NIR Spectral analysis software : Spectra Files with drag&drop to NIR-Predictor to get prediction results in a storeable and printable report.NIR Spektralanalysesoftware : Spektrendateien per Drag&Drop auf den NIR-Prädiktor, um Vorhersageergebnisse in einem speicherbaren und druckbaren Bericht zu erhalten.NIR Software di analisi spettrale : Spectra Files con drag&drop in NIR-Predictor per ottenere risultati di previsione in un report memorizzabile e stampabile.

Multiple spectra are predicted in one step, a simple drag&drop with a spectra file.

Spectral file format is automatically detected and loaded.

The calibrations that fit to the spectra are automatically chosen for prediction (see video part 2 for assigning individual calibrations to a customized application)

Use raw spectra data to predict because spectral pre-processing is automatically applied before prediction.

Prediction result report shows visual histogram overview of the results (the amount of data per property range).

Each sample spectrum is listed in detailed result and outlier status.

Reports are stored automatically and can individually viewed later.

Start Calibrate

Mehrere Spektren werden in einem Schritt vorhergesagt, ein einfaches Drag&Drop mit einer Spektrendatei.

Das spektrale Dateiformat wird automatisch erkannt und geladen.

Die zu den Spektren passenden Kalibrierungen werden automatisch für die Vorhersage ausgewählt (siehe Video Teil 2 für die Zuordnung einzelner Kalibrierungen zu einer kundenspezifischen Anwendung).

Rohdaten von Spektren genügen um Vorhersagen zu treffen, da die spektrale Vorverarbeitung vor der Vorhersage automatisch angewendet wird.

Der Ergebnisbericht der Vorhersage zeigt eine visuelle Histogrammübersicht der Ergebnisse (die Datenmenge pro Eigenschaftsbereich).

Jedes Probenspektrum wird im Detail nach Ergebnis und Ausreißerstatus aufgelistet.

Die Berichte werden automatisch gespeichert und können später individuell betrachtet werden.

Start Calibrate

Spettri multipli sono previsti in un unico passaggio, un semplice drag&drop con un file di spettri.

Il formato di file spettrale viene rilevato e caricato automaticamente.

Le calibrazioni che si adattano agli spettri vengono scelte automaticamente per la predizione (vedere il video parte 2 per l'assegnazione di calibrazioni individuali ad un'applicazione personalizzata).

Utilizzare i dati degli spettri grezzi per prevedere perché la pre-elaborazione spettrale viene applicata automaticamente prima della previsione.

Il rapporto di previsione dei risultati mostra una panoramica visiva dei risultati (la quantità di dati per campo di proprietà).

Ogni spettro di campioni è elencato nei risultati dettagliati e nello stato di anomalia.

I report vengono memorizzati automaticamente e possono essere visualizzati singolarmente in un secondo momento.

Start Calibrate

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News (KW #11-#30 2018)Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News (KW #11-#30 2018)Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News (KW #11-#30 2018)


"Identifying and filtering out outliers in spatial datasets" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Phenomic selection: a low-cost and high-throughput method based on indirect predictions. Proof of concept on wheat and poplar." (2018.07.25) LINK

"An improved variable selection method for support vector regression in NIR spectral modeling" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for the Routine Detection of Bilberry Extract Adulteration and Quantitative Determination of the Anthocyanins" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Modern practical convolutional neural networks for multivariate regression: Applications to NIR calibration" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Automated NIR-Spectroscopy chemometrics-method development with machine-learning for spectrometers, spectral IoT-sensor/smart-sensors" - read without Hashtags (2018.07.25) LINK

An interesting explanation of "Automated Machine Learning vs Automated Data Science" | Automated MachineLearning DataScience (2018.07.03) LINK

"Evaluation of Quality Parameters of Apple Juices Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" (2018.07.02) LINK

"Chemometric approaches for document dating: Handling paper variability" (2018.06.27) LINK

"Development and comparison of regression models for the determination of quality parameters in margarine spread samples using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.06.27) LINK

"The non-destructive technique such as Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) along with Chemometrics has been successful in predicting the quality parameters but not well established for on-vine/in-orchard fruit quality measurement." (2018.06.27) LINK

"Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and chemometrics" (2018.06.15) LINK

"Exploring the Applicability of Quantitative Models Based on NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy of Plant Samples" | tobacco (2018.06.15) LINK

