Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #48, 2013Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #48, 2013

Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #48, 2013

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Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #48, 2013

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Comparison of NIR & MIR spectroscopy to predict fatty acid composition on fresh&thawed milk LINK Stabilizing predicted values from NIR using REP files | Spectroscopy LINK

Near Infrared

User authentication by Near-Infrared absorbed by deoxidised haemoglobin in the palm veins. LINK Moisture content in raw rubber sheet analyzed by transflectance near infrared spectroscopy LINK Drones equipped with near-infrared imaging to build a picture of the fertiliser needs. | NIR LINK Rapid NIR feed analysis NIR feed analysis feedindustry calibre LINK NIRS Evaluation of Grain Value for Animal Performance – The Alberta Experience LINK Deep-cooled scientific cameras by | biooptics spectroscopy NIR LINK


Intro to DIY Raman Spectroscopy | video spectrum LINK Shortwave Targeted Agile Raman Robot for Identification&Confirmation of Emplaced Explosives LINK


Semi-supervised local feature extraction of hyperspectral images ov. urban area LINK


Recent advancements in Spectroscopy using tunable Diode Lasers LINK NIR-photosensitive organic-semiconductor materials to be used as tunable photodetectors LINK


The History of Spectroscopy, A Perspective. MIT LINK


Sistema de Análisis Hiperespectral de Specim. Iris en Pharmaprocess LINK new TerraSpec Halo handheld NIR spectrometer at the GRSG meeting in Berlin on Dec 9th |//mineweb-exploration?oid=219450&sn=Detail LINK UV Microspectrometer from Ocean Optics - spectroscopy, medical devices, process monitoring LINK


Dynamic remote sensing in the Cloud, Video of Australian implementation. | ag LINK Understanding Soils better with Mobile Spectroscopy mp3 LINK


RT : Three reasons to forage test. LINK NIR calibrations for predicting energy value of weather damaged grains for pigs LINK NIR is improving livestock feeding programs for optimal cattle health and production. LINK Evaluation of different strategies for broiler feed formulation using NIR spectroscopy. LINK Use of spectral imaging in plant studies moves forward LINK Video: Drone Detection of Wheat Disease Spread | ag agriculture grain forage LINK

Food & Feed

Automatic Fruit sorting by non-destructive VIS / NIR analysis to improve Wine Quality LINK Research themes identified by the Food Safety and Standards Authority | FoodSafety analysis LINK Kiwi Atlántico monitoring its products,NIR indicate fruit's Brix, firmness & drymatter LINK


Ethanol Energy Post-Doctoral Fellow – NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy LINK


Development of nondestructive technique for detecting internal defects in Japanese radishes LINK The use of infrared spectroscopy in the analysis of car paint | forensic LINK