How to Develop and use your NIR Calibration Models to get useful Results

How to Develop and use your NIR Calibration Models to get useful Results

1. We transform your NIR+Lab data into ready-to-use calibrations.

2. Just send your calibration-request created with free NIR-Predictor to us.

3. When your calibration is developed and optimized you receive a link to download it.

4. You can use the calibration to predict with free NIR-Predictor as many NIR data files as you like without internet.

NIR Calibration Service explained

Send Your Calibration Request

You don't need...

  • to hesitate to give it a try Send Calibration Request
  • to do it yourself
  • different software from NIR vendors to get results
  • an expensive Chemometric software license
  • the hassle of software protection dongles
  • a training course to how to use the Chemometric software
  • a multivariate data analysis training course
  • all the complex mathematical / statistical / chemometric / machine learning experts know-how
  • to read all the books and papers about it
  • a strong fast computer with expensive graphics cards to calculate and optimize the calibrations
  • to install always changing open source software
  • to programming scripts to automate missing things
  • to believe the myths that's impossible to automatically create good reliable calibrations

Discover what is possible with your NIR+Lab data

Wie Sie Ihre NIR-Kalibriermodelle einfach entwickeln und verwenden und nützliche Ergebnisse erzielen

1. Wir wandeln Ihre NIR+Lab-Daten in gebrauchsfertige Kalibrierungen um.

2. Senden Sie einfach Ihre mit dem kostenlosen NIR-Prädiktor erstellte Kalibrieranfrage an uns.

3. Wenn Ihre Kalibrierung entwickelt und optimiert ist, erhalten Sie einen Link zum Herunterladen.

4. Mit der Kalibrierung können Sie mit dem kostenlosen NIR-Prädiktor beliebig viele NIR-Datendateien ohne Internet vorhersagen.

NIR Calibration Service erklärt

Ihre Kalibrierungs Anfrage senden

Sie brauchen nicht

  • zu zögern, es auszuprobieren Kalibrierungsanfrage senden
  • es selbst zu tun
  • verschiedene NIR-Anbieter-Software, um Ergebnisse zu erhalten
  • eine teure chemometrische Software-Lizenz
  • der Ärger mit Softwareschutz-Dongles
  • einen Schulungskurs zur Verwendung der Chemometrie-Software
  • einen Schulungskurs über multivariate Datenanalyse
  • das gesamte komplexe Know-how der Experten für mathematisches / statistisches / chemometrisches / maschinelles Lernen
  • alle Bücher und Zeitungen darüber zu lesen
  • einen starken, schnellen Computer mit teuren Grafikkarten zur Berechnung und Optimierung der Kalibrierungen
  • ständig wechselnde Open-Source-Software zu installieren
  • zur Programmierung von Skripten, um fehlende Dinge zu automatisieren
  • den Mythen zu glauben, dass es unmöglich ist, automatisch gute zuverlässige Kalibrierungen zu erstellen

Entdecken Sie, was mit Ihren NIR+Lab-Daten möglich ist

Come sviluppare e utilizzare i modelli di calibrazione NIR in modo semplice e per ottenere risultati utili

1. Trasformiamo i vostri dati NIR+Lab in calibrazioni pronte all'uso.

2. Basta inviarci la vostra richiesta di calibrazione creata con il NIR-Predictor gratuito.

3. Quando la vostra calibrazione è sviluppata e ottimizzata ricevete un link per scaricarla.

4. È possibile utilizzare la calibrazione per prevedere con NIR-Predictor gratuito tutti i file di dati NIR che si desidera senza internet.

NIR Calibration Service explained

Invia la tua richiesta di calibrazione

Non c'è bisogno di

  • esitare a fare una prova inviare la richiesta di calibrazione
  • per farlo da soli
  • diversi software NIR per ottenere risultati
  • una costosa licenza di software chemometrico
  • il fastidio dei dongle di protezione del software
  • un corso di formazione su come utilizzare il software chemometrico
  • un corso di formazione sull'analisi multivariata dei dati
  • tutto il complesso know-how degli esperti di matematica / statistica / chemiometria / machine learning
  • per leggere tutti i libri e i giornali su di esso
  • un computer forte e veloce con costose schede grafiche per calcolare e ottimizzare le calibrazioni
  • per installare un software open source sempre diverso
  • agli script di programmazione per automatizzare le cose mancanti
  • credere ai miti che è impossibile creare automaticamente buone calibrazioni affidabili

Scoprite cosa è possibile fare con i vostri dati NIR+Lab

Cost comparison / Price comparison of Chemometrics / Machine Learning / Data Science for NIR-Spectroscopy – Kostenvergleich / Preisvergleich von Chemometrie / Maschinelles Lernen / Data Science für die NIR-Spektroskopie – Confronto dei costi / Confronto dei prezzi della chemiometria / Apprendimento automatico / Scienza dei dati per la spettroscopia NIR

Reduce Operating Costs and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of NIR-Spectroscopy (NIRS) in the Digitalization Age.

NIR-Spectroscopy (NIRS) - Reduce cost, Increase revenue

Reduce Cost by automated NIR development.
Increase Revenue by higher accuracy NIR results. (CM) versus Others

Costs are not everything, there are other important factors listed in the table.

CM fix € pricing (approx.)Others € Price Range (approx.)
Chemometric Packagenot‑needed
€3500 - €6500 per user
Chemometric Predictor
€1500 - €2500 per NIR device
Chemometric Trainingnot‑needed
€1500 - €2500 per user
Chemometrician* Salarynot‑needed
1 years Salary / year
(+ risk of Employee Turnover)
Powerful Computer (many Processors, lot of RAM for big data)not‑needed
€1500 - €4500 per computer
Development and Usage
Development of a Calibration
€80 - €150 / hour

of Chemometrician* using a Chemometric Software (click and wait) and applying it's knowledge

Usage of a Calibration
€60 / year
Total€178 in first year
€60 in second year
initial (min €8000 , max €15500)
+ 2 * (2 - 4)(hour to cost same! as CM service) * (€80 - €150) Chemometrician* work
no initial cost
very high initial costs
no personnel cost
high personnel* costs
constant CM services
risk of Employee Turnover
global knowledge
risk of only use personal knowledge
easy to calculate fix cost on demand
difficult to calculate variable cost on demand plus Chemometrician* Recruitment needed
Results :
calibration prediction performance
always reproducible highly optimized
only as good as your Chemometrician* daily condition
better prediction performance, due to best-of 10'000x calibrations
small size of experiments, non-optimal calibrations

See also:

Start Calibrate

*) Personnel / Chemometrician / Data Scientist / Data Analyst / Machine Learning Engineer :
We are not against it, we are one of them a long time ago, but the way the work is done is changing (see below).

2019 Digitalization and the Future of Work: Macroeconomic Consequences

2019 The Digitalization of the American Workforce

2017 Digitalization and the American workforce , full-report

Professional Development of NIR‑Spectroscopic Chemometric Calibration Models as a Service / Professionelle Entwicklung von NIR‑spektroskopischen chemometrischen Kalibrations Modellen als Dienstleistung / Sviluppo professionale di modelli chemiometrici di calibrazione chemiometrica NIR‑spettroscopica come servizio

In a nutshell (TL;DR) : spectroscopy calibration service and for which users is it suitable?

From your NIR + Lab data, we develop optimal NIR-Calibrations for you.

  • For any NIR spectrometer.
  • You don't need a Chemometric or Math software!

It's Your Data and Your Calibration.

  • You can anonymize your NIR + Lab data before sending.
  • We delete your NIR + Lab data after processing.
  • Only you get download access to your Calibrations.

Download the Calibrations.

  • You can see the Calibrations performance statistics.
  • You can try the Calibrations before you buy.
  • Fix cost per Calibration development and use. Paid on download.

Use the free NIR-Predictor Software tooling to

  • Check which of your NIR Spectral Data Formats is supported.
  • Combine your NIR + Lab data and create your Calibration Request.
  • Use your Calibrations to create Analysis Reports from new NIR data of measured samples.

For all NIR Spectrometers.

Use our included free NIR-Predictor software to create results!

Now new with native File Format support of mobile NIR instruments!

With the NIR-Predictor software,

you can use your NIRS calibration files locally and offline.

That means you can predict as much NIR data as you want,

at full speed without waiting at no extra cost

(it's NOT a cloud prediction where you pay per result).

The NIR-Predictor shows which samples should be sent to the laboratory for reference analysis in order to complete the data for the next calibration.

This minimizes the laboratory effort and further costs.
This is based on the fact that sample spectra that are foreign to the calibration are marked as outliers in the prediction report generated by the NIR-Predictor. This way, these samples can be analyzed in the laboratory and used to enhance the NIR + Lab data.

You don't need a Chemometric Software.

NIR Calibration Service explained

See detailed Price List

Start Calibrate


It Enables





Our Knowhow

Why you can Trust us

  • Try before you buy with : free NIR-Predictor software included
  • Off-line predictions with NIR-Predictor, your data will not go into the cloud.
  • Data Privacy :
    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO)
  • We delete your data after processing : Terms of Service
  • Optionally data can be anonymized : Anonymizer Software
  • Swiss Quality Service and Software made in Switzerland


    What our service provides is also known as:

    • NIR chemometric analytical method development
    • NIR chemometric analysis method development
    • NIR Spectrometric analytical method development
    • NIR Spectroscopic analytical method development
    • NIR spectrometry analytical method development
    • NIR spectrometry analysis method development
    • NIR Spectroscopic Analysis Methods Development
    • NIR spectral analysis methods development
    • NIR Spectrometry Analysis Methods Development
    • NIR Spectroscopy Analysis Methods Creation
    • Development of chemometric analysis methods in the NIR range
    • Development of chemometric analysis methods in the NIRS range
    • NIR Spectrometric analytical method development
    • NIR Spectrometric Analysis Method Development
    • NIRS Spectroscopic Analysis Method Development
    • NIR Development of spectroscopic analysis methods
    • Development of analytical methods of NIR spectrometry
    • NIR spectrometry analysis method development

    Zusammenfassung : Was ist ein NIR Spektroskopie Kalibrierungs Service und für welche Anwender ist er geeignet?

    Aus Ihren NIR + Labordaten entwickeln wir für Sie optimale NIR-Kalibrierungen.

    • Für jedes NIR-Spektrometer.
    • Sie benötigen keine chemometrische oder mathematische Software!

    Es sind Ihre Daten und Ihre Kalibrierung.

    • Sie können Ihre NIR- und Labordaten vor dem Senden anonymisieren.
    • Wir löschen Ihre NIR- und Labordaten nach der Verarbeitung.
    • Nur Sie erhalten Download Zugang zu Ihren Kalibrierungen.

    Download der Kalibrierungen.

    • Sie können die Leistungsstatistik der Kalibrierungen sehen.
    • Sie können die Kalibrierungen vor dem Kauf ausprobieren.
    • Fixkosten pro Kalibrierungsentwicklung und -nutzung. Bezahlt beim Herunterladen.

    Nutzen Sie die kostenlose NIR-Prädikator-Software zu

    • Prüfen Sie, welches Ihrer NIR-Spektraldatenformate unterstützt wird.
    • Kombinieren Sie Ihre NIR- und Labordaten und erstellen Sie Ihre Kalibrieranforderung.
    • Verwenden Sie Ihre Kalibrierungen, um Analyseberichte aus neuen NIR-Daten gemessener Proben zu erstellen.

    Für alle NIR-Spektrometer.

    Verwenden Sie unsere kostenlose NIR-Predictor Software um Ergebnisse zu erzeugen!

    Jetzt neu mit native File Format unterstützung von mobile NIR Instrumenten!

    Mit der NIR-Predictor-Software können Sie Ihre NIRS-Kalibrierungsdateien lokal und offline verwenden.

    Das heißt, Sie können so viele NIR-Daten vorhersagen, wie Sie wollen,

    bei voller Geschwindigkeit, ohne zu warten und ohne zusätzliche Kosten

    (es handelt sich NICHT um eine Cloud Vorhersage, bei der Sie pro Ergebnis bezahlen).

    Der NIR-Predictor zeigt auf, welche Samples zur Referenz Analytik ins Labor sollten, um die Daten für die nächste Kalibrierung zu vervollständigen.

    Das minimiert den Labor Aufwand und weitere Kosten.
    Dies basiert darauf, dass der Kalibration fremde Sample Spektren als Outlier markiert werden im Predcition Report das der NIR-Predictor erzeugt. So können diese Sample im Labor genau analysiert werden und zur Erweiterung der NIR + Lab Daten herangezogen werden.

    Sie benötigen KEINE chemometrische Software.

    NIR Calibration Service erklärt

    Siehe detaillierte Preisliste

    Kalibrierung starten


    Es ermöglicht

    • Quantitative Analyse von Konzentrationen und Inhaltsstoffen mittels NIR-Spektroskopie (NIR Messung ist schnell, harmlos, zerstörungsfrei und miniaturisiert)
    • Chemometrische Kalibrierung und Analyse für die NIR-Spektroskopie leicht gemacht
    • NIR-Kalibrierungsoptimierung und Vorhersagemodelle anwenden
    • Einsatz von NIR-Spektrometern mit Kalibrierkurven/Gleichungen
    • NIR-Methoden-Entwicklungs-Service für Labore und NIR-Anbieter (OEM)





    Unser Know-how

    Warum Sie uns vertrauen können

    • Probieren Sie es aus, bevor Sie kaufen : NIR-Predictor Software im Lieferumfang enthalten.
    • Offline Prediction mit NIR-Predictor, Ihre Daten gehen nicht in die Cloud.
    • Datenschutz :
      General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
      Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO)
    • Wir löschen Ihre Daten nach der Verarbeitung : Nutzungsbedingungen
    • Optional können Daten anonymisiert werden : Anonymisierer Software
    • Schweizer Qualitätsservice und Software made in Switzerland


    Was unser Service bietet, wird auch bezeichnet als:

    • NIR Spektroskopische Analysen Methoden Entwicklung
    • NIR Spektral Analysen Methoden Entwicklung
    • NIR Spektrometrie Analysen Methoden Entwicklung
    • NIR Spektroskopie Analysen Methoden Entwicklung
    • NIR Spektroskopie Analysen Methoden Erstellung
    • Entwicklung chemometrischer Analysemethoden im NIR-Bereich
    • Entwicklung chemometrischer Analysemethoden im NIRS-Bereich
    • NIR Spektrometrische analytische Methodenentwicklung
    • NIR Spektrometrische Analysemethoden-Entwicklung
    • NIR Spektroskopische Analyse Methodenentwicklung
    • NIR Entwicklung spektroskopischer Analysemethoden
    • Entwicklung analytischer Methoden der NIR-Spektrometrie
    • NIR-Spektrometrie-Analysemethodenentwicklung

    In poche parole (TL;DR) : Cos'è un servizio di calibrazione della spettroscopia NIR e per quali utenti è adatto?

    Dai vostri dati NIR + Lab sviluppiamo per voi le calibrazioni NIR ottimali.

    • Per qualsiasi spettrometro NIR.
    • Non hai bisogno di un software chemometrico o matematico!

    Sono i tuoi dati e la tua calibrazione.

    • Puoi anonimizzare i tuoi dati NIR + Lab prima di inviare.
    • Cancelliamo i vostri dati NIR + Lab dopo l'elaborazione.
    • Solo voi potete scaricare le vostre calibrazioni.

    Scaricare le calibrazioni.

    • Puoi vedere le statistiche sulle prestazioni delle calibrazioni.
    • Puoi provare le Calibrazioni prima di acquistare.
    • Costo fisso per sviluppo e utilizzo della taratura. Pagato su download.

    Utilizzare il tooling gratuito NIR-Predictor Software per.

    • Controllare quale dei vostri formati di dati spettrali NIR è supportato.
    • Combina i tuoi dati NIR + Lab e crea la tua Richiesta di Taratura.

    For all NIR Spectrometers.

    Use our included free NIR-Predictor software to create results!

    Now new with native File Format support of mobile NIR instruments!

    With the NIR-Predictor software,

    you can use your NIRS calibration files locally and offline.

    That means you can predict as much NIR data as you want,

    at full speed without waiting at no extra cost

    (it's NOT a cloud prediction where you pay per result).

    The NIR-Predictor shows which samples should be sent to the laboratory for reference analysis in order to complete the data for the next calibration.

    This minimizes the laboratory effort and further costs.
    This is based on the fact that sample spectra that are foreign to the calibration are marked as outliers in the prediction report generated by the NIR-Predictor. This way, these samples can be analyzed in the laboratory and used to enhance the NIR + Lab data.

    You don't need a Chemometric Software.

    NIR Calibration Service explained

    See detailed Price List

    Start Calibrate


    It Enables





    Our Knowhow

    Why you can Trust us

    • Try before you buy with : free NIR-Predictor software included
    • Off-line predictions with NIR-Predictor, your data will not go into the cloud.
    • Data Privacy :
      General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
      Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO)
    • We delete your data after processing : Terms of Service
    • Optionally data can be anonymized : Anonymizer Software
    • Swiss Quality Service and Software made in Switzerland


    Ciò che il nostro servizio offre è noto anche come:

    • Metodi di Analisi Spettroscopica NIR Sviluppo di Metodi di Analisi Spettroscopica
    • Sviluppo di metodi di analisi spettrale NIR
    • Metodi di analisi spettroscopica NIR Sviluppo di metodi di analisi
    • Metodi di analisi spettroscopica NIR Creazione di metodi di analisi
    • Sviluppo di metodi di analisi chemiometrica nella gamma NIR
    • Sviluppo di metodi di analisi chemiometrica nella gamma NIRS
    • NIR Sviluppo del metodo analitico spettrometrico NIR
    • Sviluppo del metodo di analisi spettrometrica NIR
    • Sviluppo del metodo di analisi spettroscopica NIRS
    • NIR Sviluppo di metodi di analisi spettroscopica
    • Sviluppo di metodi analitici di spettrometria NIR
    • Sviluppo del metodo di analisi della spettrometria NIR

    We make NIR Chemometrics easyWir machen NIR Chemometrie einfach

    Hi, we're CalibrationModel. Our aim is to transform your NIR data to superior calibration models. We do this by using knowledge driven software applying good practices and rules from literature, publications, regulatory guidelines and more. Our service is used by NIR specialists to deliver a valuable model for their NIR analysis measurements. With CalibrationModel services, NIR specialists can find out how their NIR Data can be robust and optimally modeled by which data preprocessing and wavelength selection, etc. You can implement CalibrationModel in a matter of minutes using our contact form and send your NIR data to receive optimized model settings as a blueprint.

    NIR specialists (Spectroscopist, Chemometricians) love perfect models. They're curious about how to improve their models even further, because all NIR models need continuous maintenance and updates.

    Using CalibrationModel services, NIR Specialists can deliver real value to their measurement results through powerful model optimization capabilities.

    We make NIR Chemometrics easy.

    Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service

    Hi, we're CalibrationModel. Our aim is to transform your NIR data to superior calibration models. We do this by using knowledge driven software applying good practices and rules from literature, publications, regulatory guidelines and more. Our service is used by NIR specialists to deliver a valuable model for their NIR analysis measurements. With CalibrationModel services, NIR specialists can find out how their NIR Data can be robust and optimally modeled by which data preprocessing and wavelength selection, etc. You can implement CalibrationModel in a matter of minutes using our contact form and send your NIR data to receive optimized model settings as a blueprint.

    NIR specialists (Spectroscopist, Chemometricians) love perfect models. They're curious about how to improve their models even further, because all NIR models need continuous maintenance and updates.

    Using CalibrationModel services, NIR Specialists can deliver real value to their measurement results through powerful model optimization capabilities.

    We make NIR Chemometrics easy.

    Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service

    Hi, we're CalibrationModel. Our aim is to transform your NIR data to superior calibration models. We do this by using knowledge driven software applying good practices and rules from literature, publications, regulatory guidelines and more. Our service is used by NIR specialists to deliver a valuable model for their NIR analysis measurements. With CalibrationModel services, NIR specialists can find out how their NIR Data can be robust and optimally modeled by which data preprocessing and wavelength selection, etc. You can implement CalibrationModel in a matter of minutes using our contact form and send your NIR data to receive optimized model settings as a blueprint.

    NIR specialists (Spectroscopist, Chemometricians) love perfect models. They're curious about how to improve their models even further, because all NIR models need continuous maintenance and updates.

    Using CalibrationModel services, NIR Specialists can deliver real value to their measurement results through powerful model optimization capabilities.

    We make NIR Chemometrics easy.

    Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service