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Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 13, 2023 | Spectroscopy LINK
Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 13, 2023 | Spektroskopie LINK
Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 13, 2023 | Spettroscopia LINK
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
“Reliability of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy with and without Compression Tights during Exercise and Recovery Activities” LINK
“Application of iterative distance correlation and PLS for wavelength interval selection in near infrared spectroscopy” LINK
“Geographical Origin Identification of Chinese Tomatoes Using Long-Wave Fourier-Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Deep Learning Methods” | LINK
“Compositional indication of E-and M-type asteroids by VIS-NIR reflectance spectra of meteorites” LINK
“Portable near-infrared spectroscopy: a rapid and accurate blood test for diagnosis of Haemonchus contortus infection and for targeted selective treatment of sheep” | LINK
“Comparison of feed tables, empirical models and near-infrared spectroscopy to predict chemical composition and net energy of pelleted pig feeds” LINK
“… multi-position general model for evaluation of watercore and soluble solid content in ‘Fuji’apples using on-line full-transmittance visible and near infrared spectroscopy” LINK
“Diagnosis of Testicular Torsion and Differentiation from Other Pathologies Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy” LINK
Raman Spectroscopy
“Foods : Identification of Illicit Conservation Treatments in Fresh Fish by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Chemometric Methods” | LINK
“Biosensors : Silver Nanostar-Based SERS for the Discrimination of Clinically Relevant Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae Species and Clones” LINK
Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)
“A Synthetic Hyperspectral Array Video Database with Applications to Cross-Spectral Reconstruction and Hyperspectral Video Coding” LINK
“Non-destructive detection of Tieguanyin adulteration based on fluorescence hyperspectral technique” | LINK
“Towards operational atmospheric correction of airborne hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy: Algorithm evaluation, key parameter analysis, and machine learning …” | LINK
“Study on Black Spot Disease Detection and Pathogenic Process Visualization on Winter Jujubes Using Hyperspectral Imaging System” LINK
“Agriculture : Evaluation of Aspergillus flavus Growth and Detection of Aflatoxin B1 Content on Maize Agar Culture Medium Using Vis/NIR Hyperspectral Imaging” | LINK
“A novel hyperspectral camera based on a Fourier-transform approach” LINK
“Abundance Matrix Correlation Analysis Network Based on Hierarchical Multi-Head Self-Cross-Hybrid Attention for Hyperspectral Change Detection” LINK
Chemometrics and Machine Learning
“Foods : Insight into the Recent Application of Chemometrics in Quality Analysis and Characterization of Bee Honey during Processing and Storage” | LINK
“Dual-sPLS: a family of Dual Sparse Partial Least Squares regressions for feature selection and prediction with tunable sparsity; evaluation on simulated and near-infrared (NIR) data. LINK
Research on Spectroscopy
” On the Unusual Temperature Dependence of Kaolinite Intercalation Capacity for N-methylformamide” | LINK
Equipment for Spectroscopy
“Analysis of alkaloids and reducing sugars in processed and unprocessed tobacco leaves using a handheld near infrared spectrometer” LINK
“Foods : Characterizing Spray-Dried Powders through NIR Spectroscopy: Effect of Two Preparation Strategies for Calibration Samples and Comparison of Two Types of NIR Spectrometers” | LINK
Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application
“Legacy Effect of Long-Term Rice-Crab Co-Culture on N2o Emissions in Paddy Soils” LINK
Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage
“Plants : Spectral-Based Classification of Genetically Differentiated Groups in Spring Wheat Grown under Contrasting Environments” | LINK
“Formulation, optimization of a poultry feed and analysis of spectrometry, biochemical composition and energy facts” LINK
Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications
“Is this pear sweeter than this apple? A universal SSC model for fruits with similar physicochemical properties” | LINK
“Sensors : Estimation of Sugar Content in Wine Grapes via In Situ VNIR-SWIR Point Spectroscopy Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques” | LINK
Medicinal Spectroscopy
“Coherent Spontaneous Hemodynamics in the Human Brain” LINK
“Zerebrale Protektion und Kanülierungstechniken im Rahmen der Aortenbogenchirurgie” | LINK
“Detailed analysis of termination kinetics in radical polymerization” LINK