Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #21-24, 2017Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #21-24, 2017Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #21-24, 2017


DD-SIMCA A MATLAB GUI tool for data driven SIMCA approach LINK

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics for determining geographical origin of kudzu root LINK

Chemical Variability & Calibration Algorithms on Prediction of Solid Fraction of Compacted Ribbons Using NIR LINK

Calibration transfer of flour NIR spectra between benchtop and portable instruments LINK

Rapid Prediction of Moisture Content in Intact Green Coffee Beans Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy LINK

Calibration transfer of flour NIR spectra between benchtop and portable instruments LINK

Simultaneous Quantification of Paracetamol and Caffeine in Powder Blends for Tableting by NIR-Chemometry LINK

Model evaluation, model selection, and algorithm selection in machine learning. MachineLearning LINK

Development & Validation of a New Near-Infrared Sensor to Measure Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Concentration in Water LINK

Near Infrared

In-situ & real-time monitoring of ultrasonic-assisted enzymatic hydrolysis process of corn gluten meal by NIRS LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Evaluation of Water Content of Molded Polylactide under the Effect of Crystallization LINK

Repetition Suppression in Aging: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study on the Size-Congruity Effect LINK

Broadband Light Source and Its Application to Near-Infrared Spectroscopy | sensor via LINK

Industrial applications using NIR chemical imaging LINK

Analysis of oilseeds for protein, oil, fiber and moisture by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy LINK

Global Near Infrared Spectroscopy Market to Grow at a CAGR of Over 9% Through 2021, Reports Technavio -Business Wire LINK

Optical Sensors Advancing Precision in Agricultural Production - near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) LINK

"Could NIRS be useful to digital agriculture?", high quality keynote by Veronique Bellon-Maurel from & … LINK!

Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy for plant health monitoring! electronics engineering optics LINK


Raman Spectroscopy of Blood and Blood Components LINK


Short Wave Infrared and its use in Hyperspectral Imaging - SWIR HSI LINK


Make or buy your spectrometer - OEM Spectrometer LINK


Video: How near-infra red technology measures grass quality ... LINK


Leveraging IoT to Improve Data Collection for Agriculture LINK

Food & Feed

'Infrared spectrometers: NIR and MIR compared' from the course 'Identifying FoodFraud'. LINK


"Spectroscopy for the Masses" | Spectroscopy via LINK

Online Partial Least Square Optimization: Dropping Convexity for Better Efficiency. LINK

NIR Calibration Service / NIR Kalibrations Service / Servizio di calibrazione NIR

New : free NIR-Predictor Software for all NIR instrument types! Analyze your samples.

Services and software for data analysis and analytical modeling for spectroscopy.

This NIR calibration service provides the custom development of optimal quantitative NIR calibration models based on your collected NIR and reference data for vendor independent full range NIR spectrometer analyzers (NIR = Near Infra Red spectroscopy) based on chemometric multivariate methods like Partial Least Square Regression (PLS, PLSR) and Principal Component Regression (PCR).

The key points

The NIR calibration model is decisive for the analysis accuracy.

NIR analysis results make the difference.

Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service

The problems

Imagine how many publications and literature of NIR spectroscopy (JNIRS) and chemometrics (Journal of Chemometrics) is present.

Did you find the time for the right to designate to read, to study, to incorporate them into practice?

Do you have all this knowledge at your calibration developments always present, that you consider anything important, the statistical results, interpret them correctly, analyze the graphs accurately and apply all the tips & tricks of optimizing correctly?

We have the solution for you!

We'll help you to create and optimize your calibrations.
We will help you for the time-consuming and knowledge-intensive part.
You get the best calibration solution and decide for yourself

Try it and see for yourself

New : free NIR-Predictor Software for all NIR instrument types! Analyze your samples.

Dienstleistungen und Software für die Datenanalyse und analytische Modellierung für die Spektroskopie.

Dieser NIR Kalibrations Service bietet die kundenspezifische Entwicklung von optimalen quantitativen NIR-Kalibrierungs Modellen für Ihre gesammelten NIR und Referenzdaten für herstellerunabhängige full-range NIR-Spektrometer Analysatoren an (NIR = Nah InfraRot-Spektroskopie) basierend auf chemometrischen multivariaten Methoden wie Partial Least Square Regression (PLS, PLSR) und Principal Component Regression (PCR).

Die Kernpunkte

Das NIR Kalibrations Modell ist entscheidend für die Analysen Genauigkeit.

NIR-Analysen Ergebnisse machen den Unterschied.

Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service

Die Probleme

Stellen Sie sich vor, wie viele Publikationen und Literatur zum Thema NIR (JNIRS) und Chemometrie (Journal of Chemometrics) vorhanden ist.

Haben Sie die Zeit, die für Sie die passende zu finden, zu bestellen, zu lesen, zu studieren, in die Praxis einfließen zu lassen?

Haben Sie dieses ganze Knowhow bei Ihren Kalibrations-Entwicklungen immer präsent, dass Sie alles wichtige Berücksichtigen, die statistischen Ergebnisse richtig deuten, die Grafiken genau analysieren und alle Tips & Tricks und Regeln der Kunst des Optimierens korrekt anwenden?

Wir haben die Lösung für Sie!

Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Kalibrationen zu erstellen und zu optimieren.
Wir helfen Ihnen für den zeitaufwendigen und Knowhow Intensiven Teil.

Sie erhalten die optimale Kalibrations Lösung und entscheiden selbst.
Probieren Sie es aus und sehen Sie selbst.

New : free NIR-Predictor Software for all NIR instrument types! Analyze your samples.

Servizi e software per l'analisi dei dati e la modellazione analitica per spettroscopia.

Il servizio di calibrazione NIR fornisce lo sviluppo personalizzato di modelli quantitativi di calibrazione NIR ottimizzati in base alla banca dati NIR presente nei vostri data base e con ulteriori dati di riferimento di fornitori indipendenti di spettrofotometri NIR (NIR = spettroscopia nel vicino infrarosso) sulla base di metodi chemiometrici multivariati come la funzione di regressione Least Square (PLS, PLSR) e delle Componenti Principali (PCR).

Il modello di calibrazione NIR è determinante per l'accuratezza dell'analisi. Sono i risultati delle analisi NIR a fare la differenza.

Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service

Immaginate quante pubblicazioni e letteratura sulla spettroscopia NIR (JNIRS) e persone che si occupano di chemiometria (Journal of Chemiometrics) siano presenti.

Non avete il tempo per leggere, studiare e far pratica su questo?

Avete tutta questa conoscenza a portata di mano per avere sviluppi di calibrazione sempre aggiornati da esperti; Cosa credete sia più importante: i risultati statistici, interpretarli correttamente, analizzare i grafici accuratamente e applicare tutti i consigli e i trucchi per ottimizzare correttamente i metodi di calibrazione?

Noi abbiamo la soluzione per voi!

Vi aiuteremo a creare e ottimizzare le tarature.
È possibile ottenere la migliore soluzione di calibrazione per Voi. Prova e vedere di persona