We make NIR Chemometrics easyWir machen NIR Chemometrie einfach

Hi, we're CalibrationModel. Our aim is to transform your NIR data to superior calibration models. We do this by using knowledge driven software applying good practices and rules from literature, publications, regulatory guidelines and more. Our service is used by NIR specialists to deliver a valuable model for their NIR analysis measurements. With CalibrationModel services, NIR specialists can find out how their NIR Data can be robust and optimally modeled by which data preprocessing and wavelength selection, etc. You can implement CalibrationModel in a matter of minutes using our contact form and send your NIR data to receive optimized model settings as a blueprint.

NIR specialists (Spectroscopist, Chemometricians) love perfect models. They're curious about how to improve their models even further, because all NIR models need continuous maintenance and updates.

Using CalibrationModel services, NIR Specialists can deliver real value to their measurement results through powerful model optimization capabilities.

We make NIR Chemometrics easy.

Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service

Hi, we're CalibrationModel. Our aim is to transform your NIR data to superior calibration models. We do this by using knowledge driven software applying good practices and rules from literature, publications, regulatory guidelines and more. Our service is used by NIR specialists to deliver a valuable model for their NIR analysis measurements. With CalibrationModel services, NIR specialists can find out how their NIR Data can be robust and optimally modeled by which data preprocessing and wavelength selection, etc. You can implement CalibrationModel in a matter of minutes using our contact form and send your NIR data to receive optimized model settings as a blueprint.

NIR specialists (Spectroscopist, Chemometricians) love perfect models. They're curious about how to improve their models even further, because all NIR models need continuous maintenance and updates.

Using CalibrationModel services, NIR Specialists can deliver real value to their measurement results through powerful model optimization capabilities.

We make NIR Chemometrics easy.

Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service

Hi, we're CalibrationModel. Our aim is to transform your NIR data to superior calibration models. We do this by using knowledge driven software applying good practices and rules from literature, publications, regulatory guidelines and more. Our service is used by NIR specialists to deliver a valuable model for their NIR analysis measurements. With CalibrationModel services, NIR specialists can find out how their NIR Data can be robust and optimally modeled by which data preprocessing and wavelength selection, etc. You can implement CalibrationModel in a matter of minutes using our contact form and send your NIR data to receive optimized model settings as a blueprint.

NIR specialists (Spectroscopist, Chemometricians) love perfect models. They're curious about how to improve their models even further, because all NIR models need continuous maintenance and updates.

Using CalibrationModel services, NIR Specialists can deliver real value to their measurement results through powerful model optimization capabilities.

We make NIR Chemometrics easy.

Near-Infrared Data Modeling Calibration Service

Procedures for NIR calibration – Creation of NIRS spectroscopy calibration curvesArbeitsweisen zur NIR Kalibrierung – Erstellung von NIRS-Spektroskopie Kalibrierungskurven Le procedure di calibrazione NIR – Realizzazione di curve di calibrazione NIRS spettroscopia

Do you know the effect that you prefer to try out their favorite data pretreatments in combination and often try the same wavelength selections based spectra of the visualized?

You try as six to ten combinations until one of them selects his favorite calibration model, to then continue to optimize. Since then suddenly fall to outliers, because it goes in depth, so is familiar with the data, we know now the spectra of numbers of outliers and is familiar with the extreme values.

Now, the focus is on the major components (principal components, Latent Variables, factors) and makes sure not to over-fit and under-fit not to. The whole takes a few hours and finally one is content with the model found.

So what would happen if you all in the beginning tried variants found outliers removed and re-evaluated and compared? The results would be better than that of the previous model choice? One does not try out? Because it is cumbersome and takes hours again?

We have developed a software which simplifies this so that also the number of model variations can be increased as desired. The variants generation is automated with an intelligent control system, as well as the optimization and comparing the models and finally the final selection of the best calibration model.

Our software includes all the usual known data pretreatment methods (data pre-processing) and can combine them useful. Since many Preteatments are directly dependent on the wavelength selection, such as the normalization the determined within a wavelength range of the scaling factors to normalize the spectra so that pretreatments with the wavelength ranges may be combined. So a variety of settings sensible model comes together that are all calculated and optimized. For the automatic selection of the relevant wavelength ranges, different methods are used, which are based on the spectral intensities. Thus, for example, regions with total absorption is not used, and often interfering water bands removed or retained.

Over all the calculated model variations as a summary outlier analysis can be made. Are there any new outliers (hidden outlier) discovered, all previous models can be automatically recalculated, optimized and compared without these outliers.

From this great number of calculated models with the statistical quality reviews (prediction performance) the optimum calibration can now be selected. For this purpose, not simply sorting by the prediction error (prediction error, SEP RMSEP) or the coefficient of determination (coefficient of determination r2), but by several statistical and test values are used jointly toward the final assessment of optimal calibration.

Thus we have created a platform that allows the highly automated work what a man can never do with a commercial software.

We therefore offer the largest number of matched to your application problem modeling calculations and choose the best calibration for you!

This means that our results are faster, more accurate, robust and objective basis (person independent) and quite easy for you to apply.

You have the full control of the models supplied by us, because we provide a clearly structured and detailed blueprint of the complete calibration, with all settings and parameters, with all necessary statistical characteristics and graphics.

Using this blueprint, you can adjust the quantitative calibration model itself in the software you use, understand and compare. You have everything under control form model creation, model validation and model refinement.

Your privacy is very important to us. The NIR data that you briefly provide us for the custom calibration development will remain of course your property. Your NIR data will be deleted after the job with us.

Start Calibrate

Interested, then do not hesitate to contact us.

Kennen Sie den Effekt, dass Sie bevorzugt ihre Lieblings-Datenvorbehandlungen in Kombination durchprobieren und oft die gleichen Wellenlängen-Selektionen anhand der visualisierten Spektren ausprobieren?

Man probiert z.B. sechs bis zehn Kombinationen aus, bis man davon sein favorisiertes Kalibrationsmodell auswählt, um es dann weiter zu optimieren. Da fallen dann plötzlich Ausreisser (Outlier) auf, weil man in die Tiefe geht, also mit den Daten vertraut ist, man kennt mittlerweile die Spektren-Nummern der Ausreisser und ist mit den Extremwerten vertraut.

Jetzt fokussiert man sich auf die Hauptkomponenten (Principal Components, Latent Variables, Faktoren) und achtet darauf nicht zu über-fitten und nicht zu unter-fitten. Das ganze dauert ein paar Stunden und schliesslich begnügt man sich mit dem gefundenen Modell.

Was wäre nun, wenn man in all den zu Beginn ausprobierten Varianten, die gefundenen Ausreisser entfernt und nochmals berechnet und vergleicht? Wären die Ergebnisse besser als die von der bisherigen Modell Wahl? Man probiert es nicht aus? Weil es mühsam ist und wieder Stunden dauert?

Wir haben eine Software entwickelt die dies so vereinfacht, dass auch die Anzahl der Modell Variationen beliebig erhöht werden kann. Die Varianten Erzeugung läuft automatisiert mit einem intelligenten Regelsystem, so auch die Optimierung und das Vergleichen der Modelle und schliesslich die finale Auswahl des Besten Kalibrations Modell.

Unsere Software beinhaltet alle üblichen bekannten Datenvorbehandlungs Methoden (Preteatments) und kann diese sinnvoll kombinieren. Da viele Preteatments direkt abhängig sind von der Wellenlängen Selektion, so z.B. die Normalisierungen die innerhalb eines Wellenlängen-Bereiches die Skalierungsfaktoren ermittelt, um die Spektren damit zu normieren, werden die Pretreatments mit dem Wellenlängen-Bereichen kombiniert. So kommt eine Vielzahl von sinnvollen Modell Einstellungen zusammen die alle berechnet und optimiert werden.

Für die automatische Auswahl der relevanten Wellenlängen Bereiche kommen verschiedene Methoden zum Einsatz, die sich an den Spektren Intensitäten orientieren. So werden z.B. Bereiche mit Totalabsorption nicht verwendet, oftmals störende Wasserbanden entfernt oder beibehalten.

Über all die berechneten Modell Variationen können so zusammenfassende Outlier Analysen gemacht werden. Werden durch die gefahrenen Versuche neue Outlier (Hidden Outlier) entdeckt, können alle bisherigen Modelle automatisch ohne diese Ausreisser nachberechnet, optimiert und verglichen werden.

Aus dieser Vielzahl berechneter Modelle mit deren Statistischen Güte Bewertungen (Prediction Performance) kann nun die optimale Kalibration ausgewählt werden. Dazu wird nicht einfach nach dem Vorhersage Fehler (Prediction Error, SEP, RMSEP) oder nach dem Bestimmtheitsmaß (Coefficient of Determination r2) sortiert, sondern mehrere Statistik- und Testwerte gemeinsam zur umfänglichen Beurteilung der optimalen Kalibration herangezogen.

Somit haben wir eine Plattform geschaffen, die es ermöglicht hochgradig automatisiert das zu tun, was ein Mensch niemals mit einer handelsüblichen Software tun kann.

Wir bieten damit die grösste Anzahl auf Ihr Applikations-Problem angepasste Modellierungs-Berechnungen und wählen die beste Kalibration für Sie aus!

Das heisst, unsere Ergebnisse sind schneller, genauer, robuster und objektiv ausgewählt (Personen unabhängig) und für Sie ganz einfach anzuwenden.

Die Kontrolle über die von uns gelieferten Modelle haben Sie vollumfänglich, denn wir liefern einen klar strukturierten und detaillierten Bauplan der  kompletten Kalibration, mit allen Einstellungen und Parametern, mit allen notwendigen Statistischen Kenngrössen und Grafiken.

Anhand dieses Bauplans können Sie das quantitative Kalibrations Modell selbst in der von Ihnen verwendeten Software nachstellen, nachvollziehen und vergleichen. Sie haben so alles im Griff, für die Modell-Validierung und die Modellpflege.

Der Datenschutz ist uns sehr wichtig. Die NIR Daten, die Sie uns für die Kalibrations-Erstellung kurzzeitig zu Verfügung stellen bleiben selbstverständlich Ihr Eigentum. Ihre NIR Daten werden nach Abschluss des Auftrags bei uns gelöscht.

Start Calibrate

Interessiert, dann zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren.

Do you know the effect that you prefer to try out their favorite data pretreatments in combination and often try the same wavelength selections based spectra of the visualized?

You try as six to ten combinations until one of them selects his favorite calibration model, to then continue to optimize. Since then suddenly fall to outliers, because it goes in depth, so is familiar with the data, we know now the spectra of numbers of outliers and is familiar with the extreme values.

Now, the focus is on the major components (principal components, Latent Variables, factors) and makes sure not to over-fit and under-fit not to. The whole takes a few hours and finally one is content with the model found.

So what would happen if you all in the beginning tried variants found outliers removed and re-evaluated and compared? The results would be better than that of the previous model choice? One does not try out? Because it is cumbersome and takes hours again?

We have developed a software which simplifies this so that also the number of model variations can be increased as desired. The variants generation is automated with an intelligent control system, as well as the optimization and comparing the models and finally the final selection of the best calibration model.

Our software includes all the usual known data pretreatment methods (data pre-processing) and can combine them useful. Since many Preteatments are directly dependent on the wavelength selection, such as the normalization the determined within a wavelength range of the scaling factors to normalize the spectra so that pretreatments with the wavelength ranges may be combined. So a variety of settings sensible model comes together that are all calculated and optimized. For the automatic selection of the relevant wavelength ranges, different methods are used, which are based on the spectral intensities. Thus, for example, regions with total absorption is not used, and often interfering water bands removed or retained.

Over all the calculated model variations as a summary outlier analysis can be made. Are there any new outliers (hidden outlier) discovered, all previous models can be automatically recalculated, optimized and compared without these outliers.

From this great number of calculated models with the statistical quality reviews (prediction performance) the optimum calibration can now be selected. For this purpose, not simply sorting by the prediction error (prediction error, SEP RMSEP) or the coefficient of determination (coefficient of determination r2), but by several statistical and test values are used jointly toward the final assessment of optimal calibration.

Thus we have created a platform that allows the highly automated work what a man can never do with a commercial software.

We therefore offer the largest number of matched to your application problem modeling calculations and choose the best calibration for you!

This means that our results are faster, more accurate, robust and objective basis (person independent) and quite easy for you to apply.

You have the full control of the models supplied by us, because we provide a clearly structured and detailed blueprint of the complete calibration, with all settings and parameters, with all necessary statistical characteristics and graphics.

Using this blueprint, you can adjust the quantitative calibration model itself in the software you use, understand and compare. You have everything under control form model creation, model validation and model refinement.

Your privacy is very important to us. The NIR data that you briefly provide us for the custom calibration development will remain of course your property. Your NIR data will be deleted after the job with us.

Start Calibrate

Interested, then do not hesitate to contact us.

How to develop near-infrared spectroscopy calibrations in the 21st Century? / Wie werden Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Kalibrierungen im 21. Jahrhundert entwickelt?

The Problem

Calibration modeling is a complex and very important part of NIR spectroscopy, especially for quantitative analysis. If the model is badly designed the best instrument precision and highest data quality does not help getting good and robust measurement results. And NIR Spectroscopy requires periodically recalibration and validation.

How are NIR models built today?

In a typical usage in industry, a single person is responsible to develop the models (see survey). He or she uses a Chemometric software that has a click-and-wait working process to adjust all the possible settings for the used algorithms in dialogs and wait for calculations and graphics and then to think about the next modeling steps and the time is limited to do so. Do we expect to find the best use-able or optimal model that way? How to develop near-infrared spectroscopy calibrations in the 21st Century?

Our Solution

Why not put all the knowledge a good model builder is using into software and let the machines do the possibilities of calculations and presenting the result? Designing the software that way, that the domain knowledge is built-in, not just only the algorithms for machine learning and make it possible to scale the calculations to multi-core computers and up to cloud servers. Extend the Chemometric Software with the Domain Knowledge and make as much computer power available as needed.

As it was since the beginning

User  → Chemometric Software → one Computer → some results to choose from

==> User's time needed to click-and-wait for creating results

Our Solution

User → (Domain Knowledge → automatized Chemometric Software) → many Computers → the best models

==> User's time used to study the best models and reasoning about his product / process

Note that the “Domain Knowledge” here does perfectly support the User's product and process knowledge to get the things done right and efficient.

Scaling at three layers

  • Knowledge : use the domain knowledge to drive the Chemometric Software
  • Chemometric Software : support many machine learning algorithms and data pre-processings and make it automatic
  • Computer : support multi-core calculations and scale it to the cloud
The hard part in doing this, is of course the aggregation of the needed domain knowledge and transform it into software. The Domain Knowledge for building Chemometric NIR Spectroscopic models is well known and it's huge and spreads multiple disciplines. Knowledge-driven software for computing helps to find the gold needle in the haystacks. It's all about scaling that makes it possible. See Proof of Concept.

New possibilities

  • NIR users can get help working more efficient and getting better models.
  • New types of applications for NIR can be discovered.
  • Evaluation of NIR Applications to replace conventional analytical methods.
  • Hopeless calibrations development efforts can be re-started.
  • Higher model accuracy and robustness can be delivered.
  • Automate the experimental data part of your application study.
  • Person independent optimization will show new solutions, because it's not limited by a single mindset => combining all the aggregated knowledge and its combinations.
  • Software independent optimization will show new solutions, because none of vendor specific limitations and missing algorithms are present => combining all open available algorithms and there permutations.
  • Computing service is included.

Contact us for trial

Your NIR data is modeled by thousands of different useful calibration models and you get the best of them! That was not possible before in such a easy and fast way! Start Calibrate See How it works

Summary of the NIR Chemometric survey pollsSummary of the NIR Chemometric survey polls

Summary of the NIR Chemometric survey polls (as of end of Sept. 2013)

The interesting finding is that most of the answers fit the following pattern. The most companies that use NIR have one NIR Instrument and only one employee that is able to develop NIR calibrations. For that the most common off-the-shelf chemometrics program is used and spent 2 hours or over a month and therefore gets no calibration training about the complex topics like Chemometrics and NIR Spectroscopy or only once (introduction). The calibration maintenance ranges from never to 3 times a year. Interestingly, there was no one who uses portable NIR instruments. We continue our surveys, for the discovery of new trends. Conclusion Seeing this picture, we think that there is huge potential to improve the calibrations. Advanced knowledge can help individuals to build the calibrations with best practices and improve their models accuracy and reliability. Once the decision and investment in NIR technology is done, you should get the best out of your data, because this extra NIR performance can be given by calibration optimization. We offer this as an easy to use and independent service.

Summary of the NIR Chemometric survey polls (as of end of Sept. 2013)

The interesting finding is that most of the answers fit the following pattern. The most companies that use NIR have one NIR Instrument and only one employee that is able to develop NIR calibrations. For that the most common off-the-shelf chemometrics program is used and spent 2 hours or over a month and therefore gets no calibration training about the complex topics like Chemometrics and NIR Spectroscopy or only once (introduction). The calibration maintenance ranges from never to 3 times a year. Interestingly, there was no one who uses portable NIR instruments. We continue our surveys, for the discovery of new trends. Conclusion Seeing this picture, we think that there is huge potential to improve the calibrations. Advanced knowledge can help individuals to build the calibrations with best practices and improve their models accuracy and reliability. Once the decision and investment in NIR technology is done, you should get the best out of your data, because this extra NIR performance can be given by calibration optimization. We offer this as an easy to use and independent service.

Who uses this kind of NIR Calibration ServiceWer nutzt diese Art von NIR Kalibrations Service

  • NIR Laboratory Analyzer users
  • NIR Laboratories
  • NIR Analytical Laboratories
  • NIR Analytical Testing
  • NIR Analytical Services
  • NIR Laboratory Services
  • Contract Testing Laboratories
  • NIR Calibration Specialist
  • NIR Analysis Services
  • NIR Food Safety, food handling, nutrition, agriculture
  • NIR Feed and Forage
  • plant breeding companies
  • NIR Lab Instrument Services
  • NIR Quality Assurance & Quality Control (QA/QC)
  • Quality control laboratory, analytical laboratories
  • NIR Forensics
  • NIR Process Control
  • NIR Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
  • Research & Development, new analytical methods development
  • R&D Chemist, Modelers
  • Research Scientists, Scientist Analytical Development
  • NIR Spectroscopy PhD thesis
  • NIR Chemometric PhD thesis
  • NIR Application Specialist
  • Application Manager/Application Specialist
  • Analytical Method Development specialist
  • Product Specialist Spectroscopy
  • NIRS Application Developer
  • NIR Analytical Scientist
  • NIRS Method Developer
  • NIR feasibility studies
  • NIR sales force
  • NIR salesman
  • NIR vendors
  • NIR Users
  • NIR Chemometricians
  • NIR Spectroscopists
  • PAT Engineer
  • Quality Manager
  • Manager Analytical Testing
  • Analytical Development Engineer
  • Analytical Engineer
  • Lab Manager
  • etc.
  • NIR Labor Analyzer Anwender
  • NIR Laboratories
  • NIR Analysen Service
  • NIR Lebensmittelsicherheit, Umgang mit Lebensmitteln, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft
  • NIR-Feed und Grünfutter
  • Saatgutproduzenten, Pflanzenzüchter
  • NIR Lab Instrument Services
  • NIR Kalibrations Spezialisten
  • NIR Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätskontrolle (QA / QC)
  • NIR Forensik
  • NIR Prozess Kontrolle
  • NIR Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
  • Forschung & Entwicklung, Entwicklung neuer Analyseverfahren
  • NIR-spektrometrische Methoden-Entwicklung
  • NIRS Methoden Entwickler
  • NIRS Applikations Entwickler
  • NIR-Spektroskopie Doktorarbeit
  • NIR Chemometrische Doktorarbeit
  • NIR Applikations Spezialist
  • NIR Analytical Scientist
  • NIR Machbarkeitsstudien
  • NIR Außendienst
  • NIR Verkäufer
  • NIR-Anbieter
  • NIR Anwender
  • NIR Chemometriker
  • NIR Spektroskopiker
  • PAT Ingenieur
  • Qualitäts Manager
  • Labor Manager
  • usw.

Customized NIR CalibrationsAngepasste NIR KalibrationenTarature NIR personalizzate

Increase Your Profit with optimized NIR Accuracy

We help you to find the optimal settings for higher NIR accuracy and reliability.

You can build your own custom NIR calibration model with this valuable settings.

We offer a quantitative NIR Calibration development and optimization service.

New: free NIR-Predictor Software

White Paper about the details, what's behind.

Start Calibrate

Improve NIR Measurement Accuracy

  • going closer to your product specification limits and maximize profitability
  • optimizing your models yield to process optimization and optimizing productivity
  • compete against other NIR vendors in a feasibility study (NIR salesman)

Easy to use

  • compatible with any NIR vendor
  • no installation, no learning
  • quantitative NIR Calibration Development as a Service


  • help users avoid common pitfalls of method development
  • before you validate and approve your solution for use in production process:
    • check if a better calibration can be found,
    • compare your calibration with other experts solutions.


  • no cumbersome trial-and-error modeling steps
  • calculation time is spent on our high performance infrastructure
  • fast results, developed calibrations within days

Fix price

  • fix costs, depends only on data size (not hourly rate for service)
  • huge saving in method development costs
  • easy to plan
More benefits, for whom and where, learn more , contact

Steigern Sie Ihren Gewinn mit optimierter NIR Genauigkeit

Wir helfen Ihnen, die optimalen Einstellungen für eine höhere NIR Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit zu finden.

Sie können Ihre eigenen NIR-Kalibrierungs Modelle mit diesen optimierten Einstellungen erzeugen.

Wir bieten einen quantitative NIR-Kalibrierung und Optimierungs Service.

Neu: free NIR-Predictor Software

White Paper (English) über die Details, was dahinter steckt.

Start Calibrate

NIR Messgenauigkeit Verbessern

  • näher an Ihre Produkt Spezifikationsgrenzwerte gehen und Rentabilität maximieren
  • Optimierung Ihrer Modelle ergeben eine Prozessoptimierung und Optimierung der Produktivität
  • Wettbewerb gegen andere NIR-Anbieter in einer Machbarkeitsstudie

Einfach anzuwenden

  • kompatibel mit jedem NIR Anbieter
  • keine Installation, kein Lernen
  • quantitative NIR Calibration Development as a Service


  • hilft häufige Fehler bei der Methodenentwicklung zu vermeiden
  • bevor Sie Ihre Lösung validieren und freigeben für den Einsatz in der Produktion:
    • überprüfen Sie ob eine bessere Kalibrierung gefunden werden kann
    • vergleichen Sie Ihre Kalibrierung mit Lösungen anderer Experten


  • keine umständliche Versuch-und-Irrtum Modellierungs Schritte
  • Rechenzeit auf unseren Hochleistungs-Infrastruktur auslagern
  • schnelle Ergebnisse, Kalibrierungen innerhalb weniger Tage entwickelt


  • Fixkosten, hängt nur von Datengröße ab (nicht Stundensatz für Service)
  • enorme Einsparung bei den Methodenentwicklungs Kosten
  • einfach zu planen
Mehr Vorteile, für wen und wo, erfahren Sie mehr, Kontakt

Increase Your Profit with optimized NIR Accuracy

We help you to find the optimal settings for higher NIR accuracy and reliability.

You can build your own custom NIR calibration model with this valuable settings.

We offer a quantitative NIR Calibration development and optimization service.

New: free NIR-Predictor Software

White Paper about the details, what's behind.

Start Calibrate

Improve NIR Measurement Accuracy

  • going closer to your product specification limits and maximize profitability
  • optimizing your models yield to process optimization and optimizing productivity
  • compete against other NIR vendors in a feasibility study (NIR salesman)

Easy to use

  • compatible with any NIR vendor
  • no installation, no learning
  • quantitative NIR Calibration Development as a Service


  • help users avoid common pitfalls of method development
  • before you validate and approve your solution for use in production process:
    • check if a better calibration can be found,
    • compare your calibration with other experts solutions.


  • no cumbersome trial-and-error modeling steps
  • calculation time is spent on our high performance infrastructure
  • fast results, developed calibrations within days

Fix price

  • fix costs, depends only on data size (not hourly rate for service)
  • huge saving in method development costs
  • easy to plan
More benefits, for whom and where, learn more , contact