Digitization in the field of NIR spectroscopy (smart sensors) / Digitalisierung im Bereich der NIR-Spektroskopie / Digitalizzazione nel campo della spettroscopia NIR (sensori intelligenti)

Digitalization is advancing, also in NIR spectroscopy, which enables trainable miniature smart sensors e.g. for analyses in the food&feed, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.

The calibration is the core of a NIR spectroscopy sensor, it enables the numerous applications and should therefore not be the weakest link in the measurement chain.

The development of calibrations that turn NIR spectrometers into smart sensors is done manually by experts (NIR specialist, chemometrician, data scientist) with so-called chemometrics software.

This is very time-consuming (time to market) and the result is person-dependent and thus suboptimal, because each expert has his own preferred way of proceeding.
In addition, the calibrations have to be maintained, as new data has been collected in the meantime, which can be used to extend and improve the calibrations.

This is where our automated service comes in, combining the knowledge and good practices of NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics collected in one software and using machine learning to generate optimal calibrations.

Based on this, we have developed a complete technology platform (Time to Market) that covers the entire process from sending NIR + Lab data, to NIR Calibration as a Service, from online purchase of calibrations, to NIR Predictor software that directly evaluates newly measured NIR data locally and generates result reports.

Besides the free desktop version with user interface, the NIR Predictor can also be integrated (OEM). This can be integrated in parallel as a complement to your current Predictor, allowing the user to choose how they want to calibrate.
And give them the advantage in NIR feasibility studies and NIR spectrometer evaluations to quickly provide the customer with a solid and accurate calibration that will make their NIR system deliver better results.

Advantages for your NIR users (internal or external)

  • no initial costs (no chemometrics software license required),
  • calculable operating costs (fixed amount instead of time and hourly rate) (calibration development, calibration maintenance)
  • easy to use (no chemometrics and software training),
  • quicker to use (no calibration development work) and
  • better calibrations (precision, accuracy, robustness, ...)

Our chargeable service is based on the calibration development and the annual calibration use.
Calibration development and calibration use can also be carried out separately (manufacturer / user).

For you as a spectrometer manufacturer, this means that you can deliver your system pre-calibrated for certain applications without incurring software license costs. And without your application specialists having to provide additional calibration services.

The unique advantages of our calibration service together with the free NIR Predictor are:

  • no software license costs (chemometrics software, predictor software, OEM integration)
  • no chemometrics know-how necessary
  • no time needed to develop optimal NIR calibrations.

If interested in using/evaluating the service :

About CalibrationModel.com : Time and knowledge intensive creation and optimization of chemometric evaluation methods for spectrometers as a service to enable more accurate analysis and measurement results.

see also

Paradigm Change in NIR

Five Mistakes to avoid on Digitalization in NIR

NIR - Total cost of ownership (TCO)

OEM / White Label Software

White Paper

Die Digitalisierung schreitet voran, so auch in der NIR-Spektroskopie, die trainierbare miniatur Smart-Sensors ermöglicht z.B. für Analysen im Bereich Food&Feed, Chemie und Pharma.

Die Kalibration ist das Kernstück eines NIR-Spektroskopie Sensors, sie ermöglicht die zahlreichen Applikationen und sollte darum nicht das schwächste Glied in der Messkette sein.

Das Entwickeln von Kalibrationen die NIR-Spektrometer zu Smart-Sensoren macht, wird bis an hin von Experten (NIR-Spezialist, Chemometriker, Data Scientist) manuell gemacht mit sogenannter Chemometrie Software.

Das ist sehr zeitintensiv (Time to Market) und das Ergebnis ist personenabhängig und somit suboptimal, denn jeder Experte hat seine eigene bevorzugte Weise wie er vorgeht.
Dazu kommt, dass die Kalibrationen gewartet werden müssen, da in der Zwischenzeit neue Daten gesammelt wurden, die zur Erweiterung und Verbesserung der Kalibrationen genutzt werden kann.

Hier setzt unser automatisierter Service an, der das Wissen und Good-Practices der NIR-Spektroskopie und Chemometrie gesammelt in einer Software vereint und mittels Machine-Learning optimale Kalibrationen erzeugt.

Wir haben darauf aufbauend eine komplette Technologie-Plattform entwickelt (Time to Market), die den ganzen Ablauf vom Senden der NIR + Lab Daten, zu NIR-Kalibration as a Service, vom Online-Kauf der Kalibrationen, bis hin zur NIR-Predictor Software die neu gemessene NIR Daten direkt lokal auswertet und Ergebnis Reports erstellt.

Nebst der freien Desktop Variante mit User Interface kann der NIR-Predictor auch integriert werden (OEM). Das kann parallel als Ergänzung zu ihrem jetzigen Predictor integriert werden und so dem Anwender die Wahl ermöglichen, wie er Kalibrieren möchte.
Und ihnen so den Vorteil verschaffen, bei NIR Feasibility Studies und NIR-Spektrometer Evaluationen, dem Kunden rasch eine solide und genaue Kalibration bereitzustellen, die ihr NIR System bessere Ergebnisse liefern lässt.

Vorteile für ihre NIR-Anwender (intern oder extern)

  • keine Initial-Kosten (keine Chemometrie Software Lizenz nötig),
  • kalkulierbare Betriebs Kosten (fix Betrag statt nach Aufwand und Stundensatz) (Kalibrationsentwicklung, Kalibrations-Pflege)
  • einfach Anwendbar (keine Chemometrie- und Software-Trainings),
  • schneller Einsatzbereit (keine Kalibrations-Entwicklungs Arbeit) und
  • bessere Kalibrationen (precision, accuracy, robustness, …)

Unsere kostenpflichtige Serviceleistung beruht auf der Kalibrationsentwicklung und der jährlichen Kalibrationsnutzung.
Dabei kann die Kalibrationsentwicklung und Kalibrationsnutzung auch getrennt voneinander (Hersteller / User) erfolgen.

Für Sie als Spektrometer Hersteller kommt so die Möglichkeit hinzu, dass Sie für bestimmte Applikationen ihr System Vorkalibriert ausliefern können, ohne dass Software-Lizenz-Kosten fällig werden. Und ohne dass ihre Applikations-Spezialisten zusätzliche Kalibrationsleistung erbringen müssen.

Die einzigartigen Vorteile unseres Calibrations-Service zusammen mit dem free NIR-Predictor sind:

  • keine Software Lizenz Kosten (Chemometrie Software, Predictor Software, OEM integration)
  • kein Chemometrie Know-How nötig
  • kein Zeitaufwand nötig um optimale NIR-Kalibrationen zu entwickeln.

Bei Interesse zur Nutzung/Evaluation des Services :

Über CalibrationModel.com : Zeit- und Wissens-intensive Erstellung und Optimierung von chemometrischen Auswertemethoden für Spektrometer als Service, um präzisere Analysen- und Messergebnisse zu ermöglichen.

see also

Paradigm Change in NIR

Five Mistakes to avoid on Digitalization in NIR

NIR - Total cost of ownership (TCO)

OEM / White Label Software

White Paper

La digitalizzazione sta progredendo, anche nella spettroscopia NIR, che consente l'uso di sensori intelligenti in miniatura addestrabili, ad esempio per analisi nei settori alimentare e dei mangimi, chimico e farmaceutico.

La calibrazione è il cuore di un sensore di spettroscopia NIR, consente le numerose applicazioni e non dovrebbe quindi essere l'anello più debole della catena di misura.

Lo sviluppo delle calibrazioni che trasformano gli spettrometri NIR in sensori intelligenti viene effettuato manualmente da esperti (specialista NIR, chemiometrista, scienziato dei dati) con il cosiddetto software di chemiometria.

Ciò richiede molto tempo (time to market) e il risultato dipende dalla persona ed è quindi subottimale, perché ogni esperto ha il suo modo di procedere preferito.
Inoltre, le calibrazioni devono essere mantenute, poiché nel frattempo sono stati raccolti nuovi dati che possono essere utilizzati per ampliare e migliorare le calibrazioni.

Qui entra in gioco il nostro servizio automatizzato, che combina le conoscenze e le buone pratiche della spettroscopia NIR e della chemiometria in un unico software e genera calibrazioni ottimali mediante l'apprendimento automatico.

Su questa base, abbiamo sviluppato una piattaforma tecnologica completa (Time to Market), che copre l'intero processo dall'invio dei dati NIR + Lab, alla calibrazione NIR come servizio, dall'acquisto online delle calibrazioni, al software NIR Predictor, che valuta direttamente i dati NIR appena misurati a livello locale e genera rapporti sui risultati.

Oltre alla versione desktop gratuita con interfaccia utente, il NIR Predictor può essere integrato (OEM). Questo può essere integrato in parallelo come complemento al vostro Predictor attuale, permettendo all'utente di scegliere come vuole calibrare.
Questo vi offre il vantaggio negli studi di fattibilità NIR e nelle valutazioni degli spettrometri NIR per fornire rapidamente al cliente una calibrazione solida e accurata che farà sì che il vostro sistema NIR fornisca risultati migliori.

Vantaggi per i vostri utenti NIR (interni o esterni)

  • nessun costo iniziale (non è necessaria la licenza del software di chemiometria),
  • costi operativi calcolabili (importo fisso anziché tariffa oraria) (sviluppo della taratura, manutenzione della taratura)
  • facile da usare (nessuna chemiometria e formazione software),
  • più veloce da usare (nessun lavoro di sviluppo di calibrazione) e
  • calibrazioni migliori (precisione, accuratezza, robustezza, ...)

Il nostro servizio a pagamento si basa sullo sviluppo della taratura e sull'utilizzo annuale della taratura.
Lo sviluppo della taratura e l'uso della taratura possono essere effettuati anche separatamente (produttore/utente).

Per voi, in qualità di produttori di spettrometri, ciò significa che potete fornire il vostro sistema pre-calibrato per determinate applicazioni senza incorrere in costi di licenza del software. E senza che i vostri specialisti delle applicazioni debbano fornire ulteriori servizi di taratura.

I vantaggi unici del nostro servizio di calibrazione insieme al predittore NIR Predictor gratuito sono:

  • nessun costo di licenza software (software di chemiometria, software di previsione, integrazione OEM)
  • non è necessario alcun know-how in chemiometria
  • non c'è bisogno di tempo per sviluppare calibrazioni NIR ottimali.

