Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #20, 2023

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 19, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 19, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 19, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

“Olfactory Perceptual-Ability Assessment by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy using Vertical-Slice based Fuzzy Reasoning” LINK

“Application of near-infrared spectroscopy and CNN-TCN for the identification of foreign fibers in cotton layers” LINK

“Estimation of moisture, total nitrogen and total organic carbon in tropical livestock manures: Application of near Infrared Spectroscopy on wet and dry samples” LINK

“Rapid Determination of Biochemical Methane Potential of Tropical Organic Waste using Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy” LINK

“Prediction of chevon quality through near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate analyses” LINK

“Rapid evaluation of Radix Paeoniae Alba and its processed products by near-infrared spectroscopy combined with multivariate algorithms” | LINK

“Rapid Classification of Coffee Origin Using Near-Infrared (Nir) Spectroscopy and (Non) Linear Machine Learning” LINK

“Soil Content Prediction Based on Multi-Band Feature Fusion By Vis-Nir Spectroscopy” LINK

“Combination of near-infrared spectroscopy and key wavelength-based screening algorithm for rapid determination of rice protein content” LINK

“A rapid identification based on FT-NIR spectroscopies and machine learning for drying temperatures of Amomum tsao-ko” LINK

“Toward new tools for biodiversity studies: the use of portable near-infrared spectroscopy combined with machine learning to identify species of Decapoda” LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

“Chemosensors : Analyzing the Electrochemical Interaction of the Angiogenesis Inhibitor Batimastat by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy” | LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

“Multi-harmonic spectral phasor analysis of LAURDAN hyperspectral imaging enables the in vivo study of membrane dynamics of multiple membrane-bound …” LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

“Modeling and optimization of malondialdehyde (MDA) absorbance behavior through response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial intelligence network (AIN): An endeavor to estimate lipid peroxidation by determination of MDA” LINK

“Application of NIR spectroscopy coupled with DD-SIMCA class modelling for the authentication of pork meat” LINK

” Using a global diversity panel of Cannabis sativa L. to develop a near InfraRed-based chemometric application for cannabinoid quantification” LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

“Antioxidants : Antioxidant Activity Enhancement Effect of Silver-Ionized Water: Silver Cation Prepared by Electrolysis” LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

“Liquid MetalEnabled Microspheres with High Drug Loading and Multimodal Imaging for Artery Embolization” LINK

“Agronomy : Summer Maize Growth Estimation Based on Near-Surface Multi-Source Data” LINK

“Remote Sensing : Combination of Continuous Wavelet Transform and Successive Projection Algorithm for the Estimation of Winter Wheat Plant Nitrogen Concentration” LINK

“Polymers : Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to Assess the Degree of Alteration of Artificially Aged and Environmentally Weathered Microplastics” | LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

“Internal quality assessment of mango fruit: an automated grading system with ensemble classifier” LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

“A non-destructive determination of protein content in potato flour noodles using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging technology” | LINK

“Detection and Quantification of Corn Starch and Wheat Flour as Adulterants in Powdered Milk by Near-and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Coupled to Chemometric …” LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

“Photothermal Lysis of Engineered Bacteria to Modulate Amino Acid Metabolism against Tumors” LINK


“Applied Sciences : Low-Cost Handheld Spectrometry for Detecting Flavescence Dorée in Vineyards” | LINK

“Using the extract of pomegranate peel as a natural indicator for colorimetric detection and simultaneous determination of Fe3+ and Fe2+ by partial least squaresartificial neural network” LINK

“Synthesis and modification of the structural, optical, and thermal properties of PVA-PEO by LDH nanoplates” LINK

“2D Rhenium Dichalcogenides: From Fundamental Properties to Recent Advances in Photodetector Technology” LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #17, 2023

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 16, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 16, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 16, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

“Improved deep residual shrinkage network on near infrared spectroscopy for tobacco qualitative analysis” LINK

“Prediction models of the nutritional quality of fresh and dry Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã grass by near infrared spectroscopy” LINK

“Investigation of NIR Spectroscopy and Electrical Resistance-Based Approaches for Moisture Determination of Logging Residues and Sweet Sorghum” LINK

“Determination of fatty acid of wheat by near-infrared spectroscopy with combined feature selection based on CARS and NSGA-III” LINK

“First step for handheld NIRS instrument fielduse: Table grape quality assessment consideration of temperature and sunlight chemometrics correction” LINK

” A Wireless Multi-Layered EMG/MMG/NIRS Sensor for Muscular Activity Evaluation” | LINK

“Rapid Detection of Tea Polyphenols in Fresh Tea Leaves Based on Fusion of Visible/Short-Wave and Long-Wave near Infrared Spectroscopy and Its Device …” LINK

“Exploring relationship of soil PTE geochemical and “VIS-NIR spectroscopy” patterns near Cu-Mo mine (Armenia)” | LINK

“Bull’s Eye Maculopathy in Near-Infrared Reflectance as An Early Sign of Hydroxychloroquine Toxicity” LINK

“SPIRMADBOIS project: Using NIR spectroscopy for a sustainable forest resources management in Madagascar” LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

“An improved classification method of waste smartphone plastics based on near-infrared spectroscopy” LINK

“Synthesis of BioctaceneIncorporated Nanographene with NearInfrared Chiroptical Properties” LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

“A New Deep Learning Approach for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Multifeature Local Kernel Descriptors” LINK

“Applied Sciences : Nondestructive Determination of Leaf Nitrogen Content in Corn by Hyperspectral Imaging Using Spectral and Texture Fusion” LINK

“Hyperspectral reflectance imaging for nondestructive evaluation of root rot in Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer)” | LINK

“Agriculture : Development of a General Prediction Model of Moisture Content in Maize Seeds Based on LW-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging” | LINK

“Remote Sensing : Forecasting Table Beet Root Yield Using Spectral and Textural Features from Hyperspectral UAS Imagery” | LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

“Development of non-destructive models to predict oil content and fatty acid composition of Gomenzer (Ethiopian mustard) using near-infrared reflectance …” LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

“Construction and evaluation of a low cost NIR-spectrometer for the determination of mango quality parameters” LINK

“Flexible Microspectrometers Based on Printed Perovskite Pixels with Graded Bandgaps” LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

“Agronomy : Does Drone Data Allow the Assessment of Phosphorus and Potassium in Soil Based on Field Experiments with Winter Rye?” | LINK

“Applied Sciences : Deep Learning-Based Virtual Optical Image Generation and Its Application to Early Crop Mapping” | LINK

“Leaf-based species classification of hybrid cherry tomato plants by using hyperspectral imaging” LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

“Nondestructive spectroscopic research for fast growing hybrid wood” LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

“Prediction of Mineral Composition in Wheat Flours Fortified with Lentil Flour Using NIR Technology” | LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

“Rapid progression of calcified nodules with increased lipid core burden in the right coronary artery” | LINK


“Pecan-Enriched Diet Improves Cholesterol Profiles and Enhances Postprandial Microvascular Reactivity in Older Adults” LINK

“Molecular Weight-Dependent Oxidation and Optoelectronic Properties of Defect-Free Macrocyclic Poly (3-hexylthiophene)” | LINK

“Minerals : Geochemical Characteristics of Iron in a Sediment Core at 63°40′ E, Eastern Southwest Indian Ridge: Implications on Regional Hydrothermal Activities and Source Origin” LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #7, 2023

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 6, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

“Spectral Camouflage Characteristics and Recognition Ability of Targets Based on Visible/Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Images” LINK

“Development of a Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)-Based Characterization Approach for Inherent Powder Blend Heterogeneity in Direct Compression …” | LINK

“Near-infrared spectroscopy based monitoring of all 20 amino acids in mammalian cell culture broth” LINK

“Identification of aged-rice adulteration based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with partial least squares regression and characteristic wavelength …” LINK

” … of Brassica napus Varieties using Visible and Near-infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy Discrimination of canola varieties using Vis-NIR spectroscopy” LINK

“Sensors : Using Fuzzy Logic to Increase Accuracy in Mango Maturity Index Classification: Approach for Developing a Portable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Device” | LINK

“Near Infrared Spectroscopy is not a Surrogate of Venous Occlusion Plethysmography to Assess Microvascular Resting Blood Flow and Function” LINK

“Recent Advances and Design Strategies Towards Wearable Near-infrared Spectroscopy” LINK

“Simulated Spectral Strategy to Enhance Numerical Tobacco Blending Based on Near-Infrared (NIR) Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy and Calibration Transfer” LINK

“Rapid evaluation method of eating quality based on near-infrared spectroscopy for composition and physicochemical properties analysis of rice grains” | LINK

“Portable NIR Spectroscopy-Chemometric Identification of Chemically Differentiated Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) Clones” | LINK

“Rapid determination of chemical components and antioxidant activity of the fruit of Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge by NIRS and chemometrics” LINK

“Quinoid conjugated polymer nanoparticles with NIRII absorption peak toward efficient photothermal therapy” LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

“Optimizing extraction solvents for deoxynivalenol analysis in maize via infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy and chemometric methods” | LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

“Chemosensors : SERS-TLC Device for Simultaneous Determination of Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim in Milk” | |(02)00329-1 LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)


“A Hyperspectral and RGB Dataset for Building Facade Segmentation” LINK

“Hyperspectral measurement technique based rapid determination of coal quality parameters of Jharia and Raniganj basin coal” LINK

“Hyperspectral technique combined with stacking and blending ensemble learning method for detection of cadmium content in oilseed rape leaves” LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

“Non-destructive quality determination of frozen food using NIR spectroscopy-based machine learning and predictive modelling” | LINK

“Nutrients : Analysis of White Mulberry Leaves and Dietary Supplements, ATR-FTIR Combined with Chemometrics for the Rapid Determination of 1-Deoxynojirimycin” | LINK

“Assessment of energy content of industrial woodchip based on prediction models of moisture content using portable NIR spectrophotometer” LINK

“Application of wavelength selection strategy based on SWCSS-UVE algorithm in improving model transfer for near infrared analysis of holocellulose and lignin” LINK

“Remote Sensing : Modelling the Dynamics of Carbon Storages for Pinus densata Using Landsat Images in Shangri-La Considering Topographic Factors” | LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

“Prediction Method of the Moisture Content of Black Tea during Processing Based on the Miniaturized Near-Infrared Spectrometer” | LINK

“Polymers : Mechanism of Morphology Development in HDGEBA/PAMS Hybrid Thermosets: Monte Carlo Simulation and LSCM Study” | LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

“Neuromonitoring in neonatal critical care part I: neonatal encephalopathy and neonates with possible seizures” | LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

“Remote Sensing : Ultra-High-Resolution UAV-Based Detection of Alternaria solani Infections in Potato Fields” | LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

“In Situ Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Inoculated Cool-Season Annual Grass Baleage” LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

“Foods : Untargeted Profiling and Differentiation of Volatiles in Varieties of Meat Using GC Orbitrap MS” LINK


“Cdq2 nanorods capped with CTAB and SLS: amalgamation, investigations for optoelectronic applications” | LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #4, 2023

This week’s NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here – NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page … link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 3, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 3, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 3, 2023 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

“Agriculture : Non-Destructive Quality Evaluation of Tropical Fruit (Mango and Mangosteen) Purée Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Partial Least Squares Regression” | LINK

“Large-scale and accurate non-destructive visual to near infrared spectroscopy-based assessment of the effect of rootstock on peach fruit internal quality” LINK

“Exploring the Analytical Complexities in Insect Powder Analysis Using Miniaturized NIR Spectroscopy” LINK

“Determination of Fatty Acid Content of Rice during Storage Based on Feature Fusion of Olfactory Visualization Sensor Data and Near-Infrared Spectra” | LINK

“A recognition method of mushroom mycelium varieties based on near-infrared spectroscopy and deep learning model” LINK

“Use of NIR spectroscopy and multivariate regression for prediction of pentosan content in wood pulp” | LINK

“Instant quantification of sugars in milk tablets using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric tools” | LINK


“Nutritional Characterization of Hay Produced in Campania Region: Analysis by the near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Technology” LINK

“Rapid Analysis of Raw Meal Composition Content Based on NIR Spectroscopy for Cement Raw Material Proportioning Control Process” | LINK

“Chemosensors : Point-of-Care Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy for White Blood Cell Count Analysis” LINK

“Animals : Nutritional Characterization of Hay Produced in Campania Region: Analysis by the near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Technology” LINK

“Rapid prediction of Yongchuan Xiuya tea quality by using near infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometric methods” LINK

“Mechanical Property Prediction of Larix gmelinii Wood Based on Vis-Near-Infrared Spectroscopy” LINK

“Foods : Exploring the Analytical Complexities in Insect Powder Analysis Using Miniaturized NIR Spectroscopy” LINK

“A Rapid Detection Method of Toxins-Contaminated Mussels Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Collaborative Representation Approaches” LINK

“Visible/Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Devices and Wet-Chem Analyses for Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) Quality Assessment: An Environmental Performance …” LINK

“Esophageal Saturation Monitoring More Accurately Detects Severe Tissue Hypoxia Than Near-infrared Spectroscopy” LINK

“… method based on spectral differences between calibration samples: Application to the fast determination of gasoline octane number with near-infrared spectroscopy” LINK

“… Features of Coronary Atheroma Associated With Coronary Physiological Mismatch: Insights From Fractional Flow Reserve and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Findings” LINK

“Miniature Submarine using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Detect and Collect Microplastics” LINK

“Transmission and reflectance near-infrared spectroscopy for predicting the chemical composition of ground and grain cereals” LINK

“Rapid Detection of Moisture Content in the Processing of Longjing Tea by Micro-Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and a Portable Colorimeter Based on a Data Fusion …” LINK

“A comprehensive study on the quality characteristics of sweet red pepper paste and the evaluation of near-infrared spectroscopy as a rapid alternative tool” LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

“Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Determining Pomegranate juice volume” LINK

“Honey quality detection based on near-infrared spectroscopy” LINK

“Nearinfrared Emissive Hypervalent Compounds with Germanium(IV)Fused Azobenzene Conjugated Systems” LINK

“Nurses’ perceptions and use of near infrared spectroscopy in paediatric cardiac intensive care” LINK

“Detection Method for Walnut Shell-Kernel Separation Accuracy Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy” LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

“Polymers : Novel Metallo-Supramolecular Polymers with 1-Thioxophosphole Main-Chain Units and Remarkable Photoinduced Changes in Their Resonance Raman Spectra” LINK

“Multivariate analysis of serum surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of liver cancer patients” LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

“Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for online measurement of the viability detection of naturally aged watermelon seeds” | LINK

“Remote Sensing : Monitoring Asbestos Mine Remediation Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging System: A Case Study of Jefferson Lake Mine, US” LINK

“Monitoring Marine Oil Spills in Hyperspectral and Multispectral Remote Sensing Data by the Spectral Gene Extraction (SGE) Method” LINK

“Detection of Early Bruises on Apples Using Hyperspectral Reflectance Imaging Coupled with Optimal Wavelengths Selection and Improved Watershed Segmentation …” LINK

“NAPPN Annual Conference Abstract: Using Deep Learning (DL) to Improve Segmentation from RGB and Hyperspectral Imaging Data” LINK

“Multiple adulterants detection in turmeric powder using VIS-SWNIR hyperspectral imaging followed by multivariate curve resolution and classification techniques” LINK

“Application of visible-near-infrared hyperspectral imaging technology coupled with wavelength selection algorithm for rapid determination of moisture content of …” LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

“Remote Sensing : Deep-Learning-Based Feature Extraction Approach for Significant Wave Height Prediction in SAR Mode Altimeter Data” LINK

