Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #10, 2014Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #10, 2014

Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #10, 2014

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Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #10, 2014

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Non-linear calibration models for NIR spectroscopy | Chemometrics LINK

Near Infrared

Beer fermentation: Monitoring of process parameters by FT-NIR & multivariate data analysis LINK Mind-reading headband to link with Google Glass |/ NIRS NIR Spectroscopy LINK Near-infrared RemoteSensing of Los Angeles trace gas distributions from a mountaintop site LINK FoodFraud risk prevention & detection Analytical methods Near-infrared spectroscopy |/ NIR NIRS LINK NIRS probe small enough for implanted use in brain functional imaging | NIR LINK Künstliche Intelligenz sortiert Abfall - Nahinfrarot-Spektrometer identifiziert die Stoffe | NIR NIRS pauto LINK Remote Sensing Bundle: PSR-3500 UV-VIS-NIR field-portable | NIR NIRS LINK Introducing DLPNIRscan evaluation module. Tailor made for NIR spectroscopy LINK


How much do you know about infrared spectroscopy? Take our quiz today! LINK


Handheld Raman Analysis - Progeny: LINK


Ultra-fast laser spectroscopy lights way to understanding new materials | femtosecond LINK


Ergonomics & measurement quality in handheld FTIR spectrometers LINK Pittcon 2014: Anasys Instruments exhibits NanoIR2 FTIR spectrometer | IR LINK Modular Raman Spectrometer - LINK Ocean Optics Launches Maya LSL Spectrometer: delivers exceptional stray light performance LINK

Process Control

Portable & Process Spectroscopy - Where’s the Innovation? | pauto QAQC LINK

Food & Feed

Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy for Food Inspection | FoodSafety LINK


Updated FDA draft guidance Analytical Methods and Validation LINK


Technologies - Handheld FTIR Spectrometer, bringing Laboratory Performance to the Field LINK