Se interessati all'uso/valutazione del servizio :

Informazioni su CalibrationModel.com : Creazione e ottimizzazione dei metodi di valutazione chemiometrica per gli spettrometri come servizio per consentire analisi e risultati di misura più precisi.

see also

Paradigm Change in NIR

Five Mistakes to avoid on Digitalization in NIR

NIR - Total cost of ownership (TCO)

OEM / White Label Software

White Paper

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #49, 2020Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #49, 2020Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #49, 2020

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"NIR spectroscopy of natural medicines supported by novel instrumentation and methods for data analysis and interpretation" LINK

"A fast determination of insecticide deltamethrin by spectral data fusion of UV-vis and NIR based on extreme learning machine" LINK

"Assessing Laser Cleaning of a Limestone Monument by Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) and Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) Hyperspectral Imaging …" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to detect and quantify adulteration of maca powder " LINK

"Potential of smartphone-coupled micro NIR spectroscopy for quality control of green tea" LINK


Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Determination of Adenosine and Cordycepin Concentrations in Cordyceps militaris Fruiting Bodies Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK

"… : Prediction of α-Lactalbumin and β-Lactoglobulin Composition of Aqueous Whey Solutions Using Fourier Transform Mid-Infrared and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"The Effect of Freeze-Drying Pretreatment on the Accuracy of Near Infrared Spectroscopic Food Analysis to Predict the Nutritive Values of Japanese Cooked Foods" LINK

"Estimating hardness and density of wood and charcoal by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Assessing the interaction between drying and addition of maltodextrin to Kakadu plum powder samples by two dimensional and near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging for Sugar Content Evaluation in Potatoes over Multiple Growing Seasons" LINK

"Determination of radial profiles of wood properties using a near infrared scanning system" LINK

"FTIR combined with chemometric tools (Fingerprinting spectroscopy) in comparison to HPLC; Which strategy offers more opportunities as a green analytical chemistry technique for the pharmaceutical analysis" LINK

"Prediction of high-biomass sorghum quality using near infrared spectroscopy to monitoring calorific value, moisture, and ash content." LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Preliminary Assessment of Parmigiano Reggiano Authenticity by Handheld Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Imaging for Minced Meat Classification Using Nonlinear Deep Features" LINK

"Monitoring microstructural changes and moisture distribution of dry-cured pork-A combined confocal laser scanning microscopy and hyperspectral imaging study." LINK

"Monitoring Urban Black-Odorous Water by Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Development of multi-product calibration models of various root and tuber powders by fourier transform near infra-red (FT-NIR) spectroscopy for the quantification of polysaccharide contents." LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Extraction of rheological-optical characteristics of rice single kernel, in order to develop an instrumental method for determining grain quality" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Near-infrared spectroscopy in quality control of Piper nigrum: A Comparison of performance of benchtop and handheld spectrometers" Pepper LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"De-risking excipient particle size distribution variability with automated robust mixing: Integrating quality by design and process analytical technology." LINK

"Evaluation of IoT-Enabled Monitoring and Electronic Nose Spoilage Detection for Salmon Freshness During Cold Storage" Foods LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Impact of Goji Berries (Lycium barbarum) Supplementation on the Energy Homeostasis of Rabbit Does: Uni- and Multivariate Approach" Animals LINK

"Chemometrics in NIR Hyperspectral Imaging: Theory and Applications in the Agricultural Crops and Products Sector" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Watermelon ripeness detector using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Portable NIR spectrometer for quick identification of fat bloom in chocolates." LINK

"Non-destructive identification of slightly sprouted wheat kernels using hyperspectral data on both sides of wheat kernels" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Application of Process Analytical Technology in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Production (PAT)" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Microwave Ablation Efficacy Evaluation of Bone Tissue Based on Near Infrared Spectrum" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Simultaneous prediction of several soil properties related to engineering uses based on laboratory Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy" LINK


"ニューラルネットワークを用いた近赤外ハイパースペクトル画像におけるプラーク検出" Dental Plaque Detection LINK

"Preparation and characterization of triamterene complex with ascorbic acid derivatives" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"NIR spectroscopy of natural medicines supported by novel instrumentation and methods for data analysis and interpretation" LINK

"A fast determination of insecticide deltamethrin by spectral data fusion of UV-vis and NIR based on extreme learning machine" LINK

"Assessing Laser Cleaning of a Limestone Monument by Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) and Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) Hyperspectral Imaging …" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to detect and quantify adulteration of maca powder " LINK

"Potential of smartphone-coupled micro NIR spectroscopy for quality control of green tea" LINK


Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Determination of Adenosine and Cordycepin Concentrations in Cordyceps militaris Fruiting Bodies Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK

"… : Prediction of α-Lactalbumin and β-Lactoglobulin Composition of Aqueous Whey Solutions Using Fourier Transform Mid-Infrared and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"The Effect of Freeze-Drying Pretreatment on the Accuracy of Near Infrared Spectroscopic Food Analysis to Predict the Nutritive Values of Japanese Cooked Foods" LINK

"Estimating hardness and density of wood and charcoal by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Assessing the interaction between drying and addition of maltodextrin to Kakadu plum powder samples by two dimensional and near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging for Sugar Content Evaluation in Potatoes over Multiple Growing Seasons" LINK

"Determination of radial profiles of wood properties using a near infrared scanning system" LINK

"FTIR combined with chemometric tools (Fingerprinting spectroscopy) in comparison to HPLC; Which strategy offers more opportunities as a green analytical chemistry technique for the pharmaceutical analysis" LINK

"Prediction of high-biomass sorghum quality using near infrared spectroscopy to monitoring calorific value, moisture, and ash content." LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Preliminary Assessment of Parmigiano Reggiano Authenticity by Handheld Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Imaging for Minced Meat Classification Using Nonlinear Deep Features" LINK

"Monitoring microstructural changes and moisture distribution of dry-cured pork-A combined confocal laser scanning microscopy and hyperspectral imaging study." LINK

"Monitoring Urban Black-Odorous Water by Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Development of multi-product calibration models of various root and tuber powders by fourier transform near infra-red (FT-NIR) spectroscopy for the quantification of polysaccharide contents." LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Extraction of rheological-optical characteristics of rice single kernel, in order to develop an instrumental method for determining grain quality" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Near-infrared spectroscopy in quality control of Piper nigrum: A Comparison of performance of benchtop and handheld spectrometers" Pepper LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"De-risking excipient particle size distribution variability with automated robust mixing: Integrating quality by design and process analytical technology." LINK

"Evaluation of IoT-Enabled Monitoring and Electronic Nose Spoilage Detection for Salmon Freshness During Cold Storage" Foods LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Impact of Goji Berries (Lycium barbarum) Supplementation on the Energy Homeostasis of Rabbit Does: Uni- and Multivariate Approach" Animals LINK

"Chemometrics in NIR Hyperspectral Imaging: Theory and Applications in the Agricultural Crops and Products Sector" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Watermelon ripeness detector using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Portable NIR spectrometer for quick identification of fat bloom in chocolates." LINK

"Non-destructive identification of slightly sprouted wheat kernels using hyperspectral data on both sides of wheat kernels" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Application of Process Analytical Technology in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Production (PAT)" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Microwave Ablation Efficacy Evaluation of Bone Tissue Based on Near Infrared Spectrum" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Simultaneous prediction of several soil properties related to engineering uses based on laboratory Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy" LINK


"ニューラルネットワークを用いた近赤外ハイパースペクトル画像におけるプラーク検出" Dental Plaque Detection LINK

"Preparation and characterization of triamterene complex with ascorbic acid derivatives" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 48, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"NIR spectroscopy of natural medicines supported by novel instrumentation and methods for data analysis and interpretation" LINK

"A fast determination of insecticide deltamethrin by spectral data fusion of UV-vis and NIR based on extreme learning machine" LINK

"Assessing Laser Cleaning of a Limestone Monument by Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) and Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) Hyperspectral Imaging …" LINK

"Near infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to detect and quantify adulteration of maca powder " LINK

"Potential of smartphone-coupled micro NIR spectroscopy for quality control of green tea" LINK


Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Determination of Adenosine and Cordycepin Concentrations in Cordyceps militaris Fruiting Bodies Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy." LINK

"… : Prediction of α-Lactalbumin and β-Lactoglobulin Composition of Aqueous Whey Solutions Using Fourier Transform Mid-Infrared and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"The Effect of Freeze-Drying Pretreatment on the Accuracy of Near Infrared Spectroscopic Food Analysis to Predict the Nutritive Values of Japanese Cooked Foods" LINK

"Estimating hardness and density of wood and charcoal by near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Assessing the interaction between drying and addition of maltodextrin to Kakadu plum powder samples by two dimensional and near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging for Sugar Content Evaluation in Potatoes over Multiple Growing Seasons" LINK

"Determination of radial profiles of wood properties using a near infrared scanning system" LINK

"FTIR combined with chemometric tools (Fingerprinting spectroscopy) in comparison to HPLC; Which strategy offers more opportunities as a green analytical chemistry technique for the pharmaceutical analysis" LINK

"Prediction of high-biomass sorghum quality using near infrared spectroscopy to monitoring calorific value, moisture, and ash content." LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Preliminary Assessment of Parmigiano Reggiano Authenticity by Handheld Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Imaging for Minced Meat Classification Using Nonlinear Deep Features" LINK

"Monitoring microstructural changes and moisture distribution of dry-cured pork-A combined confocal laser scanning microscopy and hyperspectral imaging study." LINK

"Monitoring Urban Black-Odorous Water by Using Hyperspectral Data and Machine Learning" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Development of multi-product calibration models of various root and tuber powders by fourier transform near infra-red (FT-NIR) spectroscopy for the quantification of polysaccharide contents." LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Extraction of rheological-optical characteristics of rice single kernel, in order to develop an instrumental method for determining grain quality" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Near-infrared spectroscopy in quality control of Piper nigrum: A Comparison of performance of benchtop and handheld spectrometers" Pepper LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"De-risking excipient particle size distribution variability with automated robust mixing: Integrating quality by design and process analytical technology." LINK

"Evaluation of IoT-Enabled Monitoring and Electronic Nose Spoilage Detection for Salmon Freshness During Cold Storage" Foods LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Impact of Goji Berries (Lycium barbarum) Supplementation on the Energy Homeostasis of Rabbit Does: Uni- and Multivariate Approach" Animals LINK

"Chemometrics in NIR Hyperspectral Imaging: Theory and Applications in the Agricultural Crops and Products Sector" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Watermelon ripeness detector using near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Portable NIR spectrometer for quick identification of fat bloom in chocolates." LINK

"Non-destructive identification of slightly sprouted wheat kernels using hyperspectral data on both sides of wheat kernels" LINK

Pharma Industry NIR Usage

"Application of Process Analytical Technology in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Production (PAT)" LINK

Medicinal Spectroscopy

"Microwave Ablation Efficacy Evaluation of Bone Tissue Based on Near Infrared Spectrum" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Simultaneous prediction of several soil properties related to engineering uses based on laboratory Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy" LINK


"ニューラルネットワークを用いた近赤外ハイパースペクトル画像におけるプラーク検出" Dental Plaque Detection LINK

"Preparation and characterization of triamterene complex with ascorbic acid derivatives" LINK

NIR Analysis in Laboratory and Laboratories – aka NIR Labs and NIR testingNIR-Analyse im Labor und in Laboratorien – aka NIR-Labore und NIR-TestsAnalisi NIR in laboratorio e nei laboratori – noti anche come laboratori NIR e test NIR

Do you have a NIR spectrometer in your Lab?

How many other analytics you do in the Lab could be done faster and cheaper with NIR?

Is this possible and precise enough?

Try, we have the solution for you!
You have the NIR, scan the samples, you have the lab values and the spectra, we calibrate for you!

To see if the application is possible and how precise it can be due to knowledge based intensive model optimizations.

We do the NIR feasibility study with data for you. Fixed prices

NIR has huge application potentials and it's a Green analytical method, that's fast and easy to use. And has today the possibility to scale out with inexpensive mobile NIR spectrometers.

Bring the Lab to the sample. To avoid sample transport and get immediate results for decision at the place or in the process.

Just try the NIR application, use the NIR daily, collect data in parallel, we develop, optimize and maintain the calibration models for you.

How do you think?

Start Calibrate

What is possible today with NIR?
The number of different Applications exploded in the last 2-3 years!
See NIR research papers news daily on @CalibModel or the 7-day summaries "NIR News Weekly" here.

Haben Sie ein NIR-Spektrometer in Ihrem Labor?

Wie viele andere Analysen, die Sie im Labor durchführen, könnten mit NIR schneller und billiger durchgeführt werden?

Ist dies möglich und präzise genug?

Versuchen Sie es, wir haben die Lösung für Sie!
Sie haben das NIR, scannen sie Proben, Sie haben die Laborwerte und die Spektren, wir kalibrieren für Sie!

Um zu sehen, ob die Anwendung möglich ist und wie präzise sie aufgrund von wissensbasierten intensiven Modelloptimierungen sein kann.

Wir führen die NIR-Machbarkeitsstudie mit Daten für Sie durch. Fixpreise

NIR hat ein riesiges Anwendungspotential und ist eine grüne Analysemethode, die schnell und einfach anzuwenden ist. Und hat heute die Möglichkeit, mit kostengünstigen mobilen NIR-Spektrometern zu skalieren.

Bringen Sie das Labor zu der Probe. So vermeiden Sie den Probentransport und erhalten sofortige Ergebnisse zur Entscheidung am Ort oder im Prozess.

Probieren Sie einfach die NIR-Anwendung aus, nutzen Sie das NIR täglich, sammeln Sie parallel dazu Daten, wir entwickeln, optimieren und warten die Kalibriermodelle für Sie.

Wie denken Sie darüber?

Start Calibrate

Was ist heute mit NIR möglich?
Die Zahl der verschiedenen Anwendungen ist in den letzten 2-3 Jahren explodiert!
Sehen Sie hier die täglichen NIR-Forschungsberichte über @CalibModel oder die 7-Tage-Zusammenfassungen "NIR News Weekly".

Avete uno spettrometro NIR nel vostro laboratorio?

Quante altre analisi si possono fare in laboratorio in modo più veloce ed economico con il NIR?

È possibile e sufficientemente preciso?

Provate, abbiamo la soluzione per voi!
Avete il NIR, scansionate i campioni, avete i valori di laboratorio e gli spettri, noi calibriamo per voi!

Per vedere se l'applicazione è possibile e quanto precisa può essere grazie all'ottimizzazione intensiva del modello basata sulla conoscenza.
Facciamo lo studio di fattibilità NIR con i dati per voi. Prezzi fissi

Il NIR ha enormi potenzialità applicative ed è un metodo analitico Green, veloce e facile da usare. E ha oggi la possibilità di scalare con gli economici spettrometri mobili NIR.
Portate il laboratorio al campione. Per evitare il trasporto del campione e ottenere risultati immediati per la decisione sul posto o nel processo.

Basta provare l'applicazione NIR, usare il NIR quotidianamente, raccogliere dati in parallelo, noi sviluppiamo, ottimizziamo e manteniamo i modelli di calibrazione per voi.

Come pensate di fare?

Inizia a calibrare

Cosa è possibile oggi con il NIR?
Il numero di diverse Applicazioni è esploso negli ultimi 2-3 anni!
Vedi le notizie dei giornali di ricerca NIR su @CalibModel o i riassunti di 7 giorni "NIR News Weekly" qui.

Análise NIR no laboratório e laboratórios - também conhecidos como laboratórios NIR e testes NIR

Tem um espectrómetro NIR no seu laboratório?

Quantas outras análises que faz no Laboratório poderiam ser feitas mais rapidamente e mais baratas com o NIR? Será isto possível e suficientemente preciso?

Tente, nós temos a solução para si!

Tem o NIR, digitaliza as amostras, tem os valores de laboratório e os espectros, nós calibramos para si! Para ver se a aplicação é possível e quão precisa pode ser devido a optimizações de modelos intensivas baseadas no conhecimento.
Fazemos o estudo de viabilidade do NIR com dados para si. Preços fixos

NIR tem um enorme potencial de aplicação e é um método analítico Verde, que é rápido e fácil de usar. E tem hoje a possibilidade de ser escalado com espectrómetros NIR móveis de baixo custo.

Traga o Laboratório para a amostra. Para evitar o transporte de amostras e obter resultados imediatos para decisão no local ou no processo.

Basta experimentar a aplicação NIR, utilizar o NIR diariamente, recolher dados em paralelo, nós desenvolvemos, optimizamos e mantemos os modelos de calibração para si.

Como pensa?

Iniciar a calibração

O que é possível hoje com o NIR?
O número de diferentes Aplicações explodiu nos últimos 2-3 anos!
Ver os jornais de investigação NIR diariamente sobre @CalibModel ou os resumos de 7 dias "NIR News Weekly" aqui.

El análisis NIR en el laboratorio y los laboratorios - también conocidos como laboratorios NIR y pruebas NIR

Tiene un espectrómetro NIR en su laboratorio?

Cuántos análisis más haces en el laboratorio podrían hacerse más rápido y más barato con el NIR? Es esto posible y suficientemente preciso?

¡Inténtelo, tenemos la solución para usted!
Tienes el NIR, escaneas las muestras, tienes los valores del laboratorio y los espectros, ¡calibramos para ti!

Para ver si la aplicación es posible y cuán precisa puede ser gracias a las optimizaciones intensivas de modelos basadas en el conocimiento.

Hacemos el estudio de viabilidad del NIR con los datos para usted. Precios fijos

El NIR tiene un enorme potencial de aplicación y es un método analítico verde, que es rápido y fácil de usar. Y tiene hoy la posibilidad de escalar con espectrómetros NIR móviles baratos.
Trae el laboratorio a la muestra. Para evitar el transporte de la muestra y obtener resultados inmediatos para la decisión en el lugar o en el proceso.

Pruebe la aplicación NIR, utilice el NIR diariamente, recoja los datos en paralelo, nosotros desarrollamos, optimizamos y mantenemos los modelos de calibración para usted.

Cómo cree usted?

Comenzar a calibrar

Qué es posible hoy en día con el NIR?
¡El número de aplicaciones diferentes explotó en los últimos 2-3 años!
Vea las noticias diarias de los trabajos de investigación del NIR en @CalibModel o los resúmenes de 7 días "NIR News Weekly" aquí.

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #36, 2020Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #36, 2020Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #36, 2020

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Estimating Roughage Quality with Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) Spectroscopy and Chemometric Techniques" LINK

"Detection of Insect Damage in Green Coffee Beans Using VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Revisiting Water Speciation in Hydrous Alumino-Silicate glasses: A Discrepancy between Solid-state 1H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the Determination of X-OH …" LINK

"Prediction of Organic Carbon Content of Intertidal Sediments Based on Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" "可见-近红外光谱的潮间带沉积物有机碳含量的几种模型预测方法" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Predicting soil phosphorus and studying the effect of texture on the prediction accuracy using machine learning combined with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"CIC nanoGUNE reaches new depths in infrared nanospectroscopy" LINK

"Distinguishing Hemp from Marijuana by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Glucobrassicin Enhancement Using Low Red to Far-Red Light Ratio in 'Ruby Ball' Cabbage and High-Throughput Glucobrassicin Estimation Using Near-Infrared …" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy outperforms genomic selection for predicting sugarcane feedstock quality traits" LINK

"Estimation of critical nitrogen contents in peach orchards using visible-near infrared spectral mixture analysis" LINK

"Non-destructive and rapid measurement of sugar content in growing cane stalks for breeding programmes using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Protein and Polysaccharide in Lilium Lanzhou Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Time-stretch infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating nutritional quality of Brachiaria humidicola in breeding selections" LINK

"Quantification of phenolic acids by partial least squares Fouriertransform infrared (PLSFTIR) in extracts of medicinal plants" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Predicting adulteration of Palm oil with Sudan IV dye using shortwave handheld spectroscopy and comparative analysis of models" LINK

"Self-adaptive models for predicting soluble solid content of blueberries with biological variability by using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"Rapid identification and quantitative pit mud by near infrared Spectroscopy with chemometrics" LINK

"Methane emission detection and flux quantification from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom, using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK

"Improved Dimensional Stability and Mold Resistance of Bamboo via In Situ Growth of Poly(Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-N-Isopropyl Acrylamide)" Polymers LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4896: A Novel Single-Channel Arrangement in Chirp Transform Spectrometer for High-Resolution Spectrum Detection" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Angle Distribution Measurement of Scattered Light Intensity from Needle-shaped Crystals in a Magnetic Field for Gout Diagnosis" LINK

"Use of barley silage or corn silage with dry-rolled barley, corn, or a blend of barley and corn on predicted nutrient total tract digestibility and growth performance of …" LINK

"Identification of Leaf-Scale Wheat Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici) Combining Hyperspectral Imaging and an SVM Classifier" Plants LINK

"Smartphone-supported portable micro-spectroscopy/imaging system to character morphology and spectra of samples at microscale" LINK

"Novel Antioxidant Packaging Films Based on Poly(-Caprolactone) and Almond Skin Extract: Development and Effect on the Oxidative Stability of Fried Almonds" LINK

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4907: Experimental Comparison of Diesel and Crude Rapeseed Oil Combustion in a Swirl Burner" LINK

"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3260: Comparison of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Taraxacum mongolicum" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Application of a Vis-NIR Spectroscopic Technique to Measure the Total Soluble Solids Content of Intact Mangoes in Motion on a Belt Conveyor" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Online analysis of wood extractives" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Beef Quality Tool to Predict Consumer Acceptance" Foods LINK

"Rapid Vitality Estimation and Prediction of Corn Seeds Based on Spectra and Images Using Deep Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques" LINK

"Identification of Bacterial Blight Resistant Rice Seeds Using Terahertz Imaging and Hyperspectral Imaging Combined With Convolutional Neural Network." LINK

"A simple design for the validation of a FT-NIR screening method: Application to the detection of durum wheat pasta adulteration." LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

In-line UV-Vis Spectroscopy Market Research Report 2019-2030 | Industry Report, Industry ...: Success of this technology depends on the in-depth knowledge of the link between optical instrumentation design and its effect on data quality. LINK


"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools" LINK

"Non-destructive Detection of Apple Maturity by Constructing Spectral Index based on Reflectance Spectrum" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Estimating Roughage Quality with Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) Spectroscopy and Chemometric Techniques" LINK

"Detection of Insect Damage in Green Coffee Beans Using VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Revisiting Water Speciation in Hydrous Alumino-Silicate glasses: A Discrepancy between Solid-state 1H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the Determination of X-OH …" LINK

"Prediction of Organic Carbon Content of Intertidal Sediments Based on Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" "可见-近红外光谱的潮间带沉积物有机碳含量的几种模型预测方法" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Predicting soil phosphorus and studying the effect of texture on the prediction accuracy using machine learning combined with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"CIC nanoGUNE reaches new depths in infrared nanospectroscopy" LINK

"Distinguishing Hemp from Marijuana by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Glucobrassicin Enhancement Using Low Red to Far-Red Light Ratio in 'Ruby Ball' Cabbage and High-Throughput Glucobrassicin Estimation Using Near-Infrared …" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy outperforms genomic selection for predicting sugarcane feedstock quality traits" LINK

"Estimation of critical nitrogen contents in peach orchards using visible-near infrared spectral mixture analysis" LINK

"Non-destructive and rapid measurement of sugar content in growing cane stalks for breeding programmes using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Protein and Polysaccharide in Lilium Lanzhou Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Time-stretch infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating nutritional quality of Brachiaria humidicola in breeding selections" LINK

"Quantification of phenolic acids by partial least squares Fouriertransform infrared (PLSFTIR) in extracts of medicinal plants" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Predicting adulteration of Palm oil with Sudan IV dye using shortwave handheld spectroscopy and comparative analysis of models" LINK

"Self-adaptive models for predicting soluble solid content of blueberries with biological variability by using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"Rapid identification and quantitative pit mud by near infrared Spectroscopy with chemometrics" LINK

"Methane emission detection and flux quantification from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom, using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK

"Improved Dimensional Stability and Mold Resistance of Bamboo via In Situ Growth of Poly(Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-N-Isopropyl Acrylamide)" Polymers LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4896: A Novel Single-Channel Arrangement in Chirp Transform Spectrometer for High-Resolution Spectrum Detection" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Angle Distribution Measurement of Scattered Light Intensity from Needle-shaped Crystals in a Magnetic Field for Gout Diagnosis" LINK

"Use of barley silage or corn silage with dry-rolled barley, corn, or a blend of barley and corn on predicted nutrient total tract digestibility and growth performance of …" LINK

"Identification of Leaf-Scale Wheat Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici) Combining Hyperspectral Imaging and an SVM Classifier" Plants LINK

"Smartphone-supported portable micro-spectroscopy/imaging system to character morphology and spectra of samples at microscale" LINK

"Novel Antioxidant Packaging Films Based on Poly(-Caprolactone) and Almond Skin Extract: Development and Effect on the Oxidative Stability of Fried Almonds" LINK

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4907: Experimental Comparison of Diesel and Crude Rapeseed Oil Combustion in a Swirl Burner" LINK

"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3260: Comparison of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Taraxacum mongolicum" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Application of a Vis-NIR Spectroscopic Technique to Measure the Total Soluble Solids Content of Intact Mangoes in Motion on a Belt Conveyor" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Online analysis of wood extractives" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Beef Quality Tool to Predict Consumer Acceptance" Foods LINK

"Rapid Vitality Estimation and Prediction of Corn Seeds Based on Spectra and Images Using Deep Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques" LINK

"Identification of Bacterial Blight Resistant Rice Seeds Using Terahertz Imaging and Hyperspectral Imaging Combined With Convolutional Neural Network." LINK

"A simple design for the validation of a FT-NIR screening method: Application to the detection of durum wheat pasta adulteration." LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

In-line UV-Vis Spectroscopy Market Research Report 2019-2030 | Industry Report, Industry ...: Success of this technology depends on the in-depth knowledge of the link between optical instrumentation design and its effect on data quality. LINK


"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools" LINK

"Non-destructive Detection of Apple Maturity by Constructing Spectral Index based on Reflectance Spectrum" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 35, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Estimating Roughage Quality with Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) Spectroscopy and Chemometric Techniques" LINK

"Detection of Insect Damage in Green Coffee Beans Using VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging" LINK

"Revisiting Water Speciation in Hydrous Alumino-Silicate glasses: A Discrepancy between Solid-state 1H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the Determination of X-OH …" LINK

"Prediction of Organic Carbon Content of Intertidal Sediments Based on Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy" "可见-近红外光谱的潮间带沉积物有机碳含量的几种模型预测方法" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Predicting soil phosphorus and studying the effect of texture on the prediction accuracy using machine learning combined with near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"CIC nanoGUNE reaches new depths in infrared nanospectroscopy" LINK

"Distinguishing Hemp from Marijuana by Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Glucobrassicin Enhancement Using Low Red to Far-Red Light Ratio in 'Ruby Ball' Cabbage and High-Throughput Glucobrassicin Estimation Using Near-Infrared …" LINK

"Near-infrared spectroscopy outperforms genomic selection for predicting sugarcane feedstock quality traits" LINK

"Estimation of critical nitrogen contents in peach orchards using visible-near infrared spectral mixture analysis" LINK

"Non-destructive and rapid measurement of sugar content in growing cane stalks for breeding programmes using visible-near infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Quantitative Analysis of Protein and Polysaccharide in Lilium Lanzhou Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Time-stretch infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy for estimating nutritional quality of Brachiaria humidicola in breeding selections" LINK

"Quantification of phenolic acids by partial least squares Fouriertransform infrared (PLSFTIR) in extracts of medicinal plants" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Predicting adulteration of Palm oil with Sudan IV dye using shortwave handheld spectroscopy and comparative analysis of models" LINK

"Self-adaptive models for predicting soluble solid content of blueberries with biological variability by using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"Rapid identification and quantitative pit mud by near infrared Spectroscopy with chemometrics" LINK

"Methane emission detection and flux quantification from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom, using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK

"Improved Dimensional Stability and Mold Resistance of Bamboo via In Situ Growth of Poly(Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate-N-Isopropyl Acrylamide)" Polymers LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4896: A Novel Single-Channel Arrangement in Chirp Transform Spectrometer for High-Resolution Spectrum Detection" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Angle Distribution Measurement of Scattered Light Intensity from Needle-shaped Crystals in a Magnetic Field for Gout Diagnosis" LINK

"Use of barley silage or corn silage with dry-rolled barley, corn, or a blend of barley and corn on predicted nutrient total tract digestibility and growth performance of …" LINK

"Identification of Leaf-Scale Wheat Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici) Combining Hyperspectral Imaging and an SVM Classifier" Plants LINK

"Smartphone-supported portable micro-spectroscopy/imaging system to character morphology and spectra of samples at microscale" LINK

"Novel Antioxidant Packaging Films Based on Poly(-Caprolactone) and Almond Skin Extract: Development and Effect on the Oxidative Stability of Fried Almonds" LINK

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 4907: Experimental Comparison of Diesel and Crude Rapeseed Oil Combustion in a Swirl Burner" LINK

"Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3260: Comparison of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Different Parts of Taraxacum mongolicum" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Application of a Vis-NIR Spectroscopic Technique to Measure the Total Soluble Solids Content of Intact Mangoes in Motion on a Belt Conveyor" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"Online analysis of wood extractives" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Beef Quality Tool to Predict Consumer Acceptance" Foods LINK

"Rapid Vitality Estimation and Prediction of Corn Seeds Based on Spectra and Images Using Deep Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging Techniques" LINK

"Identification of Bacterial Blight Resistant Rice Seeds Using Terahertz Imaging and Hyperspectral Imaging Combined With Convolutional Neural Network." LINK

"A simple design for the validation of a FT-NIR screening method: Application to the detection of durum wheat pasta adulteration." LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

In-line UV-Vis Spectroscopy Market Research Report 2019-2030 | Industry Report, Industry ...: Success of this technology depends on the in-depth knowledge of the link between optical instrumentation design and its effect on data quality. LINK


"The Detection of Substitution Adulteration of Paprika with Spent Paprika by the Application of Molecular Spectroscopy Tools" LINK

"Non-destructive Detection of Apple Maturity by Constructing Spectral Index based on Reflectance Spectrum" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #35, 2020Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #35, 2020Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #35, 2020

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 34, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Modelos NIRS para as características químicas da madeira de Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden & Cambage" LINK

"Application of in situ near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS) for monitoring biopharmaceuticals production by cell cultures" LINK

"Using the NIRS for analyzes of soil clay content" LINK

"Determination of compost maturity using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Screening Risk Assessment of Agricultural Areas under a High Level of Anthropopressure Based on Chemical Indexes and VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"… an algorithm for processing Red Green Blue (RGB) images for the estimation of crude protein in grasses vs Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Technology (NIRS …" LINK

"Monitoring of cheese maturation using near infrared-hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HIS)" LINK

"Selection of sugarcane clones via multivariate models using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy data" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of multiple wine quality indicators through near-infrared spectroscopy with twice optimization for wavelength model" LINK

"Manuka honey adulteration detection based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with aquaphotomics" LINK

" Identification of Marine Fish Taxa by Linear Discriminant Analysis of Reflection Spectra in the Near-Infrared Region" LINK

"Assessment of Intact Macadamia Nut Internal Defects Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Rational design of near-infrared platinum(ii)-acetylide conjugated polymers for photoacoustic imaging-guided synergistic phototherapy under 808 nm irradiation." LINK

"Classification of fish species from different ecosystems using the near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of otoliths" LINK

"Three new Amazonian species of Myrcia sect. Myrcia (Myrtaceae) based on morphology and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid Online Determination of Feed Concentration in Nitroguanidine Spray Drying Process by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Monitoring the Caustic Dissolution of Aluminum Alloy in a Radiochemical Hot Cell Using Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning for Food Safety Assessment" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Rapid and Nondestructive Freshness Determination of Tilapia Fillets by a Portable Near-Infrared Spectrometer Combined with Chemometrics Methods" LINK

"Non-Targeted Detection of Adulterants in Almond Powder Using Spectroscopic Techniques Combined with Chemometrics." LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Mobile Proximal Sensing with Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Digital Soil Mapping" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Imaging Techniques for Chicken Products Detection" LINK

"Usage of visual and near-infrared spectroscopy to predict soil properties in forest stands" LINK


"Robustness of visible near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK

"Use of leaf hyperspectral data and different regression models to estimate photosynthetic parameters (Vcmax and Jmax) in three different row crops" LINK

"Rapid and direct detection of small microplastics in aquatic samples by a new near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) method" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Prediction of Soluble Solids Content During Storage of Apples with Different Maturity Based on VIS/NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"A new spectral pretreatment method for detecting soluble solids content of pears using Vis/NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Research on the Performance of Juicy Peach Sugar Content Detection Model Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"The Effect of Construction and Demolition Waste Plastic Fractions on Wood-Polymer Composite Properties" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Non-destructive Assessment of Flesh Firmness and Dietary Antioxidants of Greenhouse-grown Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at Different Fruit Maturity Stages" LINK

"Comparative analysis of rice seed viability detection based on different spectral bands" LINK

"Detection of chocolate powder adulteration with peanut using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging and Multivariate Curve Resolution" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 34, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Modelos NIRS para as características químicas da madeira de Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden & Cambage" LINK

"Application of in situ near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS) for monitoring biopharmaceuticals production by cell cultures" LINK

"Using the NIRS for analyzes of soil clay content" LINK

"Determination of compost maturity using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Screening Risk Assessment of Agricultural Areas under a High Level of Anthropopressure Based on Chemical Indexes and VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"… an algorithm for processing Red Green Blue (RGB) images for the estimation of crude protein in grasses vs Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Technology (NIRS …" LINK

"Monitoring of cheese maturation using near infrared-hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HIS)" LINK

"Selection of sugarcane clones via multivariate models using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy data" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of multiple wine quality indicators through near-infrared spectroscopy with twice optimization for wavelength model" LINK

"Manuka honey adulteration detection based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with aquaphotomics" LINK

" Identification of Marine Fish Taxa by Linear Discriminant Analysis of Reflection Spectra in the Near-Infrared Region" LINK

"Assessment of Intact Macadamia Nut Internal Defects Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Rational design of near-infrared platinum(ii)-acetylide conjugated polymers for photoacoustic imaging-guided synergistic phototherapy under 808 nm irradiation." LINK

"Classification of fish species from different ecosystems using the near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of otoliths" LINK

"Three new Amazonian species of Myrcia sect. Myrcia (Myrtaceae) based on morphology and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid Online Determination of Feed Concentration in Nitroguanidine Spray Drying Process by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Monitoring the Caustic Dissolution of Aluminum Alloy in a Radiochemical Hot Cell Using Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning for Food Safety Assessment" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Rapid and Nondestructive Freshness Determination of Tilapia Fillets by a Portable Near-Infrared Spectrometer Combined with Chemometrics Methods" LINK

"Non-Targeted Detection of Adulterants in Almond Powder Using Spectroscopic Techniques Combined with Chemometrics." LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Mobile Proximal Sensing with Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Digital Soil Mapping" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Imaging Techniques for Chicken Products Detection" LINK

"Usage of visual and near-infrared spectroscopy to predict soil properties in forest stands" LINK


"Robustness of visible near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK

"Use of leaf hyperspectral data and different regression models to estimate photosynthetic parameters (Vcmax and Jmax) in three different row crops" LINK

"Rapid and direct detection of small microplastics in aquatic samples by a new near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) method" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Prediction of Soluble Solids Content During Storage of Apples with Different Maturity Based on VIS/NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"A new spectral pretreatment method for detecting soluble solids content of pears using Vis/NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Research on the Performance of Juicy Peach Sugar Content Detection Model Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"The Effect of Construction and Demolition Waste Plastic Fractions on Wood-Polymer Composite Properties" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Non-destructive Assessment of Flesh Firmness and Dietary Antioxidants of Greenhouse-grown Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at Different Fruit Maturity Stages" LINK

"Comparative analysis of rice seed viability detection based on different spectral bands" LINK

"Detection of chocolate powder adulteration with peanut using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging and Multivariate Curve Resolution" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 34, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

This week's NIR news Weekly is sponsored by Your-Company-Name-Here - NIR-spectrometers. Check out their product page ... link

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Modelos NIRS para as características químicas da madeira de Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden & Cambage" LINK

"Application of in situ near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS) for monitoring biopharmaceuticals production by cell cultures" LINK

"Using the NIRS for analyzes of soil clay content" LINK

"Determination of compost maturity using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)" LINK

"Screening Risk Assessment of Agricultural Areas under a High Level of Anthropopressure Based on Chemical Indexes and VIS-NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"… an algorithm for processing Red Green Blue (RGB) images for the estimation of crude protein in grasses vs Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Technology (NIRS …" LINK

"Monitoring of cheese maturation using near infrared-hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HIS)" LINK

"Selection of sugarcane clones via multivariate models using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy data" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Rapid and simultaneous analysis of multiple wine quality indicators through near-infrared spectroscopy with twice optimization for wavelength model" LINK

"Manuka honey adulteration detection based on near-infrared spectroscopy combined with aquaphotomics" LINK

" Identification of Marine Fish Taxa by Linear Discriminant Analysis of Reflection Spectra in the Near-Infrared Region" LINK

"Assessment of Intact Macadamia Nut Internal Defects Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Rational design of near-infrared platinum(ii)-acetylide conjugated polymers for photoacoustic imaging-guided synergistic phototherapy under 808 nm irradiation." LINK

"Classification of fish species from different ecosystems using the near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of otoliths" LINK

"Three new Amazonian species of Myrcia sect. Myrcia (Myrtaceae) based on morphology and near-infrared spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid Online Determination of Feed Concentration in Nitroguanidine Spray Drying Process by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Raman Spectroscopy

"Monitoring the Caustic Dissolution of Aluminum Alloy in a Radiochemical Hot Cell Using Raman Spectroscopy" LINK

Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)

"Hyperspectral Imaging and Deep Learning for Food Safety Assessment" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Rapid and Nondestructive Freshness Determination of Tilapia Fillets by a Portable Near-Infrared Spectrometer Combined with Chemometrics Methods" LINK

"Non-Targeted Detection of Adulterants in Almond Powder Using Spectroscopic Techniques Combined with Chemometrics." LINK

Environment NIR-Spectroscopy Application

"Mobile Proximal Sensing with Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Digital Soil Mapping" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Imaging Techniques for Chicken Products Detection" LINK

"Usage of visual and near-infrared spectroscopy to predict soil properties in forest stands" LINK


"Robustness of visible near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopic models to changes in the quantity and quality of crop residues in soil" LINK

"Use of leaf hyperspectral data and different regression models to estimate photosynthetic parameters (Vcmax and Jmax) in three different row crops" LINK

"Rapid and direct detection of small microplastics in aquatic samples by a new near infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) method" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Prediction of Soluble Solids Content During Storage of Apples with Different Maturity Based on VIS/NIR Spectroscopy" LINK

"A new spectral pretreatment method for detecting soluble solids content of pears using Vis/NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Research on the Performance of Juicy Peach Sugar Content Detection Model Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

Forestry and Wood Industry NIR Usage

"The Effect of Construction and Demolition Waste Plastic Fractions on Wood-Polymer Composite Properties" LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Non-destructive Assessment of Flesh Firmness and Dietary Antioxidants of Greenhouse-grown Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at Different Fruit Maturity Stages" LINK

"Comparative analysis of rice seed viability detection based on different spectral bands" LINK

"Detection of chocolate powder adulteration with peanut using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging and Multivariate Curve Resolution" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #30, 2020Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #30, 2020Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #30, 2020

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Development of quantitative Multivariate Prediction Models for Near Infrared Spectrometers | NIRS HSI LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Non-Destructive Determination of Quality Traits of Cashew Apples (Anacardium Occidentale, L.) Using a Portable near Infrared Spectrophotometer" LINK

"Non-destructive classification and prediction of aflatoxin-B1 concentration in maize kernels using Vis–NIR (400–1000 nm) hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Determination of glucose content with a concentration within the physiological range by FT-NIR spectroscopy in a trans-reflectance mode" LINK

"Evaluating taste-related attributes of black tea by micro-NIRS" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Rapid authentication of Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Taizishen) from different regions by nearinfrared spectroscopy combined with chemometric methods" LINK

"Agronomy, Vol. 10, Pages 828: Estimating Sensory Properties with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Tool for Quality Control and Breeding of Calçots (Allium cepa L.)" LINK

"Spectral observation of agarwood by infrared spectroscopy: The differences of infected and normal Aquilaria microcarpa" LINK

"Quantitative near infrared spectroscopic analysis of Tricholoma matsutake based on information extraction using the elastic net" LINK

"Visible-near infrared spectroscopy for detection of blood in sheep faeces" LINK

" … dans le proche infrarouge et techniques de chimiométrie Detection of addition of barley to coffee using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric techniques" LINK

"Forests, Vol. 11, Pages 644: A Comparison of the Loading Direction for Bending Strength with Different Wood Measurement Surfaces Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid assessment of soil condition in Kenya through development of near infrared spectral indicatators" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determination of apple varieties by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy coupled with improved possibilistic Gath–Geva clustering algorithm" LINK

"Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy: The Power of Power Spectra" LINK

"Simple and fast spectrophotometric method based on chemometrics for the measurement of multicomponent adsorption kinetics" LINK

"Real time detection of amphetamine in oral fluids by MicroNIR/Chemometrics." LINK

"In‐vitro digestion of the bioactives originating from the Lamiaceae family herbal teas: A kinetic and PLS modeling study" LINK

"Models for predicting the within-tree and regional variation of tracheid length and width for plantation loblolly pine" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Study on rapid quality analysis method of Shengxuebao Mixture" LINK

"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK

Altersbestimmung von Holz mittels FTIR-Spektroskopie: Durch die Zusammenarbeit von Holz-, Materialwissenschaftler*innen und Statistikern konnte nach über 70 Jahren eine dritte Datierungsmethode neben der Jahrringanalyse und der Radiokarbonmethode im… LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Quality assessment of instant green tea using portable NIR spectrometer." LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"From powder to tablets: Investigation of residence time distributions in a continuous manufacturing process train as basis for continuous process verification" LINK

"Non-destructive, non-invasive, in-line real-time phase-based reflectance for quality monitoring of fruit" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Estimating soil organic carbon density in Northern China's agro-pastoral ecotone using vis-NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Retrieval of aboveground crop nitrogen content with a hybrid machine learning method" LINK

"Prediction of Soil Oxalate Phosphorus using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Natural and Cultivated System Soils of Madagascar" LINK

"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 3208: Precise Estimation of NDVI with a Simple NIR Sensitive RGB Camera and Machine Learning Methods for Corn Plants" LINK

"The application of R language in the selection of characteristic bands for the prediction of protein content in milk powder by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Onsite nutritional diagnosis of tea plants using micro near-infrared spectrometer coupled with chemometrics" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Improving the accuracy of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy method to predict the oil content of oil palm fresh fruits" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Non-destructive determination of apple quality parameters of variety'red jonaprince'using near infrared spectroscopy." LINK

"Laboratory Methods for Evaluating Forage Quality" LINK


"Automatic Walnut Sorting System Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Control" LINK

"Industrial gas chromatographs" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Development of quantitative Multivariate Prediction Models for Near Infrared Spectrometers | NIRS HSI LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Non-Destructive Determination of Quality Traits of Cashew Apples (Anacardium Occidentale, L.) Using a Portable near Infrared Spectrophotometer" LINK

"Non-destructive classification and prediction of aflatoxin-B1 concentration in maize kernels using Vis–NIR (400–1000 nm) hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Determination of glucose content with a concentration within the physiological range by FT-NIR spectroscopy in a trans-reflectance mode" LINK

"Evaluating taste-related attributes of black tea by micro-NIRS" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Rapid authentication of Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Taizishen) from different regions by nearinfrared spectroscopy combined with chemometric methods" LINK

"Agronomy, Vol. 10, Pages 828: Estimating Sensory Properties with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Tool for Quality Control and Breeding of Calçots (Allium cepa L.)" LINK

"Spectral observation of agarwood by infrared spectroscopy: The differences of infected and normal Aquilaria microcarpa" LINK

"Quantitative near infrared spectroscopic analysis of Tricholoma matsutake based on information extraction using the elastic net" LINK

"Visible-near infrared spectroscopy for detection of blood in sheep faeces" LINK

" … dans le proche infrarouge et techniques de chimiométrie Detection of addition of barley to coffee using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric techniques" LINK

"Forests, Vol. 11, Pages 644: A Comparison of the Loading Direction for Bending Strength with Different Wood Measurement Surfaces Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid assessment of soil condition in Kenya through development of near infrared spectral indicatators" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determination of apple varieties by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy coupled with improved possibilistic Gath–Geva clustering algorithm" LINK

"Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy: The Power of Power Spectra" LINK

"Simple and fast spectrophotometric method based on chemometrics for the measurement of multicomponent adsorption kinetics" LINK

"Real time detection of amphetamine in oral fluids by MicroNIR/Chemometrics." LINK

"In‐vitro digestion of the bioactives originating from the Lamiaceae family herbal teas: A kinetic and PLS modeling study" LINK

"Models for predicting the within-tree and regional variation of tracheid length and width for plantation loblolly pine" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Study on rapid quality analysis method of Shengxuebao Mixture" LINK

"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK

Altersbestimmung von Holz mittels FTIR-Spektroskopie: Durch die Zusammenarbeit von Holz-, Materialwissenschaftler*innen und Statistikern konnte nach über 70 Jahren eine dritte Datierungsmethode neben der Jahrringanalyse und der Radiokarbonmethode im… LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Quality assessment of instant green tea using portable NIR spectrometer." LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"From powder to tablets: Investigation of residence time distributions in a continuous manufacturing process train as basis for continuous process verification" LINK

"Non-destructive, non-invasive, in-line real-time phase-based reflectance for quality monitoring of fruit" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Estimating soil organic carbon density in Northern China's agro-pastoral ecotone using vis-NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Retrieval of aboveground crop nitrogen content with a hybrid machine learning method" LINK

"Prediction of Soil Oxalate Phosphorus using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Natural and Cultivated System Soils of Madagascar" LINK

"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 3208: Precise Estimation of NDVI with a Simple NIR Sensitive RGB Camera and Machine Learning Methods for Corn Plants" LINK

"The application of R language in the selection of characteristic bands for the prediction of protein content in milk powder by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Onsite nutritional diagnosis of tea plants using micro near-infrared spectrometer coupled with chemometrics" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Improving the accuracy of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy method to predict the oil content of oil palm fresh fruits" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Non-destructive determination of apple quality parameters of variety'red jonaprince'using near infrared spectroscopy." LINK

"Laboratory Methods for Evaluating Forage Quality" LINK


"Automatic Walnut Sorting System Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Control" LINK

"Industrial gas chromatographs" LINK

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Development of quantitative Multivariate Prediction Models for Near Infrared Spectrometers | NIRS HSI LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Spectrometric Analytical Chemistry Chemical Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory Software IoT Sensors QA QC Testing Quality LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 29, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Get the Chemometrics and Spectroscopy News in real time on Twitter @ CalibModel and follow us.

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

"Non-Destructive Determination of Quality Traits of Cashew Apples (Anacardium Occidentale, L.) Using a Portable near Infrared Spectrophotometer" LINK

"Non-destructive classification and prediction of aflatoxin-B1 concentration in maize kernels using Vis–NIR (400–1000 nm) hyperspectral imaging" LINK

"Determination of glucose content with a concentration within the physiological range by FT-NIR spectroscopy in a trans-reflectance mode" LINK

"Evaluating taste-related attributes of black tea by micro-NIRS" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Rapid authentication of Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Taizishen) from different regions by nearinfrared spectroscopy combined with chemometric methods" LINK

"Agronomy, Vol. 10, Pages 828: Estimating Sensory Properties with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Tool for Quality Control and Breeding of Calçots (Allium cepa L.)" LINK

"Spectral observation of agarwood by infrared spectroscopy: The differences of infected and normal Aquilaria microcarpa" LINK

"Quantitative near infrared spectroscopic analysis of Tricholoma matsutake based on information extraction using the elastic net" LINK

"Visible-near infrared spectroscopy for detection of blood in sheep faeces" LINK

" … dans le proche infrarouge et techniques de chimiométrie Detection of addition of barley to coffee using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric techniques" LINK

"Forests, Vol. 11, Pages 644: A Comparison of the Loading Direction for Bending Strength with Different Wood Measurement Surfaces Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Rapid assessment of soil condition in Kenya through development of near infrared spectral indicatators" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determination of apple varieties by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy coupled with improved possibilistic Gath–Geva clustering algorithm" LINK

"Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy: The Power of Power Spectra" LINK

"Simple and fast spectrophotometric method based on chemometrics for the measurement of multicomponent adsorption kinetics" LINK

"Real time detection of amphetamine in oral fluids by MicroNIR/Chemometrics." LINK

"In‐vitro digestion of the bioactives originating from the Lamiaceae family herbal teas: A kinetic and PLS modeling study" LINK

"Models for predicting the within-tree and regional variation of tracheid length and width for plantation loblolly pine" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"Study on rapid quality analysis method of Shengxuebao Mixture" LINK

"MD dating: molecular decay (MD) in pinewood as a dating method" LINK

Altersbestimmung von Holz mittels FTIR-Spektroskopie: Durch die Zusammenarbeit von Holz-, Materialwissenschaftler*innen und Statistikern konnte nach über 70 Jahren eine dritte Datierungsmethode neben der Jahrringanalyse und der Radiokarbonmethode im… LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Quality assessment of instant green tea using portable NIR spectrometer." LINK

Process Control and NIR Sensors

"From powder to tablets: Investigation of residence time distributions in a continuous manufacturing process train as basis for continuous process verification" LINK

"Non-destructive, non-invasive, in-line real-time phase-based reflectance for quality monitoring of fruit" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Estimating soil organic carbon density in Northern China's agro-pastoral ecotone using vis-NIR spectroscopy" LINK

"Retrieval of aboveground crop nitrogen content with a hybrid machine learning method" LINK

"Prediction of Soil Oxalate Phosphorus using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Natural and Cultivated System Soils of Madagascar" LINK

"Sensors, Vol. 20, Pages 3208: Precise Estimation of NDVI with a Simple NIR Sensitive RGB Camera and Machine Learning Methods for Corn Plants" LINK

"The application of R language in the selection of characteristic bands for the prediction of protein content in milk powder by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" LINK

"Onsite nutritional diagnosis of tea plants using micro near-infrared spectrometer coupled with chemometrics" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Improving the accuracy of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy method to predict the oil content of oil palm fresh fruits" LINK

Laboratory and NIR-Spectroscopy

"Non-destructive determination of apple quality parameters of variety'red jonaprince'using near infrared spectroscopy." LINK

"Laboratory Methods for Evaluating Forage Quality" LINK


"Automatic Walnut Sorting System Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Control" LINK

"Industrial gas chromatographs" LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly #28, 2020Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich #28, 2020Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News #28, 2020

NIR Calibration-Model Services

Services for professional Development of Near-Infra-Red Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS Lab testing method food LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Analytical Chemistry ag Food Dairy Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory IoT Sensors QA QC material testing quality safety LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)


"How well can near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) measure sediment organic matter in multiple lakes?" LINK

"Assessment of Embryonic Bioactivity through Changes in the Water Structure Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 3722: FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy Combined with Multivariate Regression Modeling as a Preliminary Approach for Carotenoids Determination in Cucurbita Spp." LINK

"At-line Prediction of Gelatinized Starch and Fiber Fractions in Extruded Dry Dog Food Using Different Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Technologies" LINK

"Near-infrared Prediction of Edible Oil Frying Times Based on Bayesian Ridge Regression" LINK

"Estimating wood moisture by near infrared spectroscopy: Testing acquisition methods and wood surfaces qualities" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determination of Loline Alkaloids and Mycelial Biomass in Endophyte-Infected Schedonorus Pratensis by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Quantification of extra virgin olive oil adulteration using smartphone videos." LINK

"Discrimination of legal and illegal Cannabis spp . according to European legislation using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"A comparison of chemometrics classification tools for identification of perirenal fat in lambs." LINK

"Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of K + and Tl + in Serum and Drinking Water Based on UV-Vis Spectra and Chemometrics" LINK

"Combination of spectra and texture data of hyperspectral imaging for prediction and visualization of palmitic acid and oleic acid contents in lamb meat" LINK

"NIR hyperspectral imaging coupled with chemometrics for nondestructive assessment of phosphorus and potassium contents in tea leaves" LINK

"Non-destructive genotypes classification and oil content prediction using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric tools in soybean breeding program" LINK

"Predicting milk mid-infrared spectra from first-parity Holstein cows using a test-day mixed model with the perspective of herd management" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"An efficient method to quantitatively detect competitive adsorption of DNA on single-walled carbon nanotube surfaces" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Determination of Ethanol in Alcoholic Drinks: Flow Injection Analysis with Amperometric Detection Versus Portable Raman Spectrometer" LINK

"Micro-Electro-Mechanical System Fourier Transform Infrared (MEMS FT-IR) Spectrometer Under ModulatedPulsed Light Source Excitation" LINK

"Theae nigrae folium: Comparing the analytical performance of benchtop and handheld near-infrared spectrometers" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Fermentation, Vol. 6, Pages 56: Beer Aroma and Quality Traits Assessment Using Artificial Intelligence" LINK

"Optimization of modeling conditions for near infrared measurement of protein content in milk by orthogonal array design." LINK

"Soil organic matter in various land uses and management, and its accuracy measurement using near infrared technology" LINK

"Lettuce plant health assessment using UAV-based hyperspectral sensor and proximal sensors" LINK

"Effects of planting density on nutritive value, dry matter yield, and predicted milk yield of dairy cows from 2 brown midrib forage sorghum hybrids" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Non-Destructive Detection of Strawberry Quality Using Multi-Features of Hyperspectral Imaging and Multivariate Methods" LINK

"A simple and nondestructive approach for the analysis of soluble solid content in citrus by using portable visible to near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Hyperspectral monitor on chlorophyll density in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under water stress" LINK

"Assessment of Biochemical and Seed Quality Traits in Hulless Barley Germplasm" LINK

Beverage and Drink Industry NIR Usage

"Online determination of coffee roast degree toward controlling acidity" LINK


"Improvement on curing performance and morphology of E5I/TPGDA mixture in a free radical-cationic hybrid photopolymerization system" LINK

"Color analysis and detection of Fe minerals in multi-mineral mixtures from acid-alteration environments" LINK

"Growth and maturity of Longnose Skates (Raja rhina) along the North American West Coast" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

Services for professional Development of Near-Infra-Red Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS Lab testing method food LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Analytical Chemistry ag Food Dairy Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory IoT Sensors QA QC material testing quality safety LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)


"How well can near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) measure sediment organic matter in multiple lakes?" LINK

"Assessment of Embryonic Bioactivity through Changes in the Water Structure Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 3722: FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy Combined with Multivariate Regression Modeling as a Preliminary Approach for Carotenoids Determination in Cucurbita Spp." LINK

"At-line Prediction of Gelatinized Starch and Fiber Fractions in Extruded Dry Dog Food Using Different Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Technologies" LINK

"Near-infrared Prediction of Edible Oil Frying Times Based on Bayesian Ridge Regression" LINK

"Estimating wood moisture by near infrared spectroscopy: Testing acquisition methods and wood surfaces qualities" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determination of Loline Alkaloids and Mycelial Biomass in Endophyte-Infected Schedonorus Pratensis by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Quantification of extra virgin olive oil adulteration using smartphone videos." LINK

"Discrimination of legal and illegal Cannabis spp . according to European legislation using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"A comparison of chemometrics classification tools for identification of perirenal fat in lambs." LINK

"Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of K + and Tl + in Serum and Drinking Water Based on UV-Vis Spectra and Chemometrics" LINK

"Combination of spectra and texture data of hyperspectral imaging for prediction and visualization of palmitic acid and oleic acid contents in lamb meat" LINK

"NIR hyperspectral imaging coupled with chemometrics for nondestructive assessment of phosphorus and potassium contents in tea leaves" LINK

"Non-destructive genotypes classification and oil content prediction using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric tools in soybean breeding program" LINK

"Predicting milk mid-infrared spectra from first-parity Holstein cows using a test-day mixed model with the perspective of herd management" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"An efficient method to quantitatively detect competitive adsorption of DNA on single-walled carbon nanotube surfaces" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Determination of Ethanol in Alcoholic Drinks: Flow Injection Analysis with Amperometric Detection Versus Portable Raman Spectrometer" LINK

"Micro-Electro-Mechanical System Fourier Transform Infrared (MEMS FT-IR) Spectrometer Under ModulatedPulsed Light Source Excitation" LINK

"Theae nigrae folium: Comparing the analytical performance of benchtop and handheld near-infrared spectrometers" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Fermentation, Vol. 6, Pages 56: Beer Aroma and Quality Traits Assessment Using Artificial Intelligence" LINK

"Optimization of modeling conditions for near infrared measurement of protein content in milk by orthogonal array design." LINK

"Soil organic matter in various land uses and management, and its accuracy measurement using near infrared technology" LINK

"Lettuce plant health assessment using UAV-based hyperspectral sensor and proximal sensors" LINK

"Effects of planting density on nutritive value, dry matter yield, and predicted milk yield of dairy cows from 2 brown midrib forage sorghum hybrids" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Non-Destructive Detection of Strawberry Quality Using Multi-Features of Hyperspectral Imaging and Multivariate Methods" LINK

"A simple and nondestructive approach for the analysis of soluble solid content in citrus by using portable visible to near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Hyperspectral monitor on chlorophyll density in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under water stress" LINK

"Assessment of Biochemical and Seed Quality Traits in Hulless Barley Germplasm" LINK

Beverage and Drink Industry NIR Usage

"Online determination of coffee roast degree toward controlling acidity" LINK


"Improvement on curing performance and morphology of E5I/TPGDA mixture in a free radical-cationic hybrid photopolymerization system" LINK

"Color analysis and detection of Fe minerals in multi-mineral mixtures from acid-alteration environments" LINK

"Growth and maturity of Longnose Skates (Raja rhina) along the North American West Coast" LINK


NIR Calibration-Model Services

Services for professional Development of Near-Infra-Red Spectroscopy Calibration Methods | NIRS Lab testing method food LINK

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics News Weekly 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spectroscopy MachineLearning Spectrometer Analytical Chemistry ag Food Dairy Analysis Lab Labs Laboratories Laboratory IoT Sensors QA QC material testing quality safety LINK

Spektroskopie und Chemometrie Neuigkeiten Wöchentlich 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spektroskopie MachineLearning Spektrometer IoT Sensor Nahinfrarot Chemie Analytik Analysengeräte Analysentechnik Analysemethode Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Laboranalyse LINK

Spettroscopia e Chemiometria Weekly News 27, 2020 | NIRS NIR Spettroscopia MachineLearning analisi chimica Spettrale Spettrometro Chem IoT Sensore Attrezzatura analitica Laboratorio analisi prova qualità Analysesystem QualityControl LINK

Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)


"How well can near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) measure sediment organic matter in multiple lakes?" LINK

"Assessment of Embryonic Bioactivity through Changes in the Water Structure Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging" LINK

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

"Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, Pages 3722: FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy Combined with Multivariate Regression Modeling as a Preliminary Approach for Carotenoids Determination in Cucurbita Spp." LINK

"At-line Prediction of Gelatinized Starch and Fiber Fractions in Extruded Dry Dog Food Using Different Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Technologies" LINK

"Near-infrared Prediction of Edible Oil Frying Times Based on Bayesian Ridge Regression" LINK

"Estimating wood moisture by near infrared spectroscopy: Testing acquisition methods and wood surfaces qualities" LINK

Chemometrics and Machine Learning

"Determination of Loline Alkaloids and Mycelial Biomass in Endophyte-Infected Schedonorus Pratensis by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics" LINK

"Quantification of extra virgin olive oil adulteration using smartphone videos." LINK

"Discrimination of legal and illegal Cannabis spp . according to European legislation using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics" LINK

"A comparison of chemometrics classification tools for identification of perirenal fat in lambs." LINK

"Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of K + and Tl + in Serum and Drinking Water Based on UV-Vis Spectra and Chemometrics" LINK

"Combination of spectra and texture data of hyperspectral imaging for prediction and visualization of palmitic acid and oleic acid contents in lamb meat" LINK

"NIR hyperspectral imaging coupled with chemometrics for nondestructive assessment of phosphorus and potassium contents in tea leaves" LINK

"Non-destructive genotypes classification and oil content prediction using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric tools in soybean breeding program" LINK

"Predicting milk mid-infrared spectra from first-parity Holstein cows using a test-day mixed model with the perspective of herd management" LINK

Research on Spectroscopy

"An efficient method to quantitatively detect competitive adsorption of DNA on single-walled carbon nanotube surfaces" LINK

Equipment for Spectroscopy

"Determination of Ethanol in Alcoholic Drinks: Flow Injection Analysis with Amperometric Detection Versus Portable Raman Spectrometer" LINK

"Micro-Electro-Mechanical System Fourier Transform Infrared (MEMS FT-IR) Spectrometer Under ModulatedPulsed Light Source Excitation" LINK

"Theae nigrae folium: Comparing the analytical performance of benchtop and handheld near-infrared spectrometers" LINK

Agriculture NIR-Spectroscopy Usage

"Fermentation, Vol. 6, Pages 56: Beer Aroma and Quality Traits Assessment Using Artificial Intelligence" LINK

"Optimization of modeling conditions for near infrared measurement of protein content in milk by orthogonal array design." LINK

"Soil organic matter in various land uses and management, and its accuracy measurement using near infrared technology" LINK

"Lettuce plant health assessment using UAV-based hyperspectral sensor and proximal sensors" LINK

"Effects of planting density on nutritive value, dry matter yield, and predicted milk yield of dairy cows from 2 brown midrib forage sorghum hybrids" LINK

Horticulture NIR-Spectroscopy Applications

"Non-Destructive Detection of Strawberry Quality Using Multi-Features of Hyperspectral Imaging and Multivariate Methods" LINK

"A simple and nondestructive approach for the analysis of soluble solid content in citrus by using portable visible to near-infrared spectroscopy." LINK

Food & Feed Industry NIR Usage

"Hyperspectral monitor on chlorophyll density in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under water stress" LINK

"Assessment of Biochemical and Seed Quality Traits in Hulless Barley Germplasm" LINK

Beverage and Drink Industry NIR Usage

"Online determination of coffee roast degree toward controlling acidity" LINK


"Improvement on curing performance and morphology of E5I/TPGDA mixture in a free radical-cationic hybrid photopolymerization system" LINK

"Color analysis and detection of Fe minerals in multi-mineral mixtures from acid-alteration environments" LINK

"Growth and maturity of Longnose Skates (Raja rhina) along the North American West Coast" LINK


Professional NIR-Spectroscopy Chemometric Data Science as a ServiceProfessionelle NIR-Spektroskopie Chemometrische Daten Science als DienstleistungLa scienza dei dati chemometrici NIR-Spectroscopia professionale come servizio

CalibrationModel.com is a Professional Development of
NIR-Spectroscopic Chemometric Calibration Models as a Service.

  • With CalibrationModel.com service, NIR-models can be developed without Chemometric Software.

  • It works for nearly all desktop and mobile NIR Spectrometers.

  • The included free NIR-Predictor software allows to create instantly analysis result reports with multiple NIR-models at once without an internet connection.

  • By sending the NIR and Lab data, quantitative models are developed and optimized to be downloaded in licensed or perpetual-unlimited versions.

  • The complete calibration settings that includes the intellectual property is also available.

  • The Trial Calibration is an individually tailored ready-to-use NIR calibration file that matches your data and product with 7 days evaluation possibility (try before you buy).

    Start Trial Calibration

    NIR Calibration Model Service explained
    CalibrationModel.com ist eine professionelle Dienstleistung zur Entwicklung
    von NIR-spektroskopischen chemometrischen Kalibrierungsmodellen.

    • Mit dem Dienst CalibrationModel.com können NIR-Modelle ohne chemometrische Software entwickelt werden.

    • Er funktioniert mit fast allen Desktop- und mobilen NIR-Spektrometern.

    • Die mitgelieferte kostenlose NIR-Predictor-Software ermöglicht die sofortige Erstellung von Analyse-Ergebnisberichten mit mehreren NIR-Modellen gleichzeitig ohne Internetverbindung.

    • Durch das Senden der NIR- und Labordaten werden quantitative Modelle entwickelt und optimiert, die in lizenzierter oder unbefristet unbegrenzter Version heruntergeladen werden können.

    • Die vollständigen Kalibrierungseinstellungen, die das geistige Eigentum einschließen, sind ebenfalls verfügbar.

    Die Testkalibrierung ist eine individuell zugeschnittene, gebrauchsfertige NIR Kalibrierungsdatei die mit Ihren Daten und Ihrem Produkt übereinstimmt, mit 7 Tagen Evaluierungsmöglichkeit (probieren Sie es aus, bevor Sie kaufen)

    Start Trial Calibration

    NIR Calibration Model Service erklärt
    CalibrationModel.com è uno sviluppo professionale di
    NIR-Spectroscopic Chemometric Calibration Models come servizio.

    • Con il servizio CalibrationModel.com, i modelli NIR possono essere sviluppati senza Software Chemometrico.

    • Funziona per quasi tutti gli spettrometri NIR da tavolo e mobili.

    • Il software gratuito NIR-Predictor incluso permette di creare istantaneamente rapporti di analisi dei risultati con più modelli NIR in una sola volta senza connessione internet.

    • Inviando i dati NIR e Lab, i modelli quantitativi vengono sviluppati e ottimizzati per essere scaricati in versioni con licenza o perpetua illimitata.

    • Sono disponibili anche le impostazioni di calibrazione complete che includono la proprietà intellettuale.

    La Trial Calibration è un file di calibrazione NIR pronto per l'uso personalizzato che corrisponda ai vostri dati e al prodotto con possibilità di valutazione per 7 giorni (provare prima di acquistare)

    Start Trial Calibration

    Spiegazione del servizio di calibrazione del modello NIR

    NIR-Predictor Download

    The free NIR-Predictor software
    • comes with demo data, so you can predict sample spectra with demo calibrations.
    • has no functional limitations, no nagging, no ads and needs no license-key.
    • you need no account and no registration to download and use.
    • runs on Microsoft Windows 10/8/7 (Starter, Basic, Professional) (32 bit / 64 bit).
    • no data is ever transmitted from your local machine. We don't even collect usage data.
    See more Videos Beside the free NIR-Predictor software with Windows user interface, the real-time Predictor Engine is also available
    • for embedded integration in application, cloud and instrument-software (ICT).
    • As a light-weigt single library file (DLL) with application programming interface (API), documentation and software development kit (SDK) including sample source code (C#).
    • Easy integration and deployment, no software license protection (no serial key, no dongle).
    • Put your spectrum as an array into the multivariate predictor, no specific file format needed.
    • Fast prediction speed and low latency because of compiled code library (direct call, no cloud API).
    • Protected prediction results with outlier detection information.
    See NIR Method Development Service for Labs and NIR-Vendors (OEM, White-Label)
    Software Size Date Comment
    NIR-Predictor V2.6.0.2 (download) What's new, see Release Notes By downloading and/or using the software you accept the Software License Agreement (EULA) 3.7 MB 18.08.2021 public release
    Minimal System Requirements Windows 7 Starter 32Bit, 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, non-Administrator account Installation There are no administrator rights required, unpack the zip file to a folder "NIR-Predictor" in your documents or on your desktop. Read the ReadMe.txt and double click the NIR-Predictor.exe file. Upgrade If you have installed an older version of NIR-Predictor then unpack into a different folder named e.g. "NIR-PredictorVx.y". All versions can run side-by-side. Copy the Calibrations in use to the new version into the "Calibration" folder. That's all. Uninstall Make sure to backup your reports and calibrations inside your "NIR-Predictor" folder. Delete the "NIR-Predictor" folder. Start Calibrate See also:

    The free NIR-Predictor software
    • comes with demo data, so you can predict sample spectra with demo calibrations.
    • has no functional limitations, no nagging, no ads and needs no license-key.
    • you need no account and no registration to download and use.
    • runs on Microsoft Windows 10/8/7 (Starter, Basic, Professional) (32 bit / 64 bit).
    • no data is ever transmitted from your local machine. We don't even collect usage data.
    See more Videos Neben der kostenlosen NIR-Predictor-Software mit Windows-Benutzeroberfläche ist die Echtzeit-Predictor-Engine auch verfügbar
    • für die eingebettete Integration in Applikations-, Cloud- und Geräte-Software (ICT).
    • Als leichtgewichtige Einzelbibliotheksdatei (DLL) mit Anwendungsprogrammier-Schnittstelle (API), Dokumentation und Software Development Kit (SDK) inklusive Beispiel-Quellcode (C#).
    • Einfache Integration und Bereitstellung, kein Software-Lizenzschutz (kein Serienschlüssel, kein Dongle).
    • Geben Sie Ihr Spektrum als Array in den multivariaten Prädiktor ein, es ist kein spezielles Dateiformat erforderlich.
    • Schnelle Vorhersagegeschwindigkeit und niedrige Latenz aufgrund der kompilierten Code-Bibliothek (direkter Aufruf, keine Cloud-API).
    • Geschützte Vorhersageergebnisse mit Informationen zur Ausreißererkennung.
    Siehe NIR-Methodenentwicklungsservice für Labore und NIR-Anbieter (OEM, White-Label)
    Software Size Date Comment
    NIR-Predictor V2.6.0.2 (download) What's new, see Release Notes By downloading and/or using the software you accept the Software License Agreement (EULA) 3.7 MB 18.08.2021 public release
    Minimal System Requirements Windows 7 Starter 32Bit, 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, non-Administrator account Installation There are no administrator rights required, unpack the zip file to a folder "NIR-Predictor" in your documents or on your desktop. Read the ReadMe.txt and double click the NIR-Predictor.exe file. Upgrade If you have installed an older version of NIR-Predictor then unpack into a different folder named e.g. "NIR-PredictorVx.y". All versions can run side-by-side. Copy the Calibrations in use to the new version into the "Calibration" folder. That's all. Uninstall Make sure to backup your reports and calibrations inside your "NIR-Predictor" folder. Delete the "NIR-Predictor" folder. Start Calibrate See also:

    The free NIR-Predictor software
    • comes with demo data, so you can predict sample spectra with demo calibrations.
    • has no functional limitations, no nagging, no ads and needs no license-key.
    • you need no account and no registration to download and use.
    • runs on Microsoft Windows 10/8/7 (Starter, Basic, Professional) (32 bit / 64 bit).
    • no data is ever transmitted from your local machine. We don't even collect usage data.
    See more Videos Oltre al software gratuito NIR-Predictor con interfaccia utente Windows, il Predictor Engine in tempo reale è disponibile anche
    • per l'integrazione embedded in applicazioni, cloud e strumenti-software (ICT).
    • Come un singolo file di libreria leggera (DLL) con interfaccia di programmazione dell'applicazione (API), documentazione e kit di sviluppo del software (SDK) incluso il codice sorgente di esempio (C#).
    • Facile integrazione e distribuzione, nessuna protezione della licenza software (nessuna chiave seriale, nessun dongle).
    • Inserisci il tuo spettro come array nel predittore multivariato, non è necessario alcun formato di file specifico.
    • Velocità di predizione veloce e bassa latenza grazie alla libreria di codice compilata (chiamata diretta, nessuna API cloud).
    • Risultati di predizione protetti con informazioni di rilevamento degli outlier.
    Vedi Servizio di sviluppo del metodo NIR per laboratori e fornitori NIR (OEM, White-Label)
    Software Size Date Comment
    NIR-Predictor V2.6.0.2 (download) What's new, see Release Notes By downloading and/or using the software you accept the Software License Agreement (EULA) 3.7 MB 18.08.2021 public release
    Minimal System Requirements Windows 7 Starter 32Bit, 1.6 GHz, 2 GB RAM, non-Administrator account Installation There are no administrator rights required, unpack the zip file to a folder "NIR-Predictor" in your documents or on your desktop. Read the ReadMe.txt and double click the NIR-Predictor.exe file. Upgrade If you have installed an older version of NIR-Predictor then unpack into a different folder named e.g. "NIR-PredictorVx.y". All versions can run side-by-side. Copy the Calibrations in use to the new version into the "Calibration" folder. That's all. Uninstall Make sure to backup your reports and calibrations inside your "NIR-Predictor" folder. Delete the "NIR-Predictor" folder. Start Calibrate See also: