predicting plant available phosphorus using infrared spectroscopy with consideration for future mobile sensing applications in precision farming" LINK
"Authentication of liquid egg composition using ATR-FTIR and NIR spectroscopy in combination with PCA." LINK
"Multi-block classification of Italian semolina based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) analysis and alveographic indices" LINK
"Online Prediction of Physico-Chemical Quality Attributes of Beef Using VisibleNear-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" foods LINK
"Bamboo activated carbon adsorption and near infrared spectroscopy prediction of heavy metal in soil" LINK
"Antioxidant Activity of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Cultivar Leaves: Differences Across the Vegetative Stage and the Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a rapid tool for water content analysis in the partial oxidation of ethanol" LINK
"Use of terahertz-Raman spectroscopy to determine solubility of the crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredient in polymeric matrices during hot melt extrusion" LINK
"Soil fertility status assessment using hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK
" Prediction of Salt in Soil by PLS Regression Using Hyperspectral Laboratory Data" LINK
"Detection of moisture content in peanut kernels using hyperspectral imaging technology coupled with chemometrics" LINK
"Development of a predictive tool for rapid assessment of soil total nitrogen in wheat-corn double cropping system with hyperspectral data" LINK
Food & Feed
"Multi-target prediction of wheat flour quality parameters with near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Cost & Price comparison of DataScience, MachineLearning and Chemometrics for NIR - Spectroscopy" NIRS analytical laboratory Lab method development SmartSensor spectrometer LabTech LabManager Analytical_Chemistry QC_QA FoodLab FoodQuality LINK
"Spatial Distortion Assessments of a Low-Cost Laboratory and Field Hyperspectral Imaging System" LINK
" Gravimetric and Spectrophotometric Determination of Surface Wax Content in Maize Kernels" LINK
"Detection of Multi-frozen and Single-frozen Fish Using Optical Spectroscopy" LINK
"Cost comparison of DataScience, MachineLearning and Chemometrics for NIR - Spectroscopy" | NIRS analytical laboratory Lab method development SmartSensor spectrometer LabTech LabManager Analytical_Chemistry QC_QA FoodLab FoodQuality LINK
Aautomated machine learning | enables this Lab workflow with ease ��Sample -> ��measured with a NIRS spectrometer -> ��spectral data -> ⚖️ predicted with a NIRPredictor & CalibrationModel -> % quantitative results -> �� quality decision -> �� LINK
Increase Your Profit with optimized NIR Accuracy QAQC Food Feed Lab Milling Mills corn grain soybean LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 47, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 47, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria ML analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
"Analytical and sensory data correlation to understand consumers' grape preference" LINK
"Detection and classification of Lepeophterius salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) using Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Detection and differentiation between potato (Solanum tuberosum) diseases using calibration models trained with non-imaging spectrometry data" LINK
"Model Selection in Regression - A chronological review of the major model selection methods" LINK
"Chemometric Authentication of Brazilian Coffees Based on Chemical Profiling" LINK
Near Infrared
"A combination of near infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopy to improve the determination efficiency of active components in Radix Astragali" LINK
"Measurement of quality parameters of sugar beet juices using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Classification of oolong tea varieties based on hyperspectral imaging technology and BOSS-LightGBM model" LINK
"Non-Destructive Method for Predicting Sapodilla Fruit Quality Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
" Predicting plant available phosphorus using infrared spectroscopy with consideration for future mobile sensing applications in precision farming" LINK
"Authentication of liquid egg composition using ATR-FTIR and NIR spectroscopy in combination with PCA." LINK
"Multi-block classification of Italian semolina based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) analysis and alveographic indices" LINK
"Online Prediction of Physico-Chemical Quality Attributes of Beef Using VisibleNear-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" foods LINK
"Bamboo activated carbon adsorption and near infrared spectroscopy prediction of heavy metal in soil" LINK
"Antioxidant Activity of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Cultivar Leaves: Differences Across the Vegetative Stage and the Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a rapid tool for water content analysis in the partial oxidation of ethanol" LINK
"Use of terahertz-Raman spectroscopy to determine solubility of the crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredient in polymeric matrices during hot melt extrusion" LINK
"Soil fertility status assessment using hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK
" Prediction of Salt in Soil by PLS Regression Using Hyperspectral Laboratory Data" LINK
"Detection of moisture content in peanut kernels using hyperspectral imaging technology coupled with chemometrics" LINK
"Development of a predictive tool for rapid assessment of soil total nitrogen in wheat-corn double cropping system with hyperspectral data" LINK
Food & Feed
"Multi-target prediction of wheat flour quality parameters with near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Cost & Price comparison of DataScience, MachineLearning and Chemometrics for NIR - Spectroscopy" NIRS analytical laboratory Lab method development SmartSensor spectrometer LabTech LabManager Analytical_Chemistry QC_QA FoodLab FoodQuality LINK
"Spatial Distortion Assessments of a Low-Cost Laboratory and Field Hyperspectral Imaging System" LINK
" Gravimetric and Spectrophotometric Determination of Surface Wax Content in Maize Kernels" LINK
"Detection of Multi-frozen and Single-frozen Fish Using Optical Spectroscopy" LINK
"Cost comparison of DataScience, MachineLearning and Chemometrics for NIR - Spectroscopy" | NIRS analytical laboratory Lab method development SmartSensor spectrometer LabTech LabManager Analytical_Chemistry QC_QA FoodLab FoodQuality LINK
Aautomated machine learning | enables this Lab workflow with ease ��Sample -> ��measured with a NIRS spectrometer -> ��spectral data -> ⚖️ predicted with a NIRPredictor & CalibrationModel -> % quantitative results -> �� quality decision -> �� LINK
Increase Your Profit with optimized NIR Accuracy QAQC Food Feed Lab Milling Mills corn grain soybean LINK
Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 47, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK
Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 47, 2019 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia Chemiometria ML analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem prediction models LINK
This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link
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"Analytical and sensory data correlation to understand consumers' grape preference" LINK
"Detection and classification of Lepeophterius salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) using Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK
"Detection and differentiation between potato (Solanum tuberosum) diseases using calibration models trained with non-imaging spectrometry data" LINK
"Model Selection in Regression - A chronological review of the major model selection methods" LINK
"Chemometric Authentication of Brazilian Coffees Based on Chemical Profiling" LINK
Near Infrared
"A combination of near infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopy to improve the determination efficiency of active components in Radix Astragali" LINK
"Measurement of quality parameters of sugar beet juices using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK
"Classification of oolong tea varieties based on hyperspectral imaging technology and BOSS-LightGBM model" LINK
"Non-Destructive Method for Predicting Sapodilla Fruit Quality Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
" Predicting plant available phosphorus using infrared spectroscopy with consideration for future mobile sensing applications in precision farming" LINK
"Authentication of liquid egg composition using ATR-FTIR and NIR spectroscopy in combination with PCA." LINK
"Multi-block classification of Italian semolina based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) analysis and alveographic indices" LINK
"Online Prediction of Physico-Chemical Quality Attributes of Beef Using VisibleNear-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" foods LINK
"Bamboo activated carbon adsorption and near infrared spectroscopy prediction of heavy metal in soil" LINK
"Antioxidant Activity of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Cultivar Leaves: Differences Across the Vegetative Stage and the Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK
"Near-infrared spectroscopy as a rapid tool for water content analysis in the partial oxidation of ethanol" LINK
"Use of terahertz-Raman spectroscopy to determine solubility of the crystalline active pharmaceutical ingredient in polymeric matrices during hot melt extrusion" LINK
"Soil fertility status assessment using hyperspectral remote sensing" LINK
" Prediction of Salt in Soil by PLS Regression Using Hyperspectral Laboratory Data" LINK
"Detection of moisture content in peanut kernels using hyperspectral imaging technology coupled with chemometrics" LINK
"Development of a predictive tool for rapid assessment of soil total nitrogen in wheat-corn double cropping system with hyperspectral data" LINK
Food & Feed
"Multi-target prediction of wheat flour quality parameters with near infrared spectroscopy" LINK
"Cost & Price comparison of DataScience, MachineLearning and Chemometrics for NIR - Spectroscopy" NIRS analytical laboratory Lab method development SmartSensor spectrometer LabTech LabManager Analytical_Chemistry QC_QA FoodLab FoodQuality LINK
"Spatial Distortion Assessments of a Low-Cost Laboratory and Field Hyperspectral Imaging System" LINK
" Gravimetric and Spectrophotometric Determination of Surface Wax Content in Maize Kernels" LINK
"Detection of Multi-frozen and Single-frozen Fish Using Optical Spectroscopy" LINK