“Optimization of spectral pre-processing techniques for estimation of surface soil properties from airborne AVIRIS-NG” LINK

“Improving Autoencoders Performance for Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Clustering” LINK

“Quality Outlier Detection for Tobacco Based on Robust Sparse PCA: Advantages and Limitations” LINK

Research on Spectroscopy


Process Control and NIR Sensors

“Sensors : Design and Implementation of Embedded-Based Vein Image Processing System with Enhanced Denoising Capabilities” LINK

“Monitoring green tea fixation quality by intelligent sensors: Comparison of image and spectral information” LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

“Water transparency inversion and influence factor analysis of Qiandao Lake based on Random Forest and GF-5 data” LINK

“Optical remote sensing in Lake Trasimeno: understanding from applications across diverse temporal, spectral and spatial scales” | LINK

“Remote Sensing : Satellite-Based Determination of the Water Footprint of Carrots and Onions Grown in the Arid Climate of Saudi Arabia” | LINK

“Environments : Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy to Optimize Throughput and Costs of Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Estimates: An Assessment in Grassland Soils” | LINK

“Long-term saline water drip irrigation alters soil physicochemical properties, bacterial community structure, and nitrogen transformations in cotton” LINK

“Alterations in soil pH emerge as a key driver of the impact of global change on soil microbial nitrogen cycling: Evidence from a global meta‐analysis” LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

“Hybrid MWCNTs/Ag Nanofiller Reinforced PVP/CMC Blend-Based Polymer Nanocomposites for Multifunctional Optoelectronic and Nanodielectric Applications” | LINK

“Differential Diagnosis of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia” LINK

“Assessment of Soil Characteristics Using a Three-Band Agricultural Digital Camera” LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

“An Intelligent Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy Scheme for the Non-Destructive Testing of the Sugar Content in Cherry Tomato Fruit” LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

“Novel Device for Improving Stroke Detection During Surgery” LINK

“A comprehensive review of cerebral oximetry in cardiac surgery” LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

“Optimizing ExoMars 2022 Rover Remote Sensing Multispectral Science: Cross-Rover Comparison using Laboratory and Orbital Data” LINK


” The Heat Treatment of Pink Zoisite” | LINK

“An asymmetric low concentrator and spectral splitting approach to bifacial fourterminal photovoltaic modules” LINK

“Fabrication of graphene-based sensor for exposure to different chemicals” | LINK

“Integrated Spectral Sensors” LINK

“Penentuan Kandungan Asam Malat Dan Total Padatan Terlarut Buah Sawo (Manilkara zapota) Secara Non Destruktif Menggunakan Spektroskopi Visible Near …” LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #49, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Thanks to the 2022 followers who have followed us to 2022 ! Best wishes for the coming year ! LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 48, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 48, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 48, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

“NIR-based models for estimating selected physical and chemical wood properties from fast-growing plantations” LINK

“Including Measurement Effects and Temporal Variations in VIS-NIRS Models to Improve Early Detection of Plant Disease: Application to Alternaria Solani in Potatoes” LINK

“Fast detection of volatile fatty acids in biogas slurry using NIR spectroscopy combined with feature wavelength selection” LINK

“Spectra transfer based learning for predicting and classifying soil texture with short-ranged Vis-NIRS sensor” LINK

“Monitoring the physical state of wood during multiple tensile load-unload cycles by the eigenvalue distribution of near infrared spectra” LINK

“Nondestructive evaluation of SW-NIRS and NIR-HSI for predicting the maturity index of intact pineapples” LINK

“Synthesis and characterization of a new high near-infrared reflectance yellow pigment: Bi2-xErxMoO6” LINK

“Identification of softwood species using convolutional neural networks and raw near-infrared spectroscopy” | LINK

“Pendugaan Nilai Kemanisan dan Kekerasan Buah Anggur menggunakan NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy)” LINK

“All About Oxygen: Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy To Understand Bioenergetics” | LINK

“Adapting field-mosquito collection techniques in a perspective of near-infrared spectroscopy implementation” | LINK

“Functional near-infrared spectroscopy imaging of the prefrontal cortex during a naturalistic comedy movie” LINK

“Near infrared spectroscopy for blend uniformity monitoring: An innovative qualitative application based on the coefficient of determination” LINK

“Through-container detection of tea tree oil adulteration using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)” LINK

“Rapid prediction of essential oils major components by Vis/NIRS models using compositional methods” LINK

“TURNITIN Performance Evaluation of Pre-Processing and Pre-Treatment Algorithm for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Signals: Case Study pH of Intact Mango “Arumanis …” LINK

“Automatic neural network hyperparameter optimization for extrapolation: Lessons learned from visible and near-infrared spectroscopy of mango fruit” LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

“Investigating a TADF Emitter by Time Resolved Near Infrared Spectroscopy” LINK

“Pendugaan Karakteristik Fisiko-kimia Buah Apel Menggunakan Spektroskopi Near Infrared” LINK

“Denoising stacked autoencodersbased nearinfrared quality monitoring method via robust samples evaluation” LINK

“Preparation and Properties of Near-infrared Reflective Superhydrophobic Yellow Coating” LINK

“Near-infrared spectroscopy as a green technology to monitor coffee roasting” |ójcicki.pdf LINK

“Application of Infrared Techniques for Characterisation of Vector-Borne Disease Vectors” LINK

“[ZITATION][C] Muscle O2 diffusion capacity by NIRS: a new approach in the air” LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

“Machine LearningDriven 3D Plasmonic CavityinCavity SurfaceEnhanced Raman Scattering Platform with Triple Synergistic Enhancement Toward LabelFree Detection of Antibiotics in Milk” LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

“Detection of seed purity of hybrid wheat using reflectance and transmittance hyperspectral imaging technology” | LINK

“Foods : Assessing the Levels of Robusta and Arabica in Roasted Ground Coffee Using NIR Hyperspectral Imaging and FTIR Spectroscopy” LINK

“Improved evaluation of commercial cane sugar content in sugarcane stalk using near infrared hyperspectral imaging and stalk axis rotation technique” LINK

Spectral Imaging

“Agronomy : Estimation of Potato Chlorophyll Content from UAV Multispectral Images with Stacking Ensemble Algorithm” LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

“Rapid identification of geographic origins of Zingiberis Rhizoma by NIRS combined with chemometrics and machine learning algorithms” LINK

“Application of FT-IR spectroscopy and chemometric technique for the identification of three different parts of Camellia nitidissima and discrimination of its authenticated product” | LINK

“Prediction of winter wheat leaf chlorophyll content based on VIS/NIR spectroscopy using ANN and PLSR” LINK

“Authenticity analysis of oregano: development, validation and fitness for use of several food fingerprinting techniques” LINK


“Experimental insights toward carrier localization in in-rich InGaAs/InP as candidate for SWIR detection: Microstructural analysis combined with optical investigation” LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

“Applied Sciences : Botanical Origin Assessment of Honey Based on ATR-IR Spectroscopy: A Comparison between the Efficiency of Supervised Statistical Methods and Artificial Intelligence” LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

“Remote Sensing : Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Potatoes Based on Characteristic Variables Extracted from UAV Hyperspectral Imagery” LINK

“An Endoplasmic Reticulum Targeting Type I Photosensitizer for Effective Photodynamic Therapy against Hypoxic Tumor Cells” LINK

“Nutrients : Eating Choices—The Roles of Motivation and Health Literacy: A Cross-Sectional Study” LINK

“Agriculture : Using RGB Imaging, Optimized Three-Band Spectral Indices, and a Decision Tree Model to Assess Orange Fruit Quality” LINK

“Investigating New and Existing Management and Nutritional Strategies to Improve Productive Performance and Feed Efficiency in Grower-Finisher Pigs” | |t/handle/10803/675591 LINK

“Nutrients : The Obesity-Related Dietary Pattern Is Associated with Higher Risk of Sleep Disorders: A Cross-Sectional Study from NHANES” LINK

“Comparison of Near and Mid-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for the Determination of Carbon Distribution Particle-Size Fractions of Soils of Madagascar” LINK

“Ground Hyper-Spectral Remote-Sensing Monitoring of Wheat Water Stress during Different Growing Stages” LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

“Near-Infrared Model and Its Robustness as Affected by Fruit Origin for ‘Dangshan’Pear Soluble Solids Content and pH Measurement” LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

“Foods : Mixed Mulberry Fruit and Mulberry Leaf Fermented Alcoholic Beverages: Assessment of Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Capacity In Vitro and Sensory Evaluation” LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

“Reflectance spectroscopy allows rapid, accurate and nondestructive estimates of functional traits from pressed leaves” LINK

“Application of fast non-invasive solid state analysis on counterfeit tracing of pharmaceutical drug excipients” LINK

“Effect of dexmedetomidine on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in older patients undergoing pulmonary surgery” LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

“Optical Monitoring of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism During Carotid Endarterectomy” LINK

“Detection of skin defects in loquats based on grayscale features combined with reflectance, absorbance, and KubelkaMunk spectra” LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

“Dataset of near-infrared spectral data of illicit-drugs and forensic casework samples analyzed by five portable spectrometers operating in different wavelength …” | LINK

“MNELAB: a graphical user interface for MNE-Python” LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #27, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #27, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #27, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Best out of 100'000 Calibrations of your NIR Data, can you compete in speed and performance? | Pharma Lab food Feed LINK

Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS QA QC testing food LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Simulation of an Algorithm for Space Target Materials Identification Based on vis-NIR Hyperspectral Data" LINK

"Near-Infrared Sensitive Nanoparticle Mediated Photothermal Ablation of Ventricular Myocardium" LINK

"Advances in NIR Spectroscopy Analytical Technology in Food Industries" | LINK

"Machine Learning Approach for Classifying College Scholastic Ability Test Levels with Unsupervised Features from Prefrontal Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy ..." LINK

"Determination of the Soluble Solids Content in Korla Fragrant Pears Based on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined With Model Analysis and Variable Selection" LINK

"Non-destructive Evaluation of the Quality Characteristics of Pomegranate Kernel Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Evaluation of Vis-NIR preprocessing combined with PLS regression for estimation soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and clay from eastern Croatia" LINK

"Post-Mortem Interval of Human Skeletal Remains Estimated with Handheld NIR Spectrometry" LINK

"근적외선분광 (NIRS) 을 이용한 참깨의 lignan 함량 비파괴 분석 방법 확립" LINK

"Non-destructive measurement of antioxidant activity and water content in chili powder (Capsicum annuum L.) using near-infrared spectroscopy"LINK

"Design of an Integrated Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Module for Sugar Content Estimation of Apples" LINK

"A Progressive Combined Variable Selection Method for Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis Based on Three-Step Hybrid Strategy" | LINK

"Novel Application of NIR Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Determination of 'Maratina' Wine Parameters" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Near-infrared spectroscopy for Non-destructive determination of Quality of fresh cut cucumber during shelf life" LINK

"Nondestructive Testing of Pear Based on Fourier Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral imaging technology coupled with human sensory information to evaluate the fermentation degree of black tea" LINK

"Short-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging System for Nondestructive Evaluation of Powdered Food" | LINK

"Integrated smart hyperspectral imaging and CARS-based characteristic band selection for rapid determination of SO_2 content in sulphur-fumigated Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix" LINK

"Effect of germ orientation during Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging for the detection of fungal contamination in maize kernel using PLS-DA, ANN and 1D-CNN modelling" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Development of a Soil Organic Matter Content Prediction Model Based on Supervised Learning Using Vis-NIR/SWIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Slice spectra approach to synchronous Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy analysis for milk adulteration discriminate" LINK

"Validação prática de modelos de infravermelho próximo para tomate: sólidos solúveis e acidez" LINK

"Performance evaluation of variable selection methods coupled with partial least squares regression to determine the target component in solid samples" LINK


"Flipped detection of psychoactive substances in complex mixtures using handheld Raman spectroscopy coupled to chemometrics" LINK

"Agriculture : Calibration Spiking of MIR-DRIFTS Soil Spectra for Carbon Predictions Using PLSR Extensions and Log-Ratio Transformations" LINK

"波长漂移对近红外光谱 PLSR 分析模型的影响" LINK

"Diffuse Reflection Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis for Temperature Prediction of Irreversible Thermochromic Paints" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Photonics : Ultra-Sensitive Si-Based Optical Sensor for Nanoparticle-Size Traditional Water Pollutant Detection" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Diet quality, liveweight change and responses to N supplements by cattle grazing Astrebla spp.(Mitchell grass) pastures in the semi-arid tropics in northwest ..." LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Recovery of Waste Material from Biobags: 3D Printing Process and Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics in Comparison to Virgin and Composite Matrices" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Transfer learning strategy for plastic pollution detection in soil: Calibration transfer from high-throughput HSI system to NIR sensor" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Effect of Phosphorus deficiency on chlorophyll a fluorescence and visible near-infrared reflectance of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in hydroponic ..." LINK

"Sensors : NIR Instruments and Prediction Methods for Rapid Access to Grain Protein Content in Multiple Cereals" LINK

"Utilizing Hyper-Spectral No-Image Measurement to Assess the Development of disease severity of Cercospora Leaf Spot disease in sugar beet canopy" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Forests : Quality Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Fruits from Different Cultivars of Pecan (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenheim) K. Koch)" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Date, Apple, and Pear By-Products as Functional Ingredients in Pasta: Cooking Quality Attributes and Physicochemical, Rheological, and Sensorial Properties" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Absolute radiometric calibration of an imaging spectroradiometer using a laboratory detector-based approach" LINK


"Increased multimorbidity is associated with impaired cerebral and peripheral hemodynamic stabilization during active standing" LINK

"Synthesis of N-Doped ZnO Nanocomposites for Sunlight Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dye Pollutants" LINK

"Symmetry : Asymmetric Prefrontal Cortex Activation Associated with Mutual Gaze of Mothers and Children during Shared Play" LINK

"Coatings : Evaluation on Thermal Protection Performance of TiO2 Coated Aramid Nonwoven" LINK

"土壤水分去除算法的田间原位光谱反演棉田有机质" LINK

"近红外光谱技术用于银杏叶色谱分离过程多种内酯成分含量预测" LINK

"近红外光谱技术在微生物检测中的应用进展" LINK

"식품 산업에서의 근적외선 분광법을 이용한 비파괴 분석법 동향" LINK

"Applied Sciences : On the Absorption and Photoluminescence Properties of Pure ZnSe and Co-Doped ZnSe:Eu3+/Yb3+ Crystals" LINK

This is a mathematics joke. LINK

Table of organic compounds & their smells.LINK

"A Comparative Investigation of Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide Thin Films Deposited via Spray Pyrolysis" | LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Best out of 100'000 Calibrations of your NIR Data, can you compete in speed and performance? | Pharma Lab food Feed LINK

Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS QA QC testing food LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Simulation of an Algorithm for Space Target Materials Identification Based on vis-NIR Hyperspectral Data" LINK

"Near-Infrared Sensitive Nanoparticle Mediated Photothermal Ablation of Ventricular Myocardium" LINK

"Advances in NIR Spectroscopy Analytical Technology in Food Industries" | LINK

"Machine Learning Approach for Classifying College Scholastic Ability Test Levels with Unsupervised Features from Prefrontal Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy ..." LINK

"Determination of the Soluble Solids Content in Korla Fragrant Pears Based on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined With Model Analysis and Variable Selection" LINK

"Non-destructive Evaluation of the Quality Characteristics of Pomegranate Kernel Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Evaluation of Vis-NIR preprocessing combined with PLS regression for estimation soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and clay from eastern Croatia" LINK

"Post-Mortem Interval of Human Skeletal Remains Estimated with Handheld NIR Spectrometry" LINK