"Interval lasso regression based Extreme learning machine for nonlinear multivariate calibration of near infrared spectroscopic datasets" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Soft and Robust Identification of Body Fluid Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometric Strategies for Forensic Analysis" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Temporal decomposition sampling and chemical characterization of eucalyptus harvest residues using NIR spectroscopy and chemometric methods" (2018.06.05) LINK

: The emission spectrum of each element is a unique identifier — like the DNA of the element — and the spectral analysis of a light source is essentially a Principal Component Analysis of its components — like explanatory DataScience. Get your p… (2018.06.05) LINK

"Rice Classification Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Convolutional Neural Network" DCNN (2018.05.31) LINK

"Development and comparison of regression models for determination of quality parameters in margarine spread samples using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Application of FTIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Halal Authentication of Beef Meatball Adulterated with Dog Meat" (2018.05.31) LINK

Prediction of amino acids, caffeine, theaflavins and water extract in black tea by FT-NIR spectroscopy coupled chemometrics algorithms (2018.05.31) LINK

Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC) Conference, Halifax, 17th CAC Meeting, June 25-29, 2018 (2018.05.31) LINK

Spatially Resolved Spectral Powder Analysis: Experiments and Modeling (2018.04.05) LINK

Calibration Transfer based on the Weight Matrix (CTWM) of PLS for near infrared (NIR) spectral analysis (2018.04.05) LINK

"A novel multivariate calibration method based on variable adaptive boosting partial least squares algorithm" (2018.03.28) LINK

"How Many ML Models You Have NOT Built?" (2018.03.28) LINK

"Calibration model maintenance in melamine resin production: Integrating drift detection, smart sample selection and model adaptation" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Application of NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for revealing of the ‘high quality fakes’ among the medicines" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Dual-Domain Calibration Transfer Using Orthogonal Projection" (2018.03.14) LINK

"A Review of Calibration Transfer Practices and Instrument Differences in Spectroscopy" (2018.03.14) LINK

Near Infrared

"Near-infrared chemical imaging used for in-line analysis of functional finishes on textiles." (2018.07.25) LINK

"A comparison between NIR and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy for varietal differentiation of Spanish intact almonds" (2018.07.25) LINK

Worked examples of MSC and SNV correction for NIR spectroscopy in Python. nirs (2018.07.25) LINK

"Evolution of Frying Oil Quality Using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy" - FryingOil FTNIR (2018.07.25) LINK

"Evaluation of drying of edible coating on bread using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK

very interesting article. NIRS is cheaper than molecular markers (2018.07.13) LINK

FlowChemMondays application of a portable near-infrared spectrophotometer (MicroNIR) for in-line monitoring of the synthesis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) from D-fructose is described in OPRD | flowchemistry (2018.07.03) LINK

"Accurate and rapid detection of soil and fertilizer properties based on visible/near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.06.25) LINK

"Detection of Veterinary Antimicrobial Residues in Milk through Near-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Calibration is key - the calibration is the most important part of the NIRS method" near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy NIRS - from the lab to the field... forage quality agchat handheldNIRS Lab2Field (2018.06.05) LINK

"Assessment of tomato soluble solids content and pH by spatially-resolved and conventional Vis/NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"A novel method for geographical origin identification of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum (Sanyeqing) by near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Effects of moisture on automatic textile fiber identification by NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Rapid, noninvasive detection of Zika virus in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes by near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

Method for Identifying Maize Haploid Seeds by Applying Diffuse Transmission Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (2018.04.05) LINK

This article is about NIR Spectroscopy. (2018.03.27) LINK

"Combining Fractional Order Derivative and Spectral Variable Selection for Organic Matter Estimation of Homogeneous Soil Samples by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Concentration monitoring with near infrared chemical imaging in a tableting press" (2018.03.14) LINK

"NIR Chemical Imaging Can Help Maintain the Safety of Pharmaceutical Tablets" | NIRCI (2018.03.14) LINK


"High Throughput Screening of Elite Loblolly Pine Families for Chemical and Bioenergy Traits with Near Infrared Spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Non-Destructive Methodology to Determine Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) in Static Bending of Quercus mongolica Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" wood (2018.06.27) LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as an alternative method for rapid evaluation of toluene swell of natural rubber latex and its products" (2018.06.25) LINK

"The Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Improved Partial Least-Squares Method for the Estimation of Soil Properties with Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Data" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Mutual factor analysis for quantitative analysis by temperature dependent near infrared spectra." (2018.03.27) LINK

"Evaluating the Applications of the Near-Infrared Region in Mapping Foliar N in the Miombo Woodlands" (2018.03.27) LINK


"Differentiating Donor Age Groups Based on Raman Spectroscopy of Bloodstains for Forensic Purposes" (2018.06.27) LINK


"Evaluation of Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Peanut and Walnut Powders in Whole Wheat Flour" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Potential of Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Diaphania pyloalis Larvae and Damage on Mulberry Leaves" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and chemometrics" (2018.06.15) LINK


"Spectral Fiber Sensors for Cancer Diagnostics" by artphotonics | Optical Fibers (2018.07.03) LINK


"This is your brain detecting patterns. It is different from other kinds of learning, study shows" (2018.06.01) LINK


Android Tricorder: Google übernimmt Startup, das Körperwerte mit dem Smartphone messen kann (2017.08.16) LINK


"Comparing the qualitative performances of handheld NIR and Raman spectrometers for the analysis of falsified pharmaceutical products." (2018.07.25) LINK

"Tiny $25 Spectrometer Aims to Identify Materials with Ease" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Comparison of Portable and Bench-Top Spectrometers for Mid-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Measurements of Soils" (2018.03.28) LINK


Nonlinear Regression with High-Dimensional Space Mapping for Blood Component Spectral Quantitative Analysis (2018.02.02) LINK


"Bluret Protein Measurement Machine, a technological disrupter of its day" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Identification and quantification of microplastics in table sea salts using micro-NIR imaging methods" (2018.05.31) LINK

Food & Feed

"Non-Invasive Methodology to Estimate Polyphenol Content in Extra Virgin Olive Oil Based on Stepwise Multilinear Regression" (2018.03.27) LINK

Rapid Determination of Active Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Okra Seeds Using Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy FTNIR Polyphenols Flavonoids AntioxidantActivity | (2018.03.03) LINK


"Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK


Spectroscopy used to be confined to the laboratory. Today, portable NeoSpectra SpectralSensors bring the power of NIR out of the lab and into the field. (2018.06.20) LINK


"Non-Destructive Methodology to Determine Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) in Static Bending of Quercus mongolica Usin… (2018.06.27) LINK

"The Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Improved Partial Least-Squares Method for the Estimation of… (2018.06.05) LINK

: The emission spectrum of each element is a unique identifier — like the DNA of the element — and the spectral analysis of a light source is essentially a Principal Component Analysis of its components — like explanatory DataScience. Get your p… (2018.06.05) LINK

An Innovative Approach to Exploit the Reflection Spectroscopy of Liquid Characteristics (2018.04.05) LINK

"Combining Fractional Order Derivative and Spectral Variable Selection for Organic Matter Estimation of Homogeneous Soil Samples by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" (2018.03.27) LINK


"Identifying and filtering out outliers in spatial datasets" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Phenomic selection: a low-cost and high-throughput method based on indirect predictions. Proof of concept on wheat and poplar." (2018.07.25) LINK

"An improved variable selection method for support vector regression in NIR spectral modeling" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for the Routine Detection of Bilberry Extract Adulteration and Quantitative Determination of the Anthocyanins" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Modern practical convolutional neural networks for multivariate regression: Applications to NIR calibration" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Automated NIR-Spectroscopy chemometrics-method development with machine-learning for spectrometers, spectral IoT-sensor/smart-sensors" - read without Hashtags (2018.07.25) LINK

An interesting explanation of "Automated Machine Learning vs Automated Data Science" | Automated MachineLearning DataScience (2018.07.03) LINK

"Evaluation of Quality Parameters of Apple Juices Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" (2018.07.02) LINK

"Chemometric approaches for document dating: Handling paper variability" (2018.06.27) LINK

"Development and comparison of regression models for the determination of quality parameters in margarine spread samples using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.06.27) LINK

"The non-destructive technique such as Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) along with Chemometrics has been successful in predicting the quality parameters but not well established for on-vine/in-orchard fruit quality measurement." (2018.06.27) LINK

"Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and chemometrics" (2018.06.15) LINK

"Exploring the Applicability of Quantitative Models Based on NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy of Plant Samples" | tobacco (2018.06.15) LINK

"Interval lasso regression based Extreme learning machine for nonlinear multivariate calibration of near infrared spectroscopic datasets" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Soft and Robust Identification of Body Fluid Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometric Strategies for Forensic Analysis" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Temporal decomposition sampling and chemical characterization of eucalyptus harvest residues using NIR spectroscopy and chemometric methods" (2018.06.05) LINK

: The emission spectrum of each element is a unique identifier — like the DNA of the element — and the spectral analysis of a light source is essentially a Principal Component Analysis of its components — like explanatory DataScience. Get your p… (2018.06.05) LINK

"Rice Classification Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Convolutional Neural Network" DCNN (2018.05.31) LINK

"Development and comparison of regression models for determination of quality parameters in margarine spread samples using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Application of FTIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Halal Authentication of Beef Meatball Adulterated with Dog Meat" (2018.05.31) LINK

Prediction of amino acids, caffeine, theaflavins and water extract in black tea by FT-NIR spectroscopy coupled chemometrics algorithms (2018.05.31) LINK

Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC) Conference, Halifax, 17th CAC Meeting, June 25-29, 2018 (2018.05.31) LINK

Spatially Resolved Spectral Powder Analysis: Experiments and Modeling (2018.04.05) LINK

Calibration Transfer based on the Weight Matrix (CTWM) of PLS for near infrared (NIR) spectral analysis (2018.04.05) LINK

"A novel multivariate calibration method based on variable adaptive boosting partial least squares algorithm" (2018.03.28) LINK

"How Many ML Models You Have NOT Built?" (2018.03.28) LINK

"Calibration model maintenance in melamine resin production: Integrating drift detection, smart sample selection and model adaptation" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Application of NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for revealing of the ‘high quality fakes’ among the medicines" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Dual-Domain Calibration Transfer Using Orthogonal Projection" (2018.03.14) LINK

"A Review of Calibration Transfer Practices and Instrument Differences in Spectroscopy" (2018.03.14) LINK

Near Infrared

"Near-infrared chemical imaging used for in-line analysis of functional finishes on textiles." (2018.07.25) LINK

"A comparison between NIR and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy for varietal differentiation of Spanish intact almonds" (2018.07.25) LINK

Worked examples of MSC and SNV correction for NIR spectroscopy in Python. nirs (2018.07.25) LINK

"Evolution of Frying Oil Quality Using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy" - FryingOil FTNIR (2018.07.25) LINK

"Evaluation of drying of edible coating on bread using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK

very interesting article. NIRS is cheaper than molecular markers (2018.07.13) LINK

FlowChemMondays application of a portable near-infrared spectrophotometer (MicroNIR) for in-line monitoring of the synthesis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) from D-fructose is described in OPRD | flowchemistry (2018.07.03) LINK

"Accurate and rapid detection of soil and fertilizer properties based on visible/near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.06.25) LINK

"Detection of Veterinary Antimicrobial Residues in Milk through Near-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Calibration is key - the calibration is the most important part of the NIRS method" near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy NIRS - from the lab to the field... forage quality agchat handheldNIRS Lab2Field (2018.06.05) LINK

"Assessment of tomato soluble solids content and pH by spatially-resolved and conventional Vis/NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"A novel method for geographical origin identification of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum (Sanyeqing) by near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Effects of moisture on automatic textile fiber identification by NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Rapid, noninvasive detection of Zika virus in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes by near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

Method for Identifying Maize Haploid Seeds by Applying Diffuse Transmission Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (2018.04.05) LINK

This article is about NIR Spectroscopy. (2018.03.27) LINK

"Combining Fractional Order Derivative and Spectral Variable Selection for Organic Matter Estimation of Homogeneous Soil Samples by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Concentration monitoring with near infrared chemical imaging in a tableting press" (2018.03.14) LINK

"NIR Chemical Imaging Can Help Maintain the Safety of Pharmaceutical Tablets" | NIRCI (2018.03.14) LINK


"High Throughput Screening of Elite Loblolly Pine Families for Chemical and Bioenergy Traits with Near Infrared Spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Non-Destructive Methodology to Determine Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) in Static Bending of Quercus mongolica Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" wood (2018.06.27) LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as an alternative method for rapid evaluation of toluene swell of natural rubber latex and its products" (2018.06.25) LINK

"The Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Improved Partial Least-Squares Method for the Estimation of Soil Properties with Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Data" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Mutual factor analysis for quantitative analysis by temperature dependent near infrared spectra." (2018.03.27) LINK

"Evaluating the Applications of the Near-Infrared Region in Mapping Foliar N in the Miombo Woodlands" (2018.03.27) LINK


"Differentiating Donor Age Groups Based on Raman Spectroscopy of Bloodstains for Forensic Purposes" (2018.06.27) LINK


"Evaluation of Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Peanut and Walnut Powders in Whole Wheat Flour" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Potential of Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Diaphania pyloalis Larvae and Damage on Mulberry Leaves" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and chemometrics" (2018.06.15) LINK


"Spectral Fiber Sensors for Cancer Diagnostics" by artphotonics | Optical Fibers (2018.07.03) LINK


"This is your brain detecting patterns. It is different from other kinds of learning, study shows" (2018.06.01) LINK


Android Tricorder: Google übernimmt Startup, das Körperwerte mit dem Smartphone messen kann (2017.08.16) LINK


"Comparing the qualitative performances of handheld NIR and Raman spectrometers for the analysis of falsified pharmaceutical products." (2018.07.25) LINK

"Tiny $25 Spectrometer Aims to Identify Materials with Ease" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Comparison of Portable and Bench-Top Spectrometers for Mid-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Measurements of Soils" (2018.03.28) LINK


Nonlinear Regression with High-Dimensional Space Mapping for Blood Component Spectral Quantitative Analysis (2018.02.02) LINK


"Bluret Protein Measurement Machine, a technological disrupter of its day" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Identification and quantification of microplastics in table sea salts using micro-NIR imaging methods" (2018.05.31) LINK

Food & Feed

"Non-Invasive Methodology to Estimate Polyphenol Content in Extra Virgin Olive Oil Based on Stepwise Multilinear Regression" (2018.03.27) LINK

Rapid Determination of Active Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Okra Seeds Using Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy FTNIR Polyphenols Flavonoids AntioxidantActivity | (2018.03.03) LINK


"Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK


Spectroscopy used to be confined to the laboratory. Today, portable NeoSpectra SpectralSensors bring the power of NIR out of the lab and into the field. (2018.06.20) LINK


"Non-Destructive Methodology to Determine Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) in Static Bending of Quercus mongolica Usin… (2018.06.27) LINK

"The Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Improved Partial Least-Squares Method for the Estimation of… (2018.06.05) LINK

: The emission spectrum of each element is a unique identifier — like the DNA of the element — and the spectral analysis of a light source is essentially a Principal Component Analysis of its components — like explanatory DataScience. Get your p… (2018.06.05) LINK

An Innovative Approach to Exploit the Reflection Spectroscopy of Liquid Characteristics (2018.04.05) LINK

"Combining Fractional Order Derivative and Spectral Variable Selection for Organic Matter Estimation of Homogeneous Soil Samples by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" (2018.03.27) LINK


"Identifying and filtering out outliers in spatial datasets" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Phenomic selection: a low-cost and high-throughput method based on indirect predictions. Proof of concept on wheat and poplar." (2018.07.25) LINK

"An improved variable selection method for support vector regression in NIR spectral modeling" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for the Routine Detection of Bilberry Extract Adulteration and Quantitative Determination of the Anthocyanins" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Modern practical convolutional neural networks for multivariate regression: Applications to NIR calibration" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Automated NIR-Spectroscopy chemometrics-method development with machine-learning for spectrometers, spectral IoT-sensor/smart-sensors" - read without Hashtags (2018.07.25) LINK

An interesting explanation of "Automated Machine Learning vs Automated Data Science" | Automated MachineLearning DataScience (2018.07.03) LINK

"Evaluation of Quality Parameters of Apple Juices Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" (2018.07.02) LINK

"Chemometric approaches for document dating: Handling paper variability" (2018.06.27) LINK

"Development and comparison of regression models for the determination of quality parameters in margarine spread samples using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.06.27) LINK

"The non-destructive technique such as Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) along with Chemometrics has been successful in predicting the quality parameters but not well established for on-vine/in-orchard fruit quality measurement." (2018.06.27) LINK

"Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and chemometrics" (2018.06.15) LINK

"Exploring the Applicability of Quantitative Models Based on NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy of Plant Samples" | tobacco (2018.06.15) LINK

"Interval lasso regression based Extreme learning machine for nonlinear multivariate calibration of near infrared spectroscopic datasets" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Soft and Robust Identification of Body Fluid Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometric Strategies for Forensic Analysis" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Temporal decomposition sampling and chemical characterization of eucalyptus harvest residues using NIR spectroscopy and chemometric methods" (2018.06.05) LINK

: The emission spectrum of each element is a unique identifier — like the DNA of the element — and the spectral analysis of a light source is essentially a Principal Component Analysis of its components — like explanatory DataScience. Get your p… (2018.06.05) LINK

"Rice Classification Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Convolutional Neural Network" DCNN (2018.05.31) LINK

"Development and comparison of regression models for determination of quality parameters in margarine spread samples using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Application of FTIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Halal Authentication of Beef Meatball Adulterated with Dog Meat" (2018.05.31) LINK

Prediction of amino acids, caffeine, theaflavins and water extract in black tea by FT-NIR spectroscopy coupled chemometrics algorithms (2018.05.31) LINK

Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC) Conference, Halifax, 17th CAC Meeting, June 25-29, 2018 (2018.05.31) LINK

Spatially Resolved Spectral Powder Analysis: Experiments and Modeling (2018.04.05) LINK

Calibration Transfer based on the Weight Matrix (CTWM) of PLS for near infrared (NIR) spectral analysis (2018.04.05) LINK

"A novel multivariate calibration method based on variable adaptive boosting partial least squares algorithm" (2018.03.28) LINK

"How Many ML Models You Have NOT Built?" (2018.03.28) LINK

"Calibration model maintenance in melamine resin production: Integrating drift detection, smart sample selection and model adaptation" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Application of NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for revealing of the ‘high quality fakes’ among the medicines" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Dual-Domain Calibration Transfer Using Orthogonal Projection" (2018.03.14) LINK

"A Review of Calibration Transfer Practices and Instrument Differences in Spectroscopy" (2018.03.14) LINK

Near Infrared

"Near-infrared chemical imaging used for in-line analysis of functional finishes on textiles." (2018.07.25) LINK

"A comparison between NIR and ATR-FTIR spectroscopy for varietal differentiation of Spanish intact almonds" (2018.07.25) LINK

Worked examples of MSC and SNV correction for NIR spectroscopy in Python. nirs (2018.07.25) LINK

"Evolution of Frying Oil Quality Using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy" - FryingOil FTNIR (2018.07.25) LINK

"Evaluation of drying of edible coating on bread using NIR spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK

very interesting article. NIRS is cheaper than molecular markers (2018.07.13) LINK

FlowChemMondays application of a portable near-infrared spectrophotometer (MicroNIR) for in-line monitoring of the synthesis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) from D-fructose is described in OPRD | flowchemistry (2018.07.03) LINK

"Accurate and rapid detection of soil and fertilizer properties based on visible/near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.06.25) LINK

"Detection of Veterinary Antimicrobial Residues in Milk through Near-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Calibration is key - the calibration is the most important part of the NIRS method" near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy NIRS - from the lab to the field... forage quality agchat handheldNIRS Lab2Field (2018.06.05) LINK

"Assessment of tomato soluble solids content and pH by spatially-resolved and conventional Vis/NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"A novel method for geographical origin identification of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum (Sanyeqing) by near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Effects of moisture on automatic textile fiber identification by NIR spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Rapid, noninvasive detection of Zika virus in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes by near-infrared spectroscopy" (2018.05.31) LINK

Method for Identifying Maize Haploid Seeds by Applying Diffuse Transmission Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (2018.04.05) LINK

This article is about NIR Spectroscopy. (2018.03.27) LINK

"Combining Fractional Order Derivative and Spectral Variable Selection for Organic Matter Estimation of Homogeneous Soil Samples by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" (2018.03.27) LINK

"Concentration monitoring with near infrared chemical imaging in a tableting press" (2018.03.14) LINK

"NIR Chemical Imaging Can Help Maintain the Safety of Pharmaceutical Tablets" | NIRCI (2018.03.14) LINK


"High Throughput Screening of Elite Loblolly Pine Families for Chemical and Bioenergy Traits with Near Infrared Spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK

"Non-Destructive Methodology to Determine Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) in Static Bending of Quercus mongolica Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" wood (2018.06.27) LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy as an alternative method for rapid evaluation of toluene swell of natural rubber latex and its products" (2018.06.25) LINK

"The Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Improved Partial Least-Squares Method for the Estimation of Soil Properties with Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Data" (2018.06.05) LINK

"Mutual factor analysis for quantitative analysis by temperature dependent near infrared spectra." (2018.03.27) LINK

"Evaluating the Applications of the Near-Infrared Region in Mapping Foliar N in the Miombo Woodlands" (2018.03.27) LINK


"Differentiating Donor Age Groups Based on Raman Spectroscopy of Bloodstains for Forensic Purposes" (2018.06.27) LINK


"Evaluation of Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Peanut and Walnut Powders in Whole Wheat Flour" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Potential of Visible and Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Diaphania pyloalis Larvae and Damage on Mulberry Leaves" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Quantification of leghaemoglobin content in pea nodules based on near infrared hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy and chemometrics" (2018.06.15) LINK


"Spectral Fiber Sensors for Cancer Diagnostics" by artphotonics | Optical Fibers (2018.07.03) LINK


"This is your brain detecting patterns. It is different from other kinds of learning, study shows" (2018.06.01) LINK


Android Tricorder: Google übernimmt Startup, das Körperwerte mit dem Smartphone messen kann (2017.08.16) LINK


"Comparing the qualitative performances of handheld NIR and Raman spectrometers for the analysis of falsified pharmaceutical products." (2018.07.25) LINK

"Tiny $25 Spectrometer Aims to Identify Materials with Ease" (2018.05.31) LINK

"Comparison of Portable and Bench-Top Spectrometers for Mid-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Measurements of Soils" (2018.03.28) LINK


Nonlinear Regression with High-Dimensional Space Mapping for Blood Component Spectral Quantitative Analysis (2018.02.02) LINK


"Bluret Protein Measurement Machine, a technological disrupter of its day" (2018.07.03) LINK

"Identification and quantification of microplastics in table sea salts using micro-NIR imaging methods" (2018.05.31) LINK

Food & Feed

"Non-Invasive Methodology to Estimate Polyphenol Content in Extra Virgin Olive Oil Based on Stepwise Multilinear Regression" (2018.03.27) LINK

Rapid Determination of Active Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Okra Seeds Using Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectroscopy FTNIR Polyphenols Flavonoids AntioxidantActivity | (2018.03.03) LINK


"Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy" (2018.07.25) LINK


Spectroscopy used to be confined to the laboratory. Today, portable NeoSpectra SpectralSensors bring the power of NIR out of the lab and into the field. (2018.06.20) LINK


"Non-Destructive Methodology to Determine Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) in Static Bending of Quercus mongolica Usin… (2018.06.27) LINK

"The Application of Discrete Wavelet Transform with Improved Partial Least-Squares Method for the Estimation of… (2018.06.05) LINK

: The emission spectrum of each element is a unique identifier — like the DNA of the element — and the spectral analysis of a light source is essentially a Principal Component Analysis of its components — like explanatory DataScience. Get your p… (2018.06.05) LINK

An Innovative Approach to Exploit the Reflection Spectroscopy of Liquid Characteristics (2018.04.05) LINK

"Combining Fractional Order Derivative and Spectral Variable Selection for Organic Matter Estimation of Homogeneous Soil Samples by VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" (2018.03.27) LINK

NIR InstrumentsNIR-SpektrometerSpettrometro NIR

The NIR-Analysis (NIRA) also known as Near Infrared Reflectance (NIRS-Analysis) or NIR Transmission (NIT-Analysis) uses so called NIR-Spectrometer (see also NIR-Spectroscopy, NIR Spectrometry).

The supported NIR-instruments, NIR-analysers, NIR-sensors and NIR-spectrometer (near-infrared spectroscopy) are full range NIR (780-2500 [nm] or 12'820-4'000 [1/cm]) from any manufacturer and technology and also Short Wave InfraRed (SWIR) (900-1700 [nm]), that is typically used in Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) or VIS-NIR (400-2500 [nm]) or UV-VIS-NIR (200-2500 [nm]). Definitions by IUPAC

The supported NIR-technology can be Fourier transform (FT-NIR), dispersive NIR (DLP, MEMS), NIR-diode-array, Acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF, AOTFNIR), etc. (on-line, in-line or at-line)

Time-saving Calibration Support for all NIRS

New : NIR-Predictor Software for all NIR spectrometers! Analyze your samples.

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Example overview list of NIR-spectrometer manufacturers / vendors / brands / supplier (we DO NOT SELL instruments) :

New : NIR-Predictor Software for all NIR spectrometers! Analyze your samples.

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Example overview list of Miniature Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectrometer Engine (spectral sensor) manufacturers / vendors / brands (we DO NOT SELL instruments) :

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation with any of these sites or their companies.
All trademarks belong to their respective owners and are used for information only.
We DO NOT SELL instruments.

Die NIR Analyse (NIRA) auch bekannt als Nahinfrarot Reflectance (NIRS-Analyse) oder NIR Transmission (NIT-Analyse) verwendet sogenannte NIR-Spektrometer (siehe auch NIR-Spektroskopie).

Die unterstützten NIR-Analysegeräte, NIR-Sensoren und NIR-Spektrometer (Nahinfrarotspektroskopie) sind Full-Range NIR (780-2500 [nm] oder 12'820-4'000 [1/cm]) von beliebigem Hersteller und Technologie und auch Kurzwellen-Infrarot (SWIR) (900-1700 [nm]), das bei Hyperspektraler Bildgebung verwendet wird oder VIS-NIR (400-2500 [nm]) oder UV-VIS-NIR (200-2500 [nm]). Definitionen von IUPAC

Die unterstützte NIR-Technologie umfasst Fourier Transform (FT-NIR), Dispersiv NIR (DLP, MEMS), NIR Diodenarray, Acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF, AOTFNIR), etc. (on-line, in-line oder at-line)

Zeitsparender Calibration Support für alle NIRS

Neu : NIR-Predictor Software für alle NIR-Spektrometer! Analysieren Sie Ihre Proben.

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Beispiel Übersicht Liste von NIR-Spektrometer Marken Herstellern / Lieferanten (we DO NOT SELL instruments) :

Neu : NIR-Predictor Software für alle NIR-Spektrometer! Analysieren Sie Ihre Proben.

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Beispiel Übersicht Liste von Miniatur Nah-Infrarot (NIR) Spektrometer Engine (Spektralsensor) Hersteller / Anbieter / Marken (we DO NOT SELL instruments):

Disclaimer: Wir haben keine Verbindung mit jeder dieser Sites oder deren Gesellschaften.
Alle Warenzeichen gehören ihren jeweiligen Inhabern und werden nur zu Informationszwecken benutzt.
We DO NOT SELL instruments.

The NIR-Analysis (NIRA) also known as Near Infrared Reflectance (NIRS-Analysis) or NIR Transmission (NIT-Analysis) uses so called NIR-Spectrometer (see also NIR-Spectroscopy, NIR Spectrometry).

The supported NIR-instruments, NIR-analysers, NIR-sensors and NIR-spectrometer (near-infrared spectroscopy) are full range NIR (780-2500 [nm] or 12'820-4'000 [1/cm]) from any manufacturer and technology and also Short Wave InfraRed (SWIR) (900-1700 [nm]), that is typically used in Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) or VIS-NIR (400-2500 [nm]) or UV-VIS-NIR (200-2500 [nm]). Definitions by IUPAC

The supported NIR-technology can be Fourier transform (FT-NIR), dispersive NIR (DLP, MEMS), NIR-diode-array, Acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF, AOTFNIR), etc. (on-line, in-line or at-line)

Time-saving Calibration Support for all NIRS

New : NIR-Predictor Software for all NIR spectrometers! Analyze your samples.

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Example overview list of NIR-spectrometer manufacturers / vendors / brands / supplier (we DO NOT SELL instruments) :

New : NIR-Predictor Software for all NIR spectrometers! Analyze your samples.

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Example overview list of Miniature Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectrometer Engine (spectral sensor) manufacturers / vendors / brands (we DO NOT SELL instruments) :

Disclaimer: We have no affiliation with any of these sites or their companies.
All trademarks belong to their respective owners and are used for information only.
We DO NOT SELL instruments.