Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #13, 2014Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #13, 2014

Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #13, 2014

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Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #13, 2014

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NIRS calibration model Development for moisture content in multiple pharmaceutical products LINK Classification of Chamomile Flowers,Essential Oils & Commercial Products Using Chemometrics LINK

Near Infrared

- "Use of near infrared technology expands Greater use of near infrared technology c... |… LINK NIR Technology Improves Driver Assistance Systems - visual and near infrared (NIR) range LINK Use of near infrared technology expands | NIR NIRS calibrations ag agriculture feed LINK Networking system employing near infrared spectroscopy 4 sugarcane payment in Japan | sugarindex cane LINK Presents Applications of Biomedical Diagnosis, NIR SWIR Spectroscopy LINK


Multispectral system in UV, VIS & IR for artwork study & conservation | museum LINK


Identifying beverages made from industrial alcohol,surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy SERS LINK Detection of Denatonium Benzoate (Bitrex) Remnants in Noncommercial Alcoholic Beverages by Raman Spectroscopy http://t.… LINK Mystery of Renoir’s red solved with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) LINK


Hyperspectral imaging & pattern recognition for categorization & authentication of red Meat LINK Linear Variable Filters for Fluorescence and Hyperspectral Imaging LINK Hyperspectral imaging helps staff learn about artists’ practices: | Museum paint LINK Casos de estudio Hiperespectral SWIR y VNIR | HSI Hyperspectral LIDAR LINK Hyperspectral imaging of Lake Geneva |/ remote sensing LINK

Spectral Imaging

Each dairy page scanned with 39-megapixel spectral imaging - revealed ... | forensics LINK


Conference: 2 Sep 2014 - International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy LINK Compact InGaAs Video Camera For SWIR Imaging LINK


Are you up on the latest advancements in molecular spectroscopy: instrumentation & applications? |… LINK


Natural remedies dosed with Viagra analogue - near-IR spectra compared against a database LINK NIR technology: Agriculture nutrient concentration in feed : protein fat fibre starch sugar LINK Better Yields in the Fields with Drones. Crops health indicator Chlorophyll with Spectral Imaging | plants HSI LINK


Seminar on Statistical Analysis for Product Development. Analytical method development QA/QC LINK Video:Standardizing food, pharma and environmental testing | bioanalytical Laboratory QC LINK Raman Spectroscopy of Automotive and Architectural Paints | Forensics LINK


Maschinelles Lernen LINK