"근적외선분광 (NIRS) 을 이용한 참깨의 lignan 함량 비파괴 분석 방법 확립" LINK

"Non-destructive measurement of antioxidant activity and water content in chili powder (Capsicum annuum L.) using near-infrared spectroscopy"LINK

"Design of an Integrated Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Module for Sugar Content Estimation of Apples" LINK

"A Progressive Combined Variable Selection Method for Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis Based on Three-Step Hybrid Strategy" | LINK

"Novel Application of NIR Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Determination of 'Maratina' Wine Parameters" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Near-infrared spectroscopy for Non-destructive determination of Quality of fresh cut cucumber during shelf life" LINK

"Nondestructive Testing of Pear Based on Fourier Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral imaging technology coupled with human sensory information to evaluate the fermentation degree of black tea" LINK

"Short-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging System for Nondestructive Evaluation of Powdered Food" | LINK

"Integrated smart hyperspectral imaging and CARS-based characteristic band selection for rapid determination of SO_2 content in sulphur-fumigated Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix" LINK

"Effect of germ orientation during Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging for the detection of fungal contamination in maize kernel using PLS-DA, ANN and 1D-CNN modelling" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Development of a Soil Organic Matter Content Prediction Model Based on Supervised Learning Using Vis-NIR/SWIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Slice spectra approach to synchronous Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy analysis for milk adulteration discriminate" LINK

"Validação prática de modelos de infravermelho próximo para tomate: sólidos solúveis e acidez" LINK

"Performance evaluation of variable selection methods coupled with partial least squares regression to determine the target component in solid samples" LINK


"Flipped detection of psychoactive substances in complex mixtures using handheld Raman spectroscopy coupled to chemometrics" LINK

"Agriculture : Calibration Spiking of MIR-DRIFTS Soil Spectra for Carbon Predictions Using PLSR Extensions and Log-Ratio Transformations" LINK

"波长漂移对近红外光谱 PLSR 分析模型的影响" LINK

"Diffuse Reflection Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis for Temperature Prediction of Irreversible Thermochromic Paints" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Photonics : Ultra-Sensitive Si-Based Optical Sensor for Nanoparticle-Size Traditional Water Pollutant Detection" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Diet quality, liveweight change and responses to N supplements by cattle grazing Astrebla spp.(Mitchell grass) pastures in the semi-arid tropics in northwest ..." LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Recovery of Waste Material from Biobags: 3D Printing Process and Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics in Comparison to Virgin and Composite Matrices" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Transfer learning strategy for plastic pollution detection in soil: Calibration transfer from high-throughput HSI system to NIR sensor" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Effect of Phosphorus deficiency on chlorophyll a fluorescence and visible near-infrared reflectance of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in hydroponic ..." LINK

"Sensors : NIR Instruments and Prediction Methods for Rapid Access to Grain Protein Content in Multiple Cereals" LINK

"Utilizing Hyper-Spectral No-Image Measurement to Assess the Development of disease severity of Cercospora Leaf Spot disease in sugar beet canopy" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Forests : Quality Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Fruits from Different Cultivars of Pecan (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenheim) K. Koch)" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Date, Apple, and Pear By-Products as Functional Ingredients in Pasta: Cooking Quality Attributes and Physicochemical, Rheological, and Sensorial Properties" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Absolute radiometric calibration of an imaging spectroradiometer using a laboratory detector-based approach" LINK


"Increased multimorbidity is associated with impaired cerebral and peripheral hemodynamic stabilization during active standing" LINK

"Synthesis of N-Doped ZnO Nanocomposites for Sunlight Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dye Pollutants" LINK

"Symmetry : Asymmetric Prefrontal Cortex Activation Associated with Mutual Gaze of Mothers and Children during Shared Play" LINK

"Coatings : Evaluation on Thermal Protection Performance of TiO2 Coated Aramid Nonwoven" LINK

"土壤水分去除算法的田间原位光谱反演棉田有机质" LINK

"近红外光谱技术用于银杏叶色谱分离过程多种内酯成分含量预测" LINK

"近红外光谱技术在微生物检测中的应用进展" LINK

"식품 산업에서의 근적외선 분광법을 이용한 비파괴 분석법 동향" LINK

"Applied Sciences : On the Absorption and Photoluminescence Properties of Pure ZnSe and Co-Doped ZnSe:Eu3+/Yb3+ Crystals" LINK

This is a mathematics joke. LINK

Table of organic compounds & their smells.LINK

"A Comparative Investigation of Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide Thin Films Deposited via Spray Pyrolysis" | LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Best out of 100'000 Calibrations of your NIR Data, can you compete in speed and performance? | Pharma Lab food Feed LINK

Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS QA QC testing food LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 26, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Simulation of an Algorithm for Space Target Materials Identification Based on vis-NIR Hyperspectral Data" LINK

"Near-Infrared Sensitive Nanoparticle Mediated Photothermal Ablation of Ventricular Myocardium" LINK

"Advances in NIR Spectroscopy Analytical Technology in Food Industries" | LINK

"Machine Learning Approach for Classifying College Scholastic Ability Test Levels with Unsupervised Features from Prefrontal Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy ..." LINK

"Determination of the Soluble Solids Content in Korla Fragrant Pears Based on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined With Model Analysis and Variable Selection" LINK

"Non-destructive Evaluation of the Quality Characteristics of Pomegranate Kernel Oil by Fourier Transform Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Evaluation of Vis-NIR preprocessing combined with PLS regression for estimation soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity and clay from eastern Croatia" LINK

"Post-Mortem Interval of Human Skeletal Remains Estimated with Handheld NIR Spectrometry" LINK

"근적외선분광 (NIRS) 을 이용한 참깨의 lignan 함량 비파괴 분석 방법 확립" LINK

"Non-destructive measurement of antioxidant activity and water content in chili powder (Capsicum annuum L.) using near-infrared spectroscopy"LINK

"Design of an Integrated Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Module for Sugar Content Estimation of Apples" LINK

"A Progressive Combined Variable Selection Method for Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis Based on Three-Step Hybrid Strategy" | LINK

"Novel Application of NIR Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Determination of 'Maratina' Wine Parameters" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Near-infrared spectroscopy for Non-destructive determination of Quality of fresh cut cucumber during shelf life" LINK

"Nondestructive Testing of Pear Based on Fourier Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral imaging technology coupled with human sensory information to evaluate the fermentation degree of black tea" LINK

"Short-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging System for Nondestructive Evaluation of Powdered Food" | LINK

"Integrated smart hyperspectral imaging and CARS-based characteristic band selection for rapid determination of SO_2 content in sulphur-fumigated Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix" LINK

"Effect of germ orientation during Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging for the detection of fungal contamination in maize kernel using PLS-DA, ANN and 1D-CNN modelling" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Development of a Soil Organic Matter Content Prediction Model Based on Supervised Learning Using Vis-NIR/SWIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Slice spectra approach to synchronous Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy analysis for milk adulteration discriminate" LINK

"Validação prática de modelos de infravermelho próximo para tomate: sólidos solúveis e acidez" LINK

"Performance evaluation of variable selection methods coupled with partial least squares regression to determine the target component in solid samples" LINK


"Flipped detection of psychoactive substances in complex mixtures using handheld Raman spectroscopy coupled to chemometrics" LINK

"Agriculture : Calibration Spiking of MIR-DRIFTS Soil Spectra for Carbon Predictions Using PLSR Extensions and Log-Ratio Transformations" LINK

"波长漂移对近红外光谱 PLSR 分析模型的影响" LINK

"Diffuse Reflection Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis for Temperature Prediction of Irreversible Thermochromic Paints" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Photonics : Ultra-Sensitive Si-Based Optical Sensor for Nanoparticle-Size Traditional Water Pollutant Detection" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Diet quality, liveweight change and responses to N supplements by cattle grazing Astrebla spp.(Mitchell grass) pastures in the semi-arid tropics in northwest ..." LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Recovery of Waste Material from Biobags: 3D Printing Process and Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics in Comparison to Virgin and Composite Matrices" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Transfer learning strategy for plastic pollution detection in soil: Calibration transfer from high-throughput HSI system to NIR sensor" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Effect of Phosphorus deficiency on chlorophyll a fluorescence and visible near-infrared reflectance of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in hydroponic ..." LINK

"Sensors : NIR Instruments and Prediction Methods for Rapid Access to Grain Protein Content in Multiple Cereals" LINK

"Utilizing Hyper-Spectral No-Image Measurement to Assess the Development of disease severity of Cercospora Leaf Spot disease in sugar beet canopy" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Forests : Quality Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Fruits from Different Cultivars of Pecan (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenheim) K. Koch)" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Date, Apple, and Pear By-Products as Functional Ingredients in Pasta: Cooking Quality Attributes and Physicochemical, Rheological, and Sensorial Properties" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Absolute radiometric calibration of an imaging spectroradiometer using a laboratory detector-based approach" LINK


"Increased multimorbidity is associated with impaired cerebral and peripheral hemodynamic stabilization during active standing" LINK

"Synthesis of N-Doped ZnO Nanocomposites for Sunlight Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dye Pollutants" LINK

"Symmetry : Asymmetric Prefrontal Cortex Activation Associated with Mutual Gaze of Mothers and Children during Shared Play" LINK

"Coatings : Evaluation on Thermal Protection Performance of TiO2 Coated Aramid Nonwoven" LINK

"土壤水分去除算法的田间原位光谱反演棉田有机质" LINK

"近红外光谱技术用于银杏叶色谱分离过程多种内酯成分含量预测" LINK

"近红外光谱技术在微生物检测中的应用进展" LINK

"식품 산업에서의 근적외선 분광법을 이용한 비파괴 분석법 동향" LINK

"Applied Sciences : On the Absorption and Photoluminescence Properties of Pure ZnSe and Co-Doped ZnSe:Eu3+/Yb3+ Crystals" LINK

Table of organic compounds & their smells.LINK

"A Comparative Investigation of Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide Thin Films Deposited via Spray Pyrolysis" | LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #26, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #26, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #26, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"A study on the rapidly non-destructive detection method of Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"NIR spectroscopy for reaction monitoring and reaction mixture identification of cycloaliphatic epoxides" (SICI) LINK

"근적외선분광 (NIRS) 을 이용한 참깨의 lignan 함량 비파괴 분석 방법 확립" LINK

"Differences between chemical analysis and portable near-infrared reflectance spectrometry in maize hybrids" | LINK

"Rapid Detection of Goat Milk Mixed with Bovine Milk and Infant Goat Milk Formulas Mixed with Bovine Whey Powder by NIRS Fingerprints" |) LINK

"Neurovascular coupling analysis of working memory based on electroencephalography and functional near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Fundamental effective temperature measurements for eclipsing binary stars--III. SPIRou near-infrared spectroscopy and CHEOPS photometry of the benchmark G0V ..." LINK

"Physiological variable predictions using VIS-NIR spectroscopy for water stress detection on grapevine: interest in combining climate data using multiblock method" LINK

"SpectraNet-53: A Deep Residual Learning Architecture for Predicting Soluble Solids Content with VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Comparing the Use of Red-Edge and Near-Infrared Wavelength Ranges for Detecting Submerged Kelp Canopy" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to classify cosmetic foundations from a crime scene" LINK

"Broadband Near-Infrared-Emitting Phosphors with Suppressed Concentration Quenching in a Two-Dimensional Structure" LINK

"Using Machine Learning Methods and vis-NIRS in Screening of GMO, Non-GMO, and Hybrids of Brassica" LINK

"Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with variable selection methods for fast determination of salmon fillets storage time" LINK

"Guayulin content, resin and rubber fraction by near infrared spectroscopy in guayule stems (Parthenium argentatum, A. Gray)" LINK

"Near Infrared Technology in Agricultural Sustainability: Rapid Prediction of Nitrogen Content from Organic Fertilizer" LINK

"Digital Detection of Olive Oil Rancidity Levels and Aroma Profiles Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, a Low-Cost Electronic Nose and Machine Learning ..." LINK

"Evaluation of the freshness of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets by the NIR, E-nose and SPME-GC-MS" | LINK

"Trends in non-destructive analysis using near infrared spectroscopy in food industry" LINK

"Potential of NIRS Technology for the Determination of Cannabinoid Content in Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)" LINK

"Rice bacterial blight resistant cultivar selection based on visible/near-infrared spectrum and deep learning" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Development of a near‐infrared spectroscopy calibration for Hagberg falling number assessment of barley (Hordeum vulgare): A comparison of methods" LINK

"Integration of near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics for discrimination of cultured cancerous cells using phenol red" LINK

"Yb3+Doped Phenylethylammonium Lead Bromide 2D Layered Hybrid Perovskite for Near Infrared Emission" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"A Component Content Measurement Method Modified Using Indirect Hard Modeling for Polymer Blends Based on Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral and genome-wide association analyses of leaf phosphorus status in local Thai indica rice" LINK

"Moldy Peanuts Identification Based on Hyperspectral Images and Point-centered Convolutional Neural Network Combined with Embedded Feature Selection" LINK

"Moisture detection of single corn seed based on hyperspectral imaging and deep learning" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Combining Different Transformations of Ground Hyperspectral Data with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images for Anthocyanin Estimation in Tree Peony Leaves" LINK

"Hyperspectral imaging for classification of bulk grain samples with deep convolutional neural networks" LINK

"Advances in infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging combined with artificial intelligence for the detection of cereals quality" LINK

"A new quantitative index for the assessment of tomato quality using Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Sensors : Inversion of Nitrogen Concentration in Apple Canopy Based on UAV Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Hyperspectral time series datasets of maize during the grain filling period" | LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Authenticity green coffee bean species and geographical origin using nearinfrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics" LINK

"Unsupervised detection of ash dieback disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) using diffusion-based hyperspectral image clustering" LINK

"Calibration set optimization and library transfer for soil carbon estimation using soil spectroscopy A review" LINK

"IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Infrared spectroscopy chemometric model for determination of phenolic content of plant leaf powder" LINK

"Plants : Correlation of Glucosinolates and Volatile Constituents of Six Brassicaceae Seeds with Their Antioxidant Activities Based on Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK

"Study on the Classification Method of Rice Leaf Blast Levels Based on Fusion Features and Adaptive-Weight Immune Particle Swarm Optimization Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm" | LINK

"Classification of Waste Wood Categories According to the Best Reuse Using Ft-Nir Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Spectral Method for Liming Recommendation in Oxisol Based on the Prediction of Chemical Characteristics Using Interval Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Interfaces Based on Laser-Structured Arrays of Carbon Nanotubes with Albumin for Electrical Stimulation of Heart Cell Growth" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Optical fibre probes in multiphase systems" LINK

"Assessing the potential of a handheld visible-near infrared microspectrometer for sugar beet phenotyping" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Multi critical quality attributes monitoring of Chinese oral liquid extraction process with a spectral sensor fusion strategy" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Detection of Tree Decline (Pinus pinaster Aiton) in European Forests Using Sentinel-2 Data" LINK

"Mapping Organizational Changes of FiberLike Structures in Disease Progression by Multiparametric, Quantitative Imaging" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Recognition of the Bare Soil Using Deep Machine Learning Methods to Create Maps of Arable Soil Degradation Based on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data" LINK

"Sensors : On the Acquisition of High-Quality Digital Images and Extraction of Effective Color Information for Soil Water Content Testing" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Aggregation Reduces Subcellular Localization and Cytotoxicity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes" LINK

"Strategies for monitoring within-field soybean yield using Sentinel-2 Vis-NIR-SWIR spectral bands and machine learning regression methods" | LINK

"Design of a Phenotypic Sensor About Protein and Moisture in Wheat Grain" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Rapid detection and quantification of the adulteration of orange juice with grapefruit juice using handheld Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Synthesis and characterization of the `Japanese riceball'shaped Molybdenum Blue Na4[Mo2O2(OH)4(C6H4NO2)2]2[Mo120Ce6O366H12(OH)2(H2O)76]200H2O" LINK

"Methodology for Olive Fruit Quality Assessment by Means of a Low-Cost Multispectral Device" LINK

Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Polymers : The Impact of Selected Laser-Marking Parameters and Surface Conditions on White Polypropylene Moldings" LINK

"Polymers : Electrical Transport, Structural, Optical and Thermal Properties of [(1−x)Succinonitrile: xPEO]-LiTFSI-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)2-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)3 Solid Redox Mediators" LINK


"การ ตรวจ สอบ องค์ประกอบ ทาง เคมี ใน ข้าวเปลือก แบบ รวดเร็ว ด้วย เนีย ร์ อินฟราเรด สเปก โต รส โค ปี" LINK

"Structural and Optical Characterization of Mechanochemically Synthesized CuSbS2 Compounds" LINK

"Site-specific Seeding Using Proximal and Remote Sensors Data Fusion" LINK

"Enhanced electrocatalysis of WSe2 nanosheets by partial oxidation for hydrogen generation" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"A study on the rapidly non-destructive detection method of Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"NIR spectroscopy for reaction monitoring and reaction mixture identification of cycloaliphatic epoxides" (SICI) LINK

"근적외선분광 (NIRS) 을 이용한 참깨의 lignan 함량 비파괴 분석 방법 확립" LINK

"Differences between chemical analysis and portable near-infrared reflectance spectrometry in maize hybrids" | LINK

"Rapid Detection of Goat Milk Mixed with Bovine Milk and Infant Goat Milk Formulas Mixed with Bovine Whey Powder by NIRS Fingerprints" |) LINK

"Neurovascular coupling analysis of working memory based on electroencephalography and functional near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Fundamental effective temperature measurements for eclipsing binary stars--III. SPIRou near-infrared spectroscopy and CHEOPS photometry of the benchmark G0V ..." LINK

"Physiological variable predictions using VIS-NIR spectroscopy for water stress detection on grapevine: interest in combining climate data using multiblock method" LINK

"SpectraNet-53: A Deep Residual Learning Architecture for Predicting Soluble Solids Content with VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Comparing the Use of Red-Edge and Near-Infrared Wavelength Ranges for Detecting Submerged Kelp Canopy" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to classify cosmetic foundations from a crime scene" LINK

"Broadband Near-Infrared-Emitting Phosphors with Suppressed Concentration Quenching in a Two-Dimensional Structure" LINK

"Using Machine Learning Methods and vis-NIRS in Screening of GMO, Non-GMO, and Hybrids of Brassica" LINK

"Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with variable selection methods for fast determination of salmon fillets storage time" LINK

"Guayulin content, resin and rubber fraction by near infrared spectroscopy in guayule stems (Parthenium argentatum, A. Gray)" LINK

"Near Infrared Technology in Agricultural Sustainability: Rapid Prediction of Nitrogen Content from Organic Fertilizer" LINK

"Digital Detection of Olive Oil Rancidity Levels and Aroma Profiles Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, a Low-Cost Electronic Nose and Machine Learning ..." LINK

"Evaluation of the freshness of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets by the NIR, E-nose and SPME-GC-MS" | LINK

"Trends in non-destructive analysis using near infrared spectroscopy in food industry" LINK

"Potential of NIRS Technology for the Determination of Cannabinoid Content in Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)" LINK

"Rice bacterial blight resistant cultivar selection based on visible/near-infrared spectrum and deep learning" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Development of a near‐infrared spectroscopy calibration for Hagberg falling number assessment of barley (Hordeum vulgare): A comparison of methods" LINK

"Integration of near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics for discrimination of cultured cancerous cells using phenol red" LINK

"Yb3+Doped Phenylethylammonium Lead Bromide 2D Layered Hybrid Perovskite for Near Infrared Emission" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"A Component Content Measurement Method Modified Using Indirect Hard Modeling for Polymer Blends Based on Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral and genome-wide association analyses of leaf phosphorus status in local Thai indica rice" LINK

"Moldy Peanuts Identification Based on Hyperspectral Images and Point-centered Convolutional Neural Network Combined with Embedded Feature Selection" LINK

"Moisture detection of single corn seed based on hyperspectral imaging and deep learning" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Combining Different Transformations of Ground Hyperspectral Data with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images for Anthocyanin Estimation in Tree Peony Leaves" LINK

"Hyperspectral imaging for classification of bulk grain samples with deep convolutional neural networks" LINK

"Advances in infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging combined with artificial intelligence for the detection of cereals quality" LINK

"A new quantitative index for the assessment of tomato quality using Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Sensors : Inversion of Nitrogen Concentration in Apple Canopy Based on UAV Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Hyperspectral time series datasets of maize during the grain filling period" | LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Authenticity green coffee bean species and geographical origin using nearinfrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics" LINK

"Unsupervised detection of ash dieback disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) using diffusion-based hyperspectral image clustering" LINK

"Calibration set optimization and library transfer for soil carbon estimation using soil spectroscopy A review" LINK

"IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Infrared spectroscopy chemometric model for determination of phenolic content of plant leaf powder" LINK

"Plants : Correlation of Glucosinolates and Volatile Constituents of Six Brassicaceae Seeds with Their Antioxidant Activities Based on Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK

"Study on the Classification Method of Rice Leaf Blast Levels Based on Fusion Features and Adaptive-Weight Immune Particle Swarm Optimization Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm" | LINK

"Classification of Waste Wood Categories According to the Best Reuse Using Ft-Nir Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Spectral Method for Liming Recommendation in Oxisol Based on the Prediction of Chemical Characteristics Using Interval Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Interfaces Based on Laser-Structured Arrays of Carbon Nanotubes with Albumin for Electrical Stimulation of Heart Cell Growth" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Optical fibre probes in multiphase systems" LINK

"Assessing the potential of a handheld visible-near infrared microspectrometer for sugar beet phenotyping" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Multi critical quality attributes monitoring of Chinese oral liquid extraction process with a spectral sensor fusion strategy" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Detection of Tree Decline (Pinus pinaster Aiton) in European Forests Using Sentinel-2 Data" LINK

"Mapping Organizational Changes of FiberLike Structures in Disease Progression by Multiparametric, Quantitative Imaging" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Recognition of the Bare Soil Using Deep Machine Learning Methods to Create Maps of Arable Soil Degradation Based on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data" LINK

"Sensors : On the Acquisition of High-Quality Digital Images and Extraction of Effective Color Information for Soil Water Content Testing" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Aggregation Reduces Subcellular Localization and Cytotoxicity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes" LINK

"Strategies for monitoring within-field soybean yield using Sentinel-2 Vis-NIR-SWIR spectral bands and machine learning regression methods" | LINK

"Design of a Phenotypic Sensor About Protein and Moisture in Wheat Grain" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Rapid detection and quantification of the adulteration of orange juice with grapefruit juice using handheld Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Synthesis and characterization of the `Japanese riceball'shaped Molybdenum Blue Na4[Mo2O2(OH)4(C6H4NO2)2]2[Mo120Ce6O366H12(OH)2(H2O)76]200H2O" LINK

"Methodology for Olive Fruit Quality Assessment by Means of a Low-Cost Multispectral Device" LINK

Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Polymers : The Impact of Selected Laser-Marking Parameters and Surface Conditions on White Polypropylene Moldings" LINK

"Polymers : Electrical Transport, Structural, Optical and Thermal Properties of [(1−x)Succinonitrile: xPEO]-LiTFSI-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)2-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)3 Solid Redox Mediators" LINK


"การ ตรวจ สอบ องค์ประกอบ ทาง เคมี ใน ข้าวเปลือก แบบ รวดเร็ว ด้วย เนีย ร์ อินฟราเรด สเปก โต รส โค ปี" LINK

"Structural and Optical Characterization of Mechanochemically Synthesized CuSbS2 Compounds" LINK

"Site-specific Seeding Using Proximal and Remote Sensors Data Fusion" LINK

"Enhanced electrocatalysis of WSe2 nanosheets by partial oxidation for hydrogen generation" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 25, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"A study on the rapidly non-destructive detection method of Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"NIR spectroscopy for reaction monitoring and reaction mixture identification of cycloaliphatic epoxides" (SICI) LINK

"근적외선분광 (NIRS) 을 이용한 참깨의 lignan 함량 비파괴 분석 방법 확립" LINK

"Differences between chemical analysis and portable near-infrared reflectance spectrometry in maize hybrids" | LINK

"Rapid Detection of Goat Milk Mixed with Bovine Milk and Infant Goat Milk Formulas Mixed with Bovine Whey Powder by NIRS Fingerprints" |) LINK

"Neurovascular coupling analysis of working memory based on electroencephalography and functional near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Fundamental effective temperature measurements for eclipsing binary stars--III. SPIRou near-infrared spectroscopy and CHEOPS photometry of the benchmark G0V ..." LINK

"Physiological variable predictions using VIS-NIR spectroscopy for water stress detection on grapevine: interest in combining climate data using multiblock method" LINK

"SpectraNet-53: A Deep Residual Learning Architecture for Predicting Soluble Solids Content with VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Comparing the Use of Red-Edge and Near-Infrared Wavelength Ranges for Detecting Submerged Kelp Canopy" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to classify cosmetic foundations from a crime scene" LINK

"Broadband Near-Infrared-Emitting Phosphors with Suppressed Concentration Quenching in a Two-Dimensional Structure" LINK

"Using Machine Learning Methods and vis-NIRS in Screening of GMO, Non-GMO, and Hybrids of Brassica" LINK

"Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with variable selection methods for fast determination of salmon fillets storage time" LINK

"Guayulin content, resin and rubber fraction by near infrared spectroscopy in guayule stems (Parthenium argentatum, A. Gray)" LINK

"Near Infrared Technology in Agricultural Sustainability: Rapid Prediction of Nitrogen Content from Organic Fertilizer" LINK

"Digital Detection of Olive Oil Rancidity Levels and Aroma Profiles Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, a Low-Cost Electronic Nose and Machine Learning ..." LINK

"Evaluation of the freshness of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets by the NIR, E-nose and SPME-GC-MS" | LINK

"Trends in non-destructive analysis using near infrared spectroscopy in food industry" LINK

"Potential of NIRS Technology for the Determination of Cannabinoid Content in Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)" LINK

"Rice bacterial blight resistant cultivar selection based on visible/near-infrared spectrum and deep learning" | LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Development of a near‐infrared spectroscopy calibration for Hagberg falling number assessment of barley (Hordeum vulgare): A comparison of methods" LINK

"Integration of near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics for discrimination of cultured cancerous cells using phenol red" LINK

"Yb3+Doped Phenylethylammonium Lead Bromide 2D Layered Hybrid Perovskite for Near Infrared Emission" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"A Component Content Measurement Method Modified Using Indirect Hard Modeling for Polymer Blends Based on Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral and genome-wide association analyses of leaf phosphorus status in local Thai indica rice" LINK

"Moldy Peanuts Identification Based on Hyperspectral Images and Point-centered Convolutional Neural Network Combined with Embedded Feature Selection" LINK

"Moisture detection of single corn seed based on hyperspectral imaging and deep learning" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Combining Different Transformations of Ground Hyperspectral Data with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images for Anthocyanin Estimation in Tree Peony Leaves" LINK

"Hyperspectral imaging for classification of bulk grain samples with deep convolutional neural networks" LINK

"Advances in infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging combined with artificial intelligence for the detection of cereals quality" LINK

"A new quantitative index for the assessment of tomato quality using Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Sensors : Inversion of Nitrogen Concentration in Apple Canopy Based on UAV Hyperspectral Images" LINK

"Hyperspectral time series datasets of maize during the grain filling period" | LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Authenticity green coffee bean species and geographical origin using nearinfrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics" LINK

"Unsupervised detection of ash dieback disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) using diffusion-based hyperspectral image clustering" LINK

"Calibration set optimization and library transfer for soil carbon estimation using soil spectroscopy A review" LINK

"IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Infrared spectroscopy chemometric model for determination of phenolic content of plant leaf powder" LINK

"Plants : Correlation of Glucosinolates and Volatile Constituents of Six Brassicaceae Seeds with Their Antioxidant Activities Based on Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK

"Study on the Classification Method of Rice Leaf Blast Levels Based on Fusion Features and Adaptive-Weight Immune Particle Swarm Optimization Extreme Learning Machine Algorithm" | LINK

"Classification of Waste Wood Categories According to the Best Reuse Using Ft-Nir Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Spectral Method for Liming Recommendation in Oxisol Based on the Prediction of Chemical Characteristics Using Interval Partial Least Squares Regression" LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Polymers : Interfaces Based on Laser-Structured Arrays of Carbon Nanotubes with Albumin for Electrical Stimulation of Heart Cell Growth" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Experimental methods in chemical engineering: Optical fibre probes in multiphase systems" LINK

"Assessing the potential of a handheld visible-near infrared microspectrometer for sugar beet phenotyping" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Multi critical quality attributes monitoring of Chinese oral liquid extraction process with a spectral sensor fusion strategy" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing : Detection of Tree Decline (Pinus pinaster Aiton) in European Forests Using Sentinel-2 Data" LINK

"Mapping Organizational Changes of FiberLike Structures in Disease Progression by Multiparametric, Quantitative Imaging" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Recognition of the Bare Soil Using Deep Machine Learning Methods to Create Maps of Arable Soil Degradation Based on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data" LINK

"Sensors : On the Acquisition of High-Quality Digital Images and Extraction of Effective Color Information for Soil Water Content Testing" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Aggregation Reduces Subcellular Localization and Cytotoxicity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes" LINK

"Strategies for monitoring within-field soybean yield using Sentinel-2 Vis-NIR-SWIR spectral bands and machine learning regression methods" | LINK

"Design of a Phenotypic Sensor About Protein and Moisture in Wheat Grain" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Rapid detection and quantification of the adulteration of orange juice with grapefruit juice using handheld Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Synthesis and characterization of the `Japanese riceball'shaped Molybdenum Blue Na4[Mo2O2(OH)4(C6H4NO2)2]2[Mo120Ce6O366H12(OH)2(H2O)76]200H2O" LINK

"Methodology for Olive Fruit Quality Assessment by Means of a Low-Cost Multispectral Device" LINK

Chemical Industry NIR Usage

"Polymers : The Impact of Selected Laser-Marking Parameters and Surface Conditions on White Polypropylene Moldings" LINK

"Polymers : Electrical Transport, Structural, Optical and Thermal Properties of [(1−x)Succinonitrile: xPEO]-LiTFSI-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)2-Co(bpy)3(TFSI)3 Solid Redox Mediators" LINK


"การ ตรวจ สอบ องค์ประกอบ ทาง เคมี ใน ข้าวเปลือก แบบ รวดเร็ว ด้วย เนีย ร์ อินฟราเรด สเปก โต รส โค ปี" LINK

"Structural and Optical Characterization of Mechanochemically Synthesized CuSbS2 Compounds" LINK

"Site-specific Seeding Using Proximal and Remote Sensors Data Fusion" LINK

"Enhanced electrocatalysis of WSe2 nanosheets by partial oxidation for hydrogen generation" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #15, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #15, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #15, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services


Professionelle chemometrische NIR-Methodenentwicklung | Chemometrie Spektroskopie Analytik Qualitätskontrolle NIT LINK

Save time & money by replacing labor intensive manual & adhoc NIR data analysis processes | analysis measurement lab LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Abstract TP65: Evaluation Of Leg Microvascular Function In Chronic Stroke Survivors Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy And The Vascular Occlusion Technique." LINK

"Remote Sensing : Using Ensemble-Based Systems with Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Data to Estimate Seasonal Snowpack Density" LINK

"Ultra-Broadband and High Efficiency Near-Infrared Gd3ZnxGa5-2xGexO12: Cr3+ (x= 0-2.0) Garnet Phosphors via Crystal Field Engineering" LINK

"Analysis of initiator content of prepreg by near-infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Rapid Determination of Pachymic Acid Content by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Novel automatic model construction method for the rapid characterization of petroleum properties from near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid discrimination of Turkish commercial hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) varieties using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"fNIRS brain measures of ongoing nociception during surgical incisions under anesthesia" | LINK

"An unexpected reduction in the value of near-infrared spectroscopy in a child with moyamoya disease" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Electrochromism of Nanographenes in the NearInfrared Region" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Monitoring of Moisture Contents and Rehydration Rates of Microwave Vacuum and Hot Air Dehydrated Beef Slices and Splits Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Rapid and nondestructive detection of marine fishmeal adulteration by hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK

"Real-time monitoring the color changes of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) fillets based on hyperspectral imaging empowered with artificial intelligence" LINK

"Prediction of total carotenoids, color and moisture content of carrot slices during hot air drying using non‐invasive hyperspectral imaging technique" LINK

"The development of on-line surface defect detection system for jujubes based on hyperspectral images" LINK

"Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Aspergillus Flavus Infection and Aflatoxin B1 Biosynthesis on Maize Kernels Probed by SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging and Synchrotron ..." LINK

"A back‐propagation neural network model using hyperspectral imaging applied to variety nondestructive detection of cereal" LINK

"An Attention Involved Network Stacked by Dual-channel Residual Block for Hyperspectral Image Classification" LINK

"Determination of total flavonoid and polysaccharide content in Anoectochilus formosanus in response to different light qualities using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Non-Destructive Genotyping of Cultivars and Strains of Sesame through NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Multivariate assessment for predicting antioxidant activity from clove and pomegranate extracts by MCR-ALS and PLS models combined to IR spectroscopy" LINK

"Sensors : Prediction of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Biomarker Concentration by Application of Machine Learning to Mid-Infrared Spectra" LINK

"Identification of Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl in different harvest periods using intelligent sensory technologies, HPLC characteristic fingerprint coupled with chemometrics" LINK

"Corn Seed Defect Detection Based on Watershed Algorithm and Two-Pathway Convolutional Neural Networks" | LINK

"Blood Glucose Prediction Using Machine Learning on Jetson Nanoplatform" LINK

"Diffuse Reflection Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis for Temperature Prediction of Irreversible Thermochromic Paints" LINK

"Rapid detection of fumonisin B(1) and B(2) in ground corn samples using smartphone-controlled portable near-infrared spectrometry and chemometrics" LINK

"Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy Combined with Deep Learning to Identify the Proximate Geographical Origin of Wolfberries and Optimization from Fusion ..." LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Nanomaterials : Long-Term Fluorescence Behavior of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots on Various Planar Chromatographic Stationary Phases" LINK

"Polymers : Detection of Organosulfur and Organophosphorus Compounds Using a Hexafluorobutyl Acrylate-Coated Tapered Optical Fibers" LINK


"Identification of coumarinbased food additives using terahertz spectroscopy combined with manifold learning and improved support vector machine" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Studying sand component of soil texture using the spectroscopic method" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Remote Sensing : Combining Spectral and Textural Information from UAV RGB Images for Leaf Area Index Monitoring in Kiwifruit Orchard" LINK

"A Perfect Pair: Stabilized Black Phosphorous Nanosheets Engineering with Antimicrobial Peptides for Robust MultiDrug Resistant Bacteria Eradication" | LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Strategies of efficient estimation of soil organic content at the local scale based on a national spectral database" LINK

"Remote Sensing : A Novel Spectral Index for Automatic Canola Mapping by Using Sentinel-2 Imagery" LINK

"Joint control by soil moisture, functional genes and substrates on response of N2O flux to climate extremes in a semiarid grassland" LINK

"Remote Sensing : The Brazilian Soil Spectral Service (BraSpecS): A User-Friendly System for Global Soil Spectra Communication" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Using LiDAR System as a Data Source for Agricultural Land Boundaries" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Multispectral Image Data to Monitor the Growth of Intercropping Crops in Tea Plantation" | LINK

Fully Automated Hydroponics Farm. farm hydroponics tech DigitalTransformation innovation Robotics robots agriculture LINK

"Foods : Comprehensive Study of Traditional Plant Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea L.) Grown in Croatia in Terms of Nutritional and Bioactive Composition" LINK

"Prediction of fumonisins B1 and B2 in corn distiller's dried grains with solubles through near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Energies : Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Decomposition Based on Kaya Identity of GHG Emissions from Agricultural Sector in Baltic States" LINK

"Optical imaging spectroscopy for rapid, primary screening of SARS-CoV-2: a proof of concept" LINK

"Optical Spectrometry to Determine Nutrient Concentrations and other Physicochemical Parameters in Liquid Organic Manures: A Review" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Crop Classification for Agricultural Applications in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images" LINK

"A new salt-inclusion compound,| Ag4Br|@[B7O12], with a novel type of the porous double-layered borate anion and strong anharmonicity of the “guest” sublattice" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Accurate nondestructive prediction of soluble solids content in citrus by near‐infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with characteristic variable selection" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Exploring Chemical Markers Related to the Acceptance and Sensory Profiles of Concentrated Liquid Coffees: An Untargeted Metabolomics Approach" LINK

"Effects of Irrigation Strategy and Plastic Film Mulching on Soil N2O Emissions and Fruit Yields of Greenhouse Tomato" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"The utility of cerebral autoregulation indices in detecting severe brain injury varies by cooling treatment phase in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"The application of Raman spectroscopy and chemometric methods for analysis healthy blood and blood with BRCA mutation" LINK


"Regional pulmonary oxygen saturations immediately after birth" LINK

"Near-IR study of the impact of alkyl-ammonium and-phosphonium cations on the hydration of montmorillonite" LINK

The only known photo of Schrodinger's cat. LINK

"Radical Anions and Dianions of Naphthalenediimides Generated within Layer-by-Layer Zirconium Phosphonate Thin Films" LINK

"Genetic variation among pumpkin landraces based on seed qualities and molecular markers" | LINK

"The Spectral Mixture Residual: A Source of LowVariance Information to Enhance the Explainability and Accuracy of Surface Biology and Geology Retrievals" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services


Professionelle chemometrische NIR-Methodenentwicklung | Chemometrie Spektroskopie Analytik Qualitätskontrolle NIT LINK

Save time & money by replacing labor intensive manual & adhoc NIR data analysis processes | analysis measurement lab LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Abstract TP65: Evaluation Of Leg Microvascular Function In Chronic Stroke Survivors Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy And The Vascular Occlusion Technique." LINK

"Remote Sensing : Using Ensemble-Based Systems with Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Data to Estimate Seasonal Snowpack Density" LINK

"Ultra-Broadband and High Efficiency Near-Infrared Gd3ZnxGa5-2xGexO12: Cr3+ (x= 0-2.0) Garnet Phosphors via Crystal Field Engineering" LINK

"Analysis of initiator content of prepreg by near-infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Rapid Determination of Pachymic Acid Content by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Novel automatic model construction method for the rapid characterization of petroleum properties from near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid discrimination of Turkish commercial hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) varieties using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"fNIRS brain measures of ongoing nociception during surgical incisions under anesthesia" | LINK

"An unexpected reduction in the value of near-infrared spectroscopy in a child with moyamoya disease" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Electrochromism of Nanographenes in the NearInfrared Region" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Monitoring of Moisture Contents and Rehydration Rates of Microwave Vacuum and Hot Air Dehydrated Beef Slices and Splits Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Rapid and nondestructive detection of marine fishmeal adulteration by hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK

"Real-time monitoring the color changes of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) fillets based on hyperspectral imaging empowered with artificial intelligence" LINK

"Prediction of total carotenoids, color and moisture content of carrot slices during hot air drying using non‐invasive hyperspectral imaging technique" LINK

"The development of on-line surface defect detection system for jujubes based on hyperspectral images" LINK

"Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Aspergillus Flavus Infection and Aflatoxin B1 Biosynthesis on Maize Kernels Probed by SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging and Synchrotron ..." LINK

"A back‐propagation neural network model using hyperspectral imaging applied to variety nondestructive detection of cereal" LINK

"An Attention Involved Network Stacked by Dual-channel Residual Block for Hyperspectral Image Classification" LINK

"Determination of total flavonoid and polysaccharide content in Anoectochilus formosanus in response to different light qualities using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Non-Destructive Genotyping of Cultivars and Strains of Sesame through NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Multivariate assessment for predicting antioxidant activity from clove and pomegranate extracts by MCR-ALS and PLS models combined to IR spectroscopy" LINK

"Sensors : Prediction of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Biomarker Concentration by Application of Machine Learning to Mid-Infrared Spectra" LINK

"Identification of Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl in different harvest periods using intelligent sensory technologies, HPLC characteristic fingerprint coupled with chemometrics" LINK

"Corn Seed Defect Detection Based on Watershed Algorithm and Two-Pathway Convolutional Neural Networks" | LINK

"Blood Glucose Prediction Using Machine Learning on Jetson Nanoplatform" LINK

"Diffuse Reflection Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis for Temperature Prediction of Irreversible Thermochromic Paints" LINK

"Rapid detection of fumonisin B(1) and B(2) in ground corn samples using smartphone-controlled portable near-infrared spectrometry and chemometrics" LINK

"Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy Combined with Deep Learning to Identify the Proximate Geographical Origin of Wolfberries and Optimization from Fusion ..." LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Nanomaterials : Long-Term Fluorescence Behavior of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots on Various Planar Chromatographic Stationary Phases" LINK

"Polymers : Detection of Organosulfur and Organophosphorus Compounds Using a Hexafluorobutyl Acrylate-Coated Tapered Optical Fibers" LINK


"Identification of coumarinbased food additives using terahertz spectroscopy combined with manifold learning and improved support vector machine" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Studying sand component of soil texture using the spectroscopic method" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Remote Sensing : Combining Spectral and Textural Information from UAV RGB Images for Leaf Area Index Monitoring in Kiwifruit Orchard" LINK

"A Perfect Pair: Stabilized Black Phosphorous Nanosheets Engineering with Antimicrobial Peptides for Robust MultiDrug Resistant Bacteria Eradication" | LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Strategies of efficient estimation of soil organic content at the local scale based on a national spectral database" LINK

"Remote Sensing : A Novel Spectral Index for Automatic Canola Mapping by Using Sentinel-2 Imagery" LINK

"Joint control by soil moisture, functional genes and substrates on response of N2O flux to climate extremes in a semiarid grassland" LINK

"Remote Sensing : The Brazilian Soil Spectral Service (BraSpecS): A User-Friendly System for Global Soil Spectra Communication" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Using LiDAR System as a Data Source for Agricultural Land Boundaries" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Multispectral Image Data to Monitor the Growth of Intercropping Crops in Tea Plantation" | LINK

Fully Automated Hydroponics Farm. farm hydroponics tech DigitalTransformation innovation Robotics robots agriculture LINK

"Foods : Comprehensive Study of Traditional Plant Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea L.) Grown in Croatia in Terms of Nutritional and Bioactive Composition" LINK

"Prediction of fumonisins B1 and B2 in corn distiller's dried grains with solubles through near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Energies : Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Decomposition Based on Kaya Identity of GHG Emissions from Agricultural Sector in Baltic States" LINK

"Optical imaging spectroscopy for rapid, primary screening of SARS-CoV-2: a proof of concept" LINK

"Optical Spectrometry to Determine Nutrient Concentrations and other Physicochemical Parameters in Liquid Organic Manures: A Review" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Crop Classification for Agricultural Applications in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images" LINK

"A new salt-inclusion compound,| Ag4Br|@[B7O12], with a novel type of the porous double-layered borate anion and strong anharmonicity of the “guest” sublattice" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Accurate nondestructive prediction of soluble solids content in citrus by near‐infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with characteristic variable selection" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Exploring Chemical Markers Related to the Acceptance and Sensory Profiles of Concentrated Liquid Coffees: An Untargeted Metabolomics Approach" LINK

"Effects of Irrigation Strategy and Plastic Film Mulching on Soil N2O Emissions and Fruit Yields of Greenhouse Tomato" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"The utility of cerebral autoregulation indices in detecting severe brain injury varies by cooling treatment phase in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"The application of Raman spectroscopy and chemometric methods for analysis healthy blood and blood with BRCA mutation" LINK


"Regional pulmonary oxygen saturations immediately after birth" LINK

"Near-IR study of the impact of alkyl-ammonium and-phosphonium cations on the hydration of montmorillonite" LINK

The only known photo of Schrodinger's cat. LINK

"Radical Anions and Dianions of Naphthalenediimides Generated within Layer-by-Layer Zirconium Phosphonate Thin Films" LINK

"Genetic variation among pumpkin landraces based on seed qualities and molecular markers" | LINK

"The Spectral Mixture Residual: A Source of LowVariance Information to Enhance the Explainability and Accuracy of Surface Biology and Geology Retrievals" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services


Professionelle chemometrische NIR-Methodenentwicklung | Chemometrie Spektroskopie Analytik Qualitätskontrolle NIT LINK

Save time & money by replacing labor intensive manual & adhoc NIR data analysis processes | analysis measurement lab LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 14, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Abstract TP65: Evaluation Of Leg Microvascular Function In Chronic Stroke Survivors Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy And The Vascular Occlusion Technique." LINK

"Remote Sensing : Using Ensemble-Based Systems with Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Data to Estimate Seasonal Snowpack Density" LINK

"Ultra-Broadband and High Efficiency Near-Infrared Gd3ZnxGa5-2xGexO12: Cr3+ (x= 0-2.0) Garnet Phosphors via Crystal Field Engineering" LINK

"Analysis of initiator content of prepreg by near-infrared spectroscopy" | LINK

"Rapid Determination of Pachymic Acid Content by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" | LINK

"Novel automatic model construction method for the rapid characterization of petroleum properties from near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid discrimination of Turkish commercial hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) varieties using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"fNIRS brain measures of ongoing nociception during surgical incisions under anesthesia" | LINK

"An unexpected reduction in the value of near-infrared spectroscopy in a child with moyamoya disease" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Electrochromism of Nanographenes in the NearInfrared Region" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Monitoring of Moisture Contents and Rehydration Rates of Microwave Vacuum and Hot Air Dehydrated Beef Slices and Splits Using Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Rapid and nondestructive detection of marine fishmeal adulteration by hyperspectral imaging and machine learning" LINK

"Real-time monitoring the color changes of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) fillets based on hyperspectral imaging empowered with artificial intelligence" LINK

"Prediction of total carotenoids, color and moisture content of carrot slices during hot air drying using non‐invasive hyperspectral imaging technique" LINK

"The development of on-line surface defect detection system for jujubes based on hyperspectral images" LINK

"Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Aspergillus Flavus Infection and Aflatoxin B1 Biosynthesis on Maize Kernels Probed by SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging and Synchrotron ..." LINK

"A back‐propagation neural network model using hyperspectral imaging applied to variety nondestructive detection of cereal" LINK

"An Attention Involved Network Stacked by Dual-channel Residual Block for Hyperspectral Image Classification" LINK

"Determination of total flavonoid and polysaccharide content in Anoectochilus formosanus in response to different light qualities using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Non-Destructive Genotyping of Cultivars and Strains of Sesame through NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Multivariate assessment for predicting antioxidant activity from clove and pomegranate extracts by MCR-ALS and PLS models combined to IR spectroscopy" LINK

"Sensors : Prediction of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Biomarker Concentration by Application of Machine Learning to Mid-Infrared Spectra" LINK

"Identification of Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl in different harvest periods using intelligent sensory technologies, HPLC characteristic fingerprint coupled with chemometrics" LINK

"Corn Seed Defect Detection Based on Watershed Algorithm and Two-Pathway Convolutional Neural Networks" | LINK

"Blood Glucose Prediction Using Machine Learning on Jetson Nanoplatform" LINK

"Diffuse Reflection Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression Analysis for Temperature Prediction of Irreversible Thermochromic Paints" LINK

"Rapid detection of fumonisin B(1) and B(2) in ground corn samples using smartphone-controlled portable near-infrared spectrometry and chemometrics" LINK

"Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy Combined with Deep Learning to Identify the Proximate Geographical Origin of Wolfberries and Optimization from Fusion ..." LINK

Optics for Spectroscopy

"Nanomaterials : Long-Term Fluorescence Behavior of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots on Various Planar Chromatographic Stationary Phases" LINK

"Polymers : Detection of Organosulfur and Organophosphorus Compounds Using a Hexafluorobutyl Acrylate-Coated Tapered Optical Fibers" LINK


"Identification of coumarinbased food additives using terahertz spectroscopy combined with manifold learning and improved support vector machine" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Studying sand component of soil texture using the spectroscopic method" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Remote Sensing : Combining Spectral and Textural Information from UAV RGB Images for Leaf Area Index Monitoring in Kiwifruit Orchard" LINK

"A Perfect Pair: Stabilized Black Phosphorous Nanosheets Engineering with Antimicrobial Peptides for Robust MultiDrug Resistant Bacteria Eradication" | LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Strategies of efficient estimation of soil organic content at the local scale based on a national spectral database" LINK

"Remote Sensing : A Novel Spectral Index for Automatic Canola Mapping by Using Sentinel-2 Imagery" LINK

"Joint control by soil moisture, functional genes and substrates on response of N2O flux to climate extremes in a semiarid grassland" LINK

"Remote Sensing : The Brazilian Soil Spectral Service (BraSpecS): A User-Friendly System for Global Soil Spectra Communication" LINK

"Remote Sensing : Using LiDAR System as a Data Source for Agricultural Land Boundaries" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Multispectral Image Data to Monitor the Growth of Intercropping Crops in Tea Plantation" | LINK

Fully Automated Hydroponics Farm. farm hydroponics tech DigitalTransformation innovation Robotics robots agriculture LINK

"Foods : Comprehensive Study of Traditional Plant Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea L.) Grown in Croatia in Terms of Nutritional and Bioactive Composition" LINK

"Prediction of fumonisins B1 and B2 in corn distiller's dried grains with solubles through near infrared reflectance spectroscopy" LINK

"Energies : Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Decomposition Based on Kaya Identity of GHG Emissions from Agricultural Sector in Baltic States" LINK

"Optical imaging spectroscopy for rapid, primary screening of SARS-CoV-2: a proof of concept" LINK

"Optical Spectrometry to Determine Nutrient Concentrations and other Physicochemical Parameters in Liquid Organic Manures: A Review" LINK

"Applied Sciences : Crop Classification for Agricultural Applications in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images" LINK

"A new salt-inclusion compound,| Ag4Br|@[B7O12], with a novel type of the porous double-layered borate anion and strong anharmonicity of the “guest” sublattice" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Accurate nondestructive prediction of soluble solids content in citrus by near‐infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with characteristic variable selection" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Foods : Exploring Chemical Markers Related to the Acceptance and Sensory Profiles of Concentrated Liquid Coffees: An Untargeted Metabolomics Approach" LINK

"Effects of Irrigation Strategy and Plastic Film Mulching on Soil N2O Emissions and Fruit Yields of Greenhouse Tomato" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"The utility of cerebral autoregulation indices in detecting severe brain injury varies by cooling treatment phase in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"The application of Raman spectroscopy and chemometric methods for analysis healthy blood and blood with BRCA mutation" LINK


"Regional pulmonary oxygen saturations immediately after birth" LINK

"Near-IR study of the impact of alkyl-ammonium and-phosphonium cations on the hydration of montmorillonite" LINK

The only known photo of Schrodinger's cat. LINK

"Radical Anions and Dianions of Naphthalenediimides Generated within Layer-by-Layer Zirconium Phosphonate Thin Films" LINK

"Genetic variation among pumpkin landraces based on seed qualities and molecular markers" | LINK

"The Spectral Mixture Residual: A Source of LowVariance Information to Enhance the Explainability and Accuracy of Surface Biology and Geology Retrievals" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics/Machine-Learning News Weekly #8, 2022Spektroskopie und Chemometrie/Machine-Learning News Wöchentlich #8, 2022Spettroscopia e Chemiometria/Machine-Learning Weekly News #8, 2022

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 7, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Nirs Technology (Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy) for Detecting Soil Fertility Case Study in Aceh Province" LINK

"Fourier transform and near infrared dataset of dialdehyde celluloses used to determine the degree of oxidation with chemometric analysis" LINK

"NIRS and Aquaphotomics Trace Robusta-to-Arabica Ratio in Liquid Coffee Blends" LINK

"Development of a generic NIRS calibration pipeline using deep learning and model ensembling: application to some reference datasets" LINK

"Foods : Rapid Differentiation of Unfrozen and Frozen-Thawed Tuna with Non-Destructive Methods and Classification Models: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)" LINK

"Rapid and accurate determination of prohibited components in pesticides based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"NIR spectroscopic methods for monitoring blend potency in a feed frame - calibration transfer between offline and inline using a continuum regression filter" LINK

"A FT-NIR Process Analytical Technology Approach for Milk Renneting Control" LINK

"Construction and Verification of a Mathematical Model for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Gel Consistency in Southern Indica Rice" LINK

"Research on Construction of Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis Model for Soluble Solid Content in Different Colors of Jujube" LINK

"Quantitative Detection of Agaricus Bisporus Freshness Based on VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Foods : Rapid Determination of β-Glucan Content of Hulled and Naked Oats Using near Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics" LINK

"A ready-to-use portable VIS-NIR spectroscopy device to assess superior EVOO quality" | LINK

"Challenges, Opportunities and Recent Advances in Near Infrared Spectroscopy Applications for Monitoring Blend Uniformity in the Continuous Manufacturing of Solid ..." LINK

"The use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict dairy fibre feeds in vitro digestibility" LINK

"Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) detection to differentiate morning and afternoon milk based on nutrient contents and fatty acid profiles" LINK

"Application of Various Algorithms for Spectral Variable Selection in NIRS Modeling of Red Ginseng Extraction" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy to predict plaque progression in plaque-free artery regions" LINK

"The evolution of chemometrics coupled with near infrared spectroscopy for fruit quality evaluation" LINK

"Quantitative Detection of Agaricus Bisporus Freshness Based on VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of SG-MSC-MC-UVE-PLS Algorithm in Whole Blood Hemoglobin Concentration Detection Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a tool to predict non-starch polysaccharide composition and starch digestibility profiles in common monogastric ..." LINK

"Development of SOP for NIRS spectral measurement on fresh grounded yam tubers and cassava roots" LINK

"Development of calibration models within a closed feed frame to determine drug concentration using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Amazonian cacao-clone nibs discrimination using NIR spectroscopy coupled to naïve Bayes classifier and a new waveband selection approach" LINK

"Foods : A FT-NIR Process Analytical Technology Approach for Milk Renneting Control" LINK

"Study on Soil Salinity Estimation Method of “Moisture Resistance” Using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Coastal Region" LINK

"Can Grassland Chemical Quality Be Quantified Using Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy?" LINK

"High Near-Infrared Reflective Zn 1-x A x WO 4 Pigments with Various Hues Facilely Fabricated by Tuning Doped Transition Metal Ions (A= Co, Mn, and Fe)" LINK

"Rapid Differentiation of Unfrozen and Frozen-Thawed Tuna with Non-Destructive Methods and Classification Models: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)" LINK

"The Relationship Between Genetic Variations and NIRs Differences of Eucalyptus Pellita Provenances" LINK

"Prediction of quality of total mixed ration for dairy cows by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and empirical equations" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Agricultural products quality determination by means of near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"A Near-Infrared TDLAS Online Detection Device for Dissolved Gas in Transformer Oil" LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Detection of Cotton/Polyester Content Based on Dropout Deep Belief Network" LINK

"Study on Near-Infrared Spectrum Acquisition Method of Non-Uniform Solid Particles" LINK

"Scanning interferometric near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"A broadband near‐infrared Sc1‐x(PO3)3:xCr3+ phosphor with enhanced thermal stability and quantum yield by Yb3+ codoping" LINK

"Minerals : Geometallurgical Characterisation with Portable FTIR: Application to Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Ores" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Developing deep learning based regression approaches for prediction of firmness and pH in Kyoho grape using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Robustness and accuracy evaluation of moisture prediction model for black tea withering process using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Remote Sensing : Improved Method to Detect the Tailings Ponds from Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Based on Faster R-CNN and Transfer Learning" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Nir Spectral Techniques and Chemometrics Applied to Food Processing" | LINK

"Consistent Value Creation from Bioprocess Data with Customized Algorithms: Opportunities Beyond Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Effect of variable selection algorithms on model performance for predicting moisture content in biological materials using spectral data" LINK

"Chemometrics: An Excavator in Temperature-Dependent Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Development of Calibration-Free/Minimal Calibration Wavelength Selection for Iterative Optimization Technology Algorithms toward Process Analytical Technology Application" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"The utility of a near-infrared spectrometer to predict the maturity of green peas (Pisum sativum)" LINK

"Effect of lanthanum content on the thermophysical properties and near-infrared reflection properties of lanthanum-cerium oxides" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Emerging non-destructive imaging techniques for fruit damage detection: Image processing and analysis" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Fusion of visible nearinfrared and midinfrared data for modelling key soilforming processes in loess soils" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Preharvest phenotypic prediction of grain quality and yield of durum wheat using multispectral imaging" LINK

"Remote Sensing : A Random Forest Algorithm for Retrieving Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Wheat and Soybean Trained with PROSAIL Simulations Using Adjusted Average Leaf Angle" LINK

"Agriculture : Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis Methods for the Non-Destructive Evaluation of Phenolics Compounds in Moringa Powder" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Nondestructive detection of total soluble solids in grapes using VMDRC and hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Influence of growth parameters on wood density of Acacia auriculiformis" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Data fusion of near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra and transmittance spectra for the accurate determination of rice flour constituents" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Carbon Dots with Intrinsic Bioactivities for Photothermal Optical Coherence Tomography, tumorspecific Therapy and Postoperative Wound Management" LINK


"Potential denitrification activity response to long-term nitrogen fertilization-A global meta-analysis" LINK

"Annealing induced phase transformation from amorphous to polycrystalline SnSe2 thin film photo detector with enhanced light-matter interaction" LINK

"MoS2/PVA Hybrid Hydrogel with Excellent LightResponsive Antibacterial Activity and Enhanced Mechanical Properties for Wound Dressing" LINK

"Influence of Substrate Temperature on Structural and Optical Properties of Co-Evaporated Cu2SnS3/ITO Thin Films" | LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 7, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Nirs Technology (Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy) for Detecting Soil Fertility Case Study in Aceh Province" LINK

"Fourier transform and near infrared dataset of dialdehyde celluloses used to determine the degree of oxidation with chemometric analysis" LINK

"NIRS and Aquaphotomics Trace Robusta-to-Arabica Ratio in Liquid Coffee Blends" LINK

"Development of a generic NIRS calibration pipeline using deep learning and model ensembling: application to some reference datasets" LINK

"Foods : Rapid Differentiation of Unfrozen and Frozen-Thawed Tuna with Non-Destructive Methods and Classification Models: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)" LINK

"Rapid and accurate determination of prohibited components in pesticides based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"NIR spectroscopic methods for monitoring blend potency in a feed frame - calibration transfer between offline and inline using a continuum regression filter" LINK

"A FT-NIR Process Analytical Technology Approach for Milk Renneting Control" LINK

"Construction and Verification of a Mathematical Model for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Gel Consistency in Southern Indica Rice" LINK

"Research on Construction of Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis Model for Soluble Solid Content in Different Colors of Jujube" LINK

"Quantitative Detection of Agaricus Bisporus Freshness Based on VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Foods : Rapid Determination of β-Glucan Content of Hulled and Naked Oats Using near Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics" LINK

"A ready-to-use portable VIS-NIR spectroscopy device to assess superior EVOO quality" | LINK

"Challenges, Opportunities and Recent Advances in Near Infrared Spectroscopy Applications for Monitoring Blend Uniformity in the Continuous Manufacturing of Solid ..." LINK

"The use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict dairy fibre feeds in vitro digestibility" LINK

"Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) detection to differentiate morning and afternoon milk based on nutrient contents and fatty acid profiles" LINK

"Application of Various Algorithms for Spectral Variable Selection in NIRS Modeling of Red Ginseng Extraction" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy to predict plaque progression in plaque-free artery regions" LINK

"The evolution of chemometrics coupled with near infrared spectroscopy for fruit quality evaluation" LINK

"Quantitative Detection of Agaricus Bisporus Freshness Based on VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of SG-MSC-MC-UVE-PLS Algorithm in Whole Blood Hemoglobin Concentration Detection Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a tool to predict non-starch polysaccharide composition and starch digestibility profiles in common monogastric ..." LINK

"Development of SOP for NIRS spectral measurement on fresh grounded yam tubers and cassava roots" LINK

"Development of calibration models within a closed feed frame to determine drug concentration using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Amazonian cacao-clone nibs discrimination using NIR spectroscopy coupled to naïve Bayes classifier and a new waveband selection approach" LINK

"Foods : A FT-NIR Process Analytical Technology Approach for Milk Renneting Control" LINK

"Study on Soil Salinity Estimation Method of “Moisture Resistance” Using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Coastal Region" LINK

"Can Grassland Chemical Quality Be Quantified Using Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy?" LINK

"High Near-Infrared Reflective Zn 1-x A x WO 4 Pigments with Various Hues Facilely Fabricated by Tuning Doped Transition Metal Ions (A= Co, Mn, and Fe)" LINK

"Rapid Differentiation of Unfrozen and Frozen-Thawed Tuna with Non-Destructive Methods and Classification Models: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)" LINK

"The Relationship Between Genetic Variations and NIRs Differences of Eucalyptus Pellita Provenances" LINK

"Prediction of quality of total mixed ration for dairy cows by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and empirical equations" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Agricultural products quality determination by means of near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"A Near-Infrared TDLAS Online Detection Device for Dissolved Gas in Transformer Oil" LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Detection of Cotton/Polyester Content Based on Dropout Deep Belief Network" LINK

"Study on Near-Infrared Spectrum Acquisition Method of Non-Uniform Solid Particles" LINK

"Scanning interferometric near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"A broadband near‐infrared Sc1‐x(PO3)3:xCr3+ phosphor with enhanced thermal stability and quantum yield by Yb3+ codoping" LINK

"Minerals : Geometallurgical Characterisation with Portable FTIR: Application to Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Ores" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Developing deep learning based regression approaches for prediction of firmness and pH in Kyoho grape using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Robustness and accuracy evaluation of moisture prediction model for black tea withering process using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Remote Sensing : Improved Method to Detect the Tailings Ponds from Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Based on Faster R-CNN and Transfer Learning" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Nir Spectral Techniques and Chemometrics Applied to Food Processing" | LINK

"Consistent Value Creation from Bioprocess Data with Customized Algorithms: Opportunities Beyond Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Effect of variable selection algorithms on model performance for predicting moisture content in biological materials using spectral data" LINK

"Chemometrics: An Excavator in Temperature-Dependent Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Development of Calibration-Free/Minimal Calibration Wavelength Selection for Iterative Optimization Technology Algorithms toward Process Analytical Technology Application" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"The utility of a near-infrared spectrometer to predict the maturity of green peas (Pisum sativum)" LINK

"Effect of lanthanum content on the thermophysical properties and near-infrared reflection properties of lanthanum-cerium oxides" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Emerging non-destructive imaging techniques for fruit damage detection: Image processing and analysis" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Fusion of visible nearinfrared and midinfrared data for modelling key soilforming processes in loess soils" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Preharvest phenotypic prediction of grain quality and yield of durum wheat using multispectral imaging" LINK

"Remote Sensing : A Random Forest Algorithm for Retrieving Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Wheat and Soybean Trained with PROSAIL Simulations Using Adjusted Average Leaf Angle" LINK

"Agriculture : Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis Methods for the Non-Destructive Evaluation of Phenolics Compounds in Moringa Powder" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Nondestructive detection of total soluble solids in grapes using VMDRC and hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Influence of growth parameters on wood density of Acacia auriculiformis" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Data fusion of near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra and transmittance spectra for the accurate determination of rice flour constituents" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Carbon Dots with Intrinsic Bioactivities for Photothermal Optical Coherence Tomography, tumorspecific Therapy and Postoperative Wound Management" LINK


"Potential denitrification activity response to long-term nitrogen fertilization-A global meta-analysis" LINK

"Annealing induced phase transformation from amorphous to polycrystalline SnSe2 thin film photo detector with enhanced light-matter interaction" LINK

"MoS2/PVA Hybrid Hydrogel with Excellent LightResponsive Antibacterial Activity and Enhanced Mechanical Properties for Wound Dressing" LINK

"Influence of Substrate Temperature on Structural and Optical Properties of Co-Evaporated Cu2SnS3/ITO Thin Films" | LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 7, 2022 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Nirs Technology (Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy) for Detecting Soil Fertility Case Study in Aceh Province" LINK

"Fourier transform and near infrared dataset of dialdehyde celluloses used to determine the degree of oxidation with chemometric analysis" LINK

"NIRS and Aquaphotomics Trace Robusta-to-Arabica Ratio in Liquid Coffee Blends" LINK

"Development of a generic NIRS calibration pipeline using deep learning and model ensembling: application to some reference datasets" LINK

"Foods : Rapid Differentiation of Unfrozen and Frozen-Thawed Tuna with Non-Destructive Methods and Classification Models: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)" LINK

"Rapid and accurate determination of prohibited components in pesticides based on near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"NIR spectroscopic methods for monitoring blend potency in a feed frame - calibration transfer between offline and inline using a continuum regression filter" LINK

"A FT-NIR Process Analytical Technology Approach for Milk Renneting Control" LINK

"Construction and Verification of a Mathematical Model for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Gel Consistency in Southern Indica Rice" LINK

"Research on Construction of Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis Model for Soluble Solid Content in Different Colors of Jujube" LINK

"Quantitative Detection of Agaricus Bisporus Freshness Based on VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Foods : Rapid Determination of β-Glucan Content of Hulled and Naked Oats Using near Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics" LINK

"A ready-to-use portable VIS-NIR spectroscopy device to assess superior EVOO quality" | LINK

"Challenges, Opportunities and Recent Advances in Near Infrared Spectroscopy Applications for Monitoring Blend Uniformity in the Continuous Manufacturing of Solid ..." LINK

"The use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict dairy fibre feeds in vitro digestibility" LINK

"Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) detection to differentiate morning and afternoon milk based on nutrient contents and fatty acid profiles" LINK

"Application of Various Algorithms for Spectral Variable Selection in NIRS Modeling of Red Ginseng Extraction" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy to predict plaque progression in plaque-free artery regions" LINK

"The evolution of chemometrics coupled with near infrared spectroscopy for fruit quality evaluation" LINK

"Quantitative Detection of Agaricus Bisporus Freshness Based on VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"Application of SG-MSC-MC-UVE-PLS Algorithm in Whole Blood Hemoglobin Concentration Detection Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a tool to predict non-starch polysaccharide composition and starch digestibility profiles in common monogastric ..." LINK

"Development of SOP for NIRS spectral measurement on fresh grounded yam tubers and cassava roots" LINK

"Development of calibration models within a closed feed frame to determine drug concentration using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Amazonian cacao-clone nibs discrimination using NIR spectroscopy coupled to naïve Bayes classifier and a new waveband selection approach" LINK

"Foods : A FT-NIR Process Analytical Technology Approach for Milk Renneting Control" LINK

"Study on Soil Salinity Estimation Method of “Moisture Resistance” Using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Coastal Region" LINK

"Can Grassland Chemical Quality Be Quantified Using Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy?" LINK

"High Near-Infrared Reflective Zn 1-x A x WO 4 Pigments with Various Hues Facilely Fabricated by Tuning Doped Transition Metal Ions (A= Co, Mn, and Fe)" LINK

"Rapid Differentiation of Unfrozen and Frozen-Thawed Tuna with Non-Destructive Methods and Classification Models: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)" LINK

"The Relationship Between Genetic Variations and NIRs Differences of Eucalyptus Pellita Provenances" LINK

"Prediction of quality of total mixed ration for dairy cows by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and empirical equations" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Agricultural products quality determination by means of near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"A Near-Infrared TDLAS Online Detection Device for Dissolved Gas in Transformer Oil" LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Detection of Cotton/Polyester Content Based on Dropout Deep Belief Network" LINK

"Study on Near-Infrared Spectrum Acquisition Method of Non-Uniform Solid Particles" LINK

"Scanning interferometric near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"A broadband near‐infrared Sc1‐x(PO3)3:xCr3+ phosphor with enhanced thermal stability and quantum yield by Yb3+ codoping" LINK

"Minerals : Geometallurgical Characterisation with Portable FTIR: Application to Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Ores" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Developing deep learning based regression approaches for prediction of firmness and pH in Kyoho grape using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Robustness and accuracy evaluation of moisture prediction model for black tea withering process using hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Spectral Imaging

"Remote Sensing : Improved Method to Detect the Tailings Ponds from Multispectral Remote Sensing Images Based on Faster R-CNN and Transfer Learning" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Nir Spectral Techniques and Chemometrics Applied to Food Processing" | LINK

"Consistent Value Creation from Bioprocess Data with Customized Algorithms: Opportunities Beyond Multivariate Analysis" LINK

"Effect of variable selection algorithms on model performance for predicting moisture content in biological materials using spectral data" LINK

"Chemometrics: An Excavator in Temperature-Dependent Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Development of Calibration-Free/Minimal Calibration Wavelength Selection for Iterative Optimization Technology Algorithms toward Process Analytical Technology Application" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"The utility of a near-infrared spectrometer to predict the maturity of green peas (Pisum sativum)" LINK

"Effect of lanthanum content on the thermophysical properties and near-infrared reflection properties of lanthanum-cerium oxides" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"Emerging non-destructive imaging techniques for fruit damage detection: Image processing and analysis" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Fusion of visible nearinfrared and midinfrared data for modelling key soilforming processes in loess soils" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Preharvest phenotypic prediction of grain quality and yield of durum wheat using multispectral imaging" LINK

"Remote Sensing : A Random Forest Algorithm for Retrieving Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Wheat and Soybean Trained with PROSAIL Simulations Using Adjusted Average Leaf Angle" LINK

"Agriculture : Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis Methods for the Non-Destructive Evaluation of Phenolics Compounds in Moringa Powder" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Nondestructive detection of total soluble solids in grapes using VMDRC and hyperspectral imaging" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Influence of growth parameters on wood density of Acacia auriculiformis" | LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Data fusion of near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra and transmittance spectra for the accurate determination of rice flour constituents" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Carbon Dots with Intrinsic Bioactivities for Photothermal Optical Coherence Tomography, tumorspecific Therapy and Postoperative Wound Management" LINK


"Potential denitrification activity response to long-term nitrogen fertilization-A global meta-analysis" LINK

"Annealing induced phase transformation from amorphous to polycrystalline SnSe2 thin film photo detector with enhanced light-matter interaction" LINK

"MoS2/PVA Hybrid Hydrogel with Excellent LightResponsive Antibacterial Activity and Enhanced Mechanical Properties for Wound Dressing" LINK

"Influence of Substrate Temperature on Structural and Optical Properties of Co-Evaporated Cu2SnS3/ITO Thin Films" | LINK


Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #13, 2021Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #13, 2021Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #13, 2021

NIR Calibration-Model Services

NIRS Analytical Laboratory Method Development : Reduce Workload and Response Time | MethodDevelopment modeling LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 12, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Application Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Service Software Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Differentiation between Fresh and Thawed Cephalopods Using NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Data Analysis. Foods 2021, 10, 528" LINK

"Ethanol-soluble carbohydrates of cool-season grasses: prediction of concentration by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and evaluation of effects of ..." LINK

"An Evaluation of Different NIR-Spectral Pre-Treatments to Derive the Soil Parameters C and N of a Humus-Clay-Rich Soil" LINK

"Prediction of Physicochemical Properties in Honeys with Portable Near-Infrared (microNIR) Spectroscopy Combined with Multivariate Data Processing" LINK

"Comparison between single and mixed-species NIRS databases' accuracy of dairy fiber feed value detection" LINK

"Using autoencoders to compress soil VNIR–SWIR spectra for more robust prediction of soil properties" LINK

"Prediction of some quality properties of rice and its flour by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis." ricequality Amylose viscosity LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Nitrogen Management Based on Visible/Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Pear Orchards" Remote Sensing LINK

"Applications of near infrared spectroscopy for fish and fish products quality: a review" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for Monitoring and Control of Protein and Excipient Concentration in Ultrafiltration of Highly Concentrated Antibody Formulations" LINK

"Determination of soluble solid content in market tomatoes using Near-infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Discriminating Coalho cheese by origin through near and middle infrared spectroscopy and analytical measures" LINK

"Current and future research directions in computer-aided near-infrared spectroscopy: A perspective" LINK

"Estimation of the Relative Abundance of Quartz to Clay Minerals Using the Visible–Near-Infrared–Shortwave- Infrared Spectral Region" LINK

"Estimating the Lactate Threshold Using Wireless Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Threshold Detection Analyses" LINK

"Smart SelfAssembly Amphiphilic CyclopeptideDye for NearInfrared WindowII Imaging" LINK

"Application of Long-Wave Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Determination of Moisture Content of Single Maize Seed" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for Monitoring and Control of Protein and Excipient Concentration in Ultrafiltration of Highly Concentrated Antibody ..." LINK

" Achieving the potential multifunctional near-infrared materials Ca 3 In 2− x Ga x Ge 3 O 12: Cr 3+ using a solid state method" LINK

"ATR-FTIR Microspectroscopy Brings a Novel Insight Into the Study of Cell Wall Chemistry at the Cellular Level" LINK

"Development and performance tests of an on-the-go detector of soil total nitrogen concentration based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Mid-Infrared Scattering in -Al2O3 Catalytic Powders" LINK

"Rapid tannin profiling of tree fodders using untargeted mid-infrared spectroscopy and partial least squares regression" LINK

"Intelligent evaluation of taste constituents and polyphenols-to-amino acids ratio in matcha tea powder using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"In vivo diagnosis of skin cancer with a portable Raman spectroscopic device" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

" A chemometric view of hyperspectral images" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

" A synergistic use of chemometrics and deep learning improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for dry matter prediction in ..." LINK

"Soil exchangeable cations estimation using Vis-NIR spectroscopy in different depths: Effects of multiple calibration models and spiking" LINK

"Prediction of Tea Theanine Content using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Flower Pollination Algorithm" LINK

"Predicting Oil Content In Ripe Macaw Fruits (Acrocomia Aculeata) From Unripe Ones By Near Infrared Spectroscopy And Pls Regression" LINK

"A Model Based on Clusters of Similar Color and NIR to Estimate Oil Content of Single Olives" LINK

"Quick Determination and Discrimination of Commercial Hand Sanitisers Using Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"A synergistic use of chemometrics and deep learning improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for dry matter prediction in mango fruit" LINK

"Comparative study between Partial Least Squares and Rational function Ridge Regression models for the prediction of moisture content of woodchip samples using a handheld spectrophotometer" LINK

"Classification of Lingwu long jujube internal bruise over time based on visible near-infrared hyperspectral imaging combined with partial least squares-discriminant ..." LINK

"Nondestructive qualitative and quantitative analysis of Yaobitong capsule using near-infrared spectroscopy in tandem with chemometrics" LINK

"Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy: classification and rapid prediction of patchouli oil content" LINK

"Chemometric classification of geothermal and non-geothermal ethanol leaf extract of seurapoh (Chromolaena odorata Linn) using infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"In-Line Technologies for the Analysis of Important Milk Parameters during the Milking Process: A Review" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing, Vol. 13, Pages 1105: Water Conservation Estimation Based on Time Series NDVI in the Yellow River Basin" LINK

"A novel framework to estimate soil mineralogy using soil spectroscopy" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Pentosan polysulfate maculopathy: Prevalence, spectrum of disease, and choroidal imaging analysis based on prospective screening: Pentosan maculopathy: disease spectrum & choroidal analysis" LINK

"An Alternative Approach to Evaluate the Quality of Protein-Based Raw Materials for Dry Pet Food. Animals 2021, 11, 458" LINK

"The use of NIR sensor technology for soil test-based decision making in agriculture" LINK

"Estimation of Starch Hydrolysis in Sweet Potato (Beni haruka) Based on Storage Period Using Nondestructive Near-Infrared Spectrometry. Agriculture 2021, 11, 135" LINK

"Handheld vs. Benchtop NearInfrared Spectrometers - How Do They Compare for Analyzing Forage Nutritive Value?" LINK

"Foods, Vol. 10, Pages 612: Preliminary Insights in Sensory Profile of Sweet Cherries" LINK

"Comparing CalReg performance with other multivariate methods for estimating selected soil properties from Moroccan agricultural regions using NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Potential of Multivariate Statistical Technique Based on the Effective Spectra Bands to Estimate the Plant Water Content of Wheat Under Different Irrigation Regimes" LINK

"Agriculture, Vol. 11, Pages 239: In-Line Technologies for the Analysis of Important Milk Parameters during the Milking Process: A Review" LINK

"Foods, Vol. 10, Pages 496: Fatty Acid Composition from Olive Oils of Portuguese Centenarian Trees Is Highly Dependent on Olive Cultivar and Crop Year" LINK

"Automated in-field leaf-level hyperspectral imaging of corn plants using a Cartesian robotic platform" LINK

"A novel compact intrinsic safety full range Methane microprobe sensor using “trans-world” processing method based on near- infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Organic carbon in agricultural and agroforestry soils: Effect of different management practices" LINK

"Machine Learning-Based Approach to Predict Insect-Herbivory-Damage and Insect-Type Attack in Maize Plants Using Hyperspectral Data" LINK

" Spectral reflectance of marine macroplastics in the VNIR and SWIR measured in a controlled environment" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Chemometric development using portable molecular vibrational spectrometers for rapid evaluation of AVC (Valsa mali Miyabe et Yamada) infection of apple trees" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Quantitative Analysis of Colony Number in Mouldy Wheat based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy combined with Colorimetric Sensor" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

" Integration of transcriptomes analysis with spectral signature of total RNA for generation of affordable remote sensing of Hepatocellular carcinoma in serum ..." LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

" Prediction of meat quality traits in the abattoir using portable near-infrared spectrometers: heritability of predicted traits and genetic correlations with laboratory ..." LINK


"Ultrasonic-assisted catalytic transfer hydrogenation for upgrading pyrolysis-oil" LINK

"Quantitation of volatile aldehydes using chemoselective response dyes combined with multivariable data analysis" LINK

"Evaluation and optimization on the reflection and durability of reflective coatings for cool pavement" LINK

"Polyvinyl chloride: chemical modification and investigation of structural and thermal properties" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

NIRS Analytical Laboratory Method Development : Reduce Workload and Response Time | MethodDevelopment modeling LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 12, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Differentiation between Fresh and Thawed Cephalopods Using NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Data Analysis. Foods 2021, 10, 528" LINK

"Ethanol-soluble carbohydrates of cool-season grasses: prediction of concentration by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and evaluation of effects of ..." LINK

"An Evaluation of Different NIR-Spectral Pre-Treatments to Derive the Soil Parameters C and N of a Humus-Clay-Rich Soil" LINK

"Prediction of Physicochemical Properties in Honeys with Portable Near-Infrared (microNIR) Spectroscopy Combined with Multivariate Data Processing" LINK

"Comparison between single and mixed-species NIRS databases' accuracy of dairy fiber feed value detection" LINK

"Using autoencoders to compress soil VNIR–SWIR spectra for more robust prediction of soil properties" LINK

"Prediction of some quality properties of rice and its flour by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis." ricequality Amylose viscosity LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Nitrogen Management Based on Visible/Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Pear Orchards" Remote Sensing LINK

"Applications of near infrared spectroscopy for fish and fish products quality: a review" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for Monitoring and Control of Protein and Excipient Concentration in Ultrafiltration of Highly Concentrated Antibody Formulations" LINK

"Determination of soluble solid content in market tomatoes using Near-infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Discriminating Coalho cheese by origin through near and middle infrared spectroscopy and analytical measures" LINK

"Current and future research directions in computer-aided near-infrared spectroscopy: A perspective" LINK

"Estimation of the Relative Abundance of Quartz to Clay Minerals Using the Visible–Near-Infrared–Shortwave- Infrared Spectral Region" LINK

"Estimating the Lactate Threshold Using Wireless Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Threshold Detection Analyses" LINK

"Smart SelfAssembly Amphiphilic CyclopeptideDye for NearInfrared WindowII Imaging" LINK

"Application of Long-Wave Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Determination of Moisture Content of Single Maize Seed" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for Monitoring and Control of Protein and Excipient Concentration in Ultrafiltration of Highly Concentrated Antibody ..." LINK

" Achieving the potential multifunctional near-infrared materials Ca 3 In 2− x Ga x Ge 3 O 12: Cr 3+ using a solid state method" LINK

"ATR-FTIR Microspectroscopy Brings a Novel Insight Into the Study of Cell Wall Chemistry at the Cellular Level" LINK

"Development and performance tests of an on-the-go detector of soil total nitrogen concentration based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Mid-Infrared Scattering in -Al2O3 Catalytic Powders" LINK

"Rapid tannin profiling of tree fodders using untargeted mid-infrared spectroscopy and partial least squares regression" LINK

"Intelligent evaluation of taste constituents and polyphenols-to-amino acids ratio in matcha tea powder using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"In vivo diagnosis of skin cancer with a portable Raman spectroscopic device" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

" A chemometric view of hyperspectral images" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

" A synergistic use of chemometrics and deep learning improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for dry matter prediction in ..." LINK

"Soil exchangeable cations estimation using Vis-NIR spectroscopy in different depths: Effects of multiple calibration models and spiking" LINK

"Prediction of Tea Theanine Content using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Flower Pollination Algorithm" LINK

"Predicting Oil Content In Ripe Macaw Fruits (Acrocomia Aculeata) From Unripe Ones By Near Infrared Spectroscopy And Pls Regression" LINK

"A Model Based on Clusters of Similar Color and NIR to Estimate Oil Content of Single Olives" LINK

"Quick Determination and Discrimination of Commercial Hand Sanitisers Using Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"A synergistic use of chemometrics and deep learning improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for dry matter prediction in mango fruit" LINK

"Comparative study between Partial Least Squares and Rational function Ridge Regression models for the prediction of moisture content of woodchip samples using a handheld spectrophotometer" LINK

"Classification of Lingwu long jujube internal bruise over time based on visible near-infrared hyperspectral imaging combined with partial least squares-discriminant ..." LINK

"Nondestructive qualitative and quantitative analysis of Yaobitong capsule using near-infrared spectroscopy in tandem with chemometrics" LINK

"Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy: classification and rapid prediction of patchouli oil content" LINK

"Chemometric classification of geothermal and non-geothermal ethanol leaf extract of seurapoh (Chromolaena odorata Linn) using infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"In-Line Technologies for the Analysis of Important Milk Parameters during the Milking Process: A Review" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing, Vol. 13, Pages 1105: Water Conservation Estimation Based on Time Series NDVI in the Yellow River Basin" LINK

"A novel framework to estimate soil mineralogy using soil spectroscopy" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Pentosan polysulfate maculopathy: Prevalence, spectrum of disease, and choroidal imaging analysis based on prospective screening: Pentosan maculopathy: disease spectrum & choroidal analysis" LINK

"An Alternative Approach to Evaluate the Quality of Protein-Based Raw Materials for Dry Pet Food. Animals 2021, 11, 458" LINK

"The use of NIR sensor technology for soil test-based decision making in agriculture" LINK

"Estimation of Starch Hydrolysis in Sweet Potato (Beni haruka) Based on Storage Period Using Nondestructive Near-Infrared Spectrometry. Agriculture 2021, 11, 135" LINK

"Handheld vs. Benchtop NearInfrared Spectrometers - How Do They Compare for Analyzing Forage Nutritive Value?" LINK

"Foods, Vol. 10, Pages 612: Preliminary Insights in Sensory Profile of Sweet Cherries" LINK

"Comparing CalReg performance with other multivariate methods for estimating selected soil properties from Moroccan agricultural regions using NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Potential of Multivariate Statistical Technique Based on the Effective Spectra Bands to Estimate the Plant Water Content of Wheat Under Different Irrigation Regimes" LINK

"Agriculture, Vol. 11, Pages 239: In-Line Technologies for the Analysis of Important Milk Parameters during the Milking Process: A Review" LINK

"Foods, Vol. 10, Pages 496: Fatty Acid Composition from Olive Oils of Portuguese Centenarian Trees Is Highly Dependent on Olive Cultivar and Crop Year" LINK

"Automated in-field leaf-level hyperspectral imaging of corn plants using a Cartesian robotic platform" LINK

"A novel compact intrinsic safety full range Methane microprobe sensor using “trans-world” processing method based on near- infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Organic carbon in agricultural and agroforestry soils: Effect of different management practices" LINK

"Machine Learning-Based Approach to Predict Insect-Herbivory-Damage and Insect-Type Attack in Maize Plants Using Hyperspectral Data" LINK

" Spectral reflectance of marine macroplastics in the VNIR and SWIR measured in a controlled environment" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Chemometric development using portable molecular vibrational spectrometers for rapid evaluation of AVC (Valsa mali Miyabe et Yamada) infection of apple trees" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Quantitative Analysis of Colony Number in Mouldy Wheat based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy combined with Colorimetric Sensor" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

" Integration of transcriptomes analysis with spectral signature of total RNA for generation of affordable remote sensing of Hepatocellular carcinoma in serum ..." LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

" Prediction of meat quality traits in the abattoir using portable near-infrared spectrometers: heritability of predicted traits and genetic correlations with laboratory ..." LINK


"Ultrasonic-assisted catalytic transfer hydrogenation for upgrading pyrolysis-oil" LINK

"Quantitation of volatile aldehydes using chemoselective response dyes combined with multivariable data analysis" LINK

"Evaluation and optimization on the reflection and durability of reflective coatings for cool pavement" LINK

"Polyvinyl chloride: chemical modification and investigation of structural and thermal properties" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

NIRS Analytical Laboratory Method Development : Reduce Workload and Response Time | MethodDevelopment modeling LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 12, 2021 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Differentiation between Fresh and Thawed Cephalopods Using NIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Data Analysis. Foods 2021, 10, 528" LINK

"Ethanol-soluble carbohydrates of cool-season grasses: prediction of concentration by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) and evaluation of effects of ..." LINK

"An Evaluation of Different NIR-Spectral Pre-Treatments to Derive the Soil Parameters C and N of a Humus-Clay-Rich Soil" LINK

"Prediction of Physicochemical Properties in Honeys with Portable Near-Infrared (microNIR) Spectroscopy Combined with Multivariate Data Processing" LINK

"Comparison between single and mixed-species NIRS databases' accuracy of dairy fiber feed value detection" LINK

"Using autoencoders to compress soil VNIR–SWIR spectra for more robust prediction of soil properties" LINK

"Prediction of some quality properties of rice and its flour by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis." ricequality Amylose viscosity LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Nitrogen Management Based on Visible/Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Pear Orchards" Remote Sensing LINK

"Applications of near infrared spectroscopy for fish and fish products quality: a review" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for Monitoring and Control of Protein and Excipient Concentration in Ultrafiltration of Highly Concentrated Antibody Formulations" LINK

"Determination of soluble solid content in market tomatoes using Near-infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Discriminating Coalho cheese by origin through near and middle infrared spectroscopy and analytical measures" LINK

"Current and future research directions in computer-aided near-infrared spectroscopy: A perspective" LINK

"Estimation of the Relative Abundance of Quartz to Clay Minerals Using the Visible–Near-Infrared–Shortwave- Infrared Spectral Region" LINK

"Estimating the Lactate Threshold Using Wireless Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Threshold Detection Analyses" LINK

"Smart SelfAssembly Amphiphilic CyclopeptideDye for NearInfrared WindowII Imaging" LINK

"Application of Long-Wave Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Determination of Moisture Content of Single Maize Seed" LINK

"Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a PAT Tool for Monitoring and Control of Protein and Excipient Concentration in Ultrafiltration of Highly Concentrated Antibody ..." LINK

" Achieving the potential multifunctional near-infrared materials Ca 3 In 2− x Ga x Ge 3 O 12: Cr 3+ using a solid state method" LINK

"ATR-FTIR Microspectroscopy Brings a Novel Insight Into the Study of Cell Wall Chemistry at the Cellular Level" LINK

"Development and performance tests of an on-the-go detector of soil total nitrogen concentration based on near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Mid-Infrared Scattering in -Al2O3 Catalytic Powders" LINK

"Rapid tannin profiling of tree fodders using untargeted mid-infrared spectroscopy and partial least squares regression" LINK

"Intelligent evaluation of taste constituents and polyphenols-to-amino acids ratio in matcha tea powder using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"In vivo diagnosis of skin cancer with a portable Raman spectroscopic device" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

" A chemometric view of hyperspectral images" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

" A synergistic use of chemometrics and deep learning improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for dry matter prediction in ..." LINK

"Soil exchangeable cations estimation using Vis-NIR spectroscopy in different depths: Effects of multiple calibration models and spiking" LINK

"Prediction of Tea Theanine Content using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Flower Pollination Algorithm" LINK

"Predicting Oil Content In Ripe Macaw Fruits (Acrocomia Aculeata) From Unripe Ones By Near Infrared Spectroscopy And Pls Regression" LINK

"A Model Based on Clusters of Similar Color and NIR to Estimate Oil Content of Single Olives" LINK

"Quick Determination and Discrimination of Commercial Hand Sanitisers Using Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"A synergistic use of chemometrics and deep learning improved the predictive performance of near-infrared spectroscopy models for dry matter prediction in mango fruit" LINK

"Comparative study between Partial Least Squares and Rational function Ridge Regression models for the prediction of moisture content of woodchip samples using a handheld spectrophotometer" LINK

"Classification of Lingwu long jujube internal bruise over time based on visible near-infrared hyperspectral imaging combined with partial least squares-discriminant ..." LINK

"Nondestructive qualitative and quantitative analysis of Yaobitong capsule using near-infrared spectroscopy in tandem with chemometrics" LINK

"Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy: classification and rapid prediction of patchouli oil content" LINK

"Chemometric classification of geothermal and non-geothermal ethanol leaf extract of seurapoh (Chromolaena odorata Linn) using infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"In-Line Technologies for the Analysis of Important Milk Parameters during the Milking Process: A Review" LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Remote Sensing, Vol. 13, Pages 1105: Water Conservation Estimation Based on Time Series NDVI in the Yellow River Basin" LINK

"A novel framework to estimate soil mineralogy using soil spectroscopy" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Pentosan polysulfate maculopathy: Prevalence, spectrum of disease, and choroidal imaging analysis based on prospective screening: Pentosan maculopathy: disease spectrum & choroidal analysis" LINK

"An Alternative Approach to Evaluate the Quality of Protein-Based Raw Materials for Dry Pet Food. Animals 2021, 11, 458" LINK

"The use of NIR sensor technology for soil test-based decision making in agriculture" LINK

"Estimation of Starch Hydrolysis in Sweet Potato (Beni haruka) Based on Storage Period Using Nondestructive Near-Infrared Spectrometry. Agriculture 2021, 11, 135" LINK

"Handheld vs. Benchtop NearInfrared Spectrometers - How Do They Compare for Analyzing Forage Nutritive Value?" LINK

"Foods, Vol. 10, Pages 612: Preliminary Insights in Sensory Profile of Sweet Cherries" LINK

"Comparing CalReg performance with other multivariate methods for estimating selected soil properties from Moroccan agricultural regions using NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Potential of Multivariate Statistical Technique Based on the Effective Spectra Bands to Estimate the Plant Water Content of Wheat Under Different Irrigation Regimes" LINK

"Agriculture, Vol. 11, Pages 239: In-Line Technologies for the Analysis of Important Milk Parameters during the Milking Process: A Review" LINK

"Foods, Vol. 10, Pages 496: Fatty Acid Composition from Olive Oils of Portuguese Centenarian Trees Is Highly Dependent on Olive Cultivar and Crop Year" LINK

"Automated in-field leaf-level hyperspectral imaging of corn plants using a Cartesian robotic platform" LINK

"A novel compact intrinsic safety full range Methane microprobe sensor using “trans-world” processing method based on near- infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Organic carbon in agricultural and agroforestry soils: Effect of different management practices" LINK

"Machine Learning-Based Approach to Predict Insect-Herbivory-Damage and Insect-Type Attack in Maize Plants Using Hyperspectral Data" LINK

" Spectral reflectance of marine macroplastics in the VNIR and SWIR measured in a controlled environment" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Chemometric development using portable molecular vibrational spectrometers for rapid evaluation of AVC (Valsa mali Miyabe et Yamada) infection of apple trees" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Quantitative Analysis of Colony Number in Mouldy Wheat based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy combined with Colorimetric Sensor" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

" Integration of transcriptomes analysis with spectral signature of total RNA for generation of affordable remote sensing of Hepatocellular carcinoma in serum ..." LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

" Prediction of meat quality traits in the abattoir using portable near-infrared spectrometers: heritability of predicted traits and genetic correlations with laboratory ..." LINK


"Ultrasonic-assisted catalytic transfer hydrogenation for upgrading pyrolysis-oil" LINK

"Quantitation of volatile aldehydes using chemoselective response dyes combined with multivariable data analysis" LINK

"Evaluation and optimization on the reflection and durability of reflective coatings for cool pavement" LINK

"Polyvinyl chloride: chemical modification and investigation of structural and thermal properties" LINK
