Start Calibrate – NIR Quick Guide / Kalibrierung starten – NIR Kurzanleitung / Avvio della calibrazione – Guida rapida NIR

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Quick Start NIR Workflow: step by step

Check if your NIR-Device Data Format is directly supported (anyway you can convert to JCAMP) :
NIR-Predictor supported Spectral Data File Formats

Download the free NIR-Predictor Software that contains demo data so you can play with it to see if it is the way you want analyse your NIR spectra (no registration needed) :
NIR-Predictor Download

With your "NIR device" measurement software:

  • measure samples with NIR, that gets you spectra files,
  • label them with a proper sample name, so you know which is which,
  • and determine quantitative reference values by Laboratory reference method.
  • at least 60 samples with different contents is needed for a minimal calibration.
  • NIR-Predictor helps to create a template file (.csv) to enter the Lab values.

Creating your own Calibrations with NIR-Predictor to combine your NIR and Lab data for a calibration request :
watch Video
read Manual


Mehr Details

Schnellstart NIR-Workflow: Schritt für Schritt

Überprüfen Sie, ob Ihr NIR-Geräte-Datenformat direkt unterstützt wird (sonst können Sie nach JCAMP konvertieren). :
NIR-Predictor supported Spectral Data File Formats

Laden Sie die kostenlose NIR-Predictor Software herunter, die Demo-Daten enthält, damit Sie mit ihr spielen können, um zu sehen, ob es die Art und Weise ist, wie Sie Ihre NIR-Spektren analysieren wollen (keine Registrierung erforderlich): :
NIR-Predictor Download

Mit Ihrer "NIR Instrument" Messsoftware :

  • Proben mit NIR messen, das liefert Ihnen Spektrendateien,
  • kennzeichnen Sie sie mit einem richtigen Probennamen, damit Sie wissen, was was was ist.
  • Bestimmung der quantitativen Referenzwerte durch die Laborreferenzmethode.
  • Für eine Minimalkalibrierung werden mindestens 60 vermessene Proben mit unterschiedlichem Inhalt benötigt.
  • Der NIR-Predictor hilft bei der Erstellung einer Vorlagendatei (.csv) zur Eingabe der Lab-Werte.

Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen Kalibrierungen mit dem NIR-Predictor, um Ihre NIR- und Lab-Daten für eine Kalibrierungsanforderung zu kombinieren :
siehe Video
lese Handbuch


Maggiori dettagli

Avvio rapido del flusso di lavoro NIR: passo dopo passo

Controlla se il tuo NIR-Device Data Format è supportato direttamente (in ogni caso puoi convertirlo in JCAMP) :
NIR-Predictor supported Spectral Data File Formats

Scarica il software gratuito NIR-Predictor che contiene i dati dimostrativi per poter giocare con esso per vedere se è il modo in cui vuoi analizzare i tuoi spettri NIR (non è necessaria la registrazione) :
NIR-Predictor Download

Con il software di misura "NIR device" :

  • misurare i campioni con il NIR, in modo da ottenere i file degli spettri,
  • etichettarli con un nome di esempio corretto, in modo da sapere qual è quale,
  • e determinare i valori quantitativi di riferimento con il metodo di riferimento di laboratorio.
  • sono necessari almeno 60 campioni con contenuti diversi per una calibrazione minima.
  • NIR-Predictor aiuta a creare un file modello (.csv) per inserire i valori di laboratorio.

Creazione di calibrazioni personalizzate con NIR-Predictor per combinare i dati NIR e di laboratorio per una richiesta di calibrazione :
vedi il Video
leggi il manuale


NIR-Predictor Download

The free NIR-Predictor software
  • comes with demo data, so you can predict sample spectra with demo calibrations.
  • has no functional limitations, no nagging, no ads and needs no license-key.
  • you need no account and no registration to download and use.
  • runs on Microsoft Windows 10/8/7 (Starter, Basic, Professional) (32 bit / 64 bit).
  • no data is ever transmitted from your local machine. We don't even collect usage data.
See more Videos Beside the free NIR-Predictor software with Windows user interface, the real-time Predictor Engine is also available
  • for embedded integration in application, cloud and instrument-software (ICT).
  • As a light-weigt single library file (DLL) with application programming interface (API), documentation and software development kit (SDK) including sample source code (C#).
  • Easy integration and deployment, no software license protection (no serial key, no dongle).
  • Put your spectrum as an array into the multivariate predictor, no specific file format needed.
  • Fast prediction speed and low latency because of compiled code library (direct call, no cloud API).
  • Protected prediction results with outlier detection information.
See NIR Method Development Service for Labs and NIR-Vendors (OEM, White-Label)
Software Size Date Comment
NIR-Predictor V2.6.0.2 (download) What's new, see Release Notes By downloading and/or using the software you accept the Software License Agreement (EULA) 3.7 MB 18.08.2021 public release
Minimal System Requirements Windows 7 Starter 32Bit, 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, non-Administrator account Installation There are no administrator rights required, unpack the zip file to a folder "NIR-Predictor" in your documents or on your desktop. Read the ReadMe.txt and double click the NIR-Predictor.exe file. Upgrade If you have installed an older version of NIR-Predictor then unpack into a different folder named e.g. "NIR-PredictorVx.y". All versions can run side-by-side. Copy the Calibrations in use to the new version into the "Calibration" folder. That's all. Uninstall Make sure to backup your reports and calibrations inside your "NIR-Predictor" folder. Delete the "NIR-Predictor" folder. Start Calibrate See also:

The free NIR-Predictor software
  • comes with demo data, so you can predict sample spectra with demo calibrations.
  • has no functional limitations, no nagging, no ads and needs no license-key.
  • you need no account and no registration to download and use.
  • runs on Microsoft Windows 10/8/7 (Starter, Basic, Professional) (32 bit / 64 bit).
  • no data is ever transmitted from your local machine. We don't even collect usage data.
See more Videos Neben der kostenlosen NIR-Predictor-Software mit Windows-Benutzeroberfläche ist die Echtzeit-Predictor-Engine auch verfügbar
  • für die eingebettete Integration in Applikations-, Cloud- und Geräte-Software (ICT).
  • Als leichtgewichtige Einzelbibliotheksdatei (DLL) mit Anwendungsprogrammier-Schnittstelle (API), Dokumentation und Software Development Kit (SDK) inklusive Beispiel-Quellcode (C#).
  • Einfache Integration und Bereitstellung, kein Software-Lizenzschutz (kein Serienschlüssel, kein Dongle).
  • Geben Sie Ihr Spektrum als Array in den multivariaten Prädiktor ein, es ist kein spezielles Dateiformat erforderlich.
  • Schnelle Vorhersagegeschwindigkeit und niedrige Latenz aufgrund der kompilierten Code-Bibliothek (direkter Aufruf, keine Cloud-API).
  • Geschützte Vorhersageergebnisse mit Informationen zur Ausreißererkennung.
Siehe NIR-Methodenentwicklungsservice für Labore und NIR-Anbieter (OEM, White-Label)
Software Size Date Comment
NIR-Predictor V2.6.0.2 (download) What's new, see Release Notes By downloading and/or using the software you accept the Software License Agreement (EULA) 3.7 MB 18.08.2021 public release
Minimal System Requirements Windows 7 Starter 32Bit, 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, non-Administrator account Installation There are no administrator rights required, unpack the zip file to a folder "NIR-Predictor" in your documents or on your desktop. Read the ReadMe.txt and double click the NIR-Predictor.exe file. Upgrade If you have installed an older version of NIR-Predictor then unpack into a different folder named e.g. "NIR-PredictorVx.y". All versions can run side-by-side. Copy the Calibrations in use to the new version into the "Calibration" folder. That's all. Uninstall Make sure to backup your reports and calibrations inside your "NIR-Predictor" folder. Delete the "NIR-Predictor" folder. Start Calibrate See also:

The free NIR-Predictor software
  • comes with demo data, so you can predict sample spectra with demo calibrations.
  • has no functional limitations, no nagging, no ads and needs no license-key.
  • you need no account and no registration to download and use.
  • runs on Microsoft Windows 10/8/7 (Starter, Basic, Professional) (32 bit / 64 bit).
  • no data is ever transmitted from your local machine. We don't even collect usage data.
See more Videos Oltre al software gratuito NIR-Predictor con interfaccia utente Windows, il Predictor Engine in tempo reale è disponibile anche
  • per l'integrazione embedded in applicazioni, cloud e strumenti-software (ICT).
  • Come un singolo file di libreria leggera (DLL) con interfaccia di programmazione dell'applicazione (API), documentazione e kit di sviluppo del software (SDK) incluso il codice sorgente di esempio (C#).
  • Facile integrazione e distribuzione, nessuna protezione della licenza software (nessuna chiave seriale, nessun dongle).
  • Inserisci il tuo spettro come array nel predittore multivariato, non è necessario alcun formato di file specifico.
  • Velocità di predizione veloce e bassa latenza grazie alla libreria di codice compilata (chiamata diretta, nessuna API cloud).
  • Risultati di predizione protetti con informazioni di rilevamento degli outlier.
Vedi Servizio di sviluppo del metodo NIR per laboratori e fornitori NIR (OEM, White-Label)
Software Size Date Comment
NIR-Predictor V2.6.0.2 (download) What's new, see Release Notes By downloading and/or using the software you accept the Software License Agreement (EULA) 3.7 MB 18.08.2021 public release
Minimal System Requirements Windows 7 Starter 32Bit, 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, non-Administrator account Installation There are no administrator rights required, unpack the zip file to a folder "NIR-Predictor" in your documents or on your desktop. Read the ReadMe.txt and double click the NIR-Predictor.exe file. Upgrade If you have installed an older version of NIR-Predictor then unpack into a different folder named e.g. "NIR-PredictorVx.y". All versions can run side-by-side. Copy the Calibrations in use to the new version into the "Calibration" folder. That's all. Uninstall Make sure to backup your reports and calibrations inside your "NIR-Predictor" folder. Delete the "NIR-Predictor" folder. Start Calibrate See also: