Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #34, 2014
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #34, 2014
Holen Sie sich die Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Nachrichten in Echtzeit auf Twitter @ CalibModel
Quantification of Ethanol in Biodiesels Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy & Multivariate Calibration LINK
Congrès annuel CHIMIOMETRIE XVI du 19 au 21 janvier 2015 à Genève (Suisse) | chemometrics LINK
8th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, ICAVS-8, in Vienna, Austria, July 12-17, 2015 LINK
Data scientist: Your mileage may vary - "Understanding correlation, multivariate regression and all aspects ... LINK
“Modelos de predicción de la calidad del café en taza usando el ... " LINK
Near Infrared
Podcast: Ruminating with RealAg - Ep 6: Shedding Light on NIR Technology (by ) LINK
The 25th International Conference on Coffee Science | NIR NIRS NIRCoffee calibration LINK
“El hombre vs la máquina: midiendo la calidad del café con NIR (infrarrojo cercano)” LINK
Low-cost drones forecast to benefit vineyards. Monitoring soil with multispectral or hyperspectral camera | UAV wine LINK
Keynote Speakers Announced for Hyperspectral Imaging Conference | HSI LINK
FarmBot: An Open Source 3D Farming Printer Aims to Create Food For Everyone | HSI 3Dprint LINK
Spectral Imaging
Optimising the image processing pipeline - IMVEurope | feature metrics multispectral sensors imaging ... LINK
Application of multispectral LiDAR to automated virtual outcrop geology LINK
Wissenschaftler entwickeln neue Methoden zur Herkunftsbestimmung - Herkunft und Qualität von Lebensmitteln prüfen LINK
"Why the world's biggest companies are investing in recycling" optical sorters sorting LINK
Moisture Meter Technology for In-Shell Peanuts Licensed LINK
Wie Spektroskopie Leben auf fremden Welten entdecken könnte | Wissenschaft Spektroskopie LINK
Thanks for the RTs this week! via LINK
Dienstleistung für Optimierung von Chemometrie Anwendungen der Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie | NIRS Qualitäts Kontrolle LINK
Do you use Molecular Spectroscopy with Multivariate Regression Models? That will save you development time. LINK
Effective development of new quantitative prediction equations for multivariate data like NIR spectra | spectrum LINK
Efficient development of new quantitative prediction equations for multivariate data like NIR spectra | spectrum LINK
How to Develop NIR Methods in the 21stCentury? | LabManager QAManager QMS QualityAssurance lab testing chemistry LINK
How to develop near-infrared spectroscopy calibrations in the 21st Century? LINK
Improve Accuracy of fast Nondestructive NIRS Measurements by Optimal Chemometric Calibration | pauto QAQC NIR LINK
Increase Your Profit with optimized NIR Accuracy QA QC Food Feed Lab PetCare vitamins LINK
Knowledge-Based Variable Selection and Model Selection for near infrared spectroscopy NIRS LINK
NIR Analytical Solutions Optimization Service | Application Process Chemist NIR Engineer recalibrate LINK
NIR Spectrometry Custom Applications for chemical analysis | laboratory analyzer analyser QA QC QAQC LINK
NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometric software surveys, polls & assessments | NIRS Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Chemometrics LINK
NIR Users & market survey on NIR spectroscopy application | Spectrometry NIRS nearinfrared industry LINK
NIRS Analytical Laboratory Method Development : Reduce Workload and Response Time | MethodDevelopment modeling LINK
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy : Improve the Accuracy of Multivariate PLS models | ProcessControl FoodQuality LINK
Neue Möglichkeiten in der Entwicklung von Applikationen für die NIR-Analytik | Labor NIRS Analytik LaborAnalytik LINK
Optimisation of Chemical Analysis with NIR Spectrometer by re-calibration of multivariate data model | food feed Lab LINK
Optimize NIR Spectroscopy Performance by Recalibrating the Chemometric Models | laboratory equipment NDT NDE NDI LINK
Pro Tip: Die NIR-Kalibrierung ist der zentrale Schlüssel zur genauen NIR Messung LINK
Pro Tip: The NIR Calibration is the Central Key to accurate NIR measurement. LINK
Protip: NIRS as a secondary method requires extensive calibration on an ongoing basis | foodindustry feedsafety NIR LINK
Quantitative Analytical NIR Method Development for Quality Control Laboratory & Analytical Laboratories | food QAQC LINK
Quantitative near-infrared measurements improved by optimizing prediction model | near-IR Laboratory Process pauto LINK
Rapid NIR method Development for the quantitative analysis of .. | predictive sensors Industry40 Industry4.0 LINK
Robust and Exact NIR Measurement Results : Efficient Spectroscopic Analysis Method Development and Data Analysis LINK
Services for Optimization of Chemometric Application Methods of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy | NIR Quality Control LINK
Services for Professional development of NIRS calibrations | NIRS Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy QAQC Lab LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS Quality Testing LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS QA QC testing food LINK
Sie sind NIR Spektroskopie Anwender in QA/QC oder Analytik Labore in Industrie oder Routineanalytik ? Dies spart Zeit LINK
Successful improvement of NIRS spectrometer performance for quantitative determination, get the free White Paper | QC LINK
Use Calibration Model for your customized NIR Applications. Start Optimizing! | NIRS Spectroscopy QAQC quality LINK
WHITEPAPER: A novel knowledge-based Chemometrics Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | NIRS LINK
What is JCAMP-DX ? | JCAMP dataformat spectroscopy LINK
Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #34, 2014
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #34, 2014
Holen Sie sich die Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Nachrichten in Echtzeit auf Twitter @ CalibModel
Quantification of Ethanol in Biodiesels Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy & Multivariate Calibration LINK
Congrès annuel CHIMIOMETRIE XVI du 19 au 21 janvier 2015 à Genève (Suisse) | chemometrics LINK
8th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, ICAVS-8, in Vienna, Austria, July 12-17, 2015 LINK
Data scientist: Your mileage may vary - "Understanding correlation, multivariate regression and all aspects ... LINK
“Modelos de predicción de la calidad del café en taza usando el ... " LINK
Near Infrared
Podcast: Ruminating with RealAg - Ep 6: Shedding Light on NIR Technology (by ) LINK
The 25th International Conference on Coffee Science | NIR NIRS NIRCoffee calibration LINK
“El hombre vs la máquina: midiendo la calidad del café con NIR (infrarrojo cercano)” LINK
Low-cost drones forecast to benefit vineyards. Monitoring soil with multispectral or hyperspectral camera | UAV wine LINK
Keynote Speakers Announced for Hyperspectral Imaging Conference | HSI LINK
FarmBot: An Open Source 3D Farming Printer Aims to Create Food For Everyone | HSI 3Dprint LINK
Spectral Imaging
Optimising the image processing pipeline - IMVEurope | feature metrics multispectral sensors imaging ... LINK
Application of multispectral LiDAR to automated virtual outcrop geology LINK
Wissenschaftler entwickeln neue Methoden zur Herkunftsbestimmung - Herkunft und Qualität von Lebensmitteln prüfen LINK
"Why the world's biggest companies are investing in recycling" optical sorters sorting LINK
Moisture Meter Technology for In-Shell Peanuts Licensed LINK
Wie Spektroskopie Leben auf fremden Welten entdecken könnte | Wissenschaft Spektroskopie LINK
Thanks for the RTs this week! via LINK
Dienstleistung für Optimierung von Chemometrie Anwendungen der Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie | NIRS Qualitäts Kontrolle LINK
Do you use Molecular Spectroscopy with Multivariate Regression Models? That will save you development time. LINK
Effective development of new quantitative prediction equations for multivariate data like NIR spectra | spectrum LINK
Efficient development of new quantitative prediction equations for multivariate data like NIR spectra | spectrum LINK
How to Develop NIR Methods in the 21stCentury? | LabManager QAManager QMS QualityAssurance lab testing chemistry LINK
How to develop near-infrared spectroscopy calibrations in the 21st Century? LINK
Improve Accuracy of fast Nondestructive NIRS Measurements by Optimal Chemometric Calibration | pauto QAQC NIR LINK
Increase Your Profit with optimized NIR Accuracy QA QC Food Feed Lab PetCare vitamins LINK
Knowledge-Based Variable Selection and Model Selection for near infrared spectroscopy NIRS LINK
NIR Analytical Solutions Optimization Service | Application Process Chemist NIR Engineer recalibrate LINK
NIR Spectrometry Custom Applications for chemical analysis | laboratory analyzer analyser QA QC QAQC LINK
NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometric software surveys, polls & assessments | NIRS Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Chemometrics LINK
NIR Users & market survey on NIR spectroscopy application | Spectrometry NIRS nearinfrared industry LINK
NIRS Analytical Laboratory Method Development : Reduce Workload and Response Time | MethodDevelopment modeling LINK
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy : Improve the Accuracy of Multivariate PLS models | ProcessControl FoodQuality LINK
Neue Möglichkeiten in der Entwicklung von Applikationen für die NIR-Analytik | Labor NIRS Analytik LaborAnalytik LINK
Optimisation of Chemical Analysis with NIR Spectrometer by re-calibration of multivariate data model | food feed Lab LINK
Optimize NIR Spectroscopy Performance by Recalibrating the Chemometric Models | laboratory equipment NDT NDE NDI LINK
Pro Tip: Die NIR-Kalibrierung ist der zentrale Schlüssel zur genauen NIR Messung LINK
Pro Tip: The NIR Calibration is the Central Key to accurate NIR measurement. LINK
Protip: NIRS as a secondary method requires extensive calibration on an ongoing basis | foodindustry feedsafety NIR LINK
Quantitative Analytical NIR Method Development for Quality Control Laboratory & Analytical Laboratories | food QAQC LINK
Quantitative near-infrared measurements improved by optimizing prediction model | near-IR Laboratory Process pauto LINK
Rapid NIR method Development for the quantitative analysis of .. | predictive sensors Industry40 Industry4.0 LINK
Robust and Exact NIR Measurement Results : Efficient Spectroscopic Analysis Method Development and Data Analysis LINK
Services for Optimization of Chemometric Application Methods of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy | NIR Quality Control LINK
Services for Professional development of NIRS calibrations | NIRS Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy QAQC Lab LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS Quality Testing LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS QA QC testing food LINK
Sie sind NIR Spektroskopie Anwender in QA/QC oder Analytik Labore in Industrie oder Routineanalytik ? Dies spart Zeit LINK
Successful improvement of NIRS spectrometer performance for quantitative determination, get the free White Paper | QC LINK
Use Calibration Model for your customized NIR Applications. Start Optimizing! | NIRS Spectroscopy QAQC quality LINK
WHITEPAPER: A novel knowledge-based Chemometrics Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | NIRS LINK
What is JCAMP-DX ? | JCAMP dataformat spectroscopy LINK
Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News Weekly #34, 2014
Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.
Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #34, 2014
Holen Sie sich die Chemometrie und Spektroskopie Nachrichten in Echtzeit auf Twitter @ CalibModel
Quantification of Ethanol in Biodiesels Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy & Multivariate Calibration LINK
Congrès annuel CHIMIOMETRIE XVI du 19 au 21 janvier 2015 à Genève (Suisse) | chemometrics LINK
8th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, ICAVS-8, in Vienna, Austria, July 12-17, 2015 LINK
Data scientist: Your mileage may vary - "Understanding correlation, multivariate regression and all aspects ... LINK
“Modelos de predicción de la calidad del café en taza usando el ... " LINK
Near Infrared
Podcast: Ruminating with RealAg - Ep 6: Shedding Light on NIR Technology (by ) LINK
The 25th International Conference on Coffee Science | NIR NIRS NIRCoffee calibration LINK
“El hombre vs la máquina: midiendo la calidad del café con NIR (infrarrojo cercano)” LINK
Low-cost drones forecast to benefit vineyards. Monitoring soil with multispectral or hyperspectral camera | UAV wine LINK
Keynote Speakers Announced for Hyperspectral Imaging Conference | HSI LINK
FarmBot: An Open Source 3D Farming Printer Aims to Create Food For Everyone | HSI 3Dprint LINK
Spectral Imaging
Optimising the image processing pipeline - IMVEurope | feature metrics multispectral sensors imaging ... LINK
Application of multispectral LiDAR to automated virtual outcrop geology LINK
Wissenschaftler entwickeln neue Methoden zur Herkunftsbestimmung - Herkunft und Qualität von Lebensmitteln prüfen LINK
"Why the world's biggest companies are investing in recycling" optical sorters sorting LINK
Moisture Meter Technology for In-Shell Peanuts Licensed LINK
Wie Spektroskopie Leben auf fremden Welten entdecken könnte | Wissenschaft Spektroskopie LINK
Thanks for the RTs this week! via LINK
Dienstleistung für Optimierung von Chemometrie Anwendungen der Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie | NIRS Qualitäts Kontrolle LINK
Do you use Molecular Spectroscopy with Multivariate Regression Models? That will save you development time. LINK
Effective development of new quantitative prediction equations for multivariate data like NIR spectra | spectrum LINK
Efficient development of new quantitative prediction equations for multivariate data like NIR spectra | spectrum LINK
How to Develop NIR Methods in the 21stCentury? | LabManager QAManager QMS QualityAssurance lab testing chemistry LINK
How to develop near-infrared spectroscopy calibrations in the 21st Century? LINK
Improve Accuracy of fast Nondestructive NIRS Measurements by Optimal Chemometric Calibration | pauto QAQC NIR LINK
Increase Your Profit with optimized NIR Accuracy QA QC Food Feed Lab PetCare vitamins LINK
Knowledge-Based Variable Selection and Model Selection for near infrared spectroscopy NIRS LINK
NIR Analytical Solutions Optimization Service | Application Process Chemist NIR Engineer recalibrate LINK
NIR Spectrometry Custom Applications for chemical analysis | laboratory analyzer analyser QA QC QAQC LINK
NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometric software surveys, polls & assessments | NIRS Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Chemometrics LINK
NIR Users & market survey on NIR spectroscopy application | Spectrometry NIRS nearinfrared industry LINK
NIRS Analytical Laboratory Method Development : Reduce Workload and Response Time | MethodDevelopment modeling LINK
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy : Improve the Accuracy of Multivariate PLS models | ProcessControl FoodQuality LINK
Neue Möglichkeiten in der Entwicklung von Applikationen für die NIR-Analytik | Labor NIRS Analytik LaborAnalytik LINK
Optimisation of Chemical Analysis with NIR Spectrometer by re-calibration of multivariate data model | food feed Lab LINK
Optimize NIR Spectroscopy Performance by Recalibrating the Chemometric Models | laboratory equipment NDT NDE NDI LINK
Pro Tip: Die NIR-Kalibrierung ist der zentrale Schlüssel zur genauen NIR Messung LINK
Pro Tip: The NIR Calibration is the Central Key to accurate NIR measurement. LINK
Protip: NIRS as a secondary method requires extensive calibration on an ongoing basis | foodindustry feedsafety NIR LINK
Quantitative Analytical NIR Method Development for Quality Control Laboratory & Analytical Laboratories | food QAQC LINK
Quantitative near-infrared measurements improved by optimizing prediction model | near-IR Laboratory Process pauto LINK
Rapid NIR method Development for the quantitative analysis of .. | predictive sensors Industry40 Industry4.0 LINK
Robust and Exact NIR Measurement Results : Efficient Spectroscopic Analysis Method Development and Data Analysis LINK
Services for Optimization of Chemometric Application Methods of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy | NIR Quality Control LINK
Services for Professional development of NIRS calibrations | NIRS Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy QAQC Lab LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS Quality Testing LINK
Services for professional Development of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS QA QC testing food LINK
Sie sind NIR Spektroskopie Anwender in QA/QC oder Analytik Labore in Industrie oder Routineanalytik ? Dies spart Zeit LINK
Successful improvement of NIRS spectrometer performance for quantitative determination, get the free White Paper | QC LINK
Use Calibration Model for your customized NIR Applications. Start Optimizing! | NIRS Spectroscopy QAQC quality LINK
WHITEPAPER: A novel knowledge-based Chemometrics Software Framework for quantitative NIR Calibration Modeling | NIRS LINK
What is JCAMP-DX ? | JCAMP dataformat spectroscopy